
Subscribe to news. Subscribe to news What is the difference between 3g and

At the moment, phones, or smartphones, as they are commonly called today, are used not just to make calls. Through their use, it is possible to provide constant access to the Internet, which for some users plays a huge role. Due to the development of technologies, the main purpose of which is to increase the speed of access to the Internet, today it is customary to distinguish several relevant standards at once. Now, we can observe a gradual and very slow change from the 3G standard to 4G. There are a huge number of differences between these concepts, at the same time, there are quite a lot of aspects that make them very similar.

What is 3G and how popular is it?

A concept such as 3G refers to a relatively new generation of mobile communications that can combine radio communications with high-speed Internet access. Despite the fact that in some certain countries, 3G has appeared relatively recently, it began to be developed back in the 90s. Back then, when this generation of mobile communications was justifiably popular, the following two standards were the most popular: CDMA and UMTS. By the way, the second of the above-mentioned standards is much more popular and that is why, in the vast majority of cases, the term 3G usually means UMTS.

If you are interested in some technical aspects, then we think it should be noted that these should include data transfer rates such as:

  • If we are talking about stationary devices, then this speed should be at least 2048 Kbps.
  • In the case of devices that move at speeds up to 3 km/h, this figure is already 348 Kbps.
  • Well, if we talk about those devices that move at speeds of up to 120 km/h - 144 kbit/s.

How relevant is 4G?

4G is the latest generation of mobile memory, which is characterized not only by high-speed Internet access, but also by increased quality of the mobile communication itself. The development of this generation of mobile communications began already in the 2000s. At the same time, they began to be implemented in many countries relatively recently, only in 2010-201. Currently, the fourth generation is considered to be technology, through the use of which it is possible to transfer data at a speed that would exceed 100 Mbit/s in the case of mobile devices and as much as 1 Gbit/s if we are talking about stationary devices. At the moment, WiMAX and LTE are the most popular. However, it should be noted that even to this day, they can boast of the required speeds only in the future.

How are these two generations different?

The fourth generation of communications, unlike the third, is entirely based on so-called packet data transfer protocols. For this reason, it can boast of the presence of Voice over IP technology, thanks to which it is possible to transmit voice data over the Internet. Thus, ultimately, the cost of telephone calls is significantly reduced. By the way, there are so many advantages of using 4G that not only those countries that some time ago actively used 3G want to switch to this communication standard, but also those states that have not yet had time to be convinced of the advantages use of third generation mobile communications. By the way, in Russia, 4G also takes place, although only in eighteen, more or less large cities.

Taking into account the above, the following distinctive features should be highlighted:

  1. If we are talking about 4G networks, then the minimum data transfer speed will be as much as 100 Mbit/s, and this takes into account the fact that in regular 3G, this figure is closer to 144 Kbit/s.
  2. For the simple reason that the third generation appeared much earlier than the fourth, it boasts a much larger coverage area and not to mention connectivity options.
  3. A less important distinguishing feature of these two concepts is that 4G is based on packet data protocols and, in addition, has VoIP. At the same time, 3G combines the transmission of not only the usual voice traffic, but also full-fledged data packages.

Modern technologies, the features of mobile communication technology, are developing so quickly that yesterday’s fantasies do not surprise anyone today and are commonplace. Thus, mobile phones, which 10 years ago served exclusively for voice communication, are now a convenient tool for accessing the Internet, and are universal mobile devices that allow you to solve a wide variety of tasks when traveling and travelling. Before people had time to fully realize all the advantages of 3G communications over 2G, the fourth generation of mobile communications – LTE – had already appeared. This raises a completely logical question: what is the difference between LTE and 3G?

Currently, we are seeing a smooth transition from 3G communications to fourth generation networks. It is LTE technology that makes this transition smoother and more invisible to users.

1. Which is better LTE or 3G?

Understanding the need for high-speed Internet connections for subscribers, mobile operators are constantly improving their networks and introducing new wireless technologies. Thanks to this, subscribers receive higher communication quality, higher stability and connection speed.

In order to understand whether 3G or LTE is better, it is necessary to examine these two communication standards in more detail.

1.1. 3G connection

3G is the third generation of wireless communications, which combines high speed Internet access and voice radio communications. The two most popular 3G communication standards are:

  • CDMA2000;
  • WCDMA (better known as UMTS.

3G communications provide the following data transfer rates:

  • When the user is completely immobile – 2 Mbit/s;
  • User speed no more than 3 km/h – 348 Kbps;
  • Devices that travel up to 120 km/h – 144 Kbps.

1.2. LTE connection

LTE is a technology that belongs to the fourth generation of wireless communications. In turn, 4G communication provides users with higher data transfer speeds, as well as higher quality voice communications. The 4G standard includes technologies that are capable of providing data transmission at a speed of at least 100 Mbit/s for moving subscribers and 1 Gbit/s for stationary devices. However, LTE technology does not currently have such speeds; this is only in the future.

Today, subscribers do not have to choose LTE or 3G, since LTE technology is built in such a way that mobile devices can operate in both of these standards. Moreover, LTE is focused specifically on the Internet connection. Thus, when accessing the Internet, LTE is used, and for voice communication, 3G is used.

