
Mes seaport automation system. Dispatch system at the port. Solution architecture for PKT

The Kaliningrad Sea Commercial Port (Kaliningrad) is the largest enterprise in the region's port complex in terms of the volume of work performed, technical support and the range of services provided to cargo owners. The port includes 20 berths with a total length of more than 3 km. At the same time, 18 berths of the port are cargo berths. To service any type of cargo, a wide range of handling equipment with a carrying capacity from 1.5 to 50 tons is used. In the cargo turnover of stevedoring companies operating in the Kaliningrad region, the share of the Kaliningrad sea trade port for dry cargo exceeds 70%.

The rapid growth of cargo turnover and the attraction of additional cargo flows led the port management to the need to automate almost all production business processes. The company needed a comprehensive information system that would meet the requirements of a modern universal port.

Work on the creation and implementation of the information system was entrusted to the company "Dialogue Information Technologies" (1C: Franchisee, St. Petersburg).

The automated system was created on the basis of specialized solutions "CargoPrime: Container Terminal Management" and "Cargo-Prime: Cargo Terminal Management", developed by specialists from the Dialogue Information Technologies company on the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform, as well as a standard application solution "1C :Manufacturing plant management 8". Currently, the enterprise has automated 135 jobs.

Container terminal management

At the first stage of the project, the management of the container terminal was automated. The system implements accounting and targeted storage of containers, and provides for planning and accounting of loading and unloading operations.

Tariffing and billing of services provided have been implemented. For prompt processing of cargo flows, the system provides the ability to connect radio terminals. Data exchange has been configured between "CargoPrime: Container Terminal Management" and the corporate information system "1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8".

As a result of the implementation stage, the operational accounting of the container terminal was fully automated with the planning of deliveries, shipments and intra-port operations.

Cargo terminal management

The port's cargo terminal handles liquid, bulk, and general cargo, i.e. packaged piece goods transported in consolidated lots. As a result of this stage of the project, the main divisions responsible for cargo accounting were automated - the freight forwarding office, the railway group and accounting desks at cargo terminals.

Cargo accounting in the system is now carried out at a new level. Data on the location of goods, the time of their arrival and the teams that are busy processing them are available at any time. This, in turn, made it possible to build the basis for a system of daily shift planning and labor regulation. Automation has also increased the productivity of operators and dispatchers. Now an employee performs two to four operations per unit of time, whereas previously he performed only one.

Cargo and containers are accounted for in a unified information system. This provides a significant acceleration in the process of obtaining generalized information on processed cargo and containers in real time. The flexibility of the system allows the port management to receive the necessary reports on any area of ​​its activities. For example, the dispatch complex implemented in the system allows you to track the movement of all vessels, receive information about their processing and provide the head of the enterprise with summarized data.

Mutual settlements with counterparties

One of the additional benefits of the new system is the electronic exchange of information with clients, which significantly saves time on data collection and minimizes the possibility of data loss. In addition, the system implements a universal methodology for automating the calculation of cargo transshipment services and strengthening control over the fulfillment of contractual obligations. This methodology involves calculating the cost of services provided upon completion of an intra-port operation, and not upon the fact of cargo shipment from the terminal.

Accounting and tax accounting

To maintain accounting and tax records, the corresponding subsystems of the 1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8 solution are used.

During implementation, in accordance with the wishes of the customer, the warehouse complex, financial department and some other divisions of the enterprise were connected to the accounting information base.

Personnel accounting and payroll

Automation of personnel records and payroll based on "1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8" optimized the work of the HR and payroll department. The system keeps track of working hours of all categories of employees. Automatic transfer of data on charges from the "CargoPrime" system to the information base made it possible to reduce the time costs of payers.

The continuously increasing cargo turnover puts forward new requirements for quality and management methodology, and the management of the companies that are part of the port sees the need and opportunity to increase efficiency in automating key business processes. CJSC PKT (“First Container Terminal”) was the first to begin implementing a project to automate the management of enterprise activities. PKT is the largest stevedoring company in the North-West of Russia, providing a full range of services related to the transshipment and storage of container cargo. 6 thousand containers are stored on the territory of the FCT (three square kilometers). The main time losses in the traditional organization of work were associated with the lack of efficiency in managing the movement of containers across the territory, a large amount of manual work and the ineffective use of expensive loading equipment. Finding a container sometimes took several hours. To increase efficiency it was necessary:

  • ensure operational planning of work using current information about the situation at the container terminal;
  • reduce the time for processing cargo documents;
  • minimize manual operations when planning work (drawing up loading plans, cargo plans, issuing tasks to radio terminals and electronic displays);
  • optimize the operation of loading equipment by using an interactive mode when issuing commands and obtaining accurate information about the location of forklifts, optimizing the placement of containers and minimizing empty movements of container trucks;
  • reduce downtime for vehicles, ships, and trains by planning the work of personnel and loading equipment based on information about the current location of containers.

Looking for a solution

Control systems that meet the assigned tasks are used in almost every Western port. Having carefully considered several proposals from developers who have implemented their systems in Kotkinsky, Rotterdam and other container terminals, the PCT management came to the conclusion that all of them are poorly applicable to working conditions in Russian conditions.

Firstly, systems aimed at Western terminals require clear information on cargo (export dates, ownership, etc.) for their operation, and in FCT, unfortunately, detailed information appears at a later stage of container processing . Secondly, at the FCT a significant percentage is made up of conventional cargo, packed or unpacked into containers, while most Western terminals are transit and do not handle the contents of containers. All their activities boil down to reloading containers from one transport to another. The specifics of FCT include more complex cargo processing processes, which, due to the existing infrastructure in the West, are irrelevant for their terminals. Thirdly, the terminal simultaneously serves as a temporary storage warehouse for the Baltic Customs, and no Western automation system has yet learned to take into account the specific requirements for customs clearance of goods adopted in the Russian Federation. Fourthly, Western systems are characterized by very high costs of localization, installation and maintenance. The average cost of implementing a Western container terminal management system, taking into account the acquisition of a license, is about $3 million, and there is no guarantee that you will not have to periodically call in Western specialists, paying for their travel and accommodation.

Having come to the conclusion that it was inappropriate to implement a Western system, the company's management began studying the proposals of domestic developers. Solvo, a manufacturer of warehouse and production process management systems, was chosen as the general contractor. The choice was due to the following reasons:

  • Solvo has experience working in the Western market in cooperation with American corporations (BDM, TRW);
  • the use of advanced techniques in the field of warehouse and transport logistics, studied during the implementation of projects in the West, both general (use of a real-time data exchange system, bar coding system; dividing a warehouse facility into logical zones; marking storage locations and all operational units), as well as and private (various levels of quality control, cross-loading, when cargo bypasses the storage area, working with waves of orders, optimizing transport loading, routing loading equipment, etc.);
  • the presence of a warehouse and production process management system “Sirius” oriented towards the Russian market;
  • partnerships with equipment manufacturers;
  • relative low cost of installation and maintenance of the system; the total cost of the project was $1.2 million, and the cost of maintaining the system was much lower than the corresponding indicators for any of the Western systems.

So, it was decided to organize the operational management of the container terminal on the basis of the Sirius warehouse and production process management system.

Solution architecture for PKT

The container terminal management system is built on the basis of a single information space, covers and coordinates the entire range of management processes of the company. The system optimizes the work of equipment and personnel, reduces transport downtime, controls the movement of containers and loading equipment throughout the terminal, and promptly plans personnel tasks taking into account the current situation at the container terminal. The main purpose of the system is to automate the operational management of all operations with containers and cargo, allowing to reduce the cost of their processing on the territory of the container terminal and providing the opportunity to obtain accurate operational information.

Rice. 2. Solution architecture

The container terminal management system (Fig. 2) consists of a document flow subsystem and a control subsystem that uses a positioning system (GPS), an electronic identification system, a set of radio equipment and electronic displays for its operation. The document management system is developed by the PKT information technology service and provides tools for centralized preparation of documents, storage of a large volume of documentation and quick access to information.

The control system allows:

  • quickly plan work using current information about the situation at the container terminal;
  • reduce manual operations to a minimum when planning work (drawing up loading plans, cargo plans, issuing tasks to radio terminals and electronic displays);
  • optimize the operation of loading equipment by using an interactive mode when issuing commands, accurate information about the location of forklifts, optimizing the placement of containers and minimizing empty movements of container trucks;
  • reduce downtime for vehicles, ships, and trains thanks to planning the work of personnel and loading equipment and information about the current location of containers.

