
When you start the desktop, startup starts. What actions to take if shortcuts on the Windows desktop do not open. If the desktop does not load

I encountered a problem that the desktop freezes or does not start at all. What it looks like: the mouse cursor turns into a clock and nothing can be launched from the desktop. The problem exists in both Windows 7 and Windows XP, no difference. Let's figure out how to solve this issue without resorting to heavy artillery.

One-time solution to the problem

You can close the desktop like any program. Only there is no such application in the task manager. But the “explorer.exe” process is responsible for it. We just need to restart this process. For this:

  • using the hotkeys “Ctrl + Shift + Esc” or “Ctrl + Alt + Delete” and select “Launch task manager”
  • In the task manager window, go to the “Processes” tab and find the “explorer.exe” process there. If there is a lot of stuff there, then just press the letter “e” until you get to it.
  • Right-click on the process and select “End Process”.

After this action, the desktop will completely disappear along with the taskbar. Only the background image and the task manager window will remain. If after a few seconds the desktop does not automatically restart, then you need to start it manually. Let's go to the menu “File –> New task”

In the input field we write: explorer

And press “Enter”. With these simple steps you can bring the Windows operating system back to life without having to restart. This whole process is demonstrated in the video below the article. This method is also suitable for Windows 10, but if it does not help, then you need to end the “Desktop Window Manager”.

If your desktop freezes too often

This usually happens after installing some new program. Remember after what actions this started and try to remove the most recently installed programs. If it doesn't help, then roll back to . This could very well be to blame. In this case, let's try to cure the desktop, and for this we need:

  • Download the AVZ program. I talked about this program
  • Go to "File -> System Restore"", there check the boxes No. "5. Desktop recovery", "16. Recovering the Explorer launch key" and "9. Removing system process debuggers"
  • Click the “Perform marked operations” button and reboot.

If the desktop does not start

In cases when the desktop does not load at all and even the “Start” button does not appear, you need to do what is described above, and if that does not help, then something else. Try launching the desktop through the task manager using the method described above. If you don’t have the AVZ program at hand, you’ll have to go into the registry. But I simplified the task for you and prepared a ready-made solution.

Recovering explorer.exe

If when you try to run “explorer.exe” a message appears that such a file was not found, then you will have to restore it. This can be done in three ways.

First way: Enter the command in the New Task window of the Task Manager:

Sfc /scannow

Most likely, the program will ask you to insert the Windows installation disk. If it is not there, then the second method may suit you. The program restores damaged and replaced files with original ones. When the program finishes running, reboot. By the way, this method can help if the desktop freezes, and the previous tips did not help.

Second way: copy the file “C:\Windows\explorer.exe” from a working machine with the same operating system, or download and unpack my versions:

To put the correct files in a Windows folder without Explorer, enter the command in the New Task window:

copy C:\Downloads\explorer.exe c:\windows

where C:\Downloads is the path to the file, and C:\Windows is the OS installation path.

Before this, you may need to “explorer.exe” as described above.

Third way also requires an installation disk, we will just get the required file from there manually. If the drive has the letter “E:” and the operating system folder is “C:\Windows”, then the procedure is as follows:

  • Installing the disc in the tray
  • In the already known input field we write:

E:\i386\expand.exe E:\i386\explorer.ex_ C:\windows\explorer.exe

Let's reboot!

Another way is to use Kerish Doctor.

After solving the problem you can.

In the video you can see how to restart the desktop. True, it doesn’t show how I launch the task manager using “Ctrl + Alt + Delete”, because Windows blocks video recording in this mode, but I think everything is clear.

For many years, users have been creating legends about the reliability of the Windows operating system from Microsoft. Alas, they are not always flattering. Either it will appear that the desktop does not load, or something else. Adherents of the Linux system in such situations always remember Bill Gates, urging everyone to switch to Unix systems. In fact, any student can disrupt the operation of a program, even the most reliable one. It is not for nothing that there is a whole selection. Therefore, it is necessary to immediately make a reservation that there are no absolutely reliable operating systems, and the problem when the desktop does not load occurs quite often. Moreover, not only in the outdated version of Windows XP. It happens that the Windows 7 desktop does not load, the developers of which took into account many of the errors of the earlier system.

