
Reason the mouse doesn't work. What to do if the mouse does not work. Other USB software glitches on any PC

It's no secret that sometimes certain difficulties arise when using a laptop - the mouse does not work. They overtake the user at an unfavorable moment: an important report or annual budget is about to be submitted. Such a nuisance happens when you need to edit a thesis or give an important presentation, on which further career growth depends.

Today, we will look at the causes of manipulator breakdowns and types of malfunctions. And also how to fix this or that problem.

Types of mice

There are three main types of manipulators with which the user can control work and functions:

Types of faults

The main reasons why the mouse on a laptop does not work include the following situations:

  • system failure;
  • cable is damaged;
  • bluetooth driver or module does not work;
  • the batteries are dead;
  • polluted;
  • virus;
  • The cable is not connected to the port (and this happens too =).

So, if you are faced with the fact that the mouse does not work on your laptop, we recommend checking the operating system. As a rule, the situation is easily resolved with a standard reboot.

If you have rebooted the device, but the mouse still does not work, you need to check the drivers that are responsible for its correct operation.

To do this, you need to take just 5 simple steps:

What to do if the touchpad stops working

In a situation where the touchpad fails, a wave of panic rolls over the user. However, you should not give in to it. Need to check:

Options for hardware failure of the “built-in mouse”

  1. Make sure that the laptop cable is properly connected to the motherboard. Rarely, there are situations when, during the delivery of equipment to the customer, spontaneous disconnection of parts from each other occurs. You can fix this problem yourself, but if your device is under warranty, we strongly recommend that you take it to the nearest service center that services laptops of your brand and model.
  2. Also, it is worth checking the touchpad for chips, scratches, in a word, for mechanical damage. If it is broken, it can be replaced at a service center.
  3. If the touchpad does not work in tandem with the ports, keyboard, etc., then there is a possibility that the cable has broken down, which can only be fixed after a thorough diagnosis at a service center.

Why a wireless mouse may not work on a laptop

Another question that worries users is why the wireless touch mouse on the laptop stopped working, if previously everything was fine and no other problems were noticed? In this case, we recommend checking your computer using an installed antivirus program. It is likely that your device is infected with a virus, which blocks the full operation of the wireless touch mouse.

Therefore, before sounding the alarm and rushing headlong to the service center to solve the problem, we advise you to analyze the situation yourself. Perhaps our tips will help save you not only time and money, but also your nerve cells.

  1. If you use a wireless mouse on your laptop and have a problem with its operation, the first thing you need to do is check whether the batteries in the mouse are dead. Try installing new batteries.
  2. If the first tip did not help you, we recommend checking whether the signal transmitters have moved away from the mouse and laptop. It is possible that the manipulator is frozen. Then it’s worth rebooting it and trying to connect it through a different port.
  3. If after these manipulations the mouse does not work, we recommend replacing it with a new one.

The mouse indicator is on, but it does not work

There are situations when a wireless mouse does not work on a laptop, but lights up. In this case, it is worth checking the USB connector of the mouse for serviceability. To be more precise, check the contact that is directly responsible for the power supply (+5V).

In this situation, we advise you to check whether the manipulator is dirty. If you have an optical device, there may be some debris in the compartment that is interfering with the normal response of the optics when the device is manipulated. Try cleaning it with a regular cotton swab. Also, lack of operation may be due to a breakdown of the optical sensor.

Why doesn't a wired mouse work on a laptop?

  1. If your wired mouse stops responding to commands, the first thing you need to do is change the connection and simply switch the mouse to a different port.
  2. If this action does not have any effect, we recommend trying to reboot the laptop.
  3. If your mouse still does not work, check its cable for mechanical damage, breaks, etc. If the integrity of the USB cable is broken, you have two options: try to repair your favorite pointing device or purchase a new wired mouse.
  4. You can also check the functionality of the device on another computer. It is also recommended to clean the optical sensor if you have an optical mouse, or the rollers and ball if you use a mechanical analogue.
  5. If you have a wired gaming mouse that has many additional function keys on its surface, we recommend checking that the installed drivers are working correctly, as described earlier. If the drivers work intermittently, simply reinstall or update them to the latest version and reboot the laptop for the changes to take effect.

