
The best push-button phones. The best push-button phones Review of push-button phones of the year

Push-button cell phones gave way to smartphones in popularity in Russia 3 years ago (in 2014), and in recent years sales of push-button phones have been constantly declining. However, it is too early to discount them. In 2016, in Russia, according to J'son & Partners Consulting, 10.8 million push-button phones were sold, this amounted to 29% of the total sales of mobile phones (for comparison: 26 smartphones were sold on the Russian market in 2016, 4 million pieces). For the most part, push-button telephone models are used by older people. There are also young people who specifically buy push-button cell phones so as not to waste time on social networks, games and other delights of smartphones, and to use the phone only for its intended purpose - to make and receive calls. Parents who care that their child does not sit on a smartphone during classes and after them, but is engaged in studying, also buy push-button mobile phones for their children. Finally, a push-button phone can become a temporary phone for calls if the smartphone has to be taken to a service center for repairs or during a trip when there is no way to charge the smartphone, and a push-button phone, as a rule, holds a charge longer than the average smartphone. The main advantage of push-button phones is their low price, accessible to everyone. The average price of a push-button telephone in Russia is 1.7 thousand rubles, while the average price of a smartphone is 7 times more - 12.1 thousand rubles.

In this rating, we will look at the best push-button mobile phones for 2017, which have received good reviews in Yandex Market. When placing places in the rating, technical characteristics and the price-quality ratio were also taken into account.

Nokia 105 (2017)

The average price is 1,350 rubles. The mobile phone of summer 2017 received 41% of fives in Yandex Market and 74% of recommendations for purchase. Today this is the third most popular Nokia push-button phone (Yandex Market data).

Technical characteristics: 1.8-inch 160x120 screen, without camera, support for one SIM card. The battery life in talk mode is 15 hours.

From reviews:

"Nokia's design is all right - especially now, when every second person has a black rectangle, only the logo on the back cover is different for everyone. After this handset, my smartphone seemed uncomfortable, cold, empty and heavy. I look at Nokia and just get a kick out of it lies in the hand, in the car, on the table. Light as a feather, fits in a lighter pocket in jeans. Definitely a plus for its appearance and tactile sensations.

Excellent call quality!

Unexpectedly simple. I was trying to figure out how to turn on airplane mode at night, but it turned out that you just need to turn off the phone, SHOCK! It turns on/off in about 5 seconds. In the morning the alarm clock rang with the phone turned off - I had already forgotten these simple joys.

What else? Compared to the old 3310 there is a flashlight, calendar, radio and a standard charging connector

According to the instructions, a new battery needs to be completely discharged, then charged for 12/24 hours and completely discharged again. And so 3-5 times, then the battery will last longer. It took me 2 weeks after charging before the phone started reporting that the battery was low - naturally at the most inconvenient moment, but the phone continued to work! I called and was surprised. On the 3rd day, I decided to “help” him, turned on the flashlight and forgot about the phone for 3.5 hours, but it continued to work, then I also turned on the radio through the speakerphone - it worked for another 2 hours."

7th place.

Nokia 150 Dual sim

The average price is 2,580 rubles. A cell phone from the beginning of 2017 received 21% of fives in Yandex Market and 56% of recommendations for purchase.

Technical characteristics: 2.4-inch 320x240 screen, 0.3 MP camera, dual SIM support, MP3 support. Slot for memory card up to 32 GB. The battery life in talk mode is 22 hours.

From reviews:

"Lightweight, compact, holds a charge for a long time. T9 works perfectly. Although the flashlight is not very bright, the power button is designed very conveniently and in two combinations. No Internet (for me this is a plus). Excellent sound in the microphone, the interlocutor can be heard clearly and me hear clearly.

In general, the rating for this phone among other rubbish is 5, and the rating regarding what Nokia should do, and even for that kind of money, is 3, so I give it an average 4. I bought it for my mother - for her this is generally an ideal option - nothing extra. I wanted the same one as a dialer, but now I don’t even know without bluetooth and some other functions. The unpleasant thing is that among the rubbish that they sell now, there’s not even anything to choose from, even Samsung has stopped making normal ones. Of all the push-button devices, Nokia is the only one that I liked the conversational speakers."

