
Disable User Account Control (UAC) in Windows. User Account Control (UAC) Guide Windows 7 User Account Control blocks a program

User Account Control increases the security of the operating system by limiting the list of actions that can be performed by third-party applications and the user himself without administrator approval. These actions include: launching and installing programs, installing and uninstalling services, making changes to the registry. When asked for permission to perform a particular operation, a window is displayed in front of the user where he can confirm or reject the action.

Let's figure out how to disable User Account Control in Windows 7 in the following ways:

  • through “Account Management Settings”;
  • via the command line;
  • using the Group Policy Editor;
  • by directly editing the corresponding registry entry.

So, let's start with the simplest and most understandable option for beginners to disable UAC.


The “UserAccountControlSettings.exe” file, located in the “System32” directory for Windows of any capacity, is responsible for setting up UAC. You can call it in several ways:

  • go to the above folder and run the file “UserAccountControlSettings.exe” or insert the following line into the address bar of Explorer: “%WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\UserAccountControlSettings.exe” and press Enter;
  • in the window that appears, the next time you try to change something in the system or run a program, click “Configure the issuance of such notifications”;
  • open the command interpreter window using the Win + R key combination, enter the command “UserAccountControlSettings.exe” and press Enter;

Via "Control Panel"

In the latter case, execute the following instructions.

  1. Call “Start” and click on the account avatar.
  1. In the window that opens, click on the link “Change control parameters...”.

Here you can take a more complicated route: open the “Control Panel” and follow the path circled in the screenshot above.

After confirming the action, a target window appeared in front of us with a link to the help section, a vertically located slider and a pair of buttons.

  1. Here we move the slider to the lowest position “Never notify”.

Please note that this option is designed to run non-certified software. You should select it only when you are completely confident in the actions being performed and the absence of malware on the computer.

  1. Confirm lowering the security level to minimum by clicking “Yes”.
  1. Reboot the PC for the new settings to take effect.

Local politics

The Local Security Policy Editor allows you to manage all aspects of Windows 7 security. Let's look at how to disable UAC using this tool.

Irrelevant for the home edition of "Seven".

  1. Open the command interpreter using the Win + R keys or the button of the same name in “Start”.
  1. Enter the command “secpol.msc” into the text line and click “OK”.
  1. We agree to perform the operation.
  1. Expand the “Local Policies” section by clicking on the arrow next to the item name or highlighting it by pressing the → button located on the keyboard cursor block.
  1. We go to the “Security Settings” directory, where through the context menu of the “User Account Control: all administrators work in approval mode...” entry, call it “Properties”.

The same can be done by double clicking on the entry.

  1. Disable User Account Control by moving the trigger switch to the “Disabled” position and click “OK”.

Registry Editor

  1. Open the window for executing system commands, enter the line “regedit” there and click “OK”.
  1. We confirm the operation, as before, and go to the “HKLM” branch.
  1. Move to the folder shown in the screenshot.
  1. Open the “Properties” of the “EnableUA” key through the element’s context menu or by pressing Alt + Enter.

User Account Control (abbreviated as UAC) is a security feature that helps prevent unauthorized changes to your PC, which may be caused by software, viruses, or other users. UAC ensures that changes are made with administrator permission. In this case, the program execution stops and a confirmation window pops up. Over time, this becomes somewhat annoying, so the lesson is dedicated to how to disable User Account Control in Windows 7.

Note: Disabling UAC will reduce system security. Make sure that running the application will not harm your PC.

It is possible to remove the annoying component window using 4 methods:

  1. Through the Account Control Levels window
  2. Using Group Policy
  3. Using the registry
  4. Using the command line

In addition to the described algorithm of actions, you can download ready-made options that disable account control in a couple of mouse clicks. We’re ready to get rid of constantly popping up messages, then let’s get started.

Disabling through the User Account Settings window

The shortcut for launching User Account Control options is located in the System32 system folder and is called UserAccountControlSettings.exe. With its help you can disable uac in windows 7 by moving the slider with the mouse. Follow these steps:

3. On the left side of the open window, move the slider to 4 points (shown in the image) and click OK. This will turn off User Account Control and annoying Windows 7 warnings.

4. Don't expect results right away. The changes will be applied after the next startup or reboot of the PC.

Disabling UAC via Group Policy

This method is only suitable for editions of Windows 7:

  1. Professional
  2. Maximum
  3. Corporate

Other editions are deprived changes to User Account Control options through the Local Group Policy component, due to its reduced capabilities. If you are their owner, skip these instructions, otherwise read on.

1. Launch the Local Group Policy interface. Press Win (button with Logo) + R, enter in the form that opens secpol.msc and click enter.

2. If a UAC prompt appears, click “yes”. In the window, click on the arrow next to the “local policies” section, then select the “security settings” subsection. A list of policies will be displayed on the right. Find the “Account Control” item, where it says “all admins work in admin approval mode” separated by a colon (see picture). Double-click on it with the mouse.

3. In the option properties, select “disabled”. Click "apply" then OK. Close all windows and restart your computer.

Removing warnings using the registry

To disable User Account Control in Windows 7, follow the steps sequentially and do not change other settings.

1. . Click on , type regedit.exe into the search and press enter.

2. Get to the System subsection (full path in the screenshot). In the right pane, find the option EnableLUA, double click on it.

3. Set the value to 0, which disables UAC. Accordingly, 1, on the contrary, turns on. Click OK. Restart the system.

There is also a ready-made option. Download the archive and extract it. The archive contains 4 REG files, which are responsible for the levels of user account control.

