
Preparing automatic recovery for Windows 10. Resolving the error “The computer is not starting correctly”

Run automatic recovery

It's very easy to run automatic recovery from a recovery disk. After booting the system from disk, go to Diagnostics | Advanced options" (Troubleshoot | Advanced options). A screen will open with a list of additional options (Figure A), including automatic recovery.

Figure A: The Advanced Options screen presents four Windows recovery tools.

When you select automatic recovery, the screen shown in Fig. B.

Figure B: Automatic Repair is the first thing you should try if Windows 8 won't start.

When Automatic Repair starts, it immediately begins searching for errors (Figure C).

Figure C The first step of the automatic repair tool is to look for errors.

During the diagnostic process, the utility scans the system, analyzing settings, configuration parameters and system files, looking for errors and damage. The following problems are looked for:

Missing/damaged/incompatible drivers;
missing/damaged system files;
missing/damaged bootloader settings;
corrupted registry settings;
damaged disk metadata (master boot record, partition table, boot sector);
Incorrectly installed updates.

If any of the listed problems are detected, the utility tries to automatically fix them (Figure D).

Figure D: When Automatic Repair detects problems, it tries to fix them.

If the utility can fix errors, it will do so on its own and then reboot the system into a normal working environment.

Serious problems

If the automatic repair tool is unable to resolve the problem, the screen shown in Figure 1 will appear. E. In this case, the utility creates a log where it records detailed information and prompts you to return to the advanced options menu, where you can select another diagnostic and recovery tool.

Figure E If the Automatic Repair tool fails to resolve the problem, this screen appears.

Before using other utilities, you should read the log. The recovery disk has a Notepad that you can use to view. To do this, remember the path to the log file and its name. On the Advanced Options screen, select Command Prompt.

In the Command Prompt window, enter the drive letter where the log file is stored (in my case it is "D"). Then use the CD command to navigate to the folder containing the file. After that, enter the name of the Notepad executable file and the name of the log file.

In my example, the command set looks like this (Figure F).

D: cd \Windows\System32\LogFiles\Srt notepad.exe SrtTrail.txt

Figure F From the command line, you can launch Notepad to view the log file.

In Notepad, you can view the contents of the file “SrtTrail.txt” (Fig. G). At the end of the log you will probably find information about some failed test, which will be useful for further diagnostics.

Figure G. The information in the SrtTrail log may be useful for further diagnostics.

If the recovery disk was created on a flash drive, you can save the Notepad file directly to it, connect the flash drive to another computer, and print the log so that the necessary information is at hand. Then don't forget to return the recovery disk back to the problem computer.

If the recovery disc was created on optical media, the file cannot be printed, so you will have to record the useful information manually.

Looped automatic recovery

Recently, a friend of mine was faced with the fact that his laptop running Windows 8 was stuck on automatic recovery: the system was restored, rebooted, started recovery again, and so on in a circle. Having started the laptop from a USB recovery drive, we decided to try several BootRec commands in the command line, which at one time helped us fix a seriously damaged Windows 7.

In our case, using BootRec in combination with ChkDsk worked. I haven't seen any other Windows 8 computers that suffer from similar problems, so I can't say how reliable this method is. However, I have heard that other users were able to solve their problems with it. So you might want to give it a try before jumping into other recovery tools.

In the Command Prompt window, run the following commands one after the other:

Bootrec /FixMbr bootrec /FixBoot bootrec /RebuildBcd chkdsk /r
Switch /FixMbr writes a new master boot record (MBR) to the system partition, /FixBoot– a new boot sector, and /RebuildBcd scans all drives for Windows installations and offers to add them to the Boot Configuration Data (BCD). Team ChkDsk with switch /r searches for bad sectors on the disk and recovers data that it can read.

After ChkDsk completes, remove the recovery drive and restart your computer.

What do you think?