6th place.


The average price is 1,066 rubles. This mobile phone scored 67% of fives according to reviews in Yandex Market. Technical characteristics: 2.8-inch screen 320x240, has a camera, support for two SIM cards, mp3 support, talk time 4 hours, standby time 4 days.

From reviews: "The phone itself is convenient and light. In addition, the plus is that the battery lasts quite a long time. Another advantage, in my opinion, is the size of the screen and the keyboard; for such a device there is a fairly large display and keys, which looks advantageous. In addition, the call is loud , in a noisy place you can hear quite a bit."

Nokia 216 Dual SIM

The average price is 2,800 rubles. The push-button phone, which went on sale in October 2016, received 29% of five reviews in Yandex Market and 48% of recommendations for purchase. Technical characteristics: 2.4-inch 320x240 screen, main camera 0.3 MP, front camera 0.3 MP, support for two SIM cards, support for mp3 and AAC, flashlight, voice recorder, talk time 18 hours, listening mode music 47 hours, standby time 19 days.

From reviews:

“When you don’t have a smartphone at hand, and you’re somewhere outside the city or somewhere at a resort, for example, it wouldn’t be such a shame to lose it in any case - it can go online, even if somehow through Opera with 2G , but still, with normal ears, it’s good to listen to music and take a picture of something.

And the main thing is that you won’t be afraid that the battery will run out like on a smartphone! I recommend it if you decide to buy."


The average price is 5,990 rubles. The new product of 2017 currently has 64% of reviews in Yandex Market and 100% of recommendations for purchase. Technical characteristics: 2.4-inch 400x360 screen, 2 megapixel camera, support for two SIM cards, mp3 support, flashlight, voice recorder. Talk time 7 hours, standby time 8 days. This phone has an IP67 rating, which in practice means it can survive in water for up to half an hour without harm. Can also be used as a walkie-talkie.


The average price is 1,050 rubles. This push-button phone, which went on sale in 2016, received 63% of five reviews in Yandex Market and 86% of recommendations for purchase. Technical characteristics: 2.4-inch screen 320x240, 1.3 megapixel camera, support for two SIM cards, mp3 support, flashlight, voice recorder, talk time 8 hours, standby time 13 days.

From reviews: "Advantages: lightweight plastic case, loud speaker, works on any SIM card, ability to add numbers to the blacklist, price, bright flashlight."


The average price is 1,690 rubles. This push-button phone, which went on sale at the end of 2016, received 34% of five reviews in Yandex Market and 67% of recommendations for purchase. Technical characteristics: 2.4-inch 320x240 screen, 1.3 megapixel camera, support for three SIM cards, mp3 support, flashlight, voice recorder, talk time 18 hours, standby time 25 days.

Nokia 3310 (2017) Dual SIM

The average price is 3,590 rubles. The mobile phone, presented by the manufacturer at the end of February 2017, scored 38% of fives in Yandex Market and 75% of recommendations for purchase. Today this is the second most popular Nokia push-button phone (Yandex Market data). Technical characteristics: 2.4-inch 320x240 screen, 2 megapixel camera with LED flash, support for two SIM cards, mp3 support, talk time 22 hours, music listening time 51 hours, standby time 31 days.

From reviews:

"The weight is optimal. Not a toy or a brick in your pocket.

The display is bright and clear. Contrasting colors. Enhancing the richness of flowers. The color scheme of the display style is strict without frills.

Battery capacity 1200 mAh. If it works as advertised, it's great for a phone with 1 SIM card.

Loud call signal. Distinct. If the environment is noisy, put an earphone in your left ear, everything can be solved. The music is delicious. I checked how the radio plays, with good headphones - great.