Using a set of radio equipment allows you to:

  • maintain a dialogue mode between the management system and personnel;
  • receive prompt information about the beginning and completion of a task or about problems that impede its completion;
  • make prompt decisions to eliminate problems if they arise and resume interrupted work;
  • record the time of start, end and execution of the operation by each terminal employee.

The positioning system allows you to:

  • track the movement of containers throughout the terminal, and thus provide the management system with location information at a given point in time;
  • track the movements of forklifts throughout the terminal, which helps the control system to issue tasks for a particular operation to those operators who are closest to the place where the operation is performed and will spend the least time on its completion;
  • record and notify the manager about deviations in the movement of forklifts from the intended trajectory, i.e. facts of the forklift leaving the working area, unreasonably long downtime of the forklift in any area.

The electronic identification system helps:

  • record when a trailer reaches a certain area of ​​the terminal and, therefore, reduce trailer idle time in queues;
  • reduce manual input from the terminal keyboard when checking the contents of the trailer with a tally card.

As part of the project, an automated access control system to the territory of the container terminal (subsystem? Mode?) was created for FCT, which provides:

  • control of access of workers to the territory of the container terminal using permanent passes;
  • access control for employees of third-party organizations using temporary passes;
  • transfer of data on border crossings at checkpoints to the operational management system.

System?Mode? uses bar coding equipment, stationary terminals, radio terminals at mobile checkpoints and special terminals for controlling passes on a service bus.

Linux OS was used as the server platform for the operational control system, the advantages of which in this project were reliability, stability, security, the presence of a large number of applications and orientation towards industrial systems. Sybase is used as a database management system.

The system includes 8 servers and 150 workstations on the Intel platform. It was decided to use radio equipment from LXE, which produces wireless communication systems for difficult operating conditions. With the increasing complexity of production, warehousing, distribution and storage of goods, coupled with intense competition brought about by market developments and high customer demands, logistics has become one of the defining pillars of LXE's corporate strategy. The result was the production of radio equipment, oriented for use in conjunction with management systems for warehouse and production facilities, transport parks, etc. LXE equipment is used in many ports around the world.

Implementation strategy

It is almost impossible to implement a container terminal management system simultaneously in all areas. A step-by-step approach was chosen, in which at each stage, self-significant results are achieved, ensuring the improvement of management technologies, increasing the level of integration of the proposed solutions, followed by full integration of the system. Step-by-step implementation allows you to interest and involve the company's top management, middle managers and users in the implementation process, giving them more and more useful practical results.

In addition, a phased approach allows for the implementation of the system without stopping the operation of the terminal, which is important for a facility that operates around the clock. At the first stage, it was decided to install and test a set of satellite positioning and tracking systems for moving objects, install and configure the server of the operational control system, and establish interaction between the operational control system and the positioning system and document flow system. The result of this stage is the emergence of the ability to transfer information about the movements of container trucks around the terminal to the document management system.

At the second stage, it was planned to install electronic displays and configure them to work with the control system, install a basic set of system functions, configure a set of radio equipment and network equipment, as well as install and configure dispatch workstations. The result of this stage will be the ability to register the acceptance, placement and shipment of containers.

At the third stage, it was necessary to install radio equipment on the loading equipment, put into operation the output of control commands and accompanying information to the radio terminals of the loading equipment. At this stage, it was necessary to install dispatch software for working with road and rail transport, tracking container ships, deploy dispatch software for handling ships, and also install a function for controlling container ships when transporting containers from the pier. The result of this stage is the automation of all movements of containers up to loading onto ships.

The implementation of the project to automate the management of cargo transshipment began in June 1999, and by December work on the first two stages was completed. The system was put into commercial operation in the first quarter of 2000.


At the moment, the system processes data on the movement of container trucks around the terminal and the location of containers, registers the acceptance, placement and shipment of containers, due to which work efficiency has increased by 20%. The results obtained during preliminary tests allow us to hope for higher performance.

The work of the stevedore has been optimized. The time required to complete all operations has been reduced, and operating costs for the maintenance and servicing of loading equipment, especially container trucks, have been significantly reduced. One such machine costs more than $1 million, a set of tires for 2-3 months costs $12 thousand. As a result of the launch of the control system into commercial operation, the PKT will be able to perform the same amount of work using 9 container trucks instead of 12.

The adaptability of the Sirius system to the needs of a specific customer, independence from the physical characteristics of the warehouse facility, the ability to divide cargo into logical zones and work rules indicates the versatility of the solution. This gives reason to hope that the system being created has good prospects in the Russian market.

about the author

Roman Stogov- manager of the Solvo company (St. Petersburg). He can be contacted by email at: [email protected]

"Sea Port of St. Petersburg" is the largest transport hub in the North-West of Russia. Convenient geographical location - the port is located on the islands of the Neva delta - helps reduce transport costs. The port is connected to the sea by a 27-mile-long sea canal, navigation through which continues all year round. Eight specialized stevedoring companies (storage and cargo transshipment) operate on the basis of property leased from the Sea Port of St. Petersburg and the Maritime Administration. Guaranteed depths provide safe navigation and convenient parking for vessels with a length of up to 260 meters and a draft of up to 11 meters. On the territory of the port there are: 53 berths, warehouse areas of more than 1 sq. km, covered warehouses 105 thousand sq. m., open warehouses 940 thousand sq. m. m. The port is equipped with modern loading equipment

The St. Petersburg company Solvo was founded in 1992. The number of the company is 35 people. The main activity is the creation of automation systems for warehouse and production complexes. In close cooperation with corporations RGTI, BDM and TRW, Solvo specialists have developed automated systems for warehouse complexes for companies AGFA, Wells, Cole Palmer, Polygram, etc. Working with the Western market still remains one of the company’s activities. Based on accumulated experience, the company has developed the Sirius system, designed to automate domestic warehouse and production complexes

Sirius system

Sirius is a universal system for complex automation of warehouse and production processes management. The task of the system is to manage the full warehouse cycle, from goods receipt to shipment. The system selects the storage location for accepted cargo and develops tasks for warehouse workers. Tasks are received on the screens of radio terminals in the form of step-by-step commands or printed, individually for each employee. When using a bar coding system, the completion of tasks is confirmed by scanning the code from the labels that mark all storage locations, loading equipment and cargo received at the warehouse. The system can use any of the existing barcodes, or automatically develop and print labels with its own, internal code for all accepted shipments.

Periodic recalculation of goods allows you to carry out inventory without interrupting the main process. The Sirius system is aimed at a wide variety of applications: airports and seaports, warehouses and industrial complexes, customs terminals, supermarkets.

The system's operation is based on real-time information about events occurring on the terminal. Sirius processes the data and prepares a solution for the formation and distribution of tasks to personnel and interacting subsystems, while simultaneously exercising control over implementation. The core of the system (Fig. 1) is formed by the scheduler - an expert system in which the data and relevant information necessary to make decisions on managing the facility in accordance with the chosen organization of the terminal’s operation are collected. Decision making is based on a set of rules arising from an analysis of the warehouse activities of many Russian and foreign enterprises.

Having information about expected receipts, the system selects in advance and, if necessary, releases storage locations, taking into account the characteristics and requirements for the placement of expected cargo. Information about expected receipts and shipments can be entered into the system automatically from the enterprise's head system or entered manually by the warehouse manager. When the goods actually arrive at the warehouse, the system receives information from the consignment note or any other accompanying document. If the cargo is on the list of expected receipts, the system automatically checks the data with the waybill and, in case of discrepancies, informs the warehouse manager about the situation. After a decision is made to accept goods, tasks are automatically generated for warehouse workers. After the received cargo is moved to the receiving area, the system automatically generates a command to recalculate the goods to an employee with a certain status. When a product is physically counted, its actual quantity is entered into the system from the keyboard of the radio terminal or from the dispatcher’s terminal. If the data on the waybill does not match the actual quantity, the system can perform a recalculation by assigning another employee for this. If the physical recalculation data confirms a discrepancy between the actual receipt and the invoice data, the system reports the problem to the warehouse manager and can suspend work with the cargo until the circumstances are clarified.

In the event that quality control requirements are imposed on the received product, the system can manage this operation according to several scenarios:

  • visual inspection (packaging integrity, external damage, etc.);
  • control during repackaging;
  • selection and tracking of samples during analysis and certification on its territory;
  • selection and sending of product samples during analysis and certification by a third party, control of receipt of documentation;
  • other types of control as agreed with the customer.

During quality control, the system, at the customer’s request, can quarantine the goods, place them in storage areas, but not ship them to the manager’s team or immediately put them into operation.