Have you ever used the automatic system restore feature in

Almost every modern person is able to quickly “establish contact” with computer technology. It is thanks to her that he does many useful things.

The computer can act as a “tool” for many users, as well as an original toy.

It becomes completely sad when, after startup, the monitor displays the unwanted phrase: “Automatic recovery”, and in the center there is the entry “The computer did not start correctly.” – an operating system capable of delivering unexpected surprises.

Sometimes Windows 10 users may encounter the message “The computer is not starting correctly”

It is useful to prepare for them and already know in advance what to do if Windows 10 does not load correctly.

A blue screen instead of the desired desktop is unlikely to delight anyone. This situation is especially stressful when there are important things to do and there is absolutely no free time.

The reasons for this failure may be an unsuccessful Windows 10 update or improper shutdown of the computer. By the way, malicious viruses can also provoke such a dirty trick.

They are especially active if the user ignores the installation of the anti-virus program and does not update its database in a timely manner.

How to fix the problem

The easiest way to fix the problem is to restart the operating system. When, after this, a malicious text appears that the computer is not running correctly, Windows 10 will not load, what to do, how to fix a serious problem, recommendations from experienced users help to understand.

First, find the coveted “Advanced options” button and click on it. Now various suggestions will appear, among which you should select “Troubleshooting”.

A window with an “Advanced Options” button will appear again. This is not deja vu or walking in a vicious circle, this is how Windows 10 works. Everything needs to be done as the computer suggests, as indicated in the algorithm, in order to successfully restore the OS.

The screen will now display “Boot Options” and a “Restart” button will be located at the bottom of the screen. Feel free to click on it and wait for the familiar blue screen to appear again and the inscription “Download Options” on it.

All that remains is to press the F6 key or find the line “Enable safe mode with command line support.” Next you will have to run several service commands.

The first command “sfc/scannow” will not only check all system files, but will also help fix those that are found to be damaged.

The following command “dism/Online/Cleanup-Image/RestoreHealth” runs disk cleanup, destroying unnecessary junk that could cause such a system failure.

Finally, do not forget to restart the computer, again writing the next phrase “shutdown – r” on the command line.

However, in some cases such truisms do not work, so we have to look for new ways to solve the problem.

Additional reasons for OS failure

Everyone knows how to properly turn off the computer's power so that Windows 10 can shut down successfully. Unfortunately, not everything depends on the user's knowledge.

Unexpected power outages, power surges and other technical failures occur. After such “surprises”, Windows 10 will definitely not load correctly.

Alternative ways to restore PC functionality

Real computer aces are ready to offer several options to force the computer to resume its work.

When a blue screen appears, you will first need to click on the already familiar “Advanced Settings” button, then follow the “troubled path” by clicking on the “Troubleshooting” button.

If this option is active, then you are in luck. You can select from the list a successful rollback point, in your opinion, and then restore the system.

In most cases, this method allows you to quickly and easily solve the problem. Unfortunately, it also happens that on a PC this option may be disabled.

In this case, automatic system recovery will not be possible. Well, there is no need to get upset and give up, but making another attempt is really important.

You should restart your computer, wait for the depressing blue screen to appear, click on the “Advanced options” button, then go to the “Troubleshooting” tab.

Now you need to select “Return the PC to its original state.”

This method is a little risky. Please note that you can successfully restore Windows 10, or you can completely crash the OS.

The algorithm assumes working with the command line. First of all, check the integrity of the system files as described in the first case. It's a good idea to start repairing damaged files found in the registry.

Everything should be done carefully, since any mistake can provoke dire consequences. It is for this reason that there is no need to rush, enter commands into the command line, check their spelling, and only then run them.

First you need to identify the system drive on which Windows 10 is installed and remember its label.

Sequentially enter the commands “diskpart”, “list volume”. After running the first command, a tool will open to help you work with disks.

The second command will allow you to detect the label of the system disk and the one that is reserved by the system. All that remains is to close the program by traditionally clicking “Exit”.

