
Bitrix24.Singapore! Brand new CRM. Following the Bitrix24 presentation. Singapore Calling clients using CRM lists

A new update for Bitrix24 Singapore has been released. Today's presentation demonstrated new features and functions of the product.


Bitrix24 CRM has undergone significant changes - it has become simpler, clearer, and more convenient. Managers and heads of sales departments will appreciate the compactness and information content of the new interface.

The new CRM card deserves special attention - now everything is at your fingertips. Quick access to information about the client - transactions, products, communication history and much more. In addition to everything, the gameplay of the moment has been added with the automatic setting of tasks for working with contacts, which should encourage the manager to correctly manage his client base.

Most of the changes have already been uploaded to Bitrix24 and 1C-Bitrix24 - new lists, filters, live search and StartCRM.

New tasks

Anyone who manages projects will be happy with the new task system - Kanban has appeared! And also an updated Scrumban from Sibiriks was released. Managing tasks will also become easier with the help of a new individual planner. And for different projects it will be possible to assign different stages of problem solving.


We also received many new updates, useful of which will be IVR, Calling and voice recognition.

There will also be a reduction in prices for Moscow and St. Petersburg numbers to 250 rubles. In general, the pricing policy is being reduced and the price tag reduction in some places will reach 20%.

In addition to the above, communications will include Face cards for 1C, automatic start and end of the working day using a Face tracker, and many other small joys, such as requesting client contacts or evaluating manager responses in open lines.


All current boxes will be transferred to the nearest suitable package without loss of funds.

On April 13, a magnificent presentation of the new version of Bitrix24 took place. There are 2 major and amazing updates released per year. It’s definitely worth getting to know them, since Bitrix24 is unique in many details.

Bitrix24 currently covers 2,000,000 companies. These are 12 languages, 14 data centers, 300 servers. The most remarkable thing is that Bitrix24 was included in the Top 10 best CRMs in the world according to magazine.

According to surveys by the 1C-Bitrix company, 48% of clients believe that CRM is important in their activities and 42% believe that CRM is the most important tool in their work.

The new version includes major new features and 7 new features.

Communications with clients

All communication channels in CRM are taken under control. All messages via communication channels are recorded and entered into the counters.

New Start page


The main task for managers is to defeat these counters.

The counters themselves tell you how much of what needs to be done and what things need to be done.
The game is called: “Defeat the counters!”

There are 3 types of counters:

    number of cases for today;

    number of overdue cases;

    number of records without cases.

The counters are controlled by a new report called: “manager’s control by employees.” The report shows how many and which employee completed tasks and how many counters he handled.

New lists

The design of lists of all tools has been updated: leads, contacts, deals, accounts, processes and more. New filters have been made and the search across the entire list has been changed. Search has become both simple for sellers and complex for the portal. You can add basic and additional information to the search bar using the “+” sign.

New CRM card

1C-Bitrix developers have created a completely new customer card, transaction and other CRM elements. Here you can do whatever you want, configure fields, send mail, listen to a telephone message. It has become more convenient, shorter and more visual. Data is filled in and updated on the fly, without reloading the page. The timeline shows progress in work. The work plan is generated automatically from cases and robots. The whole history of the relationship is visible. Communications with the client are carried out directly from the card (letters, calls, chats). Only filled fields are shown. A separate block with other contacts from the client’s company.

Robots and triggers

New robots have appeared:

    Change of responsible person, allows you to set scenarios for changing the responsible employee.

    To send a letter. You can send a letter according to a specific scenario and create beautiful letter templates for mailing.

    SMS robots. This tool informs customers about events, promotions, and new products via SMS messages.

    Robots with conditions.

    Robots Expectations. The so-called robot “Zhdun”. Very necessary for some clients. For example, you can set up a wait and transition to the next stage for no more than a day.

Short Sale Leads

In short sales, Leads are automatically generated into a deal and a contact. A lead is an opportunity, your potential lead. Western companies do not work without leads. Working with leads is a classic. The avant-garde comes to replace the classics. Some clients don't understand what it is. Some are not used. Without leads: sales are so short that they fit completely into the deal and the lead is redundant. All incoming messages are immediately included in transactions and contacts. The Leads menu item is hidden. All incoming leads are saved, and the robot quietly converts them into deals and contacts. You can configure which direction of transactions from which channel to convert into. The classic mode of working with leads can be turned on at any time.

Open lines

Clients can write through instant messengers, chats, social networks, all these messages go to Bitrix24, are routed one by one and reach managers. Each manager can support 4-10 messengers.

Employees respond 20 times faster through open lines than over the phone.