If there is an urgent need to ship newly arrived goods to the client, the system generates teams for workers to ship the goods directly from the receiving area, bypassing the storage area. The system optimizes the use of warehouse space by automatically distributing storage locations based on customer requirements. When distributing storage locations, the system takes into account all the requirements for storage conditions: temperature, humidity, manufacturers, suppliers, expiration dates, sales dates, etc. Commands for the placement of accepted cargo are automatically sent to the screens of radio terminals.

The system controls the actions of workers and monitors the correct execution of commands. Information about the order comes to Sirius from the enterprise's head system or is entered by the warehouse manager based on the received request for shipment of goods. Next, order collection tasks are automatically generated, taking into account the principles of FIFO, LIFO or any others required by the customer. Tasks are received on the screens of radio terminals, the execution of commands is confirmed by scanning the labels of the collected goods and their storage locations. The collected goods are moved to the order collection area, which is confirmed by the corresponding scan. Loading tasks are generated by the system automatically or at the command of the manager. If a problematic situation arises, the system notifies the warehouse manager and can stop all operations with this storage location until the circumstances are clarified. Thus, the inventory is carried out constantly and with tracking of all events.

At the manager’s command, the system can generate the following types of reports: the availability of goods in the warehouse and storage areas, the number of shipments over a certain period of time, the number of returns, information on manufacturers, suppliers, carriers, customers, information on storage and sales periods, as well as a report on work performed by each employee for any period of time, etc. The system generates the necessary set of receiving, in-warehouse and shipping documents.

Sirius collects statistical data and transmits them to the enterprise's head system. The system can make data samples on demand. Based on statistical data, the system analyzes all events occurring in the warehouse and makes recommendations on the use of loading equipment, storage areas and working resources. In addition, the system can transmit recommendations to the purchasing and sales department based on its own data on statistics of receipts and shipments.

Accounting can be carried out by piece quantity, weight, volume, etc. If necessary, input, output, internal and other prices of goods can be taken into account. If it is necessary to ship a single quantity of goods, the system organizes a piece selection based on the requirements of the customer. When a strict requirement when accepting goods into a warehouse is the presence of an appropriate certificate, the system automatically requests information about it.

For optimal distribution of storage areas and minimization of internal movements, as well as for more economical use of enterprise vehicles, the system provides a cargo merging function. The parameters of this function are determined individually for each customer. If at the stage of incoming inspection damage to the packaging is detected, or the warehouse has adopted its own form of storage and shipment, the system, after receiving the goods, automatically generates commands for workers to move goods to the goods packaging area. When using your own vehicles to deliver goods to customers, the system automatically organizes loading in such a way as to optimize the transport route and simplify its unloading at all points along the route.

For the convenience of servicing suppliers and buyers, a priority system has been introduced. Sirius distributes the work of unloading, loading and delivering goods to one or another client in accordance with its priority. In the case when several companies united in one structure carry out common warehouse operations, information about all events in the warehouse is automatically transmitted to the head systems of these organizations. The system provides for the organization of interaction with geographically remote warehouses. Data exchange methods in this case are selected based on customer requirements. A remote warehouse can be represented in the system as one of the sections of the main warehouse. When organizing management in temporary storage warehouses, the system distributes and issues accepted cargo according to the rules specified in the basic set of functions.

If it is necessary to display any additional information about the product on barcode labels, or the warehouse does not use barcoding equipment, the system prints the required labels. If a product is not in demand and its storage costs more than its cost, the system notifies the warehouse manager about this and sends a message to the main system of the enterprise. If there is currently no product in stock that the customer needs, the system makes recommendations for replacing it with a similar product.

The system tracks delivery of goods to customers. Information about the delivered goods is entered by the warehouse manager from the waybill, by telephone confirmation from the customer, or can be transferred to the head system and used for statistical processing.

Depending on the customer’s requirements, the system can implement various methods of data exchange with any level of protection. To maintain confidentiality, Sirius provides a mechanism for restricting access to information. All warehouse employees have their own levels of access to the work performed and the information necessary for this. If problematic situations arise, the system automatically tracks them and, if necessary, reports them to the manager.

The main difference between the Sirius system is adaptability. Customers can be safely divided into two categories. The former want the facility to function according to established methods; their goal is to improve the operating efficiency of a facility without significant process changes. The latter need a new model for the functioning of a warehouse facility. In the first case, the system is configured to work according to the established rules for the functioning of a specific object. In the second case, special tools included in the system can simulate the operation of a real object under different conditions, according to different functioning schemes. The data obtained helps specialists build the most effective operating model.

An accessible interface of tools that allows you to enter into the system a physical description of the warehouse facility, a breakdown into logical cargo processing zones, work rules, as well as a description of all operating units, allowing you to adapt to any changes in work. The simplest example is adding a new storage area. The graphical interface of the object description editor allows the responsible manager to add a new area without stopping work - its physical characteristics, logical purpose, operating rules, features. In addition, the manager can allow the new area to participate in the operation of the facility.

When developing the system, high-level languages ​​were used, in particular Prolog. Communication with databases is carried out using a tight coupling mechanism, and Prolog's set of facts and rules allows transparent access to databases. Work planning activities are based on statistical information and rules for action in conditions of uncertainty and incomplete data. Rules act as expressions with expert data. For example, when placing the next load, the system is guided by the following information:

  • if the cargo requires refrigeration, then look for a place in the refrigeration chambers;
  • if the cargo is valuable, then place it in a special area;
  • the cargo is valuable if the weight is less than 10 kg and the price is more than $100;
  • if the cargo is dangerous, then do not place it together with ordinary cargo;
  • if the cargo has a strong smell, then do not place it together with goods that absorb odors - etc.

The system operates on various platforms: Unix, Windows NT, interacting with various DBMSs that support the SQL-92 standard: Oracle, Sybase, Informix, Adabase, Postgres. Initially, the system was created to run Linux OS - the Russian market was not ready to purchase expensive software licenses at that time. Then, at the request of specific customers, an NT version was created. The system supports radio equipment, bar coding devices, as well as technological equipment (electronic scales, displays, cash registers) from leading manufacturers.

The Sirius system is capable of exchanging data with other software systems via EDI and XML protocols. In cases where the capabilities of standard protocols are not sufficient for integration, or the software package does not support them, special gateway programs are used to transfer and present data received from one automated system in a form understandable to another.

High-quality modernization of sea port infrastructure services underlies the economic, transport, logistics and social efficiency of Russian ports. Increasing international competitiveness is unthinkable without introducing the best international experience in the provision of port services.

International competition and the development of new technologies formulate new requirements for safety, quality and speed of cargo processing at the port. To operate effectively and comply with best international port development practices, the Russian Federation must be at the forefront of optimizing and increasing the efficiency of ship services.

The development priorities of the seaport infrastructure services market are:

Improving the quality and speed of service;

Reducing the costs of moving goods through the port for the end user of services;

Construction of modern multimodal logistics centers capable of efficiently and quickly processing consolidated transit and domestic cargo;

Interconnection of the functions and powers of the main regulators of foreign economic activity with the goals of fast, safe and efficient passage of export-import and especially transit cargo flows through Russian ports;

Improving the environmental safety of the port;

Automation of algorithmic operations;

Openness of the port and the procedure for the provision of infrastructure services;

Promoting the development of a competitive environment.

Currently, the speed of processing ships and cargo in most domestic ports remains lower compared to the ports of other countries. At the same time, in modern conditions this parameter is a key factor in increasing their attractiveness and comes first in relation to such factors as distance and cost of transportation. Especially for such ports that specialize in processing cargo that requires fast delivery (containers, refrigerated cargo, packaged goods).

Factors influencing the speed of servicing ships and cargo in a seaport can be divided into internal and external. Internal factors will include measures to improve the technology of cargo transshipment and ship handling processes, the use of mechanization and automation, optimization of operations in ports, reducing their number, and increasing the innovative component. Externally - improving logistics schemes, optimizing interaction with the railway, as well as coordinating the work of government bodies in the port according to the “single window” principle.

The introduction of automated or semi-automated systems for handling ships and cargo in the port will help free up jobs directly from loading and unloading operations in favor of monitoring the implemented systems. Automation of algorithmized operations allows you to improve the quality and speed of work and reduce industrial injuries.

In international practice, tools are widely used to help increase the speed of servicing vessels in seaports and other quality parameters for the provision of services in seaports, in particular:

Operations planning system. At the Port of Shanghai, port staff use the system, the first version of which was developed and implemented in 1988, to automatically prepare plans for berth provision, container unloading, and all other essential resource planning. Based on these plans, on a “just-in-time” principle, the required number of shore cranes is provided to the corresponding berth and the required number of trucks is provided in advance for loading/unloading (in case the port is the starting/ending point for sending cargo) . If containers are intended for reloading (transshipment), the availability of the necessary and convenient space for their intermediate storage at the container site is ensured in advance. If necessary, in the interval between unloading a container from one vessel and loading it onto another, special cranes at the container site once again shift the containers in such a way as to ensure the fastest possible loading onto the next vessel(s). The transfer order is also planned in the operation planning system, which has a direct interface with automated crane control systems. At each moment, the operation planning system stores all the information about where a container with a given number is located, when it was unloaded and when its further movement is planned.

