
Free file sharing services - how to upload a photo and get a link to the picture. Free file hosting services - how to upload a photo and get a link to the picture Photo hosting pixs

Additionally, somewhere else, upload it to a photo hosting site. Here are the addresses of some of them:,, Even photo hosting sites that do not require mandatory registration often provide the opportunity to do so voluntarily. It gives additional opportunities.

After downloading, you will receive a set of several links. Some of them are direct (to the page with the image and directly to the image file). Sending one of them to someone via email or instant messaging will allow the recipient to view the photo. Other links contain ready-made codes for inserting full-size or thumbnail images of the forums.

To start in Internet permanent photo album and get the opportunity to add photos to it, delete them and organize them into groups, register in one of the photo gallery management services, for example:, The method of registration on such services is no different from that on regular forums. Enter the required information, including your real email address. Once you receive a confirmation link at this address, follow it. Then log in to your photo gallery using the login and password you received, and then start adding photos (the method of adding them depends on the photo hosting site you choose).

To add a photo to your account on a particular social network, log in with your username and password, go to the section intended for storing photos, and then select the item intended for adding photos. Add a photo (the method for adding it depends on the social network), provide it with a comment, and then, if possible, indicate which categories visitors can view it.

To add a photo to Wikipedia, be sure to register with it if you have not done so previously. Anonymous users do not have the ability to add images. Log in with your username and password, then select “Upload file”. When adding a photo, be sure to indicate the authorship, as well as the license under which you allow it to be used. Without this, the image will soon be deleted. Also include brief information about what is shown in the photo.

Once uploaded, the photo will be given a new name. To insert an image onto a page, place the following construction in the required place in its code: [], where NNN is the width of the reduced image in pixels. Clicking on a thumbnail image will take you to its page, where it will be slightly larger. Clicking on the image again will allow you to view it in its original size.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Each of you, communicating on forums, on social networks, creating your own official pages there (for example, or your own), sooner or later asks the question, how can you go online on your own? upload a picture and get a link to it, so that you can also share your masterpieces with friends.

Looking ahead a little, I’ll say that you just need upload the file to a file hosting service, of which there are quite a few on the Internet. In today's publication we will look at the most popular file hosting services and learn how to upload a picture to the Internet and get a link to it for further publication on social networks or on forums.

Upload photos to a free file hosting service

In addition to the free file hosting services, which we will consider below, there are also many paid ones, which are needed only in order to be able to download heavy files from the Internet at high speed (the download speed will depend on the price for the file hosting service). This applies more to videos, which weigh quite a lot and can take more than one hour to download. So this is not our option. We are interested in something else - how to upload a photo to the Internet and get a link to it and do it fast and completely free.

Photo hosting Radical

One of the most famous among free photo hosting sites is radikal.

Upload a picture and get a link you can either register - in this case you will have access to more opportunities to work with images uploaded to the Internet, or without registering - in this case you will not have the opportunity to delete any of the images uploaded to the file hosting service, which sometimes is very useful, believe me.

Yes, keep in mind one feature of this service - your photos can also be included in the “photo of the day”, even if you have prohibited ratings and comments on them in the settings.

This is my favorite hosting for uploading photos to the Internet, but let's look at a few more equally remarkable ones.

Pixic - image and image hosting

Uploading a file to the Pixic file hosting service is as easy as shelling pears.
We go to this hosting of pictures and images, click “Browse...” and select the file that we want to upload to the Internet. Expanding the window with image and preview settings, we make the necessary adjustments. Then click on “Download”.

Upload an image to Pixic not difficult, but this program, unfortunately, has a number of limitations:

  1. Supported formats: gif, jpeg, png
  2. Limit of files for simultaneous upload: 10
  3. Limit for downloading from the Internet: 30 MB
  4. Limit on uploaded file size: 5 MB
  5. Maximum product of sides: 25 MP

Those who are not bothered by such restrictions are welcome.