Step-by-step instructions for restoring mouse functionality

In order to configure your pointing device to work correctly with a laptop, you need to take several steps:

  • connect the mouse to one of the ports;
  • check whether the necessary drivers are installed automatically; if not, install them yourself;
  • go to properties (the path was described earlier) and check there that all the settings and display of the system manipulator are correct).

As we can see, there are many situations in which the mouse can function incorrectly. However, there are no fewer solutions to this problem. You should not panic, but look at the problem rationally and, before taking the laptop to a technician, try to solve the problem yourself.

Have a great day!

Regardless of what type of pointing device is used, sometimes problems may arise due to the fact that the mouse cursor does not move, but the mouse works. What are the reasons and how to eliminate the consequences of the problem, read on.

The mouse cursor does not move, but the mouse works: reasons

When starting to consider the reasons, we need to focus on dividing these devices by type. The easiest way to troubleshoot problems is when using standard devices connected to computers and laptops using a special plug or via USB ports.

In the case of wireless pointing devices or non-standard models intended for gaming, there may be many more reasons why the mouse buttons work but the cursor does not move.

However, some of the most common problems include the following:

  • surface contamination;
  • incorrect connection or switching on of the device;
  • incompatibility and other problems with the USB port;
  • incorrectly installed, missing or outdated drivers;
  • exposure to viruses.

The mouse cursor does not move, but the mouse works: what to do first?

In the simplest case, first you need to inspect the bottom surface of the device. If there are dirt on the underside, they must be removed. Very often, it is precisely because of this that it is impossible to perform any actions with moving the cursor on the screen.

In some cases, when the mouse cursor does not move but the mouse works, the problem may be due to a momentary software glitch. In this case, you can try to revive the mouse by simply rebooting the entire system. Please also note that if there is an inoperative device, the BIOS does not generate warning signals.

In the case of wireless devices, the problem that the mouse cursor does not move, but the mouse works, may be due to a dead battery. It needs to be replaced. Another reason is that the device is not turned on correctly. In many manipulators, in addition to turning on the special button or power slider on the bottom surface (on the back side), you also need to press the left mouse button (this also applies to sleep mode, which the manipulator goes into when the computer or laptop is turned off). For Bluetooth devices, make sure that the corresponding module is active. For Wi-Fi, you may sometimes need to log into your router and change the protocol to 802.11g.

Sometimes the reason the mouse cursor doesn't move but the mouse works may be because it's plugged into the wrong USB port. As a rule, any modern computer or laptop has several such connectors of the USB 2.0 and 3.0 standards. This also needs to be taken into account.

Finally, you can check the functionality of any type of device quite simply by connecting it to another computer terminal. If it works, then the problem is in the user's system. Otherwise, the main problem may be the drivers.

Changing the driver

For standard devices, the system installs drivers independently. But for some gaming mice, they are supplied complete with the manipulators themselves, and you need to install them manually. In such a situation, the drivers need to be reinstalled or updated. But what to do if the cursor doesn’t move?

This is where knowledge of entering commands and using the keyboard to switch between various functions, applications and sections of the system will come in handy. To quickly access the “Device Manager”, you need to use the console call “Run” (Win + R), in which the command devmgmt.msc is entered, after which movement in the manager itself is carried out using the arrow buttons and tabulator. You can also use the Start menu, opened with the Win key. Functions are called and confirmed by pressing buttons using the enter key, and the Esc key is sometimes used to cancel actions.

When reinstalling a driver, the system will need to specify its location (removable media or a folder on your hard drive) rather than using the recommended installation from the Windows database. Once driver integration is complete, it is advisable to reboot the system, although this is not always required.


