
Cracking, hissing, wheezing sound on a laptop or computer. Solving sound problems

Let's say you come home in a joyful mood, turn on your computer, sit down in a comfortable chair and then you realize that something is wrong. But what exactly? When you turn on the player, you don’t hear any sounds at all! What's happened? What happened? How to solve the problem? I will tell you about all this in as much detail as possible in this article.

Why did the sound disappear on my computer?

There are two main reasons: hardware and software. In the first case, we are talking about faulty speakers, or even a sound card, thanks to which, in fact, you hear sound. And software problems are related to software. It is worth noting that such problems, as a rule, are completely independent of which operating system you are using. This could be Windows 7 or 8, Windows XP or even Linux. I will consider an example directly based on Windows 7, although this does not play any special role.

Causes of problems and their solutions

As usual, we start with the simplest steps that you must definitely use. It is possible that the problem is trivial and can be solved in just a couple of minutes, and you can spend several hours of your precious time on it.

  • So. First of all, PRESS the button to turn on the speakers. Yes, yes, many people simply forget about this and then complain.
  • If the speakers do not start working when you press the power button, then check whether the power cord is plugged into the outlet. This is especially true for those cases if you have small children or animals who could accidentally or intentionally touch the wire.
  • If the LED on the speakers lights up, indicating that they are turned on at the moment, then we try to turn the knob that controls the volume. It worked? Wonderful! No? Then let's move on.
  • If the three methods above did not have any effect, then simply . There is a fairly high probability that there was some kind of failure in the operating system, which caused the error. After a reboot, the problem may disappear as if it never happened. Try it.
  • If you think that the problem is with the speakers or headphones, then there is only one way to check them - by connecting them to a different power source. Such a power source can be, for example, a laptop or another computer. And you can check your headphones even using your phone or player.
  • Have you made sure that the sound source is working? Well, there is a reason to turn your attention to the taskbar. Here you will see a speaker icon. Click on it once and see if the sound is turned on at all. If it is reduced, then simply raise the slider up.

  • What's next? And then it makes sense to see if the drivers are installed on the sound card. I already mentioned once that I myself encountered such a problem - you turn on the computer, but there is no sound. It is unclear where it disappeared, and the drivers disappeared somewhere along with it. However, no viruses were detected. And this happened several times, and on different operating systems. So, go to the “Control Panel”, then to the “Device Manager” and look at “Sound, video and game devices”. If there are some problems here, then there will be a yellow exclamation mark next to the device, which symbolizes that you need to explicitly update the driver. We download the driver from the official website of the sound card manufacturer. By the way, some audio cards require additional software in addition to drivers, without which they will not reproduce sound.

  • If the problem is associated with a obviously non-working sound card, then the latter should not be reflected in the device manager at all. However, this does not always happen. Therefore, the easiest way is to open the system unit, remove the sound card and insert it into another system unit, which you can borrow, for example, from a friend and check the functionality of the device.
  • If you have no sound immediately after reinstalling the operating system, then this is normal, because the system simply does not have drivers for your device. However, on those computers that have a built-in sound card, the system often automatically installs drivers.
  • When there is no sound only when playing video, then video codecs are not installed on your system. They are distributed free of charge, you can simply google them.
  • If nothing helps at all, then we try to roll back the system to an earlier time using , when it was in working order. At the same time, remember what programs or utilities you have installed recently - perhaps they conflict with the sound card software, hence the problems. And you just need to remove the installed software.
  • And it didn't help? If you are sure that the problem is definitely software, then you can try reinstalling the operating system. It’s tedious and time-consuming, but you’ll solve the problem right away.
  • The last chance is to seek help from a specialized service. But we hope it won’t come to this, since just diagnosing the problem can cost you a pretty penny...

The sound on the computer wheezes

Some users complain not that there is no sound, but that it wheezes and crackles.

  • Most likely the problem is with the audio drivers. They need to be reinstalled, or rather, the latest working version installed.
  • Often the audio card is also to blame. If you have an external one, then try to play the sound using the built-in audio card and if no extraneous noise is observed, then you will have to replace the external card.
  • No matter how strange it may seem, updating your video card drivers can help. Yes, it sounds strange, but more than one problem related to sound has been solved this way.
  • Check your audio settings. Perhaps the equalizer is set in such a way that the sound is greatly distorted at the output.
  • And of course, the problem may be related to the speakers. Test them on another PC.