To eliminate Windows 10 from starting incorrectly, you will have to work a little harder. First, enter a complex command: “sfc/scannow/offbootdir=F:\/offwindir=C:\Windows”, in which drive “C” is the system drive and “F” is the reserved one. To run the command, click on “Enter”.

  • “md configbackup” (using this command a new directory is created);
  • “cd Windows\System32\config\” (type the command and go to the system folder);
  • “copy * c:\configbackup\” (paste the copied directory created in the first step into the folder);
  • “cd Windows\System32\config\regback\” (this command helps you move to the next system folder);
  • “copy * c:\windows\system32\config\” (everything is copied and pasted into the active directory);
  • All that remains is to press the two keys “Enter” and “A” (English layout).

At this point you can finish working with commands. If everything is done correctly, damaged registry files will be replaced with a backup version.

Feel free to click on the line “Sign out and use Windows 10”, and then wait for the magic. If everything is fine and the recovery was successful, the operating system will launch successfully, and the computer will delight you with excellent performance.

If you were unlucky, you made a serious mistake, due to which you simply “finished off” your computer by covering the operating system, you will have to find a boot disk and reinstall the operating system.

Of course, the moment when the message “The computer is not running correctly” appears on the screen cannot be called happiness, but Windows 10 can be brought back to life if you find out how to correct such a sad situation.

There is nothing that cannot be fixed. You can solve problems if you have patience and gain a portion of useful knowledge.

Question: Automatic recovery - the computer did not start correctly

Hello, I got a blue screen of death and didn't have time to take a picture of the error. The computer then went into endless automatic recovery and troubleshooting. No amount of manipulation can return the computer to a working state and allow it to boot. What to do in this situation?

My motherboard is p7p55d
Two hard drives, one with Windows on the other and everything else.
I opened notepad via the command line, as advised somewhere here, It seems like the Windows drive changed its letter.
It used to be on drive C, now it has become drive D

Answer: There is no more Windows section.
Hard two
One unhooked
Driver error persists
I downloaded firewood for the sata/raid mother
He installed them, the installer, thought and then nothing happened.
There is no transition to selecting installation paths

I've installed Windows like this a hundred times already
I don't understand what's wrong this time

Added after 2 hours 25 minutes
So, how do you install Windows?

Added after 3 hours 8 minutes
I solved all the problems using another bootable USB flash drive.

Question: Automatic recovery. The computer does not start correctly

Good time. Yesterday I turned off the power supply to the switched on computer, after turning it on a blue screen appeared with the inscription from the title. I tried all the ways to restore the system, nothing helps. I need your help.
Desktop computer. Hp.

Answer: 32xlevel, if the system capacity is the same, then it will do.

Question: I turn on the computer and it says the computer is not running correctly

I turn on the computer and it says the computer is not running correctly and after that I tried many methods from the Internet and somehow it worked, almost everything was formatted, only windows.old remained. I open my computer there are no hard drives including drive C, then they appear and disappear and with the same thing happened in the control panel, please help me and many icons have disappeared, they appear only when I update

and I would like to restore to its original state, but it says that the recovery environment could not be found

Here is the control panel

Answer: Use the second option (it will take a long time to mess with the first) and download the Windows 8.1 (Single Language) 64 bit image from the link that persen27 gave. Write it to a FAT32 formatted flash drive.
In the current Windows, download and run the RWEverithing program and find out the key hardwired into the BIOS (Google will tell you how to work with the program) and write it down and remember it.
Next, install Windows 8.1 (Single Language) from a flash drive, using a public key to install your system, formatting the 445 GB partition and specifying it for installation.
After installing Windows, replace the key with the one that you recognized through RWEverithing and saved. The command will look like this, where is XXXXX... your key from the BIOS.