The price is normal. Moans about the price from those who don’t remember. And Nokia has always been 2-2.5 times more expensive than its counterparts from China. This is the “good - above average” product segment. European quality and the price is right. By the way, the device is not from China. Collected in Vietnam. Inside under the battery it says Finland.

The menu is simple, I looked through it and studied it in 5 minutes.

The font is easy to read and easy on the eyes. SMS messages come in windows with white text on a discreet orange background.

In standby mode, simply pressing the button on the right, on a locked phone, gives a clear large inscription “screen time” and a small battery in the upper right corner - “charge level”. I'm in awe, such a strict classic. Nothing extra".

see also

Today it is difficult to imagine life without a smartphone - without all the functionality that it includes. But just some 15–20 years ago, push-button “gadgets” ruled the world. Nowadays, they have almost completely lost their former popularity and have given way to touchscreen phones, but there are still a small number of adherents of good push-button phones - people who do not want to switch to using touchscreen smartphones. It is for such “conservatives” that this rating of push-button phones 2017. This list will help guide people who are choosing a simple dialer, but at the same time practical and reliable.

10. BRAVIS F242 Dialog

Opens the Top 10 best push-button phones of 2017 – BRAVIS F242 Dialog. This model is not distinguished by anything out of the ordinary, but there is nothing to criticize it for either. The battery life is average – the performance is far from the leaders, but you obviously won’t have to complain. It is worth noting a good bright screen with large elements (numbers, icons, fonts). There are two slots for SIM cards. The phone turned out to be pretty good for the money. In addition, BRAVIS F242 Dialog pleases with its simplicity, but at the same time it has the necessary functionality (alarm clock, flashlight, stopwatch, calculator and other functions that are so often useful in life).

9. BQ Mobile BQ-2411 Swift L

The next model in our rating of push-button phones 2017 is the BQ Mobile BQ-2411 Swift L. To be honest, this is the golden mean. There are no catchy “pros” in it, but there are no pressing “cons” either. Therefore, it’s just worth listing its characteristics and noting that it doesn’t have all sorts of “tricks”. Now, as for this phone model: two slots for SIM cards, “average” battery and screen, “standard” memory (with the ability to increase it with a memory card), Bluetooth, several colors. As has already been said, this is the most average phone: neither give nor take. And that’s why it’s in demand - practical and without problems.

8. Fly FF282

A pretty good option among phones with mechanical buttons is the Fly FF282. This model has a characteristic screen size of 2.8 inches, which is larger than the “standard” for push-button mobile phones (2.4 inches). A comfortable keyboard and pleasant appearance coupled with the small thickness of the Fly FF282 have a positive effect on its ease of use. Equipped with Bluetooth, FM radio, 3.5 mm audio jack. Overall, the phone is good, but the overall picture is spoiled by its own memory, which is virtually non-existent, and a mediocre camera, the presence of which is more likely to be a “for show” fad.


SENSEIT L208 will be an excellent choice for those who need to stay constantly in touch - the large battery capacity allows you to keep the phone charged for up to fifty hours of talk time (!). Has two slots for SIM cards. Pros: Bluetooth 3.0, USB, support for multiple audio formats, FM radio. Among the shortcomings, it is worth noting the lack of a camera, Internet access and a small amount of internal memory (which, on the other hand, is compensated by the ability to increase the built-in memory to 32 GB). Among other things, this phone is famous for its high build quality.

6.AGM M1

Among the majority of good push-button phones, the AGM M1 stands out. First of all, its protection from mechanical damage and exposure to aggressive environments attracts attention. Its body is made of metal and rubber, which allows it to withstand all the “hardships” of using the phone even in extreme conditions. But at the same time, this makes it bulkier and heavier than other phones. We are also pleased with the wide functionality of the device and the large capacity of its battery. And, interestingly, the main camera of the AGM M1 is waterproof.