Don't forget to ask your questions about the topic of the article.

Most often, owners of laptops and computers are faced with one problem, and this problem is related to playing music and videos when extraneous noise can be heard. But most often the sound wheezes on the laptop. This article describes in detail how to troubleshoot all problems and what programs you can download to improve the sound quality on your laptop or computer.

Solving sound problems

What to do if the sound on your laptop wheezes? First of all, it is necessary to understand why this problem occurred, what could cause such defects in sound reproduction. These problems can be caused by either hardware or software. You can check everything using a LiveCD from Ubuntu. This is a quick diagnostic that is responsible for a laptop malfunction. If they remain after diagnostics, then these are hardware problems. This means that your laptop will have to be taken in for repair. If you don't have extra money for repairs, then you can try to fix it yourself. But if the diagnostics showed that everything is fine, then this is a problem in Windows and the drivers.

Sound drivers

Initially, check whether the likeching and DMA functions are enabled on your laptop, they will improve system performance. If after this the sound still wheezes on the laptop, then the next step you need to do is to update the sound drivers for other devices as well. Most often, this is due to outdated drivers for sound, network card and Wi-Fi adapter. All drivers can be downloaded absolutely free. Is the sound still wheezing on your laptop? If so, then in rare cases, Dolby audio enhancement technology may be to blame. These technologies, of course, are not found on all laptops. Go to speaker properties and disable this technology.

Codec update

Have you done all the work outlined above, but the sound on your laptop is still wheezing? Then there is one more chance - you need to update the codecs. You can download and update codecs on the Internet. Another option is to buy discs in specialized stores. If this does not help, then perhaps your laptop is overheating, which is why sound problems begin. Very rarely, sound problems can be due to a flaw in the BIOS; try updating it. If all these methods did not help eliminate your error, then it is better to take the laptop in for repair, perhaps the technicians will be able to fix it. Tell them that there is no sound on the laptop. They probably know what to do. They will tell you everything in detail and show you, and will definitely fix all the problems.

No sound

The following questions are very common: the sound on the laptop has disappeared, what should I do? Or why This problem has occurred to every computer owner at least once in their life.

In order for the sound to appear, it is enough to fulfill several requirements:

  • First of all, try restarting your computer. Most often the sound appears after this.
  • If after the reboot nothing has changed, then try checking the external speakers, whether everything is connected correctly, turned on, etc.
  • Check Windows sound to see if it is muted.
  • You can also check your system settings. They are located in Start - Control Panel - Sound, check all the settings.
  • You may need to update the driver; to do this, go to the device manager, there you will see the “Sound, video and game devices” tab. Click "Update Driver".
  • Scroll through the sound buttons on your laptop, they may have turned the volume down.

All of the above steps should help you resolve your issue.

Sound enhancement programs

To fix your problems, you may need a program to improve the sound on your laptop. This article contains sound improvement programs that are intended for different purposes.

They have their own purpose and advantages. All laptop users get used to good sound, and without programs it doesn’t sound as good as we would like. Therefore, everyone should have a program to improve sound on a laptop. Once you start using these programs, you will enjoy excellent and high-quality sound. So, what are these miracle programs?

Programs that change the characteristics of sound files and audio streams, as well as programs that are experts in improving sound

  • StereoTool 7 improves sound quality by boosting and adjusting the audio frequency signal. Finely tunes the sound according to various parameters.
  • Hear 1 improves media playback. Multi-functional, music sounds different, it is a true expert in sound enhancement.
  • Breakaway Audio Enhancer improves sound quality on all sound cards. Creates virtual professional sound on your laptop. After this, the sound becomes better and is adjusted according to different criteria.
  • DFX is the best plugin for improving sound on a laptop, designed for the Winamp player. Improves frequency sound characteristics settings. Gives a new quality to music with various special effects, creates surround sound, and has a super bass mode.
  • RazerSurround7.1 is a program created specifically for those who like to play various games, improving the sound signal in headphones, regardless of their quality. In the settings, virtual 7.1 channel sound is created. Players can customize the sound themselves and do what is best for them.