In addition, key subsystems ensure optimal planning of the order in which containers will be loaded or unloaded from the vessel, as well as the sequence of operation of shore cranes; the subsystem ensures minimization of the number of physical operations with containers due to their optimal location and order; Thanks to this, a record speed of loading and unloading is ensured - up to 280 containers from one vessel per hour (min. unloading time for a vessel with 1400 containers is 6 hours). The average loading and unloading speed is 100 containers per hour;

Electronic document management and data exchange system for trade operations, automating the entire cycle of processing operational, trade and customs documents in electronic form;

Intelligent vessel traffic control system based on a network of radars and radio stations, united in a single dispatch center;

Integrated container terminal management system MES CTMS, which allows real-time management of the loading and unloading of ships, the gate of container trucks and their movement throughout the port, collecting and storing information about the location of containers and ensuring the movement of relevant documents, etc. The system uses wireless technologies for information transfer and communication with port personnel and transport companies. Thanks to the use of this system, high labor productivity indicators are achieved in the port:

Average loading/unloading speed - 12,000 TEU/day;

The average volume of loading/unloading per meter of berth is 3028 TEU/m;

The average operating speed of the cranes is 31 operations/hour;

The electronic system for providing data on containers and vessels allows interested companies and directly their employees to make requests about the location and time of arrival of vessels and containers of interest to them both through the Internet site and through an automated telephone answering machine around the clock;

The system for automatic monitoring and prevention of failures in cargo handling equipment, using a network of sensors and sensors, analyzes the condition and operation of the equipment, and in case of failures, transmits the relevant information via a wireless network to the dispatch center, which can significantly reduce the recovery time of equipment after accidents and failures and, ultimately As a result, increase the average speed of cargo processing.

In Russia, it is advisable to apply similar practices, including the creation of geoinformation transport systems that allow the formation of unified information and logistics centers and automated data exchange systems between participants in the transportation process (working online). The creation of such information and logistics centers is aimed at improving the interaction of seaports and other modes of transport (rail, road, inland waterway).

As noted above, among the external factors that contribute to increasing the speed and other quality parameters of vessel service in seaports are issues of customs clearance and the operation of checkpoints.

The lack of a unified system for exchanging information on ships and cargo in Russian ports significantly slows down both the speed of cargo processing in ports and tracking the passage of potentially dangerous cargo, containers, the arrival of unwanted foreigners and other factors affecting national and port security. Today, the Ministry of Transport of Russia, together with other interested departments, is working on the issue of creating a unified electronic customs database, which will simplify document flow and reduce the time for processing customs declarations. Analogs of such a system today exist in all developed ports of the world.

An important problem in the field of port activities in Russia can be considered the imbalance of sectoral and departmental interests. The main problem is that the regulatory framework used by customs and border organizations has the status of federal law, while the regulatory framework used by stevedoring and shipping companies is fixed at the level of orders of the Russian Ministry of Transport.

Currently issued acts of customs legislation do not take into account the specifics of cargo transshipment in seaports.

One of the latest examples is the decision of the Federal Customs Service, according to which cargo that has passed customs control at seaports must be stored separately from goods under customs control. In this regard, the time for processing cargo at sea terminals, according to market participants, will increase by 30 - 40%. In addition, the cost of cargo handling due to its movement and re-warehousing may increase by about a third. The diversion of equipment and personnel to additional operations will ultimately reduce the throughput of the terminals.

An important condition for the provision of high-quality services for servicing export-import and transit cargo flows, as well as passengers traveling in international traffic, is the fast and efficient operation of checkpoints across the state border of the Russian Federation located in sea and river ports.

The main directions of development of the checkpoint system are optimizing the number of checkpoints; modernizing infrastructure and increasing the capacity of checkpoints; development and implementation of modern technologies that reduce the time required to complete state control procedures when crossing the Russian state border.

Currently, coordination councils of checkpoints have been organized and operate on a permanent basis in seaports; new technological schemes for passing persons, vehicles and cargo across the state border have been approved, aimed at commission-free clearance of ships and allowing loading and cargo work to be carried out immediately upon the arrival of ships at the ports.

At the same time, to date, in most seaports, checkpoints have not been opened in the prescribed manner (out of 75 sea checkpoints in Russian ports, only 22 are officially open), and work is carried out according to temporary schemes agreed with state regulatory authorities. This is a significant obstacle to the daily and uninterrupted passage of persons, vehicles, cargo, goods and animals across the State Border in functioning seaports.

This circumstance excludes the possibility of allocating budget funds for the maintenance and development of the property complex of checkpoints. Often, all costs for the arrangement and maintenance of state control bodies at checkpoints are forced to be borne by operators of marine terminals. At the same time, the State Border Law provides for the only option for transferring property from a private investor - gratuitous transfer.

To create conditions to ensure the investment attractiveness of the construction, reconstruction and equipment of checkpoints, it is necessary to introduce changes to the legislation providing for other methods of transferring property or providing tax benefits.

Along with the speed of cargo processing, another qualitative parameter of the attractiveness of Russian ports is the cost of ship calls and environmental safety.

In relation to Russian ports, a persistent reputational myth has developed about their serious high cost, in terms of port dues and other expenses of shipowners for servicing all “non-cargo” activities at the time of ship calls.

The analysis showed that the cost of a ship call is largely influenced by “other expenses of shipowners” - bunkering, shipping services and agency fees, which are strictly the subject of agreement between private economic entities.

The port fees themselves are comparable to port fees in other countries. As an example, we provide data from ship agents for specific ships of different types.

Cost of ship calls for STK (river-sea class vessel) DWT 1669; GRT 1573: according to agency Transmarine

Hundested (Denmark) - 1738.83 euros

Liepaja (Latvia) - 3004.40 euros

Nip House (UK) - 3230.56 euros

Fearow (Germany) - 2685.00 euros

Klaipeda (Lithuania) - 3582.93 euros

Gdansk (Poland) - 2132.62 euros

Kaliningrad (Russia) - 1545.00 euros.

Cost of ship calls for bulk carrier m/v Grumant - 15878 GT

Hamburg - 29620 euros

St. Petersburg - 27208 euros.

The cost of calling a similar bulk carrier into the Baltic ports is even more expensive.

Cost of ship calls for Aframax m/v Petrodvorets - 59731 GT

Hamburg - 71,740 euros

Primorsk - 98231 euros.

Obviously, the difference between the fees in Primorsk and Hamburg is due to the ice fee, which simply does not exist in Hamburg.

Thus, the analysis shows that in reality there are no problems with the cost of ship calls in Russian ports. The myth grows rather from the total amount of expenses of cargo owners for stevedoring services, where he also invests the costs of the port (more precisely, the shipowner does this for him, issuing a general invoice that combines private stevedoring services and state port fees).

In accordance with the forecast values ​​for the volumes of cargo transshipment through seaports, the commissioning of port facilities should be ensured taking into account the best global achievements in the field of ecology and only subject to the preservation of ecosystems and the maintenance of appropriate environmental quality.

In order to assess the nature of the issues under consideration, a number of main negative factors affecting the state of the environment should be noted.

This is primarily the pollution of port waters with oil-containing and bilge waters, household and technical waste, waste from the processing of fish products on ships and coastal enterprises, littering the seabed with sunken ships, fragments of nets, trawls, and the discharge of untreated sewage and storm water.

The issue of reducing air pollution from emissions from ships and port infrastructure is becoming increasingly urgent.

Obviously, in order to minimize the negative impact on the environment at the port, it is necessary to increase environmental requirements for visiting ships, as well as to have the forces and means to ensure its environmental safety. First of all, these are reception port facilities for the collection and further processing of ship waste, treatment facilities for oil-containing and domestic waters, specialized vessels to ensure readiness to respond to incidents causing pollution (oil skimmers, bilge water collectors, boom releasers), berths for their service and parking.

An important factor is the organization of the effective use of the entire complex of forces and means. Constructive cooperation with municipal and regional self-government bodies, municipal services of settlements and business entities is necessary in terms of sharing production capabilities that can be used for receiving and processing ship waste.

An indispensable condition for the construction and reconstruction of facilities in seaports is obtaining a positive conclusion from the state environmental assessment, with a mandatory procedure for approving projects at public hearings.