5.Micromax X940

The top five feature phones of 2017 include the Micromax X940. This phone is designed in a minimal style, which is a fashion trend these days. In addition, the Micromax X940 looks much more stylish than many phones with a mechanical keyboard. In addition to the attractive appearance, it is worth noting the nimble shell, large high-quality screen and pleasant operation of the device as a whole. Also, the battery capacity is clearly pleasing – 3000 mAh. This phone even had a place for GPRS and Bluetooth Audio. The downside is that the camera is absolutely useless. But in general, the Micromax X940 is quite good, and also at an affordable price.

4. Nokia 216 Dual Sim

A pretty good option for those for whom the phone is important only as a means of communication is the Nokia 216 Dual Sim. This model is available in three colors (blue, blue, black) and has two slots for SIM cards. Nokia 216 Dual Sim is a classic feature phone that holds a charge for a long time, has good speakers, a bright flashlight and display. In addition, the ratio of cost and quality aspects of this device is more than excellent. The disadvantages of this model include limited functionality. But in general, the Nokia 216 Dual Sim is very reliable, and the price-quality ratio is also pleasantly pleasing.

3. BQ Mobile BQ-3201 Option

The undoubted leader in appearance (so to speak) among push-button phones is the BQ Mobile BQ-3201 Option. The brainchild of the Spanish company BQ clearly stands out by this criterion among others of its kind. Attractive appearance, large screen, fast shell, metal body and even the presence of a TV tuner! Besides all this, the price for BQ Mobile BQ-3201 Option is more than affordable. In general... there’s not much to complain about in this phone model: high-quality build, reasonable price, catchy appearance - the phone turned out to be quite decent.

2. Nokia 3310 (2017)

The once legendary and well-known push-button Nokia 3310 received a second life and a new incarnation in the 2017 restyled version. The advantages of the phone include a thin, comfortable body, a good display (good screen visibility even in bright sunlight), long battery life, a slot for a memory card and a headset included, support for MP3, FM radio, Bluetooth 3.0. Among the shortcomings are a weak camera, a noticeably inflated price, severe restrictions on installing applications, a weak speaker and ease of firmware.

1. Philips Xenium E570

And the palm in the ranking of the best push-button phones of 2017 goes to the Philips Xenium E570. You can describe it long and hard, but perhaps you need to start with the characteristics: 2.8-inch screen, 2 MP camera, Bluetooth 3.0, USB, FM radio, large battery capacity, 2 SIM card slots and quite a lot of functionality other bells and whistles. The only downside is that the catastrophically small amount of its own memory attracts attention, because a memory card is needed like wings on an airplane. Otherwise, the phone is very good for its class!

Who said that contemporary is a dying genre? Convenient and compact gadgets with keypads are relevant even today, in the era of smartphones. We will tell you in the article which push-button mobile phones of 2020, new items are worthy of attention and which ones have become a real failure. Also in the TOP you will find the best expensive and budget models.

Rating (TOP) of push-button phones 2020

1. Nokia 3310 - The best feature phone of all time

Nokia's iconic product is returning to store shelves. The hit new product of 2017 among push-button phones is equipped with a 2 MP camera, a memory card slot and a 2.4-inch average screen. The cell phone supports Bluetooth and 2G communication. A fairly powerful 1200 mAh battery holds a charge for 22 hours during a call, and in standby mode the mobile phone can not be recharged for a whole month. The model will appeal not only to fans of classic Nokia devices, but also to any user who wants to purchase a simple and reliable phone.

2.Nokia 150 - thin push-button phone

Another push-button novelty from the Nokia brand. The model exists in two versions - with one SIM card and dual sim. The phone is compact and thin, fits comfortably in the hand. The case is made of matte plastic, which does not allow the phone to slip out of your hands, and the rubberized keyboard is ergonomic and soft. There is a 0.3 MP camera, a micro SD slot and a headphone jack. The sound quality on the Nokia 150 is decent, although it is inferior to modern smartphones. According to the manufacturer's promises, the mobile phone can work in sleep mode for 25 days without recharging, and with constant calls - 22 hours. Overall, this is a practical and durable device with a minimal set of functions, which is convenient to take on long trips or use at work.