The article did not contain all the programs that can improve the sound on your computer, but only the best.

Work and entertainment on a computer cannot be considered complete if there is no sound on it. It is necessary to watch movies, listen to music, receive notifications of new messages, and so on. You can name hundreds of programs, sites, games and applications that lose their relevance without sound.

The sound should be clear and loud, and its distortion is a big problem that every Windows 10 user may encounter. If the sound on your computer begins to crackle, wheeze, sound muffled, hiss, or has other problems with it, you need to fix the problem as soon as possible malfunction. In this article, we will look at the main reasons why similar sound problems can occur in Windows 10, as well as ways to fix them.

Important: Before you try to fix a software problem, make sure that the problem is not hardware. If the sound hisses from speakers connected to a computer or laptop, try checking them by connecting the speaker system to a player or phone. In a situation where the laptop's built-in speakers wheeze, on the contrary, connect an external speaker system to the laptop and see how it sounds. You can also try disconnecting the laptop or computer connector from the sound card and connecting it again.

The sound on the computer wheezes due to effects

The most common problem that most often results in sound distortion is the effects being turned on. In the Windows operating system, you can apply various effects to the output sound, which many users forget about, and they think that there are problems with the audio.

Sound effects on your computer may turn on due to changes in system settings by various applications that have administrator rights. You can check whether wheezing, hissing, or muffled sound is due to Windows effects in the audio settings. This is done as follows:

After saving your changes, make sure that the sound on your computer has returned to normal and is “clean.” If it continues to crack, wheeze, hiss, or have other defects, proceed to the next step in the instructions.

Sound hisses and crackles in exclusive mode

Some versions of Windows 10 may conflict with sound card drivers, causing the user to experience defects when listening to audio in exclusive mode. Also, problems with exclusive sound mode may occur on a weak computer. To exclude the possibility of crackling, hissing and wheezing when playing sound due to the exclusive mode, we recommend trying to disable it.

To prevent applications from using exclusive sound mode, right-click the speaker icon again in the notification area and select Playback Devices. Go to the properties of the device you are using and on the “Advanced” tab, uncheck both items located in the “Exclusive Mode” section.

Check if the sound improves after turning off exclusive mode.

Sound problems due to incorrect drivers

The Windows 10 operating system automatically installs the optimal (according to its version) drivers when the system first starts. However, in some cases, problems may arise with such drivers. To exclude this, it is recommended to download and install the latest version of drivers for the sound card on your computer from the official website of its developers.

Please note: If the problem with hissing, wheezing and other sound defects occurs on your laptop, you can also try reinstalling the audio drivers from the official website of the laptop manufacturer.

Important: If Device Manager does not indicate that there are problems with the sound card drivers, this does not mean anything at all. Even in this case, it is recommended to try updating the drivers, since the system may not see the presence of defects in the sound, assuming that if the sound is output, then there are no problems with it, but in reality this may be different.

Quiet sound in Windows 10 due to communication settings

Another innovation in modern versions of Windows is the automatic muting of the sound output by various programs when making a call, for example, in Skype. There may be situations when this option does not work correctly and, due to some errors, constantly keeps the sound muted, considering that the computer is in call mode.

To rule out the possibility of low sound problems due to this Windows feature, you can try disabling it and see if the problem persists. Disable the option in the sound settings:

Note that this method helps solve the problem only if the sound is quiet, but in a situation where it wheezes or crackles, the problem cannot be eliminated.

Sound problems in Windows 10 due to incorrect playback format

Modern sound card models support almost any audio playback format that can be offered by the Windows operating system. However, if you have an old card installed in your computer, this may cause problems.

To go to the playback format settings, you need to go to the “Control Panel” and select “Sound” from the available options. Next, click on playback device properties. A window will open where you need to go to the “Advanced” tab. Set the “Default Format” option to “16 bit, 44100 Hz (CD)” and save your changes.

It is worth noting that the 16-bit format at 44100 Hz is supported by almost all sound cards, and it has been used since early versions of Windows.