The activities of domestic ports must comply with world practice and meet the so-called “green standards”. Important issues such as rational water use, stormwater management, pollution prevention, energy conservation and efficiency, the use of environmentally friendly materials and the application of the zero-waste principle are reflected in the requirements of these standards.

The use of “Green Standards” in construction will minimize the destructive impact of anthropogenic factors on the environment during construction and subsequent operation of the facility, and will serve as the basis for the development of uniform mandatory standards for economic activity in the future.

Due to the international nature of shipping, port activities in terms of environmental protection are regulated by the state in accordance with the requirements of international treaties. First of all, these are global conventions adopted within the framework of the activities of the International Maritime Organization.

The key document in this sense is the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973, as amended by its 1978 Protocol (MARPOL), one of the requirements of which is the obligation of the port state to provide in its ports the necessary facilities for the reception of waste from ships, without leading to their excessive downtime.

To reduce illegal discharges from ships in the ports of the Baltic region, within the framework of the Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea Area of ​​1992, a “non-special fee” system was introduced for the reception of ship waste at port reception facilities. In accordance with it, the cost of receiving, collecting and disposing of ship waste generated during the normal operation of ships is included in port charges or paid by the ship, regardless of whether it delivers waste or not.

Domestic companies, in particular FSUE Rosmorport, apply this principle not only to the Baltic Sea region, but also to seaports in other regions. Environmental dues rates depend on the type of vessel (liquid, ro-ro, etc.), type of navigation (foreign navigation, cabotage) and range from 0.11 to 5.5 rubles for different ports per gross tonnage of the vessel.

Thus, Russian ports must continue to integrate into the global space in order to ensure the environmental attractiveness of shipping and compliance with international requirements.

Below are presented current trends that have either relatively recently been introduced into the practice of the most efficient foreign ports, or are planned for implementation in the near future.

1. Infrastructure services in the maritime zone 1.1. Servicing larger capacity vessels Ports need to adapt to the trend towards larger ship tonnages. This imposes increased requirements on the speed of basic operations, infrastructure and superstructure of the port. The priorities are: - dredging work to accommodate large-capacity vessels; - carrying out repair dredging; - construction of terminals with removal of berth structures to natural depths; - increase in the number of berths; - technical modernization of equipment (gantry cranes, container ships, loaders); - increasing the speed of loading and unloading and non-cargo operations and reducing the total time spent by large-capacity vessels in the port; - increasing the speed of ship repair operations; - providing the port with the necessary number of icebreakers. 1.2. Development and use of aids to navigation systems, VTS GMDSS, KKS, GLONASS (GPS) Effective interaction between ground services and ships in the modern world is impossible without automated systems necessary to improve the safety of navigation, the safety of life at sea and the protection of the environment from the possible negative consequences of shipping, as well as increasing the efficiency of navigation and cargo transportation. The creation of systems to assist in maneuvering and prevent accidents when moving ships is an intermediate step in the implementation of E-navigation. 1.3. Adequate (proportional) development of the technical and service fleet Issues of construction and modernization of the service and auxiliary fleet should be one of the highest priority positions in the development and modernization of port facilities. At the same time, approaches to providing ports with ships may differ both depending on the size of the port and its specialization. In small ports and ports, the functioning of which serves to a greater extent to solve social problems, one should follow the path of providing multifunctional vessels that can combine icebreaking, pilotage, cleaning, bunkering and other functions. In large and economically strong ports, specialization of the service and auxiliary fleet is necessary to provide the full range of services with increased standards of quality and speed. At the same time, special attention must be paid to the timely renewal of the fleet and its compliance with the development of port capacities. The average age of the service and auxiliary fleet in the Russian Federation is more than 26 years. The main priority of measures for the adequate development of the fleet is the creation of a sufficient number of it, through renewal and modernization, in accordance with the current and future needs of ports to provide appropriate services according to the best international standards. In addition, a sufficient and adequate supply of ports with auxiliary fleet vessels, in particular icebreakers, is required to ensure the possibility of proper and timely movement of vessels in the port waters during winter navigation, as well as a revision of the regulatory framework and organization of work of the icebreaker fleet, taking into account climatic and geographical conditions. 2. Infrastructure services in the port area 2.1. Automation of loading and unloading operations Introduction of modern loading and unloading systems: - control system for the operation of automated cranes (Automatic Crane Control); - system of automatic self-propelled vehicles (Automated Guided Vehicles); - system of automatic stacking cranes (Automated Stacking Cranes); - robotic container loading and unloading system (Robotic Container Handling); - system for receiving and processing waste from ships. The introduction of automated or semi-automated systems of this level will help free up jobs directly from loading and unloading operations in favor of monitoring the implemented systems. Automation of algorithmized operations will improve the quality and speed of work and reduce industrial injuries. 2.2. Optimization of work and traffic in the port area Modern systems for managing the movement of cargo in the port area: - electronic document management system, including customs, certification and other documents (Electronic Data Interchange); - electronic cargo identification (Cargo Card System); - online tracking and monitoring system for cargo movement in the port (On-Line Tracking and Tracing System); - warehouse management system (Warehouse System). With the introduction of these systems, it is expected to improve the quality of work of the entire port, improve the employment conditions of personnel, reduce the number of errors and irrational use of time and space. 3. Infrastructure services in the land zone 3.1. Optimizing the efficient operation of port approaches The creation of transport and logistics centers for planning the arrival and departure of cargo in the port area is becoming a modern practice. The primary task, on the one hand, is analytical work to optimize the operation of the port in terms of interaction with railway, road and inland waterways approaches to the port, on the other hand, the introduction of modern equipment and systems directly responsible for loading and unloading cargo (analogues of foreign systems such as floating container "pick-up"). A qualitative improvement in the performance of this component will, first of all, reduce the total costs of moving cargo and increase the speed of cargo leaving the port. Unfortunately, in almost all Russian ports there are limitations and problems imposed by insufficient or unharmonized development of the approaching road and railway infrastructure with the development of the port. One of the priority areas for the development of infrastructure services in the land zone is the synchronized development of rear infrastructure. When developing specific activities that correspond to the developed strategic directions, the development of approach routes for each transport hub must be separately taken into account. The development of the necessary land-based infrastructure of ports is also required, including: land reservation to ensure the development of ports and the creation of the necessary land-based infrastructure; ensuring adequate transport support for ports, construction of the necessary road and railway access roads, maintaining them in proper condition, construction of vehicle parking and alternate tracks for the storage of railway transport.

The presented priority areas for the development of infrastructure services are of a general nature and are not presented in the context of various types of cargo due to the highly specialized nature of the issues.

The basic infrastructure of the port must provide the necessary level of navigation safety, environmental safety, emergency preparedness and other aspects. Based on the analysis of the current situation, analysis of the problems of the functioning of the industry and the best world experience in ensuring the safety of seaport infrastructure, the following strategic directions of development can be taken as a basis both as implementation in the form of individual events and as guidelines on security issues during development (construction) of new sea port infrastructure facilities.

Implementation of the service and auxiliary fleet development program.

Effective operation of maritime transport on the approaches to and in ports is impossible without a modern port and technical fleet, which includes service and auxiliary vessels for various purposes, dredging vessels and icebreakers. This fleet is designed to ensure a high level of cargo operations, environmental safety and navigation safety at the ports. Since the port, technical fleet and icebreakers primarily perform state tasks, their construction is provided mainly at the expense of the federal budget, as well as at the expense of extra-budgetary sources.

Today, the service fleet, which is federally owned, is characterized by an extremely high degree of moral and physical deterioration. Almost half of the fleet has been in operation for over 25 years. Most of the ships that have reached their standard service life are subject to write-off, while the rest are laid up or undergoing repairs. Despite the commissioning of two Project 21900 icebreakers with a capacity of 16 MW, the construction of which was completed in 2007 - 2008, and the construction planned until 2015 of three linear icebreakers with a capacity of about 16 MW and one with a capacity of 25 MW, by 2015, out of 34 icebreakers of the FSUE "Rosmorport" 10 icebreakers aged 25 - 40 years can be in operation; 17 - aged 40 - 50 years and only 7 - aged less than 7 years.

Currently, the Russian Register of Shipping, the IMO and other structures have adopted a number of decisions that make it difficult to use ships over 25 years old. It is difficult for such vessels to obtain documents confirming their class; they are subject to enhanced inspection and more frequent dock inspections.

