
Using the FAR Manager program. Far Manager - file manager NetBox - plugin for connecting to a remote server via SSH, FTP, WebDav

Far Manager is a daily tool for system administrators and computer geeks. But it can also be useful for regular Windows users who need a free and effective tool for managing folders and files. Listed below are some Far functions and the hotkeys to access them.

1. Display modes

Change the width and number of columns in the active interface panel in which files and folders are displayed.

  • Ctrl + 1 - set short view mode (three narrow columns).
  • Ctrl + 2 - set standard view mode (two middle columns).
  • Ctrl + 3 - set full viewing mode (one wide and three narrow columns with service information).
  • Ctrl + 4 - set wide viewing mode (one wide and one narrow column with service information).
  • Ctrl + 5 - set detailed viewing mode (one as wide as possible and several additional columns with service information - occupy the entire program window).

2. Sorting elements

Sort files and folders on the active interface panel.

  • Ctrl + F3 - sort by element name.
  • Ctrl + F4 - sort by extension type.
  • Ctrl + F5 - sort by date modified.
  • Ctrl + F6 - sort by size.
  • Ctrl + F8 - sort by creation date.
  • Ctrl + F12 - display a menu of sorting elements.

3. View the size of files and folders

View the size of a selected file or folder using the F3 key. The value appears in the Size column or at the bottom of the active panel, depending on the selected view.

To select a single item, press Shift and the down or up arrow on your keyboard. To make a mass selection, use Shift with the left and right arrows.

4. Simultaneous work with elements located in different folders

Add files and folders from different directories to the Temporary Panel if you need to work with all of them at the same time. This will allow you to perform group operations on items as if they were in the same directory. However, their actual location will not change.

To open the Temporary Panel, press F11 and select Temporary Panel. To add files and folders, simply drag them onto it using the mouse cursor. You can also find the files you need using the Alt + F7 combination and add search results to the “Temporary Panel” by clicking Panel in the search window.

5. Filter files by type

Filter the list of files by extension to temporarily hide unnecessary elements from the panel. To enable the filter, use the combination CTRL + I, select the desired extension in the list that appears and press Spacebar. A plus sign will appear next to the selected file type. When you press Enter, files with other extensions will disappear from the current panel. To cancel filtering, press CTRL + I again and remove the plus with a spacebar.

6. View the list of processes

View the list of active processes directly in the Far Manager window. To view it, open the drive selection window (ALT + F1/F2) and press 0. In this list, you can sort processes by size by pressing CTRL + F6. To delete a process, select it and press F8. To view detailed information about the process, use the F3 key.

7. Folder navigation

You can quickly open the root folder of your local drive using the CTRL + \ combination. ALT + F12 keys - display folders that you have opened previously

8. Folder Identity Comparison

If you want to check two folders to see if they are identical, open one of them in the left pane and the second in the right pane. Then press F11 and select Advanced Compare. In the window that opens, specify the comparison parameters and click OK. The program will display the sizes of both folders and highlight their files that do not match.

9. Record macros

Use macros to automate routine program operations.

To create a macro, press Shift + Ctrl + "." (dot) and perform several actions in Far. Then use this combination again and select a convenient key in the window that opens. Now, when you press it, the program will perform these actions automatically.

For example, when creating a macro, you can right-click on a file and select “Properties” from the context menu, and then assign these actions to the J key. After that, you can quickly call up file properties using J.

10. Recoding in the built-in editor

Change the encoding of text files directly in the built-in Far Manager editor. To open the selected file in the editor, press F4. To change the encoding, press SHIFT + F8, select the new encoding from the list and press F2 to save the changes.

FAR Manager 3.0 Build 5511

FAR Manager Russian version free download

FAR Manager– a popular file manager, that is, a special multifunctional tool for the necessary work with the file system. This is a console-type program that allows you to perform numerous operations with files (creating, viewing, copying, editing, moving, etc.). FAR Manager free download in Russian You can find the link at the bottom of the page.

Early versions of the application had commercial licenses, but now you can FAR Manager free download and use it both on your home electronic device and on office computers without restrictions and completely officially.

Main features of the manager

  • multilingual user-friendly interface, quick setup;
  • managing printers – local (connected) and network;
  • the ability to rename groups of files using masks;
  • encoding and transcoding files in UUE format;
  • numerous functions for working with files;
  • means of effective work with FTP servers;
  • text encoding (national tables are taken into account);
  • control of the Winamp application for multimedia and the ability to edit descriptions for MP3 files;
  • spell checking and launching additional external programs when processing texts in the FAR editor;
  • RAS service management;
  • free distribution and accessibility - you can download the FAR Manager program for free in Russian.