If none of the above tips helped fix the situation with wheezing, crackling and hissing sound, we recommend that you try checking your computer for viruses. It often turns out that the computer is infected with a Trojan or Malware virus, due to which the operating system freezes, which is accompanied by a temporary loss, wheezing or crackling sound.

It is almost impossible to imagine a computer working without sound. This is especially true for entertainment; video games without sound are not interesting, there is no point in watching movies with subtitles, and listening to music becomes impossible. Sound is necessary, so each user has a speaker or several, or headphones. These devices are necessary, but no one wants to shell out for expensive options; people buy cheap audio systems that eventually break down or start to act up. What can I say, crackling sounds in computer speakers and other extraneous sounds can appear even in expensive devices.

Noise can appear due to the operation of the computer, the operating system is loaded, information is processed, all this is accompanied by unpleasant crackling and squeaking. Fortunately, the problem can be solved, but first you need to find out what is causing the extra sounds.

Throwing away your old device and buying a new one is an extreme method of solving the problem. In fact, noise in headphones or speakers can occur due to damage or incorrect connection of wires, drivers, and even Windows settings.


Often, a hissing sound appears when the connection between the PC sound card and the device for sound reproduction is poor. There are three options:

  • The connection wire is damaged. This not only causes interference in the computer speakers, but also a problem when only one of the speakers works. It is not always possible to determine the location of the cord fault by eye, so it is better to connect the device to another computer and check.
  • The contact between the audio device wire and the network card is of poor quality.

  • The wire is not secured. When a draft wags the cord, or children play with the wires, noise is generated in the speakers. In such a situation, you need to attach the wire to a solid base; tape is suitable for this purpose.

It also happens that the problem appears due to the use of a long cord; the crackling is not strong, but still causes inconvenience. Using a shorter wire will solve the problem.


The operation of the computer, including sound reproduction, depends on the drivers. When they are not installed, the user will not hear anything at all, and if a person has downloaded the wrong driver, then the operation of the device will be disrupted.

Such malfunctions appear after updating the drivers or installing a new package. This problem is reported by Windows OS.

To check whether these sounds in the headphones really appeared due to the drivers, we do the following manipulations:

  • We go to the “Control Panel”, there we already click on the “Hardware and Sound” icon and click on the line “Task Manager”;

  • If there is no yellow or red warning icon, then there are no problems with the sound drivers. When such signs are present, we correct the problems.

In any case, if updates are available, you should do so. Perhaps the extraneous noise will disappear.


Two or three randomly placed checkboxes next to unknown options can degrade the sound quality. Hissing in headphones appears when PCBeep and line input are running. Other functions, depending on the computer settings, can also affect the volume and quality.

Fig.1. Go to the “Control Panel” menu, select the “Hardware and Sound” icon and then click on the “Volume Adjustment” function

Fig.2. At the second stage of work, click LMB on the “Speakers and headphones” icon

Fig.3. The Levels menu has settings for PcBeep, CD, etc.

  • We set all these functions to the value 0, save the configurations and check whether this solves the problem.

In some situations, such simple manipulations actually improve the quality of reproduction.



Extraneous noise appears in the speakers when the volume is increased. When this figure exceeds 50%, noise, crackling and other unpleasant effects appear instead of music.

This problem plagues all owners of inexpensive devices; it is also called the “jitter” effect. Also, noise appears when the volume level of the speakers is set to maximum, and in the operating system, on the contrary, at minimum configurations.

In such a situation, we find a “golden mean”

Solving the problem with “jitter” when the volume is increased is almost impossible. The only solution is to buy new speakers.


In most computers, this part is installed directly into the motherboard and is purchased all together. Purchasing a separate card costs money and is not a popular solution.

Increased frequencies of all kinds of boards create electromagnetic effects that do not interfere with the operation of the digital part of the device, but strongly affect the analog components, which is why the quality of reproduction decreases.

Inexpensive PCI options are a little better in this regard, but they also have this problem.


When the board is installed near the video card, the computer speakers begin to make noise. The fact is that the video card produces special signals that come to the sound card and create noise.

If this is not possible, then we create a special reflective screen from cardboard and foil.