Fortunately, sometimes it is possible to restore functionality. Please note - just sometimes, since, as we know, there is no panacea. It all depends on the reason why the desktop does not load. We list the main ones:

  • File system damage due to improper shutdown of the computer or power problems;
  • the appearance of a bad sector on the hard drive;
  • action of viruses (antiviruses).

The user, turning on the computer and waiting for the operating system to load, sees that the desktop does not load. Only the background image and mouse cursor appear.

First of all, there is no need to panic. You should try to boot in crash protection mode (press the F5 button during boot and select the desired item from the list), and then again in normal mode. You can also try to restore the last known good configuration. If this does not help, then read on.

The explorer file explorer.exe, launched as a process, is responsible for displaying icons and auxiliary elements. If the desktop does not load in Windows 7, then press the combination Ctrl+Shift+Esc on the background image. The Task Manager window should appear. In the “file” menu, select “New task” and enter explorer.exe. You can also use direct search (the file is located in the Windows folder). Usually the desktop appears and is fully functional.

Once you have access to the disks, you need to scan your computer with antivirus programs. There are many of them, for example CureIt from Dr.Web, or you can create a recovery disk from Kaspersky Lab. Then you need to make changes to the registry (Winlogon section, Shell parameter). It is the registry that tells the system to start the Explorer process. Detailed instructions for making changes to the registry can be easily found on the Internet.

Sometimes the root of the problem is the opposite - the antivirus removed the malicious program that intercepted it, but did not restore the registry entries. Again, you can’t do without editing.

Sometimes, due to a virus or “treatment,” the Explorer file itself becomes damaged and does not start at all. In this case, there are two solutions: a complete reinstallation of the system or, more preferably, copying the explorer.exe file from a known working computer to the Windows folder. At the same time, you need to remember that the versions of the operating systems must match (including service packs). For such copying you will need to boot from the LiveCD once.

In addition to software reasons, hardware faults can also affect the loading of the desktop. An unreadable bad sector of the hard drive that falls on an explorer file can manifest itself in just this way. In addition, it is not for nothing that the developers have provided a button for correct shutdown and reboot. Abuse of hot restart (Reset button on the system unit) can also contribute to problems with the file system. Conclusion: check the hard drive for errors. This can be done using the same LiveCD.

The last way to restore the system's functionality is to start reinstalling the operating system from the distribution kit and select "restore".

Sometimes the user is faced with the fact that after booting the computer, the screensaver loads, but icons And Windows panel won't load. Let's figure out why this happens.

If the desktop does not load

1. Load the desktop

Clamp there are three buttons on the keyboard CTRL+ALT+DELETE (on Windows 7, 8, 10 – CTRL + SHIFT + ESC ), after which it opens Task Manager. Go to the processes tab, look for explorer.exe, select it, click the button at the bottom to end the process.

And press new task. After which the following window will open:

Type explorer.exe and press enter. After which everything should start. If You can't enter command in English, then press review and select the file in the C:\Windows folder and click OK.

2. What to do if the explorer.exe file does not start

Method 1) open task manager as described above, click new task and enter the command in the window:

Sfc /scannow Most likely the program will ask you to insert the Windows installation disk. If it is not there, then the second method may suit you. The program restores damaged and replaced files with original ones. When the program finishes running, reboot. By the way, this method can help if the desktop freezes, and the previous tips did not help.

Method 2) copy the file “C:\Windows\explorer.exe” from a working machine with the same operating system, or download and unpack my versions:

For Windows 7:

For Windows XP:

To put the correct files in the Windows folder without Explorer, launch the task manager and enter the command in the window new task: copy (place where the file was downloaded for example: C:\explorer_xp.rar) c:\windows Before doing this, you may have to terminate the “explorer.exe” process.

To terminate the explorer.exe process launch the task manager as described above, go to the processes tab, find explorer.exe and click end process and ok.

Method 3) also requires an installation disk, we will just get the required file from there manually. If the drive has the letter “D:” and the operating system folder is “C:\Windows”, then the procedure is as follows:

  1. Installing the disc in the tray
  2. In the already known input field (task manager) we write: D:\i386\expand.exe D:\i386\explorer.exe C:\windows\explorer.exe

3. Restoring the desktop from startup

1. But it happens that you could remove this process from startup and then you can run the file prepared for you (by clicking on the link and selecting save as).

2. If you can’t start it, then after saving the file to your computer, launch the task manager again CTRL+ALT+DELETE(on Windows 7, 8, 10 CTRL+ SHIFT+ESC), and by clicking the browse button, select the downloaded file.