File management is carried out in full-screen and windowed (economical) modes, has clear navigation, contrasting color highlighting of groups of files when performing various actions and other convenient options. Expanding the manager’s functions is possible by connecting various plugins to it, of which there are now several hundred. The user can choose for himself what is required. The FAR Manager program has been successfully used for a long time, and many “veterans” of computer technology do not give up the manager’s broad capabilities in favor of the Windows Explorer program, which has very modest functionality, especially since it is now very easy to download FAR Manager for free in the Russian version. The program was oriented and created specifically for the Windows platform.

FAR Manager free download

Download FAR Manager for free Russian version for Windows 7 and Windows 8 from the official website. We monitor all program updates to ensure that you have the latest version of FAR Manager.

I'm sure that many people use some kind of file manager, and most probably use one of the most popular - Total Commander. For those who don’t know what a file manager is, I’ll tell you in a nutshell. A file manager is a program that provides a convenient and multifunctional interface for working with the entire file system and the files themselves, respectively. Basically, file managers are designed to speed up work with the following frequently performed actions: creating, editing, deleting, searching for files, renaming, copying, moving, opening/playing/viewing, changing attributes and properties, assigning rights, etc. Others In other words, file managers are not only convenient for daily work, but also significantly save the cost of unnecessary mouse clicks. There are file managers that have a large number of additional functions built in, which are not always needed by every user. Therefore, I was looking for one that would have the bare minimum of functionality by default, but at the same time I needed the ability to add additional modules (plugins) with which I could increase the functionality. And the most basic search criterion was a simple and minimal interface that would not distract from work, but contained everything that was most necessary and frequently used. Of course, almost all file managers met similar criteria, and most of them contain a number of settings with which you can customize both the interface and functionality. There are both paid and free ones, the choice is quite large. I chose for myself Far Manager, which is what we will actually talk about today.

Far Manager is a free console file manager for Windows OS.

U Far Manager There is a fairly large abundance of plugins, using which you can, firstly, increase the capabilities of the program, and secondly, make this file manager more convenient for yourself.

As I said just above, there are a large number of file managers with quite different interfaces. But the most convenient one, in my opinion, is a file manager designed in the form of two columns, which allows you to carry out various operations with files much faster. Accordingly chosen by me Far Manager contains two columns in its interface.

Of course, the Windows command line is quite weak compared to the one in UNIX systems, but it still exists. And a file manager Far Manager supports working with the command line, which allows you not to switch between two windows, but to interact with files and the command line. I mainly use the command line in Windows when developing some software, and I very often had to use Far not only as a file manager, but also as a convenient tool for working with the command line. But now I have found for myself, which has a very convenient tool for working with the command line, and Far Manager Now I use it exclusively when working with directories, files and archives.

IN Far there is quite good support for working with FTP. But for some reason I got so accustomed to my work that support FTP in Far Manager I practically don’t use it, although everything is done quite conveniently and simply.

The capabilities of the FAR file manager can be described endlessly, since there are a number of plugins that significantly increase the capabilities of the program. I just talked about some of the program’s functions that I often use; everything else can be added as needed, and the fact that it comes by default with the basic functions of the file manager is a big plus, since each user will collect from Far Manager just the way he needs it.

Installing FAR Manager

In order to install the file manager, you need to download it from the official website, where several versions are available for download Far Manager, namely:

  • for x86 versions v2.0 and v1.75 - archive (not installation file), msi (installation file)
  • for x64 versions v2.0 and v1.75 - archive (not installation file), msi (installation file)

In my case I will download the version v2.0 for x86, msi installation file. In order to download exactly the version that you need, you need to follow the following link - I downloaded Far Manager from the following link -
Now I need to run the downloaded file, I have the file name
After running the installation file, a welcome window will appear in which you need to click the button Next to continue.

The next window prompts you to read the license text, in which you need to check the box I accept the terms in the License Agreement(I accept the terms of the license agreement) if you agree with all the terms of the license. Then you need to press Next to continue.

The next window offers installation both for the current user and for all users of the system:

  • Install just for you (Admin)(Install only for current user)
    Far Manager 2 will be installed in a per-user folder and be available just for your user account. You do not need local Administrator privileges. (Far Manager 2 will be installed in the current user's folder and will be available only for this user's account. You do not need to have administrator rights.) - In this case, the program is installed in the directory Documents and Settings, namely to the user's folder.
  • Install for all users of this machine(Install for all users on this computer)
    Far Manager 2 will be installed in a per-machine folder by default and be available for all users. You can change the default installation folder. You must have local Administrator privileges. (Far Manager 2 will be installed for all users on the system. You can change the default installation folder. You must have administrator privileges.) - In this case, the program is installed in the directory Program Files.