Therefore, a computer connected to a regular outlet will produce sound with noise and crackling. In laptops, this problem cannot be solved, because in such a situation the board will not be grounded.

Extraneous sound and noise in headphones and speakers must be eliminated.

Detailed description Get rid of sound slowdown, various extraneous clicks, wheezing or jamming when playing music or video.


Quite often, users of laptops and computers are faced with the fact that when playing music or video, the sound jams, extraneous clicks or wheezing are heard. This article describes in detail how you can get rid of these problems.

First of all, it is worth determining what causes the sound reproduction defects. They can be caused by both hardware and software. The best way to check this is to run LiveCD with Ubuntu. The entire process is described in this manual: . I won’t dwell on this.

If in Ubuntu Linux If the same problems appear with audio or video playback, then most likely they are of a hardware nature. In other words, to solve them you will have to take the laptop to a service center or try to fix it yourself. Since this is a very broad topic, I will not dwell on it.

But if in Ubuntu everything is fine, then this means that the problem is in Windows and its drivers. Let's consider this case in more detail.

First of all, you should check whether it is enabled caching And DMA. What it is and how to enable it is described in this guide: . Even if enabling those options does not help solve the sound problem, it will still improve system performance.

So. If enabling caching And DMA or you did not find such options, then the next step is to update the drivers for sound and other devices. Often, sound drivers, network cards, and Wi-Fi adapters are to blame for clicks and sound slowdowns. You can find driver data using these forum topics: and.

Sound enhancement technology may be to blame for audio problems in some cases Dolby. They are not present on all laptops. If updating your sound and network card drivers did not help you, you can try disabling these technologies. They are available via Speaker properties:

If the measures outlined above did not help, then we try to update the set of codecs. I recommend these: download/download.

On laptops with nVidia video cards, you can try disabling the technology nVidia PowerMizer. This can be done using the utility PowerMizer Switch. You can download it using these links: download / download.

It is also worth checking if your laptop or computer is overheating using this guide:.

Sometimes sound problems are caused by flaws in the BIOS. Try updating it. The update procedure differs from one laptop model to another. Often detailed instructions for updating the BIOS are contained in the archive with the BIOS itself and the flashing program.

If all the above tips did not help you, then there is a more complex method that allows you to more accurately determine the “hero of the occasion.”

Solving audio problems using DPC Latency Checker

First we need to download the utility DPC Latency Checker(download/download). This utility measures the execution latency of deferred procedures at a certain time interval. In other words, how quickly the data will be processed. If the delay is large, then when playing music or video, the necessary data is simply not processed in time. This is what causes jamming and wheezing.

And so, we launched the program and we see something like this:

If you turn on music or video, you will notice that jamming, clicking and wheezing occur when the bars are red. Red bars indicate high processing latency. This means that some sounds or video frames simply do not have time to be processed by the processor in time. This results in various audio and video playback errors. Our task is to get rid of the red bars.

In most cases, large delays in deferred procedure calls are caused by incorrect drivers. First of all, these are drivers for network cards, Wi-Fi adapters and, in fact, sound drivers. Next come drivers for Intel Turbo Memory (if such an adapter is available), drivers for the video card and chipset.

Important Note: The delay value itself (the height of the bar) directly depends on the power and load of the processor. The presence of a large number of red bars can be quite normal when the processor is heavily loaded.

How can you determine which driver is not working correctly? It's simple: open device Manager and turn off the devices one by one:

The principle is simple: turn off the device - see if there are red bars in the utility DPC Latency Checker. If there is, then turn the device back on and turn off the next one. You can turn on the device in the same way through the menu:

Here, for example, is what the main window of the utility looks like: DPC Latency Checker after disabling the Wi-Fi adapter (in the picture above):

The difference is obvious. Obviously, the large delays (red bars) were caused by the driver for the Wi-Fi adapter. To get rid of the red bars and, as a result, sound problems, in my case it’s worth updating the drivers for the Wi-Fi adapter. In your case, another driver may be to blame. You must determine it using the method above.

So. The driver that is causing the problem has been found. For help in finding and updating the required driver, please contact one of these forum topics: , and .

Please post all questions related to sound problems in this forum topic.