Windows Batch file


Question: The computer did not start correctly. [After uninstalling Avast / Or using Wise Care 365]

I'm in the army. They let me speed up the laptop, HP;
The first thing I noticed was Avast antivirus, which I immediately went to remove. I used the Avast Uninstall Tool program (or whatever it is, it’s the only one there) not in safe mode (yeah, yeah..).
So, I rebooted and since then when loading:
1. Automatic recovery starts (its initialization)
2. A blue screen is displayed (not bsod), it says:
The computer does not start correctly
[reboot bla-bla]
Reboot button and Additional button. options

Things don't go any further.
I tried all recovery methods that are acceptable and available, namely:
Startup Recovery
Recovering from a restore point
Restoring the registry from the RegBack folder
Command line (tried everything I knew and learned about bcdedit / bootrec (the second one doesn't seem to be particularly needed))

That is, I tried to recreate the bcd, fix the bcd
Also formatted the fat32 sector, on which the EFI bootloader
Nothing really helped

I searched bing, yahoo, google, yandex - everywhere at the end they hammered in a bolt and reinstalled Windows. But here this is unacceptable. And it’s somehow unprofessional to reinstall the system because of a loading problem.

Laptop with UEFI

Please help, and soon :-)

Also, I used Wise Care 365 before rebooting. Maybe that's what it's all about. But this infection did not create any backup... If anyone knows how to roll back Wise Care changes, write too) The restore point did not help

I saw a person on the avast forum with the same problem - he uninstalled avast not in safe mode and now encountered a problem.

Added after 20 minutes
bcdedit tells me that the bootloader is located in volume 2 (its label is winre, i.e. this same winrecovery, it boots from it every time -_-)
And the required fat32 partition is volume 3
I think we should try to somehow change 2 to 3.
I tried using diskpart, assigned a letter to the desired partition and tried to install the bootloader into it, but apparently it didn’t work

Added after 1 hour 49 minutes
I scoured a bunch of forums, everywhere these top tips for reinstalling Windows.
Basically, I don't know what exactly I did.
I once again reset my password using Lazersoft (since neither I nor the owner knew the password). Plus there were useful programs.
I tormented the bcd partition a bunch of times, then returned it back, tormented it again
Then I tried various parameters for sfc
Then suddenly I wanted to restore again from the restore point, but from the earliest available one. In general, as far as I remember from yesterday (the problem actually arose the day before yesterday), when I already tried to restore with this recovery tool, there were three. Well, I decided to restore again, hoping to restore some registry keys that Avast may have damaged. And I was surprised to discover that the recovery points had disappeared somewhere (precisely after my actions today with the bcd / sam file / sfc experiments). Okay, I think I'll try the Refresh PC tool for luck. And, lo and behold, this time it worked! And now I’m at 50% of the process and I’m sure that everything will now work as it should.

I haven't found a more elegant method yet.

When (and if) I remember and model the exact sequence of actions to solve the problem, I will definitely post it here. :-)

Added after 24 minutes
The holiday is cancelled, the problem is still relevant
At about 60%, the product decided that it had failed.


Message from DeerDoor

Okay, I think I'll try the Refresh PC tool for luck. And lo and behold, this time it worked.

DeerDoor, The above quote makes it possible to assume that - perhaps - with repeated repetition of this manipulation there is a chance to bring the computer to life

Question: The computer does not start correctly

Let me bring you up to speed a little. The situation is as follows: after purchasing a laptop, I tried to install a driver pack using the driverpack solution program. (I’ll leave a small, possibly useful note: sometimes, this laptop, when inactive, froze tightly, only rebooting via the power button helped. I think the fact is that they gave it to me from a rack, where it was clogged with dust). So, a day after installing the drivers, the keyboard stopped working, after which I installed off-fire drivers on it from the Lenovo website. After several reboots, the laptop stopped turning on altogether. At first there was just the eternal “preparation for automatic restoration.” After restoring the system through the BIOS, an error began to appear stating that the computer was not started correctly. I tried all the methods suggested by the system (return the computer to its original state, restore at boot, return to the previous version) in all cases it produced errors.
I ask you for help, Lord. The laptop is new, it's a pity :p.