Upload photos to Yapix

Yapx is also free and not at all complicated in terms of upload a photo and get a link hosting. You can upload an image either without registration or with it - by entering the requested data or using your registration on social networks such as Facebook, Odnoklassniki, VKontakte, mail ru:

Now by logging into your profile you can:

  1. Add an image
  2. Create a story in pictures
  3. View all your uploaded images
  4. View your best images in the public gallery
  5. View those images from the public gallery (other people's, not just yours) that you liked and marked them as liked - added to the list of favorites

Upload a picture to pixs

In order to be able to create albums, add any images to them, and have access to editing, you must register. Registration will take no more than a few seconds. Click on “My Pictures” (in the upper right corner), where you will be asked to either log in with your details or register - enter your email address and create a password.

  1. Click on “Download”
  2. Select an image from your computer or from the Internet (enter )
  3. Come up with a name for our image (if desired)
  4. We reduce our image to the desired size (if you do not check the box, it will be loaded at the same size as it is)
  5. Well, if you really want to, then we allow the publication of our image in the gallery


Picasa supports various file types, such as bmp, gif, png, tiga, tif, tiff, psd, raw, avi, mpg and many others, which can be either allowed or disabled by checking the boxes in the settings.

And in the free program from Google you can create folders, edit them, view a slide show of selected images, . And all this is in addition to the available free editor, which is very rich in all sorts of filters and effects applied to the images available in the file hosting service.

Upload file to vfl

You upload a photo to the vfl file hosting service, and then receive a link (code) to publish it on a website, blog, forum, or social networks.

    The advantages of photo hosting include:
  1. Free
  2. Relatively fast
  3. Unlimited photo posting
  4. Unlimited image storage period
  5. Photos are always available and open quickly
  6. Unobtrusive advertising

There is also technical support that will try to answer all your questions as soon as possible and help if the need arises.

Let's see what vfl is:

Click on “Select photo to upload” and in the window that appears, select one or more (while holding down the Ctrl key on the keyboard) images, then click on “Upload”. You can upload up to 10 images at a time, which should not exceed 5 MB in weight.

If you go through a very simple registration, you will be able to create photo albums and configure access rights to both the photo albums themselves and individual photos. You will also be able to download 20 images at a time (instead of 10), weighing up to 7 MB (instead of up to 5 MB) each.

    On the right there are additional settings:
  1. Select the size to which the uploaded image will be reduced
  2. Rotate 90, 180 or 270 degrees
  3. Select preview sizes
  4. Photos for adults - check this box if a nude photo is uploaded (even if only the top part is naked)
  5. Do not show on the main page - the photo will be available only at the direct address, will not be indexed by search engines, and the address where this photo is posted will not be indicated
  6. Do not display GPS coordinates (the vfl file hosting service can read these same coordinates if they are included in the image)
  7. Delete the image after some time (you choose this time yourself if you check the appropriate settings)
  8. Well, if you wish, you can put some marks on the photo

If you know any other photo hosting sites that are interesting in their characteristics, then please share your impressions about them in the comments. Thank you!

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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Frequently asked questions from users:

Not all forums provide the opportunity to upload a picture (photo) to their server. It often happens that you can insert a picture only through a link to a third-party site. Why is that? — Because you always have to pay someone for disk space. And when a forum or other resource is used by a large number of users, it may take a lot of disk space (and therefore money) to accommodate all their attachments.

  1. Upload the image to a special site that serves as image hosting.
  2. After downloading, copy the link.
  3. Insert the image using this link or send a link to the image to the recipient.

For example,

Step 1. Go to the website

Step 2. Click on the button Choose File near the inscription Upload from computer :

Step 3. Point to the file on your hard drive and click Choose. Now we see that the file is ready to be uploaded to the site. Press the button Download :

Step 4. After loading the image, links to it appear. We copy the desired URL option (for websites or forums) and can send or paste it where we need it: