
How to limit Internet use. How to limit Internet use in Internet Explorer. Parental control on mobile devices based on Android, iOS, Windows Phone

  • A content manager can be used, but there is more efficient software that allows you to:
  • Control what programs and games run on your computer
  • Limit computer use to days or hours.
  • View a list of visited websites.
  • Control access to sites.
  • To compare the capabilities of different programs, look at the data in this table:
Comparison Chart
Program OS Browsers Web Categories Per User Remote Control Restrict by Time Restrict Programs Restrict Chat Price
Windows IE6 4 No No No No No Free
K9 2000/XP Any 59 No No Yes No No Free
Windows Firefox
35 No No Yes No Yes $40
Windows I.E.
60 Yes No Yes Yes No $40
2000/XP Any 22 No Yes Yes Yes No $40
Note: SafeEye's license includes installation on 3 computers, and there is a Mac version available.
  • If a child is logged in as an administrator, they may try to disable content filtering by deleting registry settings. Create a restricted account for them to prevent them from editing the registry.
  • Limiting Internet use can result in bad behavior if the child is used to something completely different, so try to install filtering when they are still very young so that they immediately get used to this stripped-down version.
  • Content Manager only filters data in Internet Explorer, so if someone in the family installs another web browser, such as Firefox, the filtering will no longer be effective. To prevent a user from installing another browser and bypassing Internet Explorer's filters, create a new user account on your computer and set it to limited user rights. This could be a guest account; in Windows it performed quite well. Make sure that other users register in the system under the account you created, then their ability to install new programs will be limited.
  • Here are a few more programs that are worth installing:
    • K9 Web Protection is one of the best programs for parental control over the use of programs. On the Internet you can find a lot of tips and recommendations for parents who want to protect the virtual life of their children.
    • BrowseControl is an easy to install control program.
    • SafeEyes - this is installed in some schools.
    • CyberPatrol is perhaps one of the most common programs for home use. It also provides control over access to programs installed on the computer.
    • ContentProtect – supports remote control function.
  • Built-in tools. If you subscribe to AOL, MSN, or Earthlink, or have Kaspersky Antivirus, Norton Internet Security, or ZoneAlarm Internet Security installed on your computer, you already have some parental control tools built into those programs.
  • If your children or other Internet users in your home feel that their Internet options are limited, take the time to explain what will happen to a computer that has no security at all, and introduce Internet filters as part of security.
  • Free proxy services can hide further navigation to web pages from parental control programs. Of course, most programs will automatically block access to such sites, but it is worth checking your surfing history to see any attempts to bypass the protection and have a conversation with your child about what is acceptable on the Internet.
  • Advanced children may try to use cheats to bypass your supervision.

Nowadays, the majority of children aged 7-14 years old use devices that have access to the World Wide Web. And their first acquaintance with a computer occurs even earlier. It is known that the Internet is not only a bottomless source of information, but also the most convenient global means of communication. And the Internet is filled not only with what a child is supposed to know. The problem arises of how to configure access to the Internet in such a way as to block unwanted sites, but leave the opportunity for studying.

Types of parental internet controls

Parents need to first understand how parental restrictions for access to applications and the Internet work. With the help of such a protective measure, the impact on the child from the computer and the Internet is controlled. You can activate parental controls using software built into the operating system, or separately installed applications.
There are different ways to implement parental controls, but they can be grouped into two main categories:

  • active parental control;
  • passive parental control.

In the first case, there is a total tracking of any actions taken by the child. The corresponding program sends to the parent computer the entire list of sites visited by the child. In addition, adults can block loading sites with questionable content.
With passive parental controls you can set a time limit using a smartphone or computer. In addition, an adult can prohibit the installation, downloading or running of certain applications(this often applies to games). You can give your child access only to a limited list of sites, etc. It’s not that difficult to figure out how you can limit children’s access to the Internet, since this does not require special knowledge or skills. The interface of these special offers looks quite friendly.

Parental control on PC (laptop)

If you use the Windows OS settings, this will take a little time. First you need to follow the route:

  • start;
  • options;
  • Accounts;
  • family.

Here you need to click on the “add family member” button and create a new profile. After this, the system will prompt you to “add a child account.” After entering the basic data, you should indicate the age of the offspring. If, according to the date, it turns out to be less than 8 years old, then the OS will automatically enable the highest level of security.
After installing parental controls, everything else is simple. The system will automatically block prohibited addresses, but parents will be able to make some changes to its operation.
For example, set a timer, after which parents can rest assured that the child will not stay up late playing games. You can also block individual applications or track the time your child spent using a specific application. In addition, parents will have access to information about the activity of using this device.

A couple more tips:

  • Many parents have found themselves in a situation where their tired child begins to act up, throw things, fight, and is about to become hysterical. Ta... For children you can install
  • children's search engines such as MSN Kids Search. Useful to create
  • a family email account where each child would have his own personal address. The child needs to be explained It is important to consult with adults before posting any information online, this also applies to downloading programs, files, music or videos.
  • If the child feels any anxiety or threat emanating from the Internet, he must immediately notify his parents about it.
  • We need to help him find information, support him, teach him how to correctly use information online.

Software restriction of Internet access

It is best that the computer with an Internet connection is located in a common room (for example, a living room), then the presence effect will work. Parents can also limit Internet access for their offspring using special programs.

Net Police

Not only a paid, but also a free version of this program is available. In its settings, you can deny access to resources whose subject matter does not suit parents: gambling, pornography, alcohol, drugs, weapons, scenes of violence, etc.

Computer Time

With this program, parents can set time limits for computer use.

Salfeld Child Control 20

This program will also not allow the child to sit too long at the computer - at the appointed time it will turn off the system and will not allow re-entry.

Windows Guard

This program blocks access to files and programs on the computer using a password. It is designed very simply.

Kaspersky PURE

This program will also help prevent your child from being on the Internet uncontrollably. The parental control function implemented in it can limit the use of the Internet by children. In it you can set a time interval during the day and each day of the week when access to the network will be impossible.

How to set up Internet access restriction on a tablet or smartphone?

There are several options for limiting children's access:

  • For Android devices You can use not only the access restriction functions built into it, but also download a special program for this from the Play Market.
  • Play Pad Kid Launcher will allow parents to limit the list of programs that can be launched. The same program will not allow a child to “wander” into an online store and make purchases there. And only parents can remove the device from child mode. Parents will be able to control such a device, limit the time it is used remotely, and you can also track its location.
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The Internet is full of safe and sometimes even useful educational and entertainment resources that can be used even by children. Unfortunately, there is also a lot of inappropriate content on the Internet that is not intended for children. The second danger is the activities of scammers and hackers; also, some children spend too much time on the Internet, practically not leaving their room in their free time.

Some parents resort to extreme measures - they prohibit their child from using the computer by setting a password on it. However, this does not always lead to the desired result; often children either get offended or throw tantrums. There are many solutions to this problem that will not be perceived so painfully by the child.

Microsoft's Parental Controls are a special feature that protects children when they use the family computer.

It affects three aspects:

To enable parental controls, you must create a separate account for children. It will allow the child to use only acceptable programs and visit sites approved by parents.

Note! Before creating a new account, make sure you have a password set on your own. Don't tell it to your child.

Step 1. From the Start menu, open Control Panel.

Step 2. Select "User Accounts" and open the "Manage Another Account" section.

Once your children's account has been created, you can proceed directly to setting up parental controls.

Step 4. Open the User Accounts section of Control Panel again.

Step 5. Now, in addition to your own, the new one you just created is reflected there. Open a child account.

Step 6 Click Set Parental Controls.

Step 7 A new window will open all the parameters that parents can configure at their own discretion.

Step 8 Setting up the computer usage time. Use the cursor to highlight the time when computer work will be prohibited or permitted.

Step 9 Setting up games. First of all, decide whether your child can play games that do not have a rating, and then set the age category that you think is acceptable.

Step 10 From the list of all programs installed on your computer, select those that you can run. Don't flag browsers to restrict your child's internet access.

Parental controls via router

Many modern routers have built-in child control functions. Everything is already provided in advance, users just have to make personal changes.

Step 1. Open your router settings in your browser by entering one of the addresses you see in the screenshot below into the search bar.

Step 2. Enter your username and password.

Step 3. Go to the "Internet" section.

Step 4. From the menu on the left, select Parental Controls. The essence of this function is to introduce restrictions for each individual device that connects to the home network.

Step 5. Change the settings by adding a time rule and address filtering. First, create a new time rule.

Step 6 Come up with and enter a name for this rule, set restrictions that satisfy the interval of Internet use. In the "Applies to" section, check only the devices your child uses, which could be a laptop, phone, or tablet.

Step 6. You can also enter multiple URLs that will not be opened from the devices you select.

Be sure to save all changes and reboot your router if possible. The main advantage of this method is the ability to limit a child’s access to the Internet not only from a computer, but also from any other device that he uses at home. These restrictions will not affect mobile phones and tablets with SIM cards if the child does not connect to Wi-FI.

Control software

In addition to the built-in functions discussed above, there are many programs from third-party developers that also help limit children's access to the Internet.

This company's first offering in the parental control software market. The program offers cloud-based filtering and blocking of websites from 70 different categories (drugs, porn, gambling, violence, etc.).

It is possible to create your own lists of prohibited sites based on your needs.
If necessary, most settings can be overridden with a parental password.

The program runs on the latest Windows, MacOS, iOS and Android platforms

The program has a very clear, easy to use interface. Features include: social media monitoring, customized time limits for games or apps, ability to track text messages and calls. The Internet filter recognizes sites with inappropriate content in real time and blocks them.