3. If you can’t do both, you can create the file manually. To do this, launch the task manager and select new team enter regedit. There we go

  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsNT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\explorer.exe
  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsNT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\iexplorer.exe

If there are files and - they should be deleted (right click on the key - context menu option Delete, or select the key with a left click and click on the Delete button).


there we look for the Shell parameter, it should have the explorer.exe parameter assigned

If there is no Shell parameter, then create it. Right-click on the Winlogon folder and create String parameter with the meaning . Reboot and everything should work.

PC users may experience a problem where the command to turn on the Windows desktop is not executed, i.e., when loading the operating system, a black screen appears on which only the mouse cursor is visible. The screen may freeze during the loading phase or in the desktop background with no shortcuts or bottom bar. The cause of this problem may be a system failure, a common virus, or incorrect operation of the registry cleaner. If your desktop starts, but nothing is displayed on it, then you.

In our article we will try to explain how to deal with the problem of the desktop not loading in Windows 7, 8, 10.

Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10 desktop does not load

If your desktop does not load, it means that the explorer.exe task is not running on your computer. You can enable it using the task manager. The action algorithm will be the same for all versions of Windows.

Press simultaneously Ctrl+Alt+Delete. Windows 7 will immediately open the Task Manager window. On later versions of the operating system, the corresponding item will need to be selected manually from the proposed menu. In the window that appears, in the File tab, select “Run a new task.” A window will open with an empty line where you need to enter the command explorer.exe. If you have administrator rights, it is advisable to check the box next to the “Create a task with administrator rights” option. After you click OK, the system should respond and start.

Editing the registry

Most often, the actions described above are one-time only. Thus, the machinations have to be repeated every time the system starts. To deal with the error, you need to restore the registry.

There are several ways to open Registry Editor. You can start a new task with the regedit command in the Manager or open the menu Start - Run and write the same command there. In any case, the register opens in front of you.

In it you should find the path:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon

In the folder that opens, find the indicator Shell. The command should be indicated next to it explorer.exe. Near UserinitC:\Windows\system32\userinit.exe.

If the actual values ​​do not correspond to those described, they must be changed by clicking the right mouse button. It may be that the indicator is missing altogether. In this case it should be added. Right-click on an empty space in the window and Create a string parameter. Give it the required name and details. Restart your computer.

If this doesn't help, try removing the keys from the registry explorer.exe And iexplorer.exe. They can be found in the section:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options

Follow the path:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\

and make sure that the Winlogon folder (the intermediate path is the same) does not contain indicators Shell And Userinit. If you find them, remove them. Try restarting your PC again.

System Restore

Another method that can help is system recovery. In the “Dispatcher” we create a new task rstrui.exe(it can also be launched from the Command Line by entering the data in the black window). System recovery mode is automatically activated. Click “Next”, select the save point by date at the time of normal Windows operation and click “Return to restore point”.

If this option does not help, try using the BIOS. During startup, press F8. In the black screen that appears, find the option Restore Last Known Good Configuration. The system will try to start.

If unsuccessful, you will have to use a boot disk or flash drive. Removable media must be connected to the computer. In the BIOS you must select to boot from your removable device. If you are using a disk, select CD-ROM Drive.

A Windows Setup window may appear on the screen, prompting you to select Yes/No. You need to opt out to perform a clean install. An installation window will open in which you select a language. Click Next. The next step, instead of “Install,” click System Restore. Select Troubleshooting.

The “Restore your computer to factory settings” option will delete all data from your PC. That is, your car will be absolutely clean, just like when you bought it. The Additional parameters option will allow you to make your own changes. You can restore the system from an image if you have ever saved it before. If not, then restore the system from a restore point. In the next window you will see the system that directly needs to be restored and then you will be able to select the point itself.

Desktop Actions

Sometimes drastic measures can be avoided. Let's say the desktop starts, but nothing is displayed on it. Try right-clicking on the screen. In the "View" menu, find the "Show desktop icons" option. There should be a check mark next to it.

Users often complain about shortcuts disappearing. The fact is that the system periodically removes unused or damaged shortcuts from the desktop. To cancel this feature, open the Control Panel. In the "System and Security" tab, find the "Troubleshooter" item. In the "Support Center" section, select the "Fix common problems" submenu and find the "Settings" item in the left panel. The Windows Maintenance Tool needs to be disabled.