The sixth annex to MARPOL (on atmospheric emissions) tightens the requirements for the operation of marine diesel engines and equipment limiting the emission of harmful impurities into the atmosphere (oxides of nitrogen, sulfur, CO, greenhouse gases, etc.). Over the course of several years, the relevant standards for atmospheric emissions will be tightened, which will require additional costs for the replacement and modernization of relevant ship equipment and the use of more expensive low-sulfur fuel.

Approving the Strategy for the Development of Maritime Activities of the Russian Federation until 2030, provides for the average service life of vessels of the Ministry of Transport of Russia at the 1st stage (2010 - 2012) - 24 years, at the 2nd stage (2013 - 2020) - 15 years.

All of the above determines the factors leading to an increase in the annual costs of operating and repairing the fleet and indicates the need to renew the fleet, which, in turn, determines the strategic task of consistently reducing the average age of the fleet.

To solve this strategic task, four government contracts for the construction of linear diesel icebreakers were signed with JSC United Shipbuilding Corporation on December 2, 2011, the completion of which is scheduled for 2015.

In 2012, FSUE "Rosmorport" together with the Federal Agency for Maritime and River Transport prepared proposals for design in 2013 and construction in 2014 - 2017. four shallow-draft icebreakers with a capacity of about 4.5 MW for the Caspian and Azov seas.

At the expense of FSUE "Rosmorport" own funds, it is planned to rent or purchase on the secondary market vessels for various purposes, including dredging vessels, with an age not older than 7 - 10 years; construction of tugboats, pilot vessels, multi-purpose boats of ice and non-ice class of new projects, including those with the function of providing pilotage activities. The company also attracts credit resources for the construction of environmentally friendly ships. In total, it is planned to build 19 vessels, including: 3 dredgers, 6 port oil-waste collectors-boom-setters, 1 pilot vessel with a length of about 52 m, 2 pilot vessels with a length of about 32 m, 4 pilot vessels with a length of about 27 - 29 m, 3 bilge collection vessels water with a deadweight of about 600 tons.

In the process of fleet construction, the use of innovative technologies is envisaged. For example, the icebreaker LK25 and the boat MRV-14 are built on the basis of the use of advanced propulsion systems, new type of rudder propellers, the creation of propulsion installations using gas turbines and unipolar electrodynamic variators, electrodynamic variators for transmissions of propulsion systems and as part of advanced shaft generator installations, instruments optical-electronic surveillance of a new generation, unmanned vehicles.

Development of navigation safety systems.

Safety of navigation in the waters of seaports and on the approaches to them is a priority task of the state in the field of development of seaports. The main export cargoes, transshipment of which is carried out in the sea ports of our country, are dangerous goods. This factor increases the risk of consequences of maritime accidents in the waters and approaches to the seaports of the Russian Federation.

Plans for the construction and reconstruction of maritime safety systems (MSMS) facilities are directly related to plans for the development of the infrastructure of seaports of the Russian Federation.

To reduce the risk of maritime accidents, in Russian, as well as in world, practice, a set of measures of a legal, organizational and technical nature is used. One of these technical measures is the creation of coastal navigation safety systems (SOMS), which include:

Vessel traffic control systems (VTS), providing control over the location of vessels and compliance with navigation rules in the water area and approaches to ports;

coastal elements of the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS).

These systems are put into operation by coastal states in accordance with the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) Convention, the Maritime Search and Rescue Convention, as well as a number of other Conventions and relevant IMO Resolutions. All of the above Conventions have been ratified by Russia (USSR), which imposes on the Russian Federation certain rights and obligations as a maritime power and a member of the world community.

SBMS are a set of buildings (structures), technical means, personnel and organizational measures and are intended for a comprehensive solution to the problems of protecting human life at sea, navigation safety and control of shipping, both in the waters of seaports and on the approaches to them.

Current state of SOBM.

In 2005 - 2011, the following SOMS were built and put into operation: coastal VTS and VTS of the port of Ust-Luga as part of the Regional VTS of the eastern part of the Gulf of Finland; VTS of the port of Arkhangelsk; VTS of the port of Taganrog; VTS of the port of Sochi; VTS of the port of Tuapse; VTS of the port of Magadan; VTS of Aniva Bay (in the seaport of Prigorodnoye).

Activities are being carried out to reconstruct the existing COMS:

The VTS of the Kola Bay has been modernized, including the construction of an additional automated radio technical post (ARTP) "Set-Navolok", work is underway to reconstruct the radar "Obzor" for its inclusion in the VTS;

Work on the development of the VTS of the ports of Astrakhan and Olya is being completed, including the construction of two new ARTPs in the area of ​​the port of Olya and on the island. Nameless;

The reconstruction of the VTS of the port of Arkhangelsk was completed, including the construction of the Talagi ARTP;

The VTS of the port of Kaliningrad was modernized, including the construction of a new VTS center and three new ARTPs;

The Regional VTS of the Kerch Strait has been created, incl. reconstruction of the VTS of the port of Kavkaz was carried out, including the construction of a new VTS center and three ARTPs;

The VTS of the port of Novorossiysk was modernized;

The VTS of the port of Vanino was reconstructed, including the construction of an additional ARTP “Muchke”;

The VTS of the port of Sochi was reconstructed, incl. construction of a new ARTP "Mzymta";

The reconstruction of the regional navigation safety system (VTS and GMDSS) of the eastern part of the Taganrog Bay is being completed;

The reconstruction of the GMDSS port of Plastun is being completed.

Development of SOBM.

In the near future, we are preparing to implement measures for the construction and reconstruction of the following SOBS: construction of the Kandalaksha Bay VTS; construction of a VTS in Yeysk; construction of the Russian segment of Barents VTMIS with integration into the Kola Bay VTS; 1st stage of reconstruction of the Regional VTS of the Gulf of Finland; reconstruction of VTS of the port of Vysotsk; construction of sea area A1 GMDSS port of De-Kastri; reconstruction of GMDSS facilities of the ports of Astrakhan, Arkhangelsk and Vanino; reconstruction of GMDSS facilities in sea areas A1 and A2 and reconstruction of the VTS of the port of Makhachkala.

The large-scale reconstruction of COMS facilities is due to the need to replace outdated technological equipment, installed mainly in the period from 1998 to 2005, and to introduce modern types of equipment created on the basis of the latest technological developments.

Also, the construction of new COBS facilities will be carried out as an integral part of the development of port infrastructure, incl. during the construction of the ports of Teriberka, Taman and Sabetta (Yamal Peninsula).

The total amount of capital investments allocated for the development of SOBM in 2011 - 2018 will amount to almost 3 billion rubles.

In the long term, the development of the MSCS will be based on the introduction of new technological platforms, such as electronic navigation (e-Navigation) and new standards for the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (the so-called GMDSS-2).

Currently, international organizations (IMO, IALA, IHO) are developing the concept of e-Navigation, which provides for a significant increase in the safety and efficiency of maritime transport, primarily through the creation of a unified information environment for ship and coastal navigators; service-oriented architecture of all systems; readiness of all systems to use new e-Navigation services as they become available.

The work is being carried out in the International Organization of Lighthouse Services (IALA, of which FSUE "Rosmorport" is an associate member), both in the VTS committee and in the eNAV committee, which, on behalf of the IMO, is directly involved in developing the concept of the coastal segment of e-Navigation.

It is already possible to create a prototype of a unified information space for coastal and ship systems and on this basis to create prototypes of elements of the future e-Navigation, without waiting for the completion of the development of international standards. The following elements of the e-Navigation concept are included and planned to be included in the projects of new and reconstructed SOMS:

1. Exchange of information between the ship and the shore via binary AIS messages, followed by graphical presentation of the processed information to navigators and VTS operators, including:

Hydrometeorological data (shore - ship);

Information on dangerous goods (Vessel - Shore);

Message about the closure of the fairway (Shore-Vessel);

Number of people on the ship (Ship - Shore);

Pseudo AIS targets (VTS targets) (Shore-Vessel);

Exchange and assignment of routes (ship-shore-ship);

Addressed messages and alarms (shore-ship);

Prohibited/dangerous areas for ships to enter (shore-to-ship);

2. Implementation of the functionality of virtual Aids to Navigation (Aids to Navigation) to reduce the cost of installing and maintaining buoys in ice conditions;

3. Remote ordering and updating of electronic maps from map servers via mobile broadband;

4. Organization of a coastal ice service that provides on-board transmission of satellite images, digital ice maps and recommended routes based on these maps;

5. Satellite AIS service for the polar region;

6. Local eNAV server, designed to integrate all systems into the future e-Navigation architecture and ensure the connection of ships to possible future coastal e-Navigation services as they become available.

