
The battery drains quickly on a Samsung phone. Why does my phone charge quickly? Reasons for accelerated discharge

Among owners of smartphones and tablets running Android OS, there are often cases when the battery charge drops sharply on its own. Often this malfunction leads to complete discharge in just one hour. A similar problem also occurs on devices with other systems, such as iOS, although much less frequently.

There can be many reasons why your Android battery drains quickly. These include both a large load on the device and the presence of viruses embedded in Android. Next, we will take a closer look at each of these problems and try to solve them.

Due to its openness and complexity, the Android OS is prone to crashes, and its optimization is at a rather low level. Often, it can keep several dozen programs running in the background at the same time. Therefore, even the Android standby mode eats up the battery. This explains why Samsung and any other brand phones quickly discharge.

In addition, most of these applications are not used by the user in any way and waste resources, which means it is worth disabling them.


In recent years, the Android operating system has become highly vulnerable to viruses. Moreover, most of them cannot be detected even by the best antivirus applications.

Under the influence of malware, the device’s performance drops significantly and the load on the processor increases. The characteristic features of a phone infection with a virus include:

  • increased temperature of the device body;
  • braking;
  • the appearance of advertising where it should not be.

Defective battery

One of the reasons why the battery's charge quickly drains may be its malfunction. With prolonged use, like any other equipment, it breaks down.

It is quite difficult to avoid such trouble. If you plan to use the same smartphone for, say, three years, then at some point you will have to replace the battery. This is necessary in order to continue to use the device comfortably.

Battery usage rules

Just a few years ago, when buying a new smartphone, sales consultants advised “rocking” the battery - completely discharging and charging it several times in a row.

Now this advice is absolutely useless, since new batteries such as Li-Pol and Li-Ion use other technologies that such “stress” only harms.

  1. It is extremely undesirable to completely discharge the phone, as this leads to a reduction in its lifespan. This occurs due to chemical degradation.
  2. You should charge the device as often as possible.
  3. The best charger you can use is the original one. Even though most phones now have the same connectors, each charger has a slight difference in voltage.
  4. Do not keep your phone charging in direct sunlight. Even such a minor factor will greatly affect the duration of the battery charge.

Ways to extend the operating time of a smartphone on a faulty battery

It is not always possible to charge the device, so if your Android is not eating up the battery as slowly as before, you should slightly adjust the operation of the system. What exactly needs to be done and how, we will consider further.


The screen consumes the most energy, so it's worth setting it up first. The following recommendations should help you:

  • The higher the brightness, the faster the display drains. Each device has the ability to adjust its settings, so change them to the lowest possible level as soon as possible.
  • Set the shortest time possible for the display to turn off automatically. This will prevent you from wasting energy.
  • When using a device with a screen built on AMOLED technology, you should set dark wallpapers on your desktop, since almost no energy is wasted when displaying black color.

Communication modules

Communication module components consume power in the background, including when the display is turned off. The constant downloading of new data produced by them leads to a waste of charge.

Almost all settings related to them are located in the “Wireless Technologies” section. The name varies depending on the version of the operating system, but in general it is not very different in each version, so finding them will not be difficult.

There are several ways to optimize this part of the system. Next, we will look at the main ones.

  • Turn off LTE if you are out of 4G coverage.
  • Turn off the mobile Internet itself if it is not currently in use.
  • Disable the Wi-Fi search feature if you don't need it at the moment.
  • Turn off Bluetooth. This technology consumes quite a lot of energy.


Modern devices are equipped with a huge number of sensors, due to which the device is discharged in less than an hour. If you deactivate them, the operating time will increase several times.

It's worth disabling:

  • First of all, stop the GPS. This function is usually placed in the top menu.
  • The accelerometer and gyroscope are among the most energy-consuming sensors, so automatic screen rotation should be one of the first to be turned off.
  • Electric motor. This small part is responsible for the vibration response, which drains the battery.
  • Additionally, you can disable synchronization with cloud services and delete unnecessary accounts.