Questudio runs on Windows, MacOS, Android and iOS. Some additional features (such as game blocking, location tracking, etc.) are available with a subscription

Features: Protect Internet-connected game consoles such as Xbox One, automatically block fraudulent sites.
The competitive advantage of this program is the ability to apply parental control settings not only to individual devices, but also to the router, which allows you to filter absolutely all traffic that passes through it
This free parental control software tracks who your child communicates with and what websites and programs they use. She keeps a detailed activity log.

It does not restrict access, but allows you to monitor your child’s online activities. Unfortunately, not all functions are available in the free version, but even without them it remains a fairly well-thought-out child safety tool.

Video - How to add an account and set up parental controls in Windows 10

To do this, specify categories in the settings or enter the names of individual sites to which access is prohibited. You can also block access to all sites except those you specify in the allowed list. You will also have access to website visitation statistics and a detailed report.

To restrict your child's access to websites:

  1. Create a separate computer account for your child.
  2. Click Parental control.
  1. If a password has been set for the component, enter it and click To come in. If you have forgotten your password, follow the recommendations in the recovery article. If you have not set a password, set one and click Continue.

  1. Define the password scope and click Create a password.

  1. Enter your password and click To come in.

  1. Turn on Parental control and click on the link Set up restrictions for the required account.

  1. In the window Parental control In chapter Internet select Adult websites, if you want to prevent a user from accessing certain categories of websites.
  2. Click on the link Select website categories.

  1. In the window Block access to website categories Select the checkboxes for the categories you want to block.
  2. Click on the button Back.

  1. Choose a section Internet.
  2. If you want to deny a user access to all sites except those you add to the exclusion list, select All websites except those allowed in the exclusion list.
  3. Click on the link Add exceptions.

  1. In the window Exceptions click Add.

  1. In field Web address mask enter the address of the site like*. An asterisk in an address mask means any sequence of characters. If the address mask contains the characters * , ? , \ , then when entering them, use an additional character \ , otherwise they will be perceived as special characters and not part of the address. For example, if you add an address like , then when you add the address to the list, the mask will look like this:\?anti-virus .
  2. Select the action the program will perform:
    • Allow.
    • Prohibit.
  3. Select scope:
    • Specified page only.
    • Entire website.
  4. Click Add.

The child must use only your account, for which you have configured a restriction.

Many software products require an Internet connection to operate. You don’t pay attention to this fact until the connection deteriorates - sites open slowly, everything slows down. And the applications themselves begin to update, download ads, etc. This can seriously complicate working on the computer. Therefore, it is a good idea to know how to block a program from accessing the Internet.

The ability to deny access will remove many problems. Even if the software is not running, it may be listed in startup. Then you don’t know about its operation at all, but you are surprised at some sluggishness of your PC.

How to find out who is accessing the Internet

Let’s use the Windows system tool – “Resource Monitor”. The easiest way to find it is through search. Click on the magnifying glass and enter a name.

Click on the found application and a window will open in which you can monitor all the activity of your PC. Go to the "Network" tab.

Look carefully. Are you currently using Skype? No? Then it can be closed. This will save resources. You will also see other services that access the network without your knowledge.
Naturally, Skype should not be blocked from accessing the Internet. But it is quite possible to prohibit other programs. For example, unlicensed. This will prevent unnecessary downloads of updates.

How to block Internet access to a program

To do this, you need an application called a firewall or firewall. If you use such applications, configure them. If you have an antivirus that allows you to block it, you can specify it in its parameters. But the easiest way to deny access is to use the built-in Windows firewall. We'll tell you how to block a program's access to the Internet using Windows 10 as an example.

To launch the settings, you can use the search or the main context menu (right mouse button on the “Start” button). We need a control panel.

Switch to Categories view and select System and Security.

Here you will find what you are looking for. Open it up.

The green color of the shield means the firewall is enabled.

If you see red, turn on the service. To do this, click on the “Turn Windows Firewall on or off” option on the left and select “Enable.”

Attention! If you use another firewall, then it is better not to enable the built-in one, but to make all settings in a third-party one. Otherwise, conflicts may arise.

Here we will need to configure the rules.

To block a specific program from accessing the Internet in Windows 10 Firewall, you must set inbound and outbound rules.
Let's start with inbox. Click on “Rules for incoming connections”. On the right side of the window you will see “Create Rule”. Press.

In the window, select “For the program” and click “Next”.

Select the desired program by clicking the "Browse" button.

Select the option to block connections and click “Next”.

Come up with a name for the rule so you don't get confused later. And click done.

The rule appears in the list. Its purpose is to prevent applications from receiving data from the network.

Create a rule.

We managed to block the program's access to the Internet with a firewall. These simple steps will help you control how programs access the Internet.

Have a great day!