Unlike 3G communications, LTE technology is built on packet data protocols with All IP support. This in turn will reduce the cost of communication in the future.

2. Samsung Galaxy S3 4G vs Samsung S3 3G: Video

3. Differences between 3G and LTE

  • In the LTE network, the data transfer speed for mobile subscribers is about 100 Mbit/s, while 3G provides only 348-144 Kbit/s.
  • 3G communications are a full 10 years older than 4G. This means that third generation communications cover the entire country and provide subscribers with more connection options.

LTE supports packet data and has All IP support, but 3G combines data packets and voice traffic. The advantages of LTE technology are obvious, but it still has its drawbacks, which prevent a sharp transition to 4G communications.

Mobile Internet is developing at a rapid pace. Until recently, we were only familiar with 3G technology, but now we can no longer imagine our lives without the fourth generation Internet. At the same time, mobile operators are actively testing 5G and announcing its imminent implementation.

But all these terms 2G, 3G, 4G, LTE, LTE Advanced, 5G, what do they mean, what is hidden behind them? But the more interesting question is: what is the difference between 4G and LTE, or are they the same thing?

2G known to us as communication standards GPRS And EDGE. Their speeds reach values ​​up to 53.6 Kb/s And 220 Kb/s respectively. It is noteworthy that on mobile devices the abbreviation 2G is not used at all. The technology is already so old that the abbreviations GPRS and EDGE can only be found on push-button phones.

With the advent of the third generation of mobile Internet in our lives, everything has changed. Smartphones have won our hearts at a rapid pace and have practically pushed push-button phones out of the market. WITH 3G users were able to fully access the Internet from mobile devices. His speed reached 384 Kb/s. In the network settings of the smartphone one could find the abbreviation UMTS, which meant support for the third generation Internet. By the way, 3G is still the most popular in Russia.

With the development of communication networks of cellular operators and the technical characteristics of smartphones, a new improved standard of the third generation has appeared 3.5G. We won’t see such a designation in phones, however, when we encounter the symbol “ on Android H+", and on iPhone 3G, know that this is the new 3.5G standard, the speed of which reaches up to 42 Mb/s. In the phone settings it is indicated as HSDPA, HSDPA+, HSPA And HSPA+.

If 3-4 years ago everyone was content with the third generation network and only in large cities the network was well distributed 4G(4generation), then today high-speed 4G Internet for smartphones and tablets is available in most of central Russia. And now we cannot imagine our life without the 4G Internet standard. Manufacturers of mobile equipment and mobile operators sometimes present it to us under the name LTE(Long Term Advanced). Its maximum data transfer rate is 100 Mbit/s.

But technology again does not stand still. Developers have achieved mobile Internet speeds up to 1 Gbit/s, but only on prototypes. And yet, on modern smartphones, data transfer speeds can already exceed 100 Mbit/s. This is where the name comes in 4.5G (4G+) or LTE Advanced.

By 2020, mobile operators plan to introduce 5G– fifth generation of mobile communication standards. Thanks to this, speeds will be possible from 10 to 20 Gbit/s. But for now the fifth generation is at the testing stage.

Living in the age of consumerism, a person simply must be selective. Literally every day we are faced with another choice, alternatives and new solutions appear. Which product is better? Which one is more technologically advanced? What is the fundamental difference between them?

“Smart” gadgets and Internet technologies stand as a separate group. Here changes occur so quickly that it is almost impossible for the average user to keep track of them on their own. To help him, there are specialized news feeds, mobile digests and reviews that are designed to explain and tell which gadget is better and why.

The evolution of Internet surfing

A mobile phone has become as essential a daily attribute as a toothbrush or handkerchief. Smartphones have managed to almost completely replace desktop computers, and in some cases even surpass them in functionality. What allowed them to do this was high-quality mobile Internet, without which any sophisticated gadget is just a player combined with a phone. A sharp leap in mobile technology would be due to the advent of 3G Internet.

At the same time, the 3G modem firmly entered into the lives of users, turning the laptop into a truly mobile device. Using a 3G modem, you can stay connected anywhere in your city, but restrictions still remained. Online games and HD video remained the “white whales” of 3G connections.

The appearance of the 4G modem was another milestone in the development of Internet technology. Thanks to the 4G connection, the long-standing dream of all online users - to completely “get unstuck” from the wires - has become more real than ever. To do this, it is now enough to have an LTE tower nearby, a gadget with a built-in 4G module, or a modem working with LTE.

Third Generation (third generation) of mobile communications, based on LTE and WiMax technologies, has made listening to music, video, and conference calls available on smartphones. And all this online. 3G was a huge step towards mobile independence and freedom from wires.

However, the advent of 4G forced people to talk about it as a “connection of the previous generation.” Is 4G so good and is Voltaire’s “the best is the enemy of the good” still relevant?

So what to choose: So which is better, 3g or 4g? What is the difference between them and is such a choice worth it at all?

What kind of beast is 4G?

A short excursion into history: 3G began to be developed back in 1990. It took a decade to test and resolve various technical issues. In 2000, the third generation system was launched. It was then that the first developments of 4G began. Like its predecessor system, 4G was launched after 10 years of development.