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Hello! Some users may have encountered such a problem when, after turning on the computer, they suddenly discover that it is impossible to open any of the shortcuts on the desktop, if, of course, there are any on the computer desktop itself.

Usually in such situations, users blame the mouse itself, saying it is faulty or the USB port itself is faulty. Although in fact the reason is a completely different situation. So what exactly is the matter? When one day shortcuts and folders do not open on the desktop. In today's episode, we will look at the main ways to eliminate such a common problem.

Just the other day I was asked a similar question regarding this type of problem.

Hello Dmitry! This morning I turned on my computer and discovered that all the shortcuts on my desktop began to appear the same, and if I try to open the Excel program, then my documents folder starts up. I decided to restart the computer, but as a result, shortcuts and folders no longer open, and in addition, the Start button stopped working. Of course, I’m not an expert in computers, so I turned to you. Best regards, Viktor Sergeevich.

So, what to do in such a situation and what to do? I’ll say right away that the problem is not so serious and it can be easily solved. First of all, you don't need to tear anything down or remove it in a hurry. You need to calm down and pull yourself together. Nothing bad happened and all your data on the computer was not lost. In general, this situation is due to the fact that the user tried to open a program with a completely different program that was not intended to open it.

What does it mean? You ask! I’ll tell you in detail so that it becomes clearer to you. All programs on your computer are stored in the Program Files folder. Moreover, during installation, each program creates a so-called shortcut on the desktop with the extension .lnk for its further launch. This is done so that every time you start a program you don’t have to open the Program Files folder and look for the program you need.

For example, you installed a program for playing movies on your computer. Accordingly, the extension of such a program will be, for example, .avi, and a shortcut with the extension .lnk will appear on the desktop. That is, the program shortcut serves as a pointer to the operating system in which program the computer needs to open the shortcut launched by the user.

And if a situation arises when we launch one program, and as a result a completely different program opens to us, then in this case a so-called failure of file associations or shortcuts occurs. There was a failure in your system and that is why there was such confusion with opening programs. Although in some cases the shortcuts do not open at all. As a result, users think that a virus got into their computer and caused such an incident with shortcuts. Often a virus can do similar things, but these are very rare cases when a virus is the culprit. Of course, you first need to check your computer for viruses. If you don’t know which antivirus software is best to do this, then check out this article:

Very often, I would even say that about 85% of the culprit is the user himself. How could this even happen you ask? For example, you decide to open a movie on your computer. You double-click on a file with the .avi extension and a dialog box opens asking you which program you want to open this file in. You inadvertently specified an archive, for example WinRaR, and in addition, the checkbox “Use a program to open all files of this type” was checked.

From this moment on, strange things begin to happen with your labels.

How to eliminate the reason when shortcuts do not open?

Method 1. This method is the simplest. This method is suitable for those who do not want to edit anything and mess around in the operating system registry itself. All you need to do is download the finished file and run it on your computer. After this, you will need to restart your computer. The executable file you launch will make all the necessary changes to the system registry.

And if the problem was a file association failure, then all shortcuts will function properly again after restarting the computer.

Method number 2. This method is suitable for those who do not want to edit anything and mess around in the operating system registry itself. If the creation of recovery checkpoints is activated on your computer, then it will not be difficult for you to roll back the system to a previous state. You can learn how to do this in this issue:

This method is suitable for operating systems version Windows 7 and higher. In Windows XP, it will be possible to restore the system through the image itself created earlier. But this is not a very fast solution for Windows XP. For Windows XP you can download a ready-made file.

However, if there are no restore checkpoints on your system, then move on to the next method.

Method No. 3. When your computer is booted, in this case you should press the key combination WIN + R to open the Run window. In the window that opens, in the line itself, type the command regedit and press “Enter”. A Registry Editor window will open. Next, you should follow the next path.


Now you should delete the .lnk folder and restart your computer. After this everything should work.

Method No. 4. In this case, you can return the system to its previous state thanks to a previously created image using third-party programs. For example, Acronic True Image, Macrium Reflect, etc.

At the end of today’s article “Why shortcuts on the desktop do not open,” I suggest you also watch the following video.

I hope today’s issue was interesting for you and if you have not yet encountered faulty shortcuts on your desktop, then this article will be a useful note for you.