All this will help to significantly extend the life of the device and make your use of it several times more comfortable.

Battery saving program

To simplify the implementation of all the above actions, a large number of third-party programs have been created. They allow you, through a convenient interface, to choose which functions you currently need and how the device will save money.

The best among such applications is Battery Doctor. This program is free and available to everyone. It has quite a wide range of functionality, allowing you to optimize settings as flexibly as possible and exercise control over them.

In addition, the program shows the remaining operating time of the device.


I hope this article helped you understand what to do when your battery drains quickly and why it happens. We tried to cover in as much detail as possible all the ways to extend the life of the battery, and talked about ways to keep it in working condition. If it’s easier for you to perceive information through video, then below you can find instructions in this format.

Write comments with your advice, we will be very grateful. If you still have questions, feel free to ask them there, we will answer everything. See you on the pages of the site!

Video instruction

In this video you will learn what to do if your Android battery runs out quickly.

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One of the common problems that modern phone users may encounter is rapid battery drain. Sometimes a device that had enough charge for 1-2 days begins to lose it for no reason and turns off at the most inopportune time.

What to do if your smartphone starts to discharge quickly? Next, we will look at the reasons for this phenomenon and help eliminate them.

Possible causes and solutions

So, what can cause your battery to drain rapidly?

We list the possible options:

  • excessive display brightness;
  • always-on wireless interfaces;
  • included GPS module;
  • mobile games;
  • Frequent device reboots
  • malware.

Reducing the display brightness

The problem may be hidden in the excessive brightness of the display, operating at 80-100%. Of course, working with a dim screen is quite inconvenient, but in most cases, a brightness level of 50% is quite enough.

To change this indicator you need:

  • go to the “Settings” menu;
  • then the “Screen” item;
  • choose a brightness level that does not interfere with comfortable work or set automatic adjustment to lighting if your smartphone has this function.

Attention! In addition to display lighting, many modern smartphones contain two more functions that can quickly drain battery power: auto-rotate display and smart standby. By turning them off, you will also save energy.

Disabling wireless interfaces

What to do if your phone battery is draining quickly? Disable wireless interfaces! Very often, after using them, they continue to work in the background.

Among these interfaces:

  • GPRS;
  • Bluetooth;
  • Wi-Fi.

It is important to know that even if they are not actively used at the moment and do not transmit any information, their operation still consumes a small part of the battery charge. If several wireless interfaces are connected at the same time, this can lead to faster energy consumption.

Photo: disabling wireless interfaces

Disabling the GPS module

Navigation apps have become an integral part of any smartphone, but you need to remember that they can cause your battery to drain quickly. To save money, we also recommend turning off the geolocation function, which often uses the camera, maps downloaded from the Internet, and social networks.

Such applications usually run in the background, which is why it is not always noticeable that they are the reason for the unreasonably rapid charge consumption.

Learning to save battery while playing mobile games

Games for smartphones have long been able to compete with projects for stationary consoles and PCs. They are becoming increasingly popular, and literally every user plays something on their phone from time to time. Unfortunately, such applications require a large amount of resources and consume battery power very quickly.

Photo: statistics window of one of the economic programs

Even with a new battery, the smartphone will not work as a gaming center for more than a few hours. Always keep this in mind when traveling or playing where there is no way to charge your phone. For more precise control over energy consumption, you can install a special utility.

Restarting the device

The battery life of mobile devices is also significantly reduced with frequent reboots. This is a resource-intensive process that can quickly drain your battery. In this case, there can only be one piece of advice - try to minimize turning the gadget on and off.

Use a reboot only in extreme cases, when, for example, the device is completely frozen.


Viruses and spyware can become a real “black hole” for the battery, in which most of its charge will drown. To prevent this, install an antivirus on your phone and regularly scan its contents.

Problems with installed software

If you are sure that the battery is not draining for the reasons described above, then you should pay closer attention to the installed programs.