3.Fly TS 113 - a simple push-button telephone (without Internet)

The Fly company is famous for the fact that it still produces entire lines of push-button phones. 2017 was not without new products - a new three-SIM Fly TS 113 with an unusually large 2.8-inch screen was released. Otherwise, this model does not stand out much among its push-button counterparts in terms of functionality. There is a 0.3 MP camera, Bluetooth, radio, memory card slot. There is no Internet access. The 1000 mAh battery holds a charge for 5 hours during a call and up to 250 hours in standby mode. This modest budget phone is ideal for those who have to use several mobile numbers due to their duties.

4.Micromax x 907 - a convenient push-button smartphone

The new product for 2017 is presented in two colors – black and gray. The mobile is equipped with two SIM card slots and a large screen (2.8 inches). The main advantage of Micromax x 907 is its low cost compared to other push-button models. The device has minimal functionality - it has a 0.3 MP camera and the ability to listen to audio, but there is no Internet connection. The downside was the lack of vibration alert. Otherwise, this is a reliable, practical and easy-to-use phone at a modest price.

5.Micromax x 408 - stylish push-button mobile phone

This new product from Micromax does not have any remarkable specifications and is not much different from phones in this price segment. The device is equipped with support for two SIM cards, a small screen and a 0.08 MP camera. The medium-power 800 mAh battery does its job, keeping the phone charged for up to 110 hours. The plastic case is made in a classic style and fits comfortably in the hand.

6.Micromax x707 - the best push-button phone with Internet access

The phone is available in two colors – beige and gray; the body looks stylish and presentable. The EDGE protocol provides Internet access at a speed of 200 Kbps. There are two SIM card slots, the ability to use an SD card and Bluetooth. The phone plays audio and video in popular formats, which allows it to be used as a replacement for a player.

7.TeXet TM-D328

The new product from TeXet amazes with its power - the 4500 mAh battery allows you to forget about recharging for a long time, and in addition, makes it possible to recharge your smartphone from it. The back cover of the case is stylized as leather, thanks to which the phone fits comfortably in the palm of your hand and does not slip. There are two SIM card slots, a standard headphone jack, a photo and video camera, radio and Bluetooth. With such a filling, the price of the device is quite low and affordable for the average buyer. This is a cool feature phone with a good camera and battery (2017)

8.TeXet TM-400

Flip phones are rarely seen on shelves today, but in 2017, TeXet released a new product – the foldable TM-400 in four colors. The elegant and thin case with laser engraving looks presentable and expensive. There is a built-in photo and video camera, the ability to use two active SIM cards, Bluetooth, radio, audio and video player.

9.TeXet TM-B220 is a good push-button mobile phone

This new push-button phone for 2017 is designed specifically for older people. It is sometimes called a “granny phone.” The compact size, comfortable soft-tought keyboard, and clear and simple interface will appeal to people who have difficulty getting used to something new. The phone is equipped with only the most necessary functions - vibration alert, flashlight and radio. The 800 mAh battery allows you to use the device without recharging for quite a long time.

In the world of advanced digital technologies, where all modern mobile phones are based on touch control, the so-called “granny phones” or push-button phones have begun to be forgotten a little.

Despite the wild popularity of touchscreen smartphones, the production of push-button devices continues, which have their own audience in the form of children and pensioners. Such phones for older people have a minimal set of functions and are quite convenient to use.


Quite a bright phone model, the outer casing of which resembles the silhouette of a racing car. The quality of the material, represented by high-strength plastic, was not affected either. Thanks to its ergonomic design, the gadget fits comfortably in your hand. It is worth noting the multifunctionality of the device, which consists of an alarm clock, voice recorder, radio and camera. By the way, the latter produces fairly clear images with high resolution.

The KENEKSI M5 push-button phone also supports 2 SIM cards, which allows you to make calls to numbers of other operators without purchasing an additional means of communication. The gadget is supplied with a charger and instruction manual.