The quality of support has improved. In Bitrix24, Open Lines became part of CRM for the first time. The only free online chat. Available both in the cloud and in the box.


New call card. Works directly with the deal and contact. Phone call voice recognition is now available. The call is divided into roles. The entire text of the dialogue will be shown by role. The search is implemented within this text. Recording in text form is subject to a fee. Cost 5 rubles/minute. A voice menu appears. Ability to create a menu for connecting with IVR employees. When calling clients. The sales manager sketches out a list of clients and the manager then works with the list. Reduced rates for renting a number and a minute of conversation. Easy connection for Asterisk. Open telephone API.


Tasks and Projects

1. The task is automatically linked to the deal and the Lead. New task list. Cancan in CRM. Tasks can be created and edited on the fly. In this post I will talk about new CRM products.

CRM is now completely new! And these are not just words. You have already seen that the list of elements has changed in CRM, a live search has appeared, combined with a filter. Searching for a client in the database, the right lead or deal, is now much easier and more convenient. For example, you can easily find a client by several numbers from a phone number or part of an e-mail. A new search is already in your Bitrix.. Let me remind you that your acquaintance with CRM begins with Start - connecting communication channels with clients. And, of course, monitoring of these channels: how many incoming calls were received from clients, how many outgoing calls were made by managers (calls, letters, etc.).

3. With Bitrix24.CRM, you no longer need to figure out where the new inboxes are, which of them you need to work with first, which deal to take on today so as not to lose the client. Counters in Bitrix24.CRM everyone will tell you themselves And we turned it into a game! Of course, you know it: you all see counters every day (the number of unread messages on the application icons on your phone). So it’s the same in CRM - by the end of the day you should not have counters! This means that you do everything on time and not a single potential client will be left unattended. And this is the key to your future sales.

Bitrix24Time - facial recognition to track the start and end of employees' workdays

Now a very pressing issue is employee control: did you arrive on time? how many late? do they leave on time or early? There are many ways to solve this: personal cards at the entrance, recording everyone who enters the building in a notebook (yes, such methods are still used), entering using fingerprints (this option is still very innovative and still too expensive).

We at Bitrix24 offer another method. You will need the most ordinary tablet (on Android) and the Bitrix24Time application (it can be downloaded from Google Play). And that’s it. Then facial recognition will work, check the employee’s face and record the start of the working day.
Bitrix24Time will appear at the end of April.

Face cards for 1C - client face recognition for a personal discount

Face cards for 1C are another useful facial recognition scenario, this time the client’s face. Everyone wants discount cards: both the business (to retain the client) and the client (for discounts). But it is expensive for small businesses to introduce a magnetic card system and issue them, and the client is tired of carrying around impressive packs of cards from stores that he rarely visits.

Face cards for 1C solve both problems. The client no longer needs a discount card - a “face” or, by the way, just a photo in the phone is enough. Businesses just need to install the 1C + Bitrix24 module (Face cards are in it) in 1C at the checkout (on this You don’t even need to open Bitrix24 on your computer). If such a module is already installed, it will need to be updated.

A client comes to you, you recognize his face with a camera - and that’s it, in 1C his personal discount is already applied. If a client comes for the first time, then upon first recognition a new client registration form will appear. Face cards for 1C will appear at the end of April.

Recognizing a telephone conversation recording

Very soon in Bitrix24 you will be able to receive text transcripts of all your conversations with clients. And not just in the form of text, but phrases divided by “roles”, where you can immediately see where the manager is speaking and where the client is speaking. And all these transcribed conversations will be searched by word or phrase.

The cost of a minute of decryption is 3 rubles.

Service quality assessment
A check mark has appeared in the open lines settings Send a request for service quality assessment, after activating which you can (if necessary) customize the text wording:

We have two types of quality assessment:

After the client evaluates, the operator will receive feedback - a notification:

If you are an operator and do not want to receive feedback, then you can turn it off in the notification settings.

The scores are available in statistics, you can filter and analyze them in Excel:

Service quality assessment (manager's version)
Managers can also give their assessment of conversations; for this purpose, a corresponding filter has appeared in the statistics:

For example, you can filter out all negative customer ratings, without the manager's rating, and make some decisions.

You can evaluate the conversation at the moment in three places (in the near future we will abandon the history window and there will be two places):
As in the client assessment, the operator will receive feedback in the form of a notification:

Attention! The assessment of service quality depends on the tariff of your Bitrix24. Client assessment is available in tariffs Project+ and higher, and the assessment by the manager is in the tariffs Team And Company.

New dialogue appearance
We have updated the appearance of the operator's dialogue, now you can see the beginning of the conversation, its end and the ratings given. We hope that it will now be easier for you to navigate between conversations.