As noted, the development of VTS will occur on the basis of the introduction of e-Navigation principles, which, in turn, is associated with the development and implementation of information technologies, such as wireless broadband access to data networks and electronic cartography, as well as in connection with new user requirements , such as: analysis of traffic flows, global monitoring, security, environmental monitoring, etc.

There will be a further process of information integration of VTS both at the regional and national level (including with other systems, such as the national long-range satellite tracking system (LRIT) - Victoria), and at the transnational level, and also with foreign VTS and shipping monitoring systems.

Currently, IALA is actively discussing the possibility of contacting the IMO regarding amendments to IMO Resolution 874 in order to make possible the mandatory establishment of VTS in international waters.

The development of COMS in the Arctic will occur in connection with active international competition in the polar region. A revision of the requirements for equipping offshore oil and gas platforms (such as on Shtokman, Varandey), which today are equipped with communications and navigation facilities in the same way as sea vessels, is expected. It is expected that the equipment of stationary platforms will include elements of onshore COMS, which will make it possible to close information flows from the platforms to regional shipping monitoring systems.

The idea of ​​creating a satellite AIS will also be developed, which will entail the introduction of new standards for ship AIS with an additional data transmission channel specifically for satellite processing. If this technology is implemented globally, the costs of creating a coastal segment of AIS will be reduced, which is especially important in polar and hard-to-reach regions.

The development of the global maritime distress and safety system (GMDSS) will move towards the development of new standards for ship and shore equipment (GMDSS-2), as well as the allocation of a special spectrum of data transmission frequencies. Preparatory work is currently underway at the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). The interests of Russia in the ITU are represented by the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia. Specialists from the Ministry of Transport of Russia participate in the preparation of consolidated decisions of the Russian Federation as experts in the field of maritime radio communications.

Directions for the development of seaports in the field of ecology and environmental protection.

The state policy in the field of environmental development of the Russian Federation for the period until 2030 is focused on solving socio-economic problems that ensure low-carbon sustainable development, preserving a favorable environment, biological diversity and natural resources, and realizing the right of every person to a favorable environment.

The development of seaports should be based on the principles of sustainable development, aimed at combining the interests of economic development with the interests of preserving and improving the quality of the environment. The environmental safety of the construction process and subsequent operation of the infrastructure of seaports of the Russian Federation should be based on systematic work to prevent negative anthropogenic impact on marine and coastal ecosystems, reduce pollution levels and improve the quality of sea water. Measures to reduce pollution levels are part of the development program for Russian seaports. Preserving and improving the quality of the environment is one of the priority objectives of the Strategy for the Development of Russian Port Infrastructure until 2030. When planning programs and activities aimed at preserving the environment, it is also necessary to take into account the requirements of international conventions signed and ratified by the Russian Federation.

The main directions of development of ports in the field of environmental protection are:

Development of a long-term policy in the field of environmental protection at various levels (sea basin, individual port, economic entity in the port), taking into account the main directions of transport activities, the specifics of local natural conditions, the degree of vulnerability of the natural environment to various types of pollution (including oil), natural the value of the coastal zone adjacent to the port;

Improving the regulatory framework aimed at increasing the efficiency of using economic mechanisms of influence and increasing the responsibility of the polluter for damage caused to the environment;

Implementation of environmental measures aimed at reducing anthropogenic impact, both during the construction and operation of the port infrastructure;

Creation of modern integrated environmental monitoring systems in each port, aimed at preventing pollution of the sea and air environment, reducing the negative impact on coastal ecosystems;

Creation of an operational oceanology system aimed at oceanological support of port activities, taking into account the development of systems for medium- and long-term forecasting of anomalous phenomena affecting the normal functioning of ports (storm conditions, harsh winters, etc.);

Creation of an effective oil spill response system;

Using positive international experience in developing special programs to reduce the risks of oil spills, reduce sulfur emissions, and solve other problems in the field of environmental protection;

Introduction of a system of voluntary environmental cooperation in the field of environmental protection (EMAS type), aimed at creating an environmental management system in every Russian port.

Actions to protect the environment and reduce the anthropogenic impact from port activities within the framework of this Strategy should be considered as a factor contributing to increasing the competitiveness of the port, improving the quality of life of the population living in the coastal zone, and the development of the social sphere.

Development of marine terminal infrastructure for servicing fishing fleet vessels.

For the purpose of comprehensive development of seaports, attention will be paid to terminals designed for comprehensive servicing of fishing fleet vessels (hereinafter referred to as sea fishing terminals), which are their integral part.

The concept of “comprehensive servicing of fishing fleet vessels” includes a set of operations for servicing vessels in a seaport during layovers between voyages, layovers between voyages, shelter in stormy weather, provision of berths for unloading/loading, storage of fish products, supplying vessels with fuel, water, food , containers and other materials, providing vessels with fishing equipment, inter-voyage repairs of vessels, and other operations to prepare vessels for fishing.

The fishery complex has a significant coastal material and technical base that serves the servicing of the fishing fleet, the processing of aquatic biological resources, and the sale of fish products.

The total length of the berth front in the territories of sea fishing terminals is more than 20 kilometers with a depth at the berths from 3 to 12 meters. Refrigeration capacity is about 0.2 million tons of simultaneous storage of fish products.

However, the lack of favorable conditions for servicing fishing vessels in domestic ports led to a reorientation of Russian shipowners to receive services in foreign ports and reduced the workload of domestic fish processing organizations.

In this regard, one of the tasks is the transition of the fishery complex from the export-raw material type to an innovative type of development based on conservation, reproduction, rational use of aquatic biological resources and ensuring the global competitiveness of goods and services produced by the domestic fishery complex.

In addition, it is necessary to take measures aimed at significantly changing the system of vessel servicing in Russian ports, which will ensure a significant reduction in administrative barriers and, as a result, a reduction in the costs of production and economic activities of fishing organizations.

Currently, the annual production capacity of the fishing fleet for the extraction of aquatic biological resources is estimated at about 4.0 - 4.3 million tons. Marine fish terminals provide transshipment of 1.0 to 1.5 million tons of fish products per year.

The main problems of sea fishing terminals in the seaports of the Russian Federation are the need to carry out work related to their reconstruction, strengthening of berths, dredging, construction of protective hydraulic structures, equipping with modern lifting and transport equipment, construction of access roads and modernization of the production infrastructure of sea fishing terminals ports.

Significant investments are planned to be directed to the modernization and expansion of coastal processing facilities for aquatic biological resources (fish processing plants, refrigerators), port infrastructure facilities, as well as infrastructure related to ship repair.

The issue of creating large logistics centers on the basis of sea fish terminals is being considered, the territories of which will provide for the construction of modern stationary refrigerators for long-term storage of fish products, processing facilities and creating conditions for their further uniform shipment to consumers in all regions of the Russian Federation.

Due to the development of coastal infrastructure, including sea fishing terminals, by 2015 the volume of transshipment of fish products should reach 3.5 million tons, and by 2020 - 5.6 million tons. The priority is the development of sea fishing terminals located in the seaports of Vladivostok, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Zarubino, Nevelsk, Korsakov, Kaliningrad, Murmansk, St. Petersburg.

There is also a need for the construction of new specialized berth lines and the creation of complex service bases for fishing fleet vessels, primarily in the Azov-Black Sea and Far Eastern basins.

Development of maritime passenger transportation infrastructure.

An analysis of the current state of the passenger transportation market in the Russian Federation allows us to identify the main priority areas for the development of this sector, primarily necessary to improve the quality of life of the population by providing a modern list of transport services with a level of service that corresponds to the best standards of international practice. The main task of developing infrastructure to ensure passenger transportation is the creation of a modern passenger terminal in every major coastal city. At the same time, the following directions of market development can be formulated, towards which strategic measures should mainly be oriented.

1) Updating the composition of the maritime passenger and cargo-passenger fleets.

Construction of new ships at our own expense (and as a result, their registration under the Russian flag).

Development and construction of new types of passenger and cargo-passenger ships.

Ferries (new types of passenger, car, railway ferries, multi-deck ferries, combined types of ferries).

Small and large (with a capacity of 1000 people or more) cruise ships of sea (as well as river) type.

High-speed passenger ships.

Development and implementation of new technologies.

Accelerated technical re-equipment (where appropriate) of existing passenger ships.

Leasing of modern foreign passenger ships with their subsequent acquisition.

Development of an effective lending system for shipbuilding companies.

Providing government guarantees to attract loans for the construction of modern ships.

Providing deferments for payments for loans for the construction of modern ships.

2) Creation of modern conditions for the functioning of ports in the field of passenger and cargo transportation.

Accelerated modernization of passenger terminals to meet the best international standards.

Providing a modern international level of services, as well as the appearance of the port as a whole.