  • Interesting and stylish design.
  • A light weight.
  • Long battery life.


  • Supports only GSM communication.
  • Muffled ringing sound.

9 BQ BQM-2802 Kyoto

This model breaks all stereotypes about mobile phones. It is made of durable plastic and is also capable of working with two SIM cards made in mini format. Thanks to the wide high-resolution screen, the pictures are rich and bright. A 2 MP camera, quite acceptable for such gadgets, is located on a rotating module. This makes it possible to take selfies, so popular in the modern world.

BQ BQM-2802 Kyoto has a bright flashlight and a powerful battery that can hold a charge for 6.5 hours during continuous conversation. The gadget has a radio with a function for text display of information on the display. If the phone's built-in memory is not enough, it can be increased by 16 GB using memory cards.


  • Big screen.
  • Convenient PTZ camera.
  • Big buttons.


  • Inconvenient keyboard layout.
  • Relatively fast battery drain.

8 Philips E103

The presented mobile gadget helps to effectively organize business life, which is ensured by two SIM cards that allow you to divide contacts into two groups. This solution also eliminates the need to carry several mobile gadgets at once. A distinctive feature of the Philips E103 is the phone's continuous operation in standby mode for 38 days. In talk mode, the device can operate without recharging for 15 hours.

Like most push-button phones, this model is equipped with a flashlight. But here it is not ordinary, but LED, which contributes to additional conservation of battery energy. Also, some peculiarity lies in the way of listening to the radio: this can be done not only through headphones, but also through a telephone speaker.


  • Powerful battery.
  • A light weight.
  • Conversation audio recording function.


  • The buttons are too close.
  • Quiet call.
  • Increased sensitivity to moisture and water.

7 BQ BQM-2406 Toledo

Quite a nice and stylish mobile gadget, made in the best traditions of phones running on two SIM cards that can remain active in simultaneous mode. A powerful and ergonomic battery allows the phone to operate continuously for 700 hours in standby mode.

BQ BQM-2406 Toledo supports memory expansion function. Thanks to micro SD cards, it becomes possible to increase the capacity up to 32 GB, which allows you to use the gadget as a flash memory, and the light weight and convenient location in the hand make the device extremely convenient.


  • Large and bright display.
  • High sound quality.
  • Powerful battery.


  • Weak camera.
  • Small number of functions.

6 Samsung SM-B310E

Another push-button phone that supports two SIM cards, which makes it possible to use two separate phone numbers. Flexibility and improved communication functions are reflected in the ability to separate work and personal contacts.

The main feature of the Samsung SM-B310E is its appearance: a green line, which attracts the eye and is located on the body, visually separates the front from the back. Continuing the conversation about the case, it is worth saying that the thickness of 13.1 mm allows you to hold the phone securely and comfortably in your hand. The phone's LCD screen makes it easy to read messages and watch videos. And listening to music will be a pleasure due to the built-in audio player and high sound quality.


  • Attractive stylish design.
  • High quality speakers.
  • Powerful and ergonomic battery.


  • Low screen resolution.
  • Small list of contacts.
  • Low-functional menu.

5 Micromax X2401

The stylish design of the presented mobile gadget, combined with the basic functions of the phone, makes this model a universal means of communication. The average screen with a decent level of resolution allows you to view contrasting and rich images taken by the 2 MP camera. You can also shoot videos with the camera and share them wirelessly via Bluetooth.

Micromax X2401 only supports GSM format. At the same time, this cellular connection guarantees the subscriber’s constant presence in the network. Additional functions of the device include a flashlight and radio.


  • Stylish design.
  • Good camera with flash.
  • Indelible buttons.


  • Presence of one speaker.
  • The button placement is not very convenient.

4 Nokia 130

Despite the push-button control, this model supports at a high level basic functions typical of all mobile gadgets, such as making phone calls and creating text and multimedia messages. The device also has applications necessary for working with social networks and popular search engines.