Message from KDME56

First check the operation of the computer with another disk

Unbear, do not do this in any case, otherwise you will lose the warranty.

Message from Unbear

I tried to install the driver pack using driverpack solution

Never use it, only official drivers.
Good thing, reinstall the operating system.
If the problem persists (freezing), then bring the laptop under warranty.

Question: After installing Windows 10 on a new PC, when loading the OS, a message appears: “The computer is not starting correctly”

Hello everyone, I hope you can help!

I purchased a new PC and also decided to use Windows 10 for the first time. So we have:
- New computer, no optical drive;
- 8GB flash drive (installation, with Windows 10);
- 16GB flash drive (image of drivers from the motherboard).

Since I purchased the hardware without an optical drive, and immediately after installing Windows 10, the computer did not see the network adapters, I had to write an image of the motherboard drivers onto a 16GB flash drive. After installing Windows from a flash drive (the one with 8GB), it works fine. The PC reboots without problems. After installing the drivers on the motherboard from a flash drive (the one with 16GB), the computer reboots in normal mode. But as soon as I try to install other programs or additional drivers from the manufacturer’s website, the computer stops booting normally, a message pops up when loading the OS: “The computer is not running correctly,” thereby forcing me to reinstall Windows 10 again. This situation has been repeated three times already, and I don’t know what caused this reaction. In all cases, Kaspersky Total Security was already installed. The second time, the computer completely froze while installing a driver for the chip set, downloaded from the website of the motherboard manufacturer (ASUS Z170 Pro Gaming). After rebooting the OS would not turn on. The third and last time, the situation repeated itself after installing drivers on the video card (GeForce GTX960 4GB Gigabyte). The installer asked to reboot and the OS again treacherously did not start.

Now I installed Windows 10 for the 4th time. I installed the drivers on the motherboard from a flash drive. I tried rebooting the system - everything is fine. I’m even afraid to install Kaspersky or update drivers for the same video card.

Can you tell me what the problem might be?

Added after 38 minutes
I found this video:

Do you think it's worth deleting the file? oem-drv64.sys as a solution to the problem?

Added after 15 hours 38 minutes
Any opinions guys?


Message from All

Did you connect correctly?
Have you tried reconnecting?
Did you install the drivers from the motherboard website, are there 3 of them? That's what they don't write on the website.

I connected it correctly, as evidenced by the fact that in the settings when checking, the speakers play (all except the subwoofer), but when you turn on the music, only the two front ones work. I tried all the drivers from the motherboard manufacturer's website. I think you need to look for drivers on the Realtek website, but I'm not sure.

Question: The computer does not start correctly Stops responding to the keyboard

hello, when you turn on Windows 10, the computer does not start, it gets to the point where the message “computer was started incorrectly” appears on the monitor and I can’t do anything further, the system simply stops responding to the keyboard and mouse. I can’t even get into safe mode, although in the BIOS with the keyboard is ok
help me please

Answer: A problem of this nature arose, I tried to turn on the computer (it was in sleep mode) and when loading it froze and spontaneously rebooted, after it started up again, something like this appeared.
I tried to restore the system using Windows recovery tools, but an error came up that my file system was damaged and it suggested checking my hard drive for errors.
Tell me what could be the problem?

If your Windows 10 suddenly stops working, don't worry - there are many ways to restore it. For example, a rollback to a previous state, a restore checkpoint, or creating a mirror of the system and saving it on external media, followed by restoration via bootable USB (this option in Ten works much better than in previous versions). Below we will look at all existing options for restoring the Windows 10 system and find out what errors most often occur when it starts.