Then you need to press Next to continue.

In the next window you can change the installation location of the program Far Manager. Then you need to press Next to continue.

In the next window, you can select various add-ons and settings that will be installed with Far Manager. If you have marked some additions and then want to return all the default values, you need to click the button Reset. I decided to select all items for testing.

For each element, an additional menu is available, in which you can select each element individually( Will be installed on locale hard drive— Will be installed on the hard drive) and the whole group( Entire feature will be installed on locale hard drive— The entire component will be installed on the hard drive), and the third element( Entire feature will be unavailable— The component will not be installed on the hard drive).

Then you need to press Next to continue. And the following window will appear where you can select Install for installation or Back to go back.

After pressing the button Install The following window will appear where the installation process will take place Far Manager and all selected components. Installation will take no more than two minutes.

In the last window you can check the box Launch Far Manager 2 new(Launch Far Manager 2). Then you need to press the button Finish to complete the installation.

That's it for installation Far Manager finished after pressing the button Finish The main menu of the program will appear.

Registering an earlier version of Far Manager

Earlier Far Manager it was necessary to register in order for all the functionality of the program to be available. And if you have an old version installed Far Manager, then the following instructions are just for you:
I will quote paragraph 2 of the contents of the file “ License.xUSSR.txt«:

2. Citizens of countries of the former USSR have the right to use this version of the FAR for non-commercial purposes free of charge.

I will say that this file manager is absolutely free, reading the same file it becomes clear how to register FAR, namely, point 3:

3. To unlock the functions of the registered version of the specified
categories of persons when registering after running ‘far -r’ must be entered in
as username:
xUSSR registration
in this case, the registration code must be entered in small
in Russian letters the current day of the week.

And so what should we do about this:
launch FAR we write - far -r, after which the window will be removed, and as shown in the bottom screenshot, enter:

Registration name - xUSSR registration
Registration code - Tuesday(here we write the current day of the week)
Well, that's all for registration of the file manager, good luck!
If you downloaded one of the latest versions of the file manager Far, then you do not need to register it.

Russification of Far Manager

By default, the program will speak to us in English. Everything here is much simpler than with the Russification of most programs. If you did everything according to the above instructions, then the Russian language is already installed in the Far Manager program, you just need to enable it, and for this you need to do the following:

  • in the open program window, click on the button F9(launch the Far main menu)
  • go to menu Options
  • click on the menu sub-item Languages

After which a window will open in which you can select a language for the Menu, and there are several languages ​​to choose from, namely:

  • Chez(Czech)
  • English
  • German
  • Hugarion(Hungarian)
  • Polish
  • Russian(Russian)
  • Spanish

We choose the one that you need, in my case it is Russian.

After selecting the Menu language, the following window will appear in which you need to select the Help language; there are slightly fewer languages ​​here, namely:

  • English
  • Hugarion(Hungarian)
  • Russian(Russian)

But the one I need is still on the list - Russian.

After all these steps, you should have a file manager installed on your computer. Far Manager, speaking Russian.

Using FAR Manager

The default program window contains two panels in which you can open different directories and files. In each of the panels you can use both the keyboard and the mouse, but file managers, in my opinion, are created to speed up the process of working with directories and files from the keyboard. Of course, this not only speeds up the work process, but also increases convenience significantly.
In order to sort files in any of the panels, you need to hold down the key Ctrl on the keyboard, after which a menu will be displayed at the bottom in which each item corresponds to a key from F1 to F10 and up to F12 in full screen mode:

  • F1— show/hide left panel
  • F2— show/hide right panel
  • F3- sort by file name
  • F4- sort by extension
  • F5— sort by recording time
  • F6- sort by size
  • F7- do not sort
  • F8— sort by creation time
  • F9— sort by access time
  • F10— sort by description
  • F11— sort by file owner
  • F12— launch the sorting menu

Alt, which is mainly designed to work with files and directories, namely:

  • F1— open the current drive in the left panel
  • F2— open the current drive in the right pane
  • F3— here you can open the file for viewing both in an external program and in the file manager itself
  • F4— here you can open the file for editing both in an external program and in the file manager itself
  • F5— file printing
  • F6— here you can create a link (shortcut) to a file or folder
  • F7- file search
  • F8— display command history
  • F9— resizing the program window
  • F10- search for folder
  • F11— display browsing and editing history
  • F12— display folder history