Nokia 130 has a monoblock body, under which there are 2 slots for SIM cards. At the same time, the cards themselves are capable of being in simultaneous operation mode. High screen resolution allows you to view images in clear quality. The built-in memory can be expanded via Micro-SD cards up to 32 GB. The powerful battery allows you to talk continuously for 13 hours and listen to music for 46 hours.


  • Compact sizes.
  • High quality calls and audio files.
  • Long battery life.


  • Somewhat complicated menu.
  • No ability to change wallpaper or themes.

3 Nokia 108 Dual sim

The presented phone model is a representative of budget mobile gadgets, which supports the function of 2 SIM cards with alternating Dualsim mode. In addition to the standard call and message functions, there is a “Slam” function designed for data exchange. And this is the main advantage of the device. At the same time, Nokia 108 Dual sim is equipped with a rather modest 0.3 MP camera with support for the player and radio frequencies.

GSM is the only cellular network supported by this model. The phone is capable of operating in standby mode for 25 days, and in continuous conversation mode for almost 14 hours.


  • Powerful battery.
  • Strong speakers.
  • Affordable price.


  • Low display quality.
  • Lack of internal memory.

2 Fly FF245

Contrary to popular belief, Fly is a manufacturer of mobile gadgets originally from the United Kingdom, and not from China, as many believe. So, the British mobile giant recently introduced to the world market a model of a push-button telephone with an extremely capacious battery that can go without recharging in conversation mode for 12 hours. In this case, the maximum possible supported cellular network is represented by the GSM format.

However, the main feature of the Fly FF245 is the “Power Bank” function, which allows you to use it as a means of charging other gadgets. Despite its impressive dimensions and weight parameters, the device has all the important functions necessary for a mobile phone.


  • Energy-intensive battery.
  • Durable housing.
  • High quality communication.


  • Large dimensions.
  • Presence of one speaker.
  • Small number of supported cellular networks.

1 Samsung Metro B350E

Belongs to the category of classic push-button phones that support the function of two SIM cards. The case is made in a monoblock design, and the main advantage of the Samsung Metro B350E is comfortable use, which is manifested in the Russified keyboard, convenient button placement, and LED backlighting, which is especially important in the dark.

The 2.4-inch diagonal screen displays 16 million colors. The 2 MP camera works in photo and video modes, which can be stored on a memory card that supports Micro-SD format. This gadget is a convenient model with a light weight of 65 grams.


  • Convenient menu.
  • Strong battery.
  • Supports 2 SIM cards.


  • High price.
  • Poor sound quality.

Feature phones have always been popular. They are used by both business people, for whom only functionality is important, and consumers who value beautiful things. Such devices have a memorable design, which distinguishes them from similar smartphones.

Models with a good battery and camera have not gone out of fashion for several years, because these are the parameters that are important for most users.

Rating of the best feature phones with a good camera and battery in 2018/2019

A modern device with an advanced camera, the resolution of which reaches 5 megapixels, pleases its owners with a three-fold zoom and the ability to recognize faces. The 2.4-inch screen with a resolution of 320x240 pixels is also a big advantage. In addition, the phone has a loud speaker, thanks to which the sound can be heard under any conditions. The device can work for about three days with active use.

As for the shortcomings, there are not so many of them: the phone book is not very spacious and the minimum number of additional functions.

Oddly enough, one of the most popular smartphone manufacturers also produces push-button phones. The brand's products, including this product, have very good characteristics. This model takes good pictures with a 2 megapixel camera. Despite the fact that the resolution is not as high as that of other devices in the rating, customer reviews indicate that the quality of the resulting photos is at a high level.

The battery capacity is 1200 mAh, which is enough for long-term talk or gaming. The device supports two SIM cards and pleases users with a 2.4-inch screen diagonal and a resolution of 320x240. You can listen to music on it either through the speaker or using a headset.

Beautiful design combined with wide functionality are the first advantages due to which the phone is popular. The camera here has a resolution of 5 megapixels, autofocus, and PictBridge function. All this makes the pictures more saturated and bright.