Often one or even more of them can slowly drain power even when the device is in standby mode.

You can check running processes on the statistics screen, but if there is nothing suspicious there, all that remains is to completely clean your smartphone. You can do this by returning your phone to factory settings. This procedure is called “Hard Reset”.

This type of reboot is intended for extreme cases when the system experiences serious failures. In our case, Hard Reset can help remove applications that consume battery power and remain “invisible”. This also applies to viruses that could “sneak” onto your phone unnoticed.

If the installed antivirus did not help in the fight against them, then completely removing all programs (including malicious software) will come in handy. Read on to find out how to reset your device.

Video: Battery drains quickly

Hard Reset

Let's look at the details of the "hard reset" we talked about earlier. To launch it, manufacturers provide a special key combination, which is not so difficult to choose.

For smartphones running the Android operating system, this process will look like this:


After resetting the settings, you need to calibrate the charge:

  1. completely discharge the phone;
  2. take out the battery and wait a few minutes;
  3. insert it back and put the device on charge again without turning it on;
  4. leave the device to charge for several hours;
  5. After the battery is fully charged, take it out again, insert it back and start the phone, thus doing the calibration.

Mechanical damage to the device

The time it takes for your phone to fully discharge can also be affected by mechanical problems, such as when the device is dropped. In this case, there are not many measures that the user can take independently. If the battery is damaged, it is recommended to contact a service center or replace it with a new one.

Photo: mechanical damage to the phone

The best protection against such troubles is a number of precautions, including:

  • try not to drop or hit the phone;
  • do not leave it in the sun or near heat sources;
  • Protect the device from water and moisture.

We looked at the most common cases of why the phone starts to discharge quickly. Most often, this problem can be solved at home and will not become an obstacle even for a novice user. We hope that the methods we described were useful to you, and the precautions we learned will help you avoid such troubles in the future.

On Android phones, battery problems are quite common. Indeed, sometimes it is very difficult to establish the real reason why a smartphone discharges so quickly. In general, now this problem is not as relevant as before. In particular, the reason for this is that manufacturers install powerful batteries in their flagship devices. However, they are not the only ones that can provoke a rapid discharge. So, what are the main reasons why the battery runs out quickly on Android?

  • Poor optimization.
  • Powerful technical characteristics.
  • Incorrect use.
  • Technical difficulites.
  • Incorrect firmware.

These are the main reasons why the battery runs out quickly on Android. Let's look at each of these reasons in more detail.

Poor optimization

This point concerns phone manufacturers who did not want to work hard enough on the operating time of their devices. This is a purely software problem that is also related to the firmware. But there are some nuances here:

  • Manufacturers often install the same software on different models.
  • Charge control is very poorly implemented at the software level.
  • There is no adaptation for more milliamps.

These are the main elements of poor optimization that negatively impact battery life. Manufacturers need to think carefully about why the battery runs out quickly on Android and take appropriate measures.

Powerful Specifications

If you now have a powerful phone that has a quad-core processor, three gigabytes of RAM, a high-quality display and a powerful speaker, then it is not surprising that they consume more power. If poor optimization is added, the battery can drain right before your eyes. What should you pay attention to technically when it comes to why the battery runs out quickly on Android?

  • CPU. The clock speed and number of cores play a role here. Android phones do not have coprocessors, which are characterized by increased energy saving. This also negatively impacts battery life.
  • Display. This is another reason why the battery on Android runs out very quickly. This is especially true for bright displays with large resolution and diagonal.
  • Number of SIM cards. Many modern phones on this operating system have two SIM cards. If they work in parallel, this also negatively affects battery life. This is a very important point that explains why the battery on an Android phone runs out quickly.

This is what technically can drain the battery. Naturally, that's not all. But these points are basic. Be prepared for your phone to drain quickly if you buy a flagship model.