It remains to be said that the cause should be looked for exclusively taking into account a certain type of device. But in most cases, if the mouse cursor does not move, but the mouse works, and the problem is not related to software failures or physical damage to the mouse itself (or damage to the connection cord), at least one of the above methods will restore the operation of the manipulator. Problems with viruses were not touched upon here, since every user should take care of security first.

From time to time, we all encounter the fact that at some point while working at a computer, a manipulator stops executing commands or does not follow them the first time. And if in the Linux OS the lion's share of operations can be performed using the console, then the Windows operating system is less friendly in this regard and is more aimed at working with a manipulator. Anyone who has encountered the problem that the mouse on a computer or laptop does not work immediately wonders what is the cause of the breakdown and whether it is possible to fix it on their own.

In some cases, it is possible to eliminate the cause on your own, and the manipulator continues to serve for a long time. In other cases, you have to visit the store unplanned and based on the technical characteristics.

It is no secret that computer mice have different interface connections (Bluetooth, Wireless, USB, PS/2), as a result of which they are conventionally divided into wired and wireless types. That is why there are general and individual problems for each type of manipulator.

Problem #1. The computer mouse has stopped working or is unstable.

If the manipulator uses a USB interface for connection, then first use another USB port. Computers with an operating system installed more than three years ago may have problems with the USB controller at the software level. In addition, on long-installed operating systems, a conflict may arise between devices (system resources are taken away from each other).

If, after connecting the manipulator to another USB connector, it works normally, then the problem is most likely related to the unstable operation of the USB controller. In some cases, you will have to purchase an expansion controller (PCI adapter).

If your mouse is connected via a PS/2 interface, then the above method will not work for you, since there is only one on the motherboard.

In addition, using the keyboard, if necessary, you can reinstall the manipulator driver. To do this, press the Win+R key combination and in the “Open” field write mmc devmgmt.msc and confirm the action by pressing “Enter”.

After this, the “Device Manager” window will open. Click on the horizontal tab button (Tab) to activate hierarchical list selection. Next, using the “Down” cursor arrow, go down to the “Mice and other pointing devices” item. To expand the list, click the Right cursor arrow. The mouse you connected to the computer will be displayed here.

Using the cursor arrow, select your manipulator and click the “Context Menu” button (a list with a cursor is drawn on it - located near the right “Ctrl”). In the menu that opens, click on the “Delete” item. After this, restart your computer (laptop) and after the next boot, the Windows operating system will re-detect the device and install the driver for it.

Problem #2. The computer mouse cursor twitches or does not stand still. Does not allow you to accurately point to the desired object.

Typically, this behavior is due to the fact that the manipulator sensor is clogged with small particles of sawdust and dirt. In this case, remove the blockage from the surface of the built-in sensor with a cotton swab or soft cloth moistened with alcohol. If you use a desktop surface instead of a rug, then this may also be the cause of the above problem. Firstly, most budget mice are reluctant to work on polished and glossy surfaces, and secondly, for some users it may not be clean enough.

Problem #3. The button on the manipulator does not work every time or does not work at all.

I have already encountered a similar problem more than once and for some reason the right mouse button does not work all the time, the number of clicks on which is several times less than on the left. In this case, this problem occurs not at the software level, but at the hardware level. The mouse stops responding to commands due to the failure of the microbuttons, since they have a limited click resource. Sometimes they stop functioning due to strong pressure or because dirt has gotten into the manipulator body and they begin to stick.

In the first case, with certain knowledge and skills in working with a soldering iron, you will also need an appropriate microphone to make the replacement, and in the second, you only need to clean the microbuttons. However, sticking of buttons due to dirt is extremely rare and most likely you will need an appropriate donor (another mouse) or a new microbutton to make a replacement.

Individual problems of computer manipulators.

A typical problem with wired mice is damage to the wire due to bending or squeezing. Conduct a visual inspection of the cable and, if damage is detected, connect and insulate the wires.