You can also open an additional menu by holding the button Shift, which is mainly intended for working with files and archives, namely:

  • F1— add files to the archive
  • F2— extract files from the archive
  • F3— execute archive management commands
  • F4- edit new file
  • F5- copy the file under the cursor
  • F6— renaming or moving a file under the cursor
  • F7- absent
  • F8— deleting the file under the cursor
  • F9- save configuration
  • F10— select the last executed menu item
  • F11— use sorting by groups
  • F12— show tagged files first

The following menu is launched by pressing the key F9 on keyboard. It contains the following points:

  • Left— basic operations that relate to the left panel
  • Files— basic operations with files
  • Teams- various commands
  • Options— here are the basic settings for the program
  • Right— basic operations that relate to the right panel

I tried to reveal some of the small capabilities of the program, but the most important assistant in learning this file manager is one of the items in the bottom menu, namely - Help, which can be launched by pressing a key F1 on keyboard.
As I said earlier, a large number of additional plugins are available in Far Manager, but at the moment I only use one plugin - Noisy Player. I wrote about this useful and interesting plugin not long ago, namely: it allows you to play music files on your computer.
All other plugins can be downloaded from the official website of the program.


  • - official website of the program
  • - plugin directory

Happy using!

The FAR Manager file manager for the Windows operating system is distributed free of charge. Download FAR Manager for free in Russian.
Permanent link: https://site/ru/file/far

Brief description of Far Manager

FAR Manager is a free file manager that runs on the Windows operating system. A license is not required to register the program. To get started with the program, you need to download Far Manager for Windows 10, 8.. for free.

The console manager is made in OS DOS style, works in a Windows window or expands to full screen. Controlling commands or switching to another panel is carried out using the keyboard; if desired, you can use a computer mouse. The file manager works very quickly due to the absence of graphic elements in the program interface.

Operating principle, functionality and plugins

The two-panel operating principle allows you to quickly and conveniently perform a large number of operations, spending a minimum amount of time on this, unlike the usual Windows Explorer.

The work of Far Manager is not only about deleting, moving or copying files and folders, Far Manager can also:

Find and view
- change and edit,
- name and rename,
- edit,
- search for folders and files,

The program can also perform some system functions.

The functionality is not difficult to expand and modify by installing various plugins. The advanced features include the following:

It’s convenient to manage desktop and network shared printers directly from Explorer;
- it is possible to work via the FTP protocol with FTP servers, supports Unicode encoding and other encodings;
- the FAR editor has expanded document editing functionality, for example: syntax highlighting, word completion, pasting from the buffer;
- archiving files is available directly from the manager, there are other options for working with archives;
- search functions in several files, it is also easy to configure their auto-correction;
- you can rename a group of files using a template as a whole package;
- the program allows you to configure your mail program, adjust the sending and receiving of messages;
- it is possible to recode text directly in the document, incl. UUE file format encoding and transcoding;
- there is a priority setting for the software process manager;
- connection and work to servers using ODBC;
- you can control the WinAmp player directly from the program;
- you can also connect calculators, games and other necessary modules.

In the program, you can configure the Russian language or immediately download FAR Manager rus in Russian for free for a computer running Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1 or 10. There is also a Portable version that may be very useful for system engineers or programmers for work.

Far Group developers regularly release new plugins for FAR Manager. If the user goes to the source on the official Far Group website, then they can download the latest version of the Far Manager program for free without registration and SMS and even get support..

Far Manager is a free multifunctional file manager, optimized for working with files and folders of Windows operating systems.

You can download Far Manager for free in the Russian version from the official website using the link below. You can choose x64 or 32-bit build.

In addition, developers very often release updates, all in order to make the application even better. You can always install additional functions and make the utility even more versatile. Far Manager can also work in console mode.

You can download the free Far Manager file manager in Russian for Windows 7, 8.1 and 10 for 64 and 32 bit Windows systems. Main functions of Far Manager 64-bit:

  • Works correctly with all types of printers.
  • Highlights syntax in program source codes.
  • Supports work with FTP servers.
  • Can rename groups of files.
  • Manages the priorities of processes on a local or network PC.
  • Encodes and decodes files in UUE format.
  • Supports work with Winamp.
  • Works correctly with different servers.
  • There are several calculators with different capabilities.
  • While working, spell checking occurs automatically.

The utility is very versatile and allows you to perform many different operations with the file system, for example, view, copy and edit files, change the registry, etc. The manager interface allows you to customize every detail to your taste.