Directly in Russia, the history of LTE began with the creation of the 4G Consortium. The non-profit organization includes 4 organizations: VimpelCom, MTS, MegaFon and Rostelecom. The consortium was called upon to study the possibilities of introducing 4G in Russia and develop practical recommendations. Immediately after the legislative opportunity to provide 4G services appeared, the government organized a competition to obtain operating frequencies of 7.5 MHz and 2.5-2.69 GHz.

The winners, surprisingly, were four members of the consortium: the Big Mobile Three and Rostelecom.

By receiving a state license, companies assumed certain obligations:

  • annually finance projects for the development of 4G in Russia in the amount of at least 15 billion rubles annually;
  • have at least 30 entities in the LTE zone by 2016;
  • by 2019, ensure the availability of LTE in every city with a population of more than 50,000 people.

The concept of 4G (fourth generation networks) usually includes LTE and WiMax technologies. They are available to users with 4G gadgets and LTE-supporting modems. Currently, more than 30 smartphones and 9 tablets with LTE support are available on the domestic market. Also, 17 modems from manufacturers Quanta, ZTE and HUAWEI work with 4G.

The operation of 4G networks is based on packet data exchange protocols. To transmit data in 4G, IP telephony is used, which is absent in the previous generation.

The theoretical speed potential of 4G is strikingly different from previous generations. 4G is capable of developing up to 1 Gbit/s, while for 3G the technical threshold is set at 10 Mbit/s. The “grandfather” of modern 4G, GSM, could even “squeeze” up to 240 Kbps in laboratory conditions. In practice, domestic 4G operators are able to offer their subscribers speeds of up to 25-50 Mbit/second, which allows you to instantly download music, videos and applications from the market.

Summing up

3G and 4G data transfer rates are fundamentally different. 4G is about ten times faster. At the same time, devices with a 4G module (or using a modem) are able to work in 3G in those places where LTE does not yet reach. Moreover, the Internet transition on the device occurs “seamlessly”: download processes are not interrupted.

4G differs from 3G directly in the way it transmits data. The difference is that LTE networks exclusively use packet data, while 3G carries voice along with data.

Obviously, technologies differ in terms of use and, accordingly, in the degree of mastery. Since 3G technology appeared 10 years ago, today it has a more developed infrastructure (coverage area and intensity are greater). But the Big Three mobile operators are doing everything to make the fastest Internet more accessible and better. Currently, MegaFon’s coverage area already includes 38 regions, MTS has 9, and Beeline has 5.

But to say that these technologies compete with each other would also be wrong. Of course, 4G is better, as befits more advanced technology. But it is broadband LTE that unloads 3G networks, taking over the most active users. The development of 4G simultaneously makes 3G connections better. So statements like: “what kind of 4G is it, at least the speed of the 3G modem would be decent, and then they would take it from LTE” are not entirely correct. You could even say that 4G and 3G work as a team, raising modern standards for the quality of Internet services.

Most people who have a mobile phone prefer to use it not only to make calls and send SMS, but also to access the Internet to find out the weather forecast, check their email, and download movie show schedules. That is why one mobile communication standard replaces the next, allowing you to access the Internet at higher speeds without compromising the quality of communication. Nowadays there is a gradual change in the standard 3G(English) third generation- third generation) on 4G(English) fourth generation- fourth generation).

3G is a generation of mobile communications that combines high-speed Internet access and radio communications.

3G began to be developed in the 90s and appeared in Russia in 2002. The most popular are the following two 3G standards: CDMA2000 and UMTS (W-CDMA). The second standard is much more widely known, so the term 3G usually means UMTS.

Third generation networks provide the following maximum data transfer rates:

  • for stationary devices - 2048 Kbps.
  • for devices moving at speeds up to 3 km/h - 348 Kbps.
  • for devices moving at speeds up to 120 km/h -144 Kbps.

4G is a generation of mobile communications characterized by high-speed Internet access and improved quality of voice communications.

4G generation networks began to be developed in 2000 and began to be implemented in many countries, including Russia, starting in 2010.

The fourth generation usually includes technologies that allow data transmission at speeds exceeding 100 Mbit/s for mobile devices and 1 Gbit/s for fixed devices. The most well-known examples are WiMAX and LTE technologies, although today they only have the necessary speeds in the future.

Unlike the third generation of communications, 4G is entirely based on packet data protocols and has Voice over IP technology, which allows voice signals to be transmitted over the Internet. This should significantly reduce the cost of calls.

Many countries are trying to immediately switch to 4G networks, bypassing 3G. In Russia, 4G currently exists in 18 cities; connection services are provided by the following companies: Yota, Freshtel, Megafon, MTS.

Conclusions website

  1. In 4G networks, the minimum data transfer speed is 100 Mbit/s, in 3G - only 144 Kbit/s.
  2. 3G arrived ten years earlier than 4G, resulting in a larger coverage area and more connectivity options.
  3. 4G is entirely based on packet data protocols and features VoIP, while 3G combines the transmission of both voice traffic and data packets.