Bitrix24.Network chats
Added the ability to edit and delete messages. The function is available to both clients and operators.

Selecting a message into a new dialog
The client asked you several questions, you need to process each one in a separate session, what should you do? Previously, this could not be solved in any way - you could discuss all three issues only within one session. But what if some of the questions are in your area of ​​responsibility, and others are in another? If your chat was transferred to another employee, then your dialogue before the transfer was not noted in the statistics.

Now you can answer some of the questions, start a new conversation session by highlighting any message in a new dialogue and transfer the conversation to another employee! The new session will contain the client question you highlighted:

It's gotten better, hasn't it?

Other improvements to Open Lines chats We hope that with these new products it will become even easier and more convenient for you to work in Bitrix24!

On April 12, 2017, Bitrix24 celebrates its birthday. 5 years ago 1C-Bitrix set out to rid the world of chaos. This is how the Bitrix24 product appeared. Today, Bitrix24 is used by about 2,000,000 companies around the world. On April 13, the 1C-Bitrix company presented an update to its Bitrix24 product.

It just so happens that the 1C-Bitrix company names all its updates after the names of cities, islands and other geographical objects. This update was no exception. The new Bitrix24 is called “Bitrix24. Singapore"

Old tools in a new way

On its birthday, the 1C-Bitrix company released not just a product update, but gave users a new generation product. So, first things first.

Today we will not talk about the fact that Bitrix24 is 12 business tools that cover all the tasks of a modern company. Let's talk about what new the 1C-Bitrix company presented to us, and these are 7 “cherries on the cake”.

Completely new CRM

The CRM system in Bitrix24 is provided to users absolutely free of charge, is available even with the free “Project” tariff and is one of the most important components of the system. It is the presence of a CRM system that is the main factor when choosing a product. But even despite the fact that this function is absolutely free, the developers make every effort to make working with it easy and comfortable for all users of the system. The manager, department head, director and any employee of the company will feel that the system is designed specifically for him.

In the new CRM, all the most important wishes of users, accumulated over 5 years, were taken into account and brought to life. The interface has become more convenient:

  • The lead, deal, company or contact card is now simpler and clearer.
  • In the CRM card, the user sees everything that is happening with the current order, client or lead.
  • All communications with the client are automatically entered into the card and clearly displayed. Recent calls, emails, chats and other communications are presented on one screen.
  • The list of deals, clients or potential leads has now become clearer and can be easily customized for each employee of the company based on the specifics of his work with the client.

Stop losing clients!

With the new Bitrix24, not a single client will be lost or forgotten. For each responsible person, there are information icons that show in real time how many cases are not completed, how many clients have no work scheduled, and how many clients require special attention. An employee, while doing his job: making calls to clients, answering letters and messages, sending letters, completing tasks, will change and see in real time the state of his affairs.

But that's not all. The manager will be able to see the productivity of his employees online. A simple and clear interface will show which employee is more busy and which has little work to do. Which employee completes tasks quickly and on time, and which one drags on the work and fails to complete it.

If there is no business being done on a deal, then it will not be won (completed)!

No client will be forgotten. If there is no work being done on a client or tasks are overdue, this will be immediately visible in the new interface. Bitrix calls these “counters”. If an employee does not have more than one counter, then all his work is completed on time and not a single client is lost. But if no business is planned for the transaction, this will be immediately visible to the employee and his manager.

It's easier to get the information you need!

Almost everything is taken into account in the new interface:

  1. Different visual presentation:
  • List view
  • Kanban view
  • Type of analytical reports
  • Fine filtration. Now you can display exactly the information that you need now for work.
  • Smart Search. Now you can search across different fields and use only part of the known information. Search by part of a phone number, search by a word in a title, or search by a deal by company name. The search possibilities are extremely wide.
  • Case counters in any presentation.
  • All information is displayed immediately without page reload
  • Moreover, each employee will be able to customize filters, visual presentation and search specifically for themselves.

    And again, that's not all.

    1. You can refuse email clients. Correspondence with clients has become easier and more convenient with the new mail interface. Respond to the client as if you were writing a comment. Use a full-featured text editor to create beautiful emails.
    2. New feature "wait". You can postpone working with a client for a certain time. But you will not forget about the client, having received information about a transaction that requires attention after the scheduled waiting time. And most importantly, the waiting process will be interrupted and a case will be assigned if the client contacts you by calling, writing you a letter or using another source of communication.
    3. Robots and triggers – automation of actions at each stage of the transaction.

    And these are just the new items.