To successfully restore, you need to understand how one or another option works. First you should try running Windows in . Using it, you can perform a “clean” boot, without activating additional drivers and software. A failure can occur not only in Windows itself. Most likely, this is an error with a driver installed later, or with some application. If safe mode does not solve the problem, you can proceed directly to recovery.

This feature recently appeared in Windows 10 and has already proven itself well. This is something similar to a hard reset on Android smartphones (Windows returns to factory settings). You can start the process in several ways:

  1. Click on the notifications icon and click on the “All settings” tile.

  1. Click on the “Update and Security” tile.

  1. In order to return Windows 10 to factory settings, click on the “Restore” entry, and on the right side, click on the “Start” button.

There is another opportunity to get into this menu, we’ll talk about it below. There we will also tell you what to do if Windows 10 does not start and you cannot get into the rollback settings. Once the “Start” button is clicked, you will be offered two options to reset Windows 10. You can return the system to its original state and still keep all user data, or permanently delete everything and reinstall the OS completely.

You can get into this mode even without logging in. To do this, on the Windows login screen, hold down the Shift button and restart the PC.

A menu will appear in which we need to select the item indicated in the screenshot.

All that remains is to click “Return the computer to its original state.”

On the next screen we will again be offered the choice of saving or deleting user data.

After this, our system will reboot and the recovery process will begin.

We just need to wait until Windows prepares all the necessary files.

Once again we will be asked to choose a recovery option: we will do a “clean” reinstallation, so click “Just delete my files.”

“Ten” will notify you that all data will be deleted. We agree and click on “Return to original state”.

The recovery procedure may take a long time. Sometimes many times more than if we reinstalled the system from a flash drive. By the way, you can read about how to do this.

After clicking the “Clear” button, the installation of Windows 10 will begin.

  1. We select the location we need.

  1. We decide on the system language.

  1. We agree to the Microsoft license and click the “Accept” button.

  1. Select the type of use of the system.

  1. Select the authorization method. You can use a Microsoft account, sign up for one, or sign in to a local account.

Once the process is complete, the computer will be returned to its original state. In other words, it will be as if only after installing the operating system. In some cases, you may need to install drivers.

The advantages of automatic system recovery include the ease of use of the tool and the absence of the need to have bootable media.

On laptops and computers that had Windows 10 pre-installed, returning to its original state involves installing all the necessary drivers (there is a special partition for storing them on the disk).

Using a recovery disk

A recovery disk is a medium that contains all the necessary data for reincarnation or complete recovery of the OS and system files. Let's look at the algorithm for creating a Windows 10 recovery disk. Below are step-by-step instructions with screenshots. Begin.

  1. Open the system parameters using the search tool. It is located on the left side of the taskbar. Enter the name in the search field.

  1. In the search bar of Windows settings, write the word “Disk” and select the tool we need in the search results.

  1. If, when creating a disk, we check the box next to the item marked in the screenshot, in the future we can not only fix the OS, but also reinstall it again, copying all user data.

  1. Select the disk on which the recovery image will be written and click “Next”.

  1. Windows will notify us that all files on the flash drive will be deleted. We agree and click “Create”.

  1. After automatic recovery preparation is completed, disk creation will begin. The process may take quite a bit of your time.

Using our recovery disk you can:

  • restore the previous state of the computer from a backup copy;
  • use the rollback to restore point mode;
  • apply automatic recovery mode at system startup;
  • use command line;
  • Perform a complete recovery of Windows 10 from an image.

The drive, the creation of which we described, is even more convenient than a simple installation flash drive. After all, using the latter, you need to configure Windows 10 every time, and a system restored from a copy requires virtually no configuration and is immediately ready to work.

Rollback the OS using a full image

Ten has the ability to perform a complete backup of the entire system. Below we will look at how to create an image and how to restore the OS from it, for example, after failures that occurred due to the fact that the computer was not started correctly. Each step of the step-by-step instructions will be accompanied by a screenshot for clarity.