It is also worth mentioning the modern processor, which guarantees fast movement through the menu and a complete absence of glitches. The battery is quite durable, as it can easily work for about 4 days on one charge.

A good phone with support for two SIM cards does not have many advantages, although it guarantees convenience and long service life. It has a 2 megapixel camera with flash that takes pretty good pictures despite the low resolution. The battery capacity here is 700 mAh, thanks to which the manufacturer managed to achieve a minimum thickness of the device.

At the same time, it is worth noting convenient menu navigation, fairly good call quality, as well as excellent outdoor and conversational speakers.

An excellent model from the French manufacturer has a fairly large 2.4-inch screen, a 3 MP camera and a 750 mAh battery capacity. The phone's design is simple, as it simply doesn't require any bells and whistles. The device helps its owner record important moments in life, as well as documentation in good quality.

In talk mode, the phone can work for about 10 hours without recharging, and in offline mode it can last up to 4 days.

The phone, similar to the previous one, is no less popular and has its own distinctive features. The manufacturer has endowed it with a 2.8-inch screen, a 3 MP camera, and a battery capacity of up to 750 mAh. With such a device you can easily record videos, take photographs of important moments, including text documents, listen to music in decent quality and entertain yourself with games.

It has a stylish appearance, which attracts the attention of both men and women. The phone looks pretty good compared to modern smartphones, so consumers won’t have to be ashamed of it.

A device with an excellent battery deserves respect. The battery capacity is 3700 mAh, thanks to which the phone works without additional charge for quite a long time. In talk mode it lasts about 14 hours without any problems. It has two slots for SIM cards, a separate 3.5 mm jack for a headset, which is also important to consider when purchasing. The camera here is also pretty good.

The pictures are clear and bright, although there are no additional effects provided. The screen of the device is not very large, so people who are looking for the most practical product are unlikely to be interested in it.

A truly worthy model with an amazing camera and a large battery capacity pleases users not only with its basic characteristics, but also with additional features, which include: shock resistance, acceptable design and affordable price. This phone is especially popular among travel enthusiasts, as it is not only guaranteed to remain safe and sound, but also allows you to take several pictures without needing to be recharged for several days.

You also need to pay attention to the support for two SIM cards and large numbers on the buttons.

The phone, included in various ratings, belongs to the budget price segment. It perfectly balances cost and quality. The device features a fairly large screen, a powerful battery that allows it to work for up to two days in talk mode, and support for a Bluetooth headset.

Based on user reviews, we can conclude that it is quite possible to get a functional device for little money. It is simply impossible to find significant flaws in it, since people are completely satisfied with everything.

The phone from the Spanish brand is considered one of the most interesting options on the cellular market. It has a fairly large 3.2-inch screen, which seems unusual for push-button devices. It is designed for watching TV, for which an additional analog tuner is also built-in. In addition, its battery capacity reaches 1750 mAh, and the 1.3 MP camera, despite its low resolution, helps take high-quality pictures.

The first advantage of the phone is the availability of Wi-Fi. This feature is quite rare in push-button models, so for some buyers it seems too strange. Many people consider the device to be underpriced, since it has a number of advantages that most other phones do not have.

In addition to the support for wireless Internet, great delight is caused by the 5-megapixel camera, which is complemented by an LED flash, the ability to record long videos, and a 1050 mAh battery. The weight of this device is only 100 grams, the screen diagonal is 2.4 inches, and the resolution is 320x240.

The rating is completed by a model from a well-known manufacturer. It has a 2.4-inch screen with a good resolution of 320x240, as much as 256 MB of internal memory, a 5-megapixel camera and a 1000 mAh battery. In addition to the camera, the manufacturer has provided autofocus and an LED flash, which ensures good quality photos and videos.

In addition, a good advantage is the continuous talk time of up to 10 hours. Internet access here is provided via HSDPA, GPRS, and WAP. The only drawback is that it only supports one SIM card.