    Let us remind you that what we are talking about are only new products that have appeared in Bitrix24. Singapore". And this is just the tip of the iceberg. Your company will definitely find all the necessary tools to work with clients in its business area. After all, it is only a tool, and the tool should be convenient. 1C-Bitrix has done everything to make using Bitrix24 easy and convenient for everyone.

    7 cherries on the cake

    Cherry first. Simple and classic CRM and open lines

    Now each client will be able to use one of two CRM options. It is not necessary to follow Western ideology with 4 entities:

    1. Deal
    2. Company
    3. Client

    Now you can abandon the Lead entity and use only 3 entities by eliminating the “lead” entity

    1. Deal
    2. Company
    3. Client

    You can always return to the desired work pattern without losing any CRM data

    Open lines, the potential of which has already been tested by many companies, among which even such large companies as Samsung will certainly appreciate the innovation - the logic of work has changed and now you will receive more data about the client in the system. A manager's assessment of chats will help assess the performance of each employee.

    1. Chat rating by client and manager
    2. Automatic request for client email for response
    3. Automatic request for telephone number and contact name
    4. Correspondence history to be sent to the client by email
    5. Ability to return to the site while saving correspondence

    Open lines – free and without restrictions!

    Cherry two. Telephony

    Bitrix24 was previously pleasantly pleased with the preservation of the history of all telephone conversations with clients and the ability to listen to everyone, but now 1C-Bitrix has gone further. You can convert any telephone conversation and save it as text. Remember how “Okay Google” recognizes your voice and finds search results? Now advanced Google Cloud Speech technologies help you use CRM for business.

    You no longer need to use IVR operating schemes in a virtual PBX. In Bitrix24 everything is simple and clear. You can set up a voice menu system in your company yourself.


    Bitrix24 offers such an important function that many users will certainly appreciate - Calling clients:

    1. Mark clients in Bitrix24 who need to be called
    2. Specify the responsible manager
    3. Add forms to fill out data when calling
    4. Add conversation patterns/p>

    Call costs

    1C-Bitrix has reduced prices for using telephony. Now the cost of renting a number, the cost of calls within Russia and the world, the cost of calls to mobile numbers has been reduced. The price reduction by a significant level (from 8% to 62%) made Bitrix24 telephony one of the most profitable.

    Cherry three. Tasks

    Many companies call the functionality of tasks almost one of the main ones in the work of their company. And this is what pleased 1C-Bitrix:

    1. New interface task list.
    2. New visual representation of Kanban(similar to CRM)
    3. Dividing tasks into stages(similar to CRM) with the ability to set stages for each project
    4. Advanced filter similar to CRM, which helps to obtain a list of tasks that are needed for work at the moment
    5. Smart Search will help you find the right task by part of the word, the name of the attached file and other criteria
    6. Online update all interactions with the filter and search work immediately without reloading the page and reduce the time required to complete tasks
    7. Your filters you can save and use them for daily work.
    8. Sort tasks Now you can, as conveniently as possible, carry them out according to your own plan

    All task functionality – Free and without restrictions

    Cherry four. Task Manager

    1. Scheduling tasks Now it’s simpler and clearer. This is not just a list - it is a visual representation. You can simply move tasks with the mouse. At the same time, you do not shift the deadlines of tasks - you plan your working day and at the same time see which tasks are more important. And which ones can be postponed? Work becomes even more efficient.
    2. SCRUM ideology can now be used in your Bitrix24 (with an updated application from the Marketplace)

    Cherry five. FaceTracker 7 - more than just facial recognition

    FaceTracker has long been introduced into Bitrix24, but in the new Bitrix24 Singapore it has received broader capabilities.

    Now the facial recognition system can be used to control working hours. Install a device (based on Android) with a built-in camera in your company, and your employee will start his working day with a smile. Why with a smile? It’s very simple; to record an employee’s arrival at the workplace, the application will ask him to smile. The face will be recognized and the employee’s working day will begin.

    The manager will be able to analyze which employees come to work at what time, which employees worked how many hours during the selected period of time.

    And the FaceTracker function itself began to work even better:

    1. Recognition accuracy improved by 1.5 times
    2. The ability to determine a person’s age (sometimes more accurately than a person would determine) with an accuracy of up to 3 years
    3. Determine gender
    4. Identify ethnic characteristics

    Cherry six. FaceCard for 1C

    Now using FaceTracker you can record clients in 1C and use the discount system in the retail network. The buyer no longer needs to carry discount cards with him. All you have to do is come to your retail store and be captured by the installed video camera. The system recognizes the buyer, finds information about the amount of his discount and calculates the cost of his purchase.

    With this update, another significant change appeared - the new Bitrix24 tariff.