This option differs from the one described above in that we create a complete snapshot of the existing operating system with drivers, user files, etc. Using this image, you can restore the system and immediately start using it - you don’t have to do any additional actions. It is best to make a backup as soon as the system is installed, configured and, in general, brought to a working state. But in no case when it is already starting to slow down due to clutter.

Let's start creating a complete image of the existing Windows 10:

  1. Open the control panel using Windows search (click the magnifying glass icon, enter a search query and click on the result).

  1. In the search field of the control panel, write “File history” and click on the result.

  1. Now in the lower left corner click on the inscription indicated in the screenshot.

  1. Go to “Create a system image”.

  1. Now you can proceed directly to creating the image. There are three options for saving it. We can burn a backup to a hard drive, split it into several DVDs, or specify a target network folder. Let's use the first option. Click on “Next”.

  1. Let’s get down to business – click on “Archive”. The system tells us that this may require around 46GB.

  1. The creation of the archive has begun. Depending on the amount of data and PC performance, it may take different times.

  1. When the backup is complete, you will see the following window. Click “Close”.

In the future, the system can be restored from this image. To do this, when installing the OS from a flash drive or disk, select the recovery mode and specify the image created above. The system will unpack the archive to drive C and will be ready for use. This is much more convenient, if only because the OS no longer needs to be configured, drivers and software installed: you just sit down and start having fun or working.

How to create a restore point in Windows 10

Restore points in version 10 of Microsoft's OS work exactly the same as in versions 7 and 8. With their help, you can return the system to a specified point in its life and fix the problem that arose after the checkpoint was created. In order for us to roll back the system to a restore point, we need to enable their creation. We do the following:

  1. Go to the control panel (we described how to do this in Windows 10 above). Next, write “Recovery” in the search bar and click on the result indicated in the screenshot.

  1. In the next window, click “System Recovery Settings”.

  1. In our case, automatic creation of rollback points is disabled. Let's fix this - select "Customize".

  1. Activate the automatic creation of control points and click “OK”.

Now, whenever you change Windows settings, recovery checkpoints will be created automatically. You can also make manual checkpoints here - this is necessary before any serious step, for example, installing a suspicious program.

When you need to apply one of the points and fix the system, go to the control panel, namely “Run System Restore”, and restore the copy. If Windows does not start, there is another option. Boot from the installation flash drive or disk and select system recovery mode there.

Restoring the bootloader using the command line

Despite the fact that working with the command line is a method more intended for professionals, each of you can use it. The main thing is to follow our instructions exactly.

  1. Initially, install the bootable media into the PC slot and boot from it. In the window that appears, click on the item indicated in the screenshot.

  1. Next, click on the tile called “Troubleshooting.”

  1. Select “Command Line”.

  1. Now you can run the utility to restore the master boot record. To do this, enter the command bootrec.exe C:\Windows into the black screen (specify the drive letter on which your system is installed) and press Enter.

The system will inform us that the disks were successfully created - the master boot record has been restored.

Comment. To work correctly with operators, you need to know the name of the disks installed in the system. Such names are individual and in most cases do not coincide.

Registry recovery

The operating system registry is periodically saved in the directory indicated in the screenshot.

To create a copy of the registry, copy these files and save them. You can restore data by moving it back and replacing it. Naturally, to do this you need to have administrator rights.

Error 0x80070091 during system restore

Users are increasingly asking why error 0x80070091 occurs when working with restore points. This is due to a system update and will be fixed later with the next patch. You won't be able to fix the error yourself.

Let's sum it up

Now we know how to roll back Windows 10 and perform an advanced recovery. There are many options for this and they are all effective. When used correctly, they are enough to fix any problem in the operation or startup of the operating system. There are also additional programs that can reset Windows 10 to factory settings, for example, Aomei OneKey Recovery. This can be the same Acronis or a backup image provided by the computer or laptop manufacturer. But you shouldn’t discount the tools in Windows 10 – their functionality is enough to solve any problem.