  1. Uroven-1.reg
  2. Uroven-2.reg
  3. Uroven-3.reg
  4. Uroven-4.reg – UAC disable file

Right-click on the 4 REG file and select “merge” from the menu. Confirm the action by clicking “yes” twice. Then restart Windows 7.

Disable User Account Control via cmd

First, find out. When you decide on the opening method, . I suggest copying the following code into it and pressing enter to disable UAC in Windows 7:

%windir%\System32\cmd.exe /k %windir%\System32\reg.exe ADD HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v EnableLUA /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f

You can immediately or through “start”. Then check the result.

The article suggested disable User Account Control in Windows 7 using different methods. A complete shutdown will undermine the security of the PC as a whole. If you decide to sacrifice security, then install and maintain an up-to-date anti-virus database. A number of programs require UAC to be running, for example in Windows 8 you need to enable User Account Control. For maximum protection, do not disable this option.

In some cases, a PC user may need to disable a particular user account. Please note that disabling an account is just a deactivation, not an account. Today I will show you how to do it correctly.

First way

First of all, we need to get into the control panel. To do this, click on the “Start” button and select the item of the same name.

The second option is to press the WIN+R keys on your keyboard, a window will appear in which you need to write the word control and click OK.

The control panel is running. Here we find the “Administration” item and click on it.

In the new window we see several different items, but we are only interested in one - “Computer Management”. Let's go into it.

In the “Computer Management” window, click “Local Users and Groups”, then “Users” and select the user by double-clicking on it with the left mouse button.

The user properties window will open. To disable an account, check the box next to “Deactivate account” and click OK.

Second way

The second method allows you to disable the account using the command line. To do this you need to open . Click the “Start” button, and in the “Search programs and files” line, write the word cmd. A command prompt shortcut will appear at the top of the window. Right-click on it and select “Run as administrator.”

The command line is running. Now you need to add the command net user Username /Active:no, where as username you specify the account name, for example, net user Administrator /Active:no. After this, press the Enter key.

Be careful. If you disable multiple accounts, you may not be able to access your account if you accidentally disable it.

The purpose of the User Account Control (UAC) service is to control and prevent unauthorized changes to the system. When you try to run some programs, the service provides a notification to the user about an attempt to perform an action that requires administrator rights. It may look like this.

That is, in order to produce certain changes, the system requests the user's consent. In Windows XP this function was missing, and any virus software could gain control of the administrator account by making any entries into the system. Therefore, starting from OS Vista and higher, the developers decided to use this service. But due to the fact that it was triggered too often, it received mostly negative feedback.

In Windows 7, its mechanism was significantly enhanced, a manual adjustment mode is provided. However, not all users are happy with constantly appearing warning messages, although they generally increase the level of overall protection. Let's consider how disable this function.

Disabling UAC in Windows 7 and 8

Via control panel

The easiest way to disable it is in the search menu bar Start(Win+F) enter " Account Control»

The link “ Change User Account Control settings" Click it and this window will open.

The same window can be opened in a longer way: Start / Control Panel, view in mode – Category.

Then system and safety, Support Center and there we will find the item we need.

In the window that opens, drag the slider to the very bottom - Don't notify me.

We confirm OK for the settings to take effect – reboot.

The command interpreter should be started from administrator(right click on the button Start)

Enter one long command below for the changes to take effect.

Disable control in Windows 10

Via control panel

In the search bar buttons Start(Win+F) enter UAC And Enter. A window will appear in which you can tune account management. Pull the slider down and click OK And restart computer.

Many users of the Windows 7 operating system are interested in how to disable User Account Control (UAC). UAC is a useful service developed by Microsoft to ensure system security, control installation, change the state of programs, and prevent unauthorized file management in general.

Despite all the benefits of this service, some experienced users, as well as owners of antivirus programs, want to disable User Account Control. The reasons for deactivation may vary. From the desire for complete control and management of the system to the elimination of annoying warning windows.

The system provides several different methods for disabling UAC.
We will look at two simple methods. The first one is suitable for the majority of G7 owners. The second is for more experienced users.
So let's get started.

Method No. 1

The first thing you need to do is click on the familiar “start” button. After that, find and select the “control panel” tab from the list.

An active panel window with computer settings settings should appear in front of you.
Next, select and click on the “User Accounts and Family Safety” section

After going to the next active screen, select “user accounts”.

When the selection is made, an interface with an icon of the current (active) authorized user will appear. At the end of the list of various settings, you should find and select “Change User Account Control settings.”

The scale provides options for choosing from 4 ready-made modes:

top position– this is maximum protection and constant notifications;

second position from top. Indicates standard mode;

in the third position notifications occur when changes are attempted;

fourth(lowest position) completely disables protection.

To completely disable User Account Control, we need to move the slider to the lowest position and click on the “ok” button.

The entire procedure for disabling security control is almost completed. All that remains is to reboot the system for the new settings to take effect.
As you can see, everything is quite simple and fast.

Method No. 2

The second way to disable it, just like the first, involves moving the slider to the lowest position. The only difference is that to call the notification settings dialog box, you need to enter a specific command in the Windows command line.

To open the command line, you need to click on the “start” button, go to the right menu and click on the “Run…” tab.

A small window will appear that looks like this: Our goal is to call the command line. To do this, enter “cmd” in the text input field.

After the command line appears, write or paste the following value:


press the “enter” key.

A dialog box that is already familiar to us appears, with a school for manual settings. We select the option we need, save the result, and restart the computer.

At this point all work is completed.

Note! Disabling the security mode of your operating system (UAC) is recommended only for experienced users. If you are not aware of the possible consequences of disabling or have a lack of computer security knowledge, we strongly recommend that you do not change the system's default settings.