Incorrect use

This is also a pretty good reason. And for Android phones it is very relevant. The fact is that the system itself is built in such a way that applications are constantly running inside it. Even those that were closed. This system consumes a lot of battery. This is why the battery drains quickly on Android. Samsung is one of those companies that has been particularly criticized for this. Actually, for a reason. But if you use your phone correctly, the likelihood of losing it by the end of the day will significantly decrease. So what should you do?

  • Turn off wireless and navigation functions.
  • Reduce the brightness to minimum or at least turn on auto mode.
  • Constantly close programs open in the background.
  • Turn off mobile internet.
  • Turn off automatic updates.

If you follow these tips, then you will not have the question “Why does the Android battery run out quickly on your tablet.” This also applies to the phone, like any other device running this operating system.

Technical difficulites

Naturally, the reason for the rapid discharge of the phone can also be its breakdown. Under no circumstances should it be excluded. What can happen to the device that problems occur when using it?

  • Battery capacity has decreased.
  • There are problems with the charge controller.
  • Problems occur when charging the phone.

These are the main reasons why the phone dies. They concern those people who have already used their device for some time. After all, such problems most often happen over time. However, no one canceled the marriage.

Incorrect firmware

This is another fairly common cause of problems with their phones among Android users. If something goes wrong with the firmware, then the phone may also die. This is especially true for amateur installers (collected by users). You need to be very careful with them. Not only can they drain the battery, but they also void the warranty.


What conclusions can be drawn from this article? You need to carefully look at the following characteristics of the phone:

  • Performance (processor, RAM).
  • Battery capacity.
  • Screen.

The battery life depends on them. As for the software part, you should pay attention to:

  • Android version. The higher it is, the longer the phone will work.
  • Availability of interface add-ons from the manufacturer. A “naked” Android always uses less battery than interfaces from manufacturers.

If you pay attention to these points when buying an Android smartphone, its battery life will be much longer. You will be able to stay in touch with your loved ones for a longer period of time.

The non-stop evolution of devices still cannot cope with the problem of the dependence of modern smartphones on charging. Constant additional charging during active use of the device will tire any owner.

Charging problem

Working with the device naturally leads to, but sometimes it happens too quickly. No matter how advanced a device is, the charge level is the most painful topic for its owner.

If the smartphone is already relatively old, then excessive waste of charge is still understandable, but the question of why a new phone quickly runs out of power confuses many users. After all, the device was recently purchased, which means everything should be in order.

A natural question arises about why the phone discharges quickly. You can answer it only by studying all sides of the problem.


Despite their functionality, smartphones produced by Samsung have a noticeable drawback. Almost all manufactured models are equipped with a battery that does not match the filling. As a result of this disadvantage, the phone discharges incredibly quickly.

By equipping powerful flagships with batteries that are more suitable for budget devices than for functional devices, the company is deliberately creating a problem.

As a result, an advanced device becomes the owner of scanty capacities and is not able to maintain a charge for a long time for active work. On average, when using the Internet or applications, the charge lasts for a maximum of five hours.

This trend creates a need for a similar model with a larger capacity.

Battery problems are another reason why your phone drains quickly. Battery malfunctions can lead to rapid charge drain. Damage can be mechanical or due to overcharging. Malfunctions of some device parts during the charging cycle can damage the battery.


In addition to battery damage, malfunctions may also occur in the phone itself. The charge controller that limits incoming energy may be faulty. When this situation occurs, the incoming energy is not controlled and overcharging of the battery occurs.

Overcharging can damage the device's battery and, as a result, lead to rapid discharge. A swollen battery loses a huge amount of charge even in standby mode, and the phone needs to be connected to the network literally every few hours.

Incorrect operation of the radio module is also one of the reasons why the phone quickly discharges. Of course, being in the device consumes less energy, but there are functions that do not stop working.

The main expense in standby mode is the operator's network, which is provided by the radio module. As a result, improper operation of the module will increase the amount of charge consumed.


The biggest consumer of charge, especially in Samsung devices, is the display. A large and bright screen is undoubtedly an advantage, but it is also the reason why the phone quickly runs out of charge. Each model improves the display and uses more and more modern technologies, and as a result, the amount of energy consumed increases.

The huge screen and weak battery are the reasons why the phone drains quickly

Additional functions

Using additional features of the device, such as the Internet, widgets or small applications, you may encounter a large waste of charge.

Without paying attention to the switched on Wi-Fi or running navigator, the user loses approximately a quarter of the total charge per day.

It seems like a small expense, but if you add here active work with the device and consumption in standby mode, you get an unpleasant situation.


A significant part of the consumption is borne by the device system. This is why the phone runs out of battery quickly. Android, actively working with many applications in the background, wastes most of the total charge.

A lot of applications, inconspicuous widgets and even programs that monitor battery status consume a lot of energy throughout the day. As a result, even a phone in standby mode will use up about half the battery in a day.

The system will also load temporary and accumulated files on the device. Therefore, you should clean your phone occasionally.

Cost reduction

Anyone who has wondered why their phone is draining quickly will undoubtedly be looking for ways to help reduce the energy they use.

But the solution to the problem depends directly on the cause. First, it’s worth determining why your phone discharges very quickly. Applications that can generate a report on battery performance can help in this matter. Such programs will create a graph of energy spent on each item separately.

Reducing consumption in just one parameter will not bring much results. Therefore, it is important to pay at least a little attention to each point. This way you can achieve excellent results.

It is advisable to reconfigure the screen, which is the reason why the phone discharges very quickly. Reducing the brightness on the display will significantly reduce waste. The results will be especially noticeable on Samsung devices.

But solving a problem with the system will be much more difficult. Lots of apps and features are the reason why your phone drains quickly. Android has many settings, and you should start by shutting down unnecessary applications. Closing applications reduces the load on the phone and thereby reduces energy consumption.

In addition, you can disable functions that are not used or are not particularly important. Constant monitoring of the device’s actions will significantly save battery.

On the other hand, an always-on battery monitoring app will allow you to determine whether all parts of the device are functioning correctly. Does the controller cut off the supply of charge to an already filled battery and does the battery overcharge? Installing such a program will pay for itself in full and is indispensable in reducing overall costs.


If the phone has been used for a long time and battery consumption has increased, you should reset the settings, thereby deleting all old and non-working files. Using this method, it is important to transfer all the necessary data to another medium and remove the flash card. Resetting the settings will also remove all applications - both useful and not.

Battery replacement

One of the most productive solutions would be to replace the battery with an analogue with a larger capacity. Such a choice will not only expand the number of maH, but will also eliminate the need to reduce charge consumption.

Small battery capacity is the main reason why your phone drains quickly. Samsung Galaxy is especially prone to this problem. A line of smartphones equipped with the best screens and hardware have batteries that do not match the power of the device.


Understanding where a large amount of energy is spent, you can independently increase the operating time of the device. By solving not one point, but several at once, it is quite possible to achieve a good result.

For example, by replacing the battery and reducing energy consumption on all counts, you can actually get an increase in device performance by 80 percent. For the most part, such indicators will be obtained due to replacing the battery, but all other points are also important.

One of the most common problems with modern gadgets is that the battery on Android runs out quickly. Many users of smartphones from Samsung and other brands note that the battery discharges very quickly (within only 12-15 hours). For active people who cannot imagine their life without a phone, this is absolutely unacceptable. Turning off your phone at the most inopportune moment can lead to you missing an important call and, accordingly, being left completely without communication. If the Android OS is eating up your battery, you can optimize the operation of the OS, perform calibration or customize the interface.

Reasons for accelerated discharge

Before answering the question why the phone battery drains quickly, it is necessary to identify the cause of this problem. This will help you take the right measures. The first and most commonplace option is battery wear. Despite the fairly high development of technology, the batteries on phones have a relatively short lifespan. You can view the life level of your battery using special applications such as Battery Info or MacroPinch Battery. Also, swelling of this element indicates a clear need for replacement. A damaged battery may cause your phone to not charge.