BIOS– a set of utilities that are installed on the motherboard, which make it possible to turn on the device to install the OS. With its help, Windows 10 is loaded, a storage medium is selected, the range of thermal sensors is indicated, and various parameters are configured. If the system stops booting, errors occur and recovery cannot be performed using the standard method, you can do so through the BIOS.

How to restore Windows 10 via BIOS.

But this method can only be used if you have an installation disk or flash drive with a distribution kit of a licensed operating system with the version and bit depth that you have installed; this option is not possible without an external drive.

First of all, you need to start by setting the BIOS to read the disk immediately when you start the computer.

If preparing automatic recovery does not make it possible to restart the computer normally, you need to do it forcibly by holding down the shutdown buttons for 10-15 seconds, as soon as the system starts to boot, you need to press one of the keys: F1, F4, F3, Delete, F8 (tell exactly which one exactly what you need to press cannot be done, as it depends on the motherboard model on your device).

You can look in the instructions for your computer or on the manufacturer’s website to find out which key you need to log in. On most PCs, the “Delete” button is used; on laptops, the key combination “ctrl+alt+esc” can be used.
After the BIOS starts, go to the Boot section.

You need to find the “1st boot device” parameter, which can be located in the “Boot Device Configuration”, “Advanced Features”, “Boot”, “Boot Sequence” section. There you will need to set the parameter for the CDROM or PXE UND I disk to boot from a flash drive:

Press “F10” to save the result, insert the disk into the drive or connect the flash drive on which the distribution is stored, then reboot the device.

After the computer boots, the initial system installation menu will appear, where you will need to click on the “System Restore” button.

The “Select actions” menu will open; select “Diagnostics”.

Then go to the “Advanced options” item.

Next, click on “System Restore”.

After clicking, a window will open asking you to select a restore point.

Startup Repair scans your computer for errors and fixes them when they are found. You can try to run the utility, but in most cases, after searching, it usually displays a message that the computer could not be restored.

If you had a rollback and your Windows was successfully restored after the above steps, then you will need to go into the BIOS and return the hard drive boot priority to first place.

— How to restore Windows 10 via the command line.
If you did not create a checkpoint, you can try restoring the Windows 10 system via the command line. To do this, you will also need a boot disk or flash drive with the Windows operating system installed on the computer.

In the "Advanced Options" section, select "Command Line"

In the window that opens, type “fixboot”.

Then the action must be confirmed by pressing the “Y” key.
After restoring the Windows 10 bootloader, the system needs to be checked for damaged system files.

Options for solving problems with damaged system files

  1. The boot sector of the operating system is damaged.
    In the command line you need to enter “fixboot”, press “Enter”, then enter “fixmbr”, press “Enter”. After this, the windows boot sector will be restored. The computer can be restarted normally.
  2. The boot.ini file has disappeared.
    In the line you need to type “bootcfg /rebuild”, then press “Enter”. Confirm all possible system questions by pressing the “Y” and “Enter” keys.
  3. The config in the system32 folder is damaged.
    You need to insert the disk with your OS version into the drive, enter “cd repair copy SYSTEM C:\windows\system32\config” in the command line, and then press “Enter”.
  4. The files “ntldr” or “” are missing, the system displays the message: “NTLDR is missing when loading Windows.”
  5. Enter “copy X:\i386\ntldr C:\” in the command line, press “Enter” (Where X is the letter of your drive, and C is the letter of your system drive on which your OS is installed).

Restoring the system via the command line while the computer is on.

If you do not want to restart your computer, you can restore the system via the command line from Windows. To do this, you will need to insert the disc into the DVD-ROM while the PC is loaded. Then launch the command line by pressing the hotkey combination “Win ​​+ R” and in the search bar of the “Run” window, enter “sfc /scannow” and click “OK”. After which the broken system distributions will be copied from the boot disk automatically. System recovery and rollback are quite quick and trouble-free.