Wireless mice have one undeniable weakness. If the manipulator suddenly turns off, the first thing you need to do is check the batteries with a tester and replace them if necessary. Not all users are friends with the tester, and therefore I recommend that owners of such wireless solutions keep new batteries in reserve. This way, you can always determine whether the problem is related to the power supply of the device. If the assumption is confirmed, then after replacing the battery you will be able to continue working, and if there is no confirmation, then in any case you will be able to exclude the primary cause and continue the search.

Hello! If you are reading this article, it means that your mouse has stopped working, or it works intermittently, or some buttons (wheel) do not work. In most cases, this problem can be solved independently at home, without the need for any special skills or tools. In this article we will look at the main reasons Why doesn't the mouse work on a laptop or PC? , as well as ways to troubleshoot the problem.

Causes of mouse malfunction

No matter what model or type of mouse you have, it can fail for three main reasons:

  • Software;
  • Hardware;
  • Doesn't work in game or app.

Although the third point can also be attributed to software reasons. I think it’s clear what software failures mean - related to incorrect installation of drivers, conflict with the system etc. Hardware problems come down to mechanical breakdowns - wire break, contact closure etc.

Sometimes the mouse works on the desktop, but when entering the game the pointer does not respond to mouse movement. For example, GTA fans often encounter the problem that the mouse does not work in GTA San Andres. It turns out that this problem can be solved by simply pressing Esc several times and returning back to the game. Gamers also recommend going to the Task Manager and closing the explorer.exe process in it. If the mouse does not work in GTA in Windows 7, then in the Task Manager on the Details tab you need to find the task gta-sa.exe, right-click and uncheck all the boxes next to the processor cores, except for any one. These recommendations help in 99% of cases.

Problems with wired mice

If your mouse has a “tail” that has PS/2 connector(round plug), check whether you inserted it into the right port. Sometimes users confuse the keyboard and mouse connector. The mouse port is green.

If the input device is connected to USB port, then problems may arise in this case too. For example, a USB mouse often does not work because Windows does not have the necessary drivers. In new versions of the OS, this problem is much less common. There may be a problem with the USB port itself. To eliminate this possibility, change the connector, or connect the mouse to another computer/laptop.

If a new mouse that does not work when connected does not come with a driver disk, the necessary driver can be easily found on the Internet.

Sometimes users wonder why the mouse stops working. Those. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. The problem most likely lies in broken cord– at a certain position, the contacts close and the mouse works; if you move a little, the contacts open and it stops working. If the mouse is cheap, it’s better not to bother and buy a new one, because... When soldering, there is a high probability that the wire will break in a new place.

Sometimes wired the mouse lights up but doesn't work. This indicates that it is powered from the mains, because the diode is on. Perhaps the sensor laser has gone wrong and needs to be corrected. Also, the problem may lie in the same contacts in the wire or in the socket. In any case, fixing this breakdown requires some experience and skill, so it is better to contact the service.

Why doesn't my wireless mouse work?

The first recommendation, of course, may seem obvious, but still... Make sure your batteries are not dead. Also check whether the sensor is lit; if not, the mouse may not be turned on (the toggle switch is usually at the bottom). And it’s very simple – you just need to click the mouse button. This helps if the mouse has become inactive due to prolonged inactivity.

Now to the more serious reasons why a wireless mouse does not work on a computer. One of them - signal receiving unit. Try inserting the USB receiver into a different port. Also, the failure may lie in the mouse itself - the signal is not sent for some reason.

As for software, wireless mice have the same problems as wired ones. You may need to update or install new drivers.

The mouse wheel and buttons do not work

If on the mouse buttons don't work, then most likely it is a mechanical failure, although there is also a small risk of infection with the virus. The main mechanical failure is when the microphone breaks off. Mikrik is a button that clamps contacts. You can feel such a breakdown by lightly pressing the mouse button. Again, in case of such troubles, it is better to buy a new device than to try to solder or change the microphone - this work is impractical.

It happens much less often that the right or left mouse button does not work, but the cursor moves and the wheel scrolls the page in certain programs or games. Here you need to look at the input device settings.