Often smartphones from Samsung or other manufacturers are equipped with a rather weak battery. The phone discharges quickly, especially when the processor uses all its capabilities. Modern 4- and 8-core processors require a battery of 2500 milliamps. Sometimes the OS and hardware very quickly eat up all the charge.

The reason that the device quickly sits down may be the OS itself. Numerous processes, background programs, widgets and wallpapers, little by little, eat up battery power. Also, constantly searching for a network can cause the phone to quickly discharge. Here you need to configure the OS, i.e. turn off unused software.

Are you the owner of a Samsung or any other Android gadget and your battery is running out quickly? Then we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the list of useful tips. These recommendations can both completely solve the problem of rapid discharge and extend the life of the smartphone on a single charge.

Optimal charging mode

If you have a brand new recently purchased Samsung or any other smartphone with a lithium-ion battery, then you can extend the service life with the right charging technology. You need to put your gadget on “recharge” when the charge bar is around 10-20 percent. Fast charging must be carried out to 80-90 percent.

Lithium-ion batteries on Android do not have a “memory effect” and also do not tolerate large depths of discharge. How to save battery power? Just avoid completely discharging your smartphone and recharge it regularly. If the percentage drops below 15 and there is no way to charge your phone, try not to use your smartphone. You can also deactivate the gadget. This is the answer to the question of how to save battery life.

Disabling unnecessary things

It is not uncommon for batteries to drain due to various background processes and multiple active services. Accidentally turning on GPS, flashlight or auto call - all this eats up battery life. To turn off unnecessary processes, you need to take a couple of simple steps:

Be careful as stopping some services may interfere with your phone's functionality. Some of the processes are re-enabled after a reboot.

Lighten up the interface

If your phone or tablet runs out of power quickly, you may have too much brightness and live wallpaper. Using the smartphone is quite convenient even at an average brightness level, and the animated wallpaper can always be replaced with a regular beautiful screensaver. Also set the smart sleep mode. This function unloads inactive processes from memory, while minimizing the device's power consumption. As a result, Android consumes less battery, and the phone lasts longer. You can change the brightness settings in the “Screen” section of the “Brightness” submenu.

Minimizing network consumption

If your Android device is quickly draining, try turning off the SIM card. In areas with a weak signal, the phone is constantly searching for a connection to the network. In combination with the operation of the OS, this leads to accelerated discharge. How to disable a SIM card? This is done using standard phone settings:

  1. Go to your phone's home screen.
  2. Swipe down to open the quick access menu.
  3. Activate Airplane Mode.

To prevent the mobile network, GPS and communications from eating up the battery, you can activate this mode.

Battery calibration

What should I do if, when charging, the system does not bring the charging percentage to 100? This is a very common question. The smartphone does not charge to the maximum percentage if the battery is not calibrated. The calibration process is to bring the battery to its optimal state. Calibration will also help solve the case when the phone takes a long time to charge.

You can do calibration using special applications that are distributed free of charge in the Google Play store. For example, Battery Callibration automatically calibrates the battery after being completely discharged and recharged. The user will only need to press one Calibrate button. Some gadgets have a standard analogue of this application in the operating system. If you urgently need to drain your phone, activate Wi-Fi, and then simply launch a “heavy” application that will put a lot of stress on the processor and OS. This is the easiest way to quickly discharge a mobile device. If the battery does not charge at all, check the power supply or socket on your phone.

Now you know why the battery drains quickly and how to fix it. If the system is working correctly, nothing volatile is running on the phone, and the battery on Android is quickly discharged, you must always have an alternative power source.

The easiest option is to carry an extra battery with a full charge. This will completely solve the problem when Android quickly discharges. Users can make replacements quickly and easily. The best option is to buy a Power Bank. This is a portable charger that contains a high-capacity battery (from 10 thousand milliamps). You can charge several devices from it at once on the road or in nature.