    Tariff Retail+

    The new tariff is identical in functionality to the “Project+” tariff, but... the number of facial recognition systems by the FaceTracker system is not limited and is free. There is also no need to pay for facial recognition in the time and attendance system.

    Cherry seventh. Reduced prices for the boxed version of Bitrix24

    And this cherry is perhaps the most delicious from an economic point of view. 1C-Bitrix has decided to change the pricing policy for the boxed version of Bitrix24 Corporate Portal. And the main thing is that changes in favor of the client.

    Now you no longer need to purchase separate licenses for each additional employee. Bitrix Corporate Portal now includes 6 tariff plans for different numbers of employees. Moreover, when the company expands, it is enough to simply switch to the next tariff plan. And most importantly, the boxed version of the product has now become significantly more accessible for small companies.

    1. CRM start page. On it you can clearly see all connected communication channels. To prevent information from being duplicated, the developers paid great attention to the correct distribution of incoming/outgoing communications among existing contacts, deals, and leads.

    2. Counters.“Defeat the counters,” calls the 1C-Bitrix team. Counters indeed promise to make life a lot easier for managers. Judge for yourself: all statuses are displayed prominently and recalculated in real time.

    This is how the counters will look on the portal

    Information on counters and the head of the company will be useful

    3. Filter. What was pleasing was that the functionality of the filter has expanded significantly and such a necessary “trick” as memorizing the filter has appeared. You can set parameters for filtering, and after customizing it to your liking, save the completed filter. Something similar can be seen in amoCRM, but in Bitrix24 a filter configured in this way can also be “named” by some name and saved. Or set as default. Or create the necessary filters (but it’s better to give clear names so as not to get confused later;))

    4. Each user can customize CRM and tasks for yourself, for example, rearrange columns or add/hide information that is displayed on the screen.

    5. New card in CRM. The card was redesigned very fundamentally, resulting in a fresh design + updated functionality. Since the card has changed so much that it’s difficult to list everything, we suggest just looking at the screenshots of the deal card below.

    As the developers promise, the deal card will store everything you need to know about the deal.

    The lead, company, and contact cards have changed in the same way.

    6. Sales automation. As expected, the theme of robots and triggers received further development.

    New robots have appeared and old ones have been improved:
    - Change of person in charge with a queue
    - Send a letter with the function of receiving html in letters
    - SMS robots
    - Advertising robots
    - Robots with conditions,
    - Robot “waiting” (pauses the transaction)

    7. Ability to work without leads. Not everyone likes, understands and, accordingly, uses leads. Therefore, it is now possible to use CRM without such functionality. You just need to choose the appropriate option: simple CRM (all incoming messages are immediately converted into a deal or client) or classic (incoming messages are converted into leads).

    8. Open lines. Just like robots, Open Lines received a logical continuation. There was an assessment of chats by clients and managers, and an automatic request for client contacts in the absence of an online operator. Moreover, if the client left an e-mail, then with a further response from the operator, a letter is sent to the specified mail and the client can return to the same conversation in the chat.

    9. Telephony. Bitrix employees did a lot of work here. Calling lists, a PBX menu appeared (this is when you call a number and they tell you: “Press 1 to connect with an operator, press 2 to connect to a promotion, press 3... etc.”) and, what we really liked, recognition conversation to text (via Google service).

    10. Tasks and projects. Those who have been using Bitrix24 for a long time will certainly appreciate the new tasks:

    - Sorting tasks at your discretion (this is done by simply dragging the task with the mouse).

    - Kanban in tasks.

    A long-awaited feature that deserves a separate discussion. In short, you can create your own kanban for each project. There will be a separate kanban for the entire company. This allows you to create your own stages for each project.

    - Task Manager. In it, tasks are placed by completion date, so you can schedule tasks for yourself to work on.

    11. Face recognition. The proposed scenarios simply “blew our minds” ;)
    - Face recognition now you can use to start/end the working day.
    - Face cards for 1C. This is a kind of replacement for traditional discount cards. The customer’s face is recognized (of course, using the camera on a tablet or other device), and information about discounts for this customer is shown. I think there is no need to say how mega-useful this will be for the owners of offline stores, cafes, etc. and, in fact, the clients of these establishments.

    12. Live search. A filter and search have been added above the live feed, and you can search by one word, file extension, artists and other parameters. Very fast and convenient.

    In this article we have not listed all the new products from Bitrix24.Singapore. Detailed information can be viewed in the video from the presentation.

    For us, the new Bitrix24 simply caused a storm of emotions. That’s why, perhaps, the post turned out to be a little emotional and chaotic. But that’s how Singapore is – it leaves no one indifferent;)