Why Mouse wheel doesn't work? Perhaps a mechanical part has broken down - in this case it will be difficult to do something yourself. Also, the reason may lie in the lack of the necessary drivers. Look at the mouse settings in the operating system; perhaps they contain the wrong functions for the wheel.

I hope you found the cause of your electronic rodent's malfunction and were able to fix it.

If you are faced with a problem where the mouse on your laptop does not work, do not despair, because often the problem is not difficult to fix and you can do it yourself.

Many users, when problems arise with a computer mouse, prefer to contact workshops, and most often, due to the relatively low cost of budget models, they simply buy a new one.

Don’t rush to go to the store, take a little time, and we’ll tell you what to do if the mouse on your laptop doesn’t work.

There are not many reasons why a computer mouse does not work, but initially you need to decide on the initial data:

    what type of control is used (mechanical, optical)?

    Connection method to laptop (wired, wireless)?

    What interface does it use to connect to the computer (PS/2, USB)?

What to do if a wired mouse does not work?

However, the thing to keep in mind here is that a USB mouse, unlike a PS/2 mouse, is a plug-and-play device. What does it mean?

Based on the main concept of Plug-and-Play devices, they do not require additional configuration/

The operating system automatically, on the fly, recognizes objects and makes changes to the overall configuration.

Thus, in the case of a USB connector, configuration changes will be made automatically without the need to restart the laptop, and in the case of a PS/2 connector, a reboot is not necessary.

If all else fails, try rebooting regardless of the interface you are using.

In some cases, this method is effective and efficient.

Also try removing the USB mouse, rebooting the laptop, entering your username and password to enter the operating system, and only after loading, insert it into one of the USB interfaces.

Next, you should try changing the connection interface on the laptop; perhaps one of them is not working correctly (“burned out” or frozen), this is a fairly common reason, perhaps the most common among the others.

The ideal option would be when you have the opportunity to replace the mouse with the same one, in whose performance you are 100% sure.

In this case, the working model should be inserted into the slot in which the current one is installed.

Remember the difference in interfaces described above and if you install a device with a PS/2 interface, do not forget to restart the laptop.

It's also a good idea to test your mouse to see if it works on another computer, not necessarily a laptop.

Everything is simple here, if you inserted a working device into the laptop and it does not work, the problem is definitely in the laptop.

If your mouse does not work with a laptop, but works on another computer, the problem is again with the laptop.

In some cases, the mouse may not work correctly, which manifests itself as slow cursor movement or periodic lack of communication with the mouse.

Static voltage as one of the reasons for a non-working mouse

In some cases, the device may not work as a result of static charge accumulation. Also, quite often, USB interfaces burn out for this reason.

Note that this problem is typical for both wired and wireless mice. The solution to this problem is to remove the existing static voltage.

To do this, follow the steps below:

    Turn off your laptop.

    Press and hold the laptop's power button for at least 30 seconds.

    Install the battery.

    Turn on the power of the laptop by connecting to an electrical outlet.

    Turn on the laptop, go into the operating system and check the functionality of the mouse.

What to do if your wireless mouse doesn't work?

The first and most common reason why a wireless mouse refuses to work is dead batteries. .

To test this thesis, insert other working batteries into the wireless mouse.

Please note that the batteries may not be completely discharged and may even work in other devices (such as the remote control), but the mouse will not work.

In some cases, wireless mice may freeze.

In order to get it out of this state, use the special mouse on/off button - turn off the mouse and turn it on again after a few seconds.

As a rule, this button is located under the mouse, in some cases it is represented not by a button, but by a lever.

One of the problems may be the lack of a signal from the transmitter installed in the USB port of the computer.

Try pulling out and inserting the transmitter, you can also change the location of the transmitter by installing it in another USB interface of the laptop.

If all of the above attempts to restore functionality were unsuccessful, try the functionality on another computer; the mouse may be faulty.

In this article, we tried to review all possible reasons when a wired/wireless mouse does not work, and also looked at ways to eliminate them.

Why doesn't the mouse work on my laptop?

The mouse does not work on a laptop: what to do? Review of the main causes of breakdowns