Modernization of transport infrastructure of passenger ports and terminals.

3) Development of a competitive environment in the field of passenger and cargo-passenger maritime transportation.

Ensuring transparency of the market for both domestic and foreign companies.

Studying best international practices and introducing modern mechanisms for (self) regulation of the maritime passenger transportation market.

It should be noted that the directions for development of the passenger transportation market formulated above require additional in-depth study and careful planning at the stage preceding their implementation. In addition, local regional characteristics must be taken into account, requiring appropriate adjustments or additions to the development plan.

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of port infrastructure for increasing cargo flows to Ukraine. The amount of cargo passing through ports is constantly increasing. An important area of ​​increasing the efficiency of management of seaports and dry terminals (both container and transshipment complexes for transshipment of bulk and liquid cargo) is the introduction of TOS (terminal operating system) or CTMS (container terminal management system) - terminal management systems.

There are a number of differences between the automation of processes at seaports and dry port terminals. A seaport, as a rule, ensures the receipt and dispatch of cargo, both by ships and by rail and road transport. A “dry” port is a terminal that operates only with land modes of transport - rail and road. The main difference between the business processes of sea and dry ports is the presence of ship handling operations. These operations include planning the unloading and loading of the vessel and the organization of loading and unloading operations on ships. The task of TOS when planning the loading of a vessel is to ensure, with a significant amount of cargo, planning of optimal unloading and loading, as well as reserving storage places, equipment and processing of relevant documents.

Various terminal management systems successfully automate business processes of both sea and dry ports. This is facilitated by the modularity of software products. When automating the complex, only the necessary modules are used to ensure the implementation of unique business processes of the terminal. Modern port management systems operate in “real time” mode, and all operations at the terminal are processed using or equipped with barcode scanners.

An information system for the management of seaports, container terminals and terminals for the transshipment of dry bulk and liquid cargo is the organization of management of all operations: from warehouse management to order processing, from vessel planning (in the case of a seaport) and reporting to the management of invoice creation processes. CTMS can monitor any technological process of the terminal: order entry and planning, transport and labor management, reporting on work done by issuing invoices and changes in warehouse status.

Ships, trains or trucks, arrive at the terminal, goods are unloaded, stored in a warehouse, bunker or marshalling yard and then transferred to other trucks, trains and ships... or goods are transferred from one ship to another. All these flows are easy to manage using CTMS software and can also be easily adapted to other tasks. All services can be managed: unloading, weighing/filling, sorting, mixing, packaging, batching, cleaning, storage - the list can be endless, including tariff management. With the help of a video surveillance system, you can even control the movement of traffic at the gate. By automating the process, the time for loading and unloading cargo is reduced, as well as for all processes at the terminal, which leads to more efficient use of equipment and reduced costs.

To reduce the load on ports and minimize container downtime, it became necessary to organize multimodal transit distribution centers or container terminals near the ports. Their functions include transshipment work, performing customs procedures with container cargo and preparing accompanying documents; temporary storage of containers until they are reloaded onto land transport.

Depending on the services provided by the container terminal, the types of containers handled, the handling equipment used and the mode of transport to which the containers are delivered, there will be a different set of container operations performed and a different management approach. For “dry” container ports, a significant share in the turnover of containers is occupied by empty containers, for which other rules for placement on the terminal territory and the use of equipment may apply.

The Container Terminal Management System CTMS provides management of loading equipment, transport and personnel. The functions of this system are to automate all operations with containers and cargo on the territory of the container terminal.

For complexes for transshipment of general, bulk and liquid cargo, an important point is the accounting of cargo at different stages (at what speed and how much is unloaded/loaded, how much is left), types of cargo, quality and many other parameters. Despite all the features of processing cargo that does not have packaging, just like for other types of terminals, important functions of the operational accounting system are reporting and billing. These functions make it possible to generate an invoice for the client to pay for terminal services, as well as analyze performance indicators.

Marine terminals, by and large, differ from dry ports in the presence of a ship front. A lot of work is carried out with cargo upon arrival/discharge on ships (vessel processing and drawing up loading/unloading plans (cargo planning), description of the ship, creation of a ship plan, maintaining a list of ship calls, receiving containers from ships, organizing the delivery of containers to the ship). The TOS terminal operational management system has a model for graphically displaying the vessel loading plan. With a very large number (up to 10 thousand per vessel) of containers, it is necessary to ensure planning for optimal unloading and loading, as well as reserving storage space, equipment and processing of relevant documents.

Container terminal management systems operate entirely in “real time” mode, and all operations at the terminal are processed using radio computers or data collection terminals.

The use of a TOS system allows you to reduce the cost and shorten the time of cargo processing at the terminal and provides the opportunity to obtain accurate information about the current situation on its territory.

Today, almost all developed countries with access to water spaces use their advantageous location 100%. In modern conditions, a company can achieve an advantage among competitors by improving its activities and introducing high-tech information solutions.

Container terminal management system

The functional purpose of TOS is to automate all operations with containers and cargo on the territory of the container terminal. TOS provides management of the operation of loading equipment, transport and personnel, control of the movement of containers, operational planning of tasks for personnel, taking into account the current situation.

TOS system task- automation of management of operations with containers, allowing to reduce the cost and time of their processing on the territory of the container terminal, and providing the opportunity to obtain accurate information about the current situation at the container terminal.

Terminal Operation System from IT Scan has the following qualities:

  1. Highest performance;
  2. TOS is always ready to adapt to new situations thanks to proven artificial intelligence;
  3. The system is already used at many facilities of industry leaders;
  4. The system code is open to every person, so the client can independently change the parameters and customize the TOS for himself;
  5. Affordable cost of implementation;
  6. Independence from the integrator;
  7. Modern licensing policy, which is designed to provide the client with the most comfortable conditions;
  8. The server helps manage terminals and sites remotely.

Automation of company ports is what is needed for each facility to increase overall throughput. Reception, storage, loading, unloading - all these activities will be carried out taking into account the high level of security provided by TOS. The main task of the system is to organize the management of all operations in the port, including real-time tracking.

What is a CMS and how does it work?

Transit and distribution centers are a complex object that passes through an incredible amount of information and documents; it is impossible to track all of them without the use of modern technological solutions for effective management. Information systems provide a special class of systems – container terminal management or CMS.

When used correctly, a CMS system can reduce the cost and processing time of each container. Since seaport management implies full control of the movement of containers and planning of tasks for port personnel. The set of operations will differ depending on the type of containers being processed. CMS will allow you to solve the following tasks:

  • Managing the address space of a site intended for containers;
  • Maintaining system directories;
  • Accounting for up-to-date information for each container;
  • Container terminal management;
  • Grouping containers by criteria;
  • Management of all operations with the container;
  • Loading equipment management;
  • Transport processing management;
  • Reporting;
  • Printing documents;
  • Collection of information for further detailed analysis;
  • Billing.

TOS and CMS for a transit distribution center

Container terminals will perform the following functions, which will take an order of magnitude less time than when similar work is performed by a person:

  1. The most high-performance and adaptive TOS system with artificial intelligence.
  2. Rich functionality. A full range of necessary functions for effective management of a container terminal.
  3. Successful practice of implementation and operation at the facilities of industry leaders.
  4. Openness of the system logic code (TSQL, database project), and the TSD client (HTML, Javascript).
  5. Minimum cost of ownership. Independence from the integrator.
  6. Favorable licensing policy. The implementation of the TSD management server allows for online management of operations at remote terminals and container sites from the central TOS server.

This solution is intended for automation of companies that have container terminals in their arsenal and specialize in receiving, storing, loading and unloading containers. The presented solution provides the customer company with a high level of productivity and safety.

The container terminal solution supports the following core features:

  1. Management of container operations: acceptance, loading, unloading, inspection, weighing, repairs, etc.
  2. Minimizing the duration of loading and distribution processes
  3. Generation of production reporting
  4. Printing accompanying documents and exchanging data with the accounting system
  5. Acceleration of document flow based on the collection, transmission and exchange of information in real time


  • Increasing the productivity of container site employees by processing a large number of orders in a limited time frame.
  • Avoiding the dependence of personnel, which is one of the most important problems of a container terminal today - at almost every container site there are employees who are “worth their weight in gold” and the departure or dismissal of such a person can lead to disruptions in the operation of the entire terminal.
  • Eliminate delays when performing container operations.
  • The ability to see management reporting and receive the required information at any time, i.e. exercise full control over the operation of the container site.
  • Carrying out inventory selectively or according to plan. The consequence of this is to obtain up-to-date information about the state of container residues.

TOS and CMS are necessary tools for the full management of seaport operations.