
How to erase history on a laptop. How to recover browser history

If you often use the Yandex browser to access the Internet, then you probably know about the history of visits to it. This function is very convenient when you need to return to a viewed page or find a downloaded file. But over time, the list accumulates, which leads to an increase in the amount of space for storing it. Therefore, it is recommended to delete your browsing history from your browser. Read about how to do this correctly in this article.

How to delete history in Yandex browser - where is it located?

To search for previously viewed pages, you need to go to your browser history. This function in the program is very useful if you have not bookmarked the site. To edit or delete a watch list, you first need to find it in the program.

  • To do this, launch the Yandex browser in your usual way. This is usually a shortcut on your computer's desktop or an icon in the control panel (most often located at the bottom of the screen).
  • In the program window that opens, select settings. The icon is located at the top of the window on the right side in the form of several vertical lines.

  • By clicking on it, a menu with program settings will open in front of you. In the list, find the line “History”, left-click on it.

  • As a result of these actions, an additional window will open. In it you can find recently viewed sites, as well as open the entire history.
  • To see all pages with the time and date of viewing, select “History” in the settings section.
  • In the same way, you can find your Yandex browser history on any device: computer, laptop, tablet or phone.

How to delete history in Yandex on a computer

There are several ways to delete the list of visited sites from your computer.

  • First, open the history page in the browser through the settings, as described in the previous paragraph.
  • If you don’t have time to look through every history item or want to delete all the information at once, then find the “Clear history” button on the page. It is located on the right side of the window at the top. This will delete your entire browsing history.

  • This method is not suitable if you want to leave some sites in the list of viewed pages. To delete only some lines, check them in the box next to each item.

  • Then select the “Delete selected items” section or click “Clear history”.

  • You will see a warning window, in which you can confirm the deletion or refuse it.

  • As a result of these actions, the specified pages with your browsing history will be deleted.

  • If this is tedious for you or you only need to delete data for a certain time, then use the “Clear history” function.
  • When you click on it, a pop-up menu will open in which you will be able to select the deletion period in the corresponding section.

  • Then look carefully at the other sections of the menu. Here you can clear your browsing history, delete downloads, clear your cache and remove cookies, as well as delete saved passwords and autofill information. This will also allow you to delete files on your computer about your visits to pages on the Internet.

  • Confirm the removal steps.

  • There is another function in Yandex browser for browsing history. By turning it on, the history will never be saved in the browser. To do this, in the open Yandex window, simultaneously press three buttons on the keyboard – Ctrl+Shift+N. It will enable the Incognito feature in the program.
  • Or go to the settings section in your browser and select “Incognito Mode.”

  • A special message will notify you of its activation. But this mode will not make you invisible on other sites. You can exit it by closing the browser window.

How to delete history in Yandex on a tablet and phone

  • The algorithm for deleting browsing history in a Yandex browser on a tablet is almost the same as working on a computer. Only the site is presented in a reduced version.
  • All actions must also be carried out in the program settings menu. You can find them at the top right of the browser page. It can be presented in the form of a gear or vertical lines.
  • Deleting viewed information is possible completely, as well as for a certain period. This can be done through the “Clear history” function or delete individual files through the “Delete selected items” section.
  • But before you completely clear your browser history, think carefully. Maybe this data will be useful to you soon.

Another way to remove all browsing data on your computer through the Yandex browser, watch the video:

If you have a phone or tablet running on the Android site, and you don’t know how to clear history from Yandex, then watch this video:

Hello everyone, Digital is in touch! I will not open America for anyone if I say that your browser stores the history of all sites and Internet pages you have visited in chronological order. Did you know about this? If not, then congratulations - now you know. And it's good if you are the only user of your computer. Otherwise, your co-user (brother, sister, parents, friends) will be able to find out what sites you visit. And this is not always pleasant, you must admit, a person should have personal space. Today's article will give you answers to the following questions:

  • How to view browser history? If you forgot the address of a site that you really liked.
  • How to clear browser history? Partial or complete deletion of browser history is possible.
  • And this is also sometimes necessary.
  • Read also,. Very useful to know about this. You can spy on other people’s passwords and become more careful with your own.
  • Useful information for everyone -.

We will talk about the most popular modern browsers, such as: GoogleChrome, MozillaFireFox, Opera, YandexBrowser.

If you don’t find your browser in the instructions, you can proceed by analogy. Most often, you can intuitively guess where you need to poke, where to squeeze and who to kick in order for everything to work.

How and where can I view my browser history?

So, let's deal with browser history in order - from simple to complex. Any browser stores a log of visited pages grouped by date. This log is called browser history, although in fact it is the history of your web surfing. But that's not the point. The important thing is that this story can be used for harm and for good.

You can look at your history if you forgot something. You can also look at the history of someone else's browser (although this is oh how ugly and bad). And just like that, anyone who has access to your computer can view your browser history if you haven't cleared it. So, how can you view your browser history? And this depends on what web browser you are using.

How to view the history of Yandex browser?

There is nothing difficult about viewing the history of visited pages in the Yandex browser. To do this, you need to click on the menu button (three horizontal bars in the upper right corner), then hover your mouse over the “ tab Story", then click on the next tab that opens " Story" Or simply press the key combination " Ctrl+H" And that’s it, you can search for whatever you want.

By the way, for the convenience of searching, the Yandex browser provides a special “Search in history” field.

Where is the Google Chrome browser history?

Google Chrome provides 3 ways to view your browser history, choose according to your taste.

Firstly, you can get to your destination through the menu (three dots lined up vertically) by clicking the mouse a couple of times, as shown in the screenshot:

If you want to selectively delete entries about visited sites, then while in the history, pay attention to the mini menu to the right of each entry. Click on this menu and then on " Remove from history"and hallelujah - no one will know that you were on the very site that you would not want anyone to know that you were on.!)))

How to clear history in the Mozilla Firefox browser (FireFox - fox)

We continue to act according to the same familiar scheme, friends, which we described above. But what can you do if all browsers are like 5 drops of water?

In order to clear history in FireFox, you must be directly in it. Click on any period indicated on the left. By the way, it’s convenient that you can clean out any day completely, for example the Sunday before last. To do this, select a period (today, yesterday, last week, August...) and at the top of the panel click on the button “ Control" A list of actions will open in front of you. Select " Delete" Or simply after you have selected a period (or one day) press the " Del" That's it, my friends!

How to delete browser history in Opera?

By the way, have you noticed that the Opera browser has become quite fast? Try it if you haven't used it for a long time.

But that's not the point. The main thing for us now is cleaning up traces. So, if you left a legacy and want to cover your tracks in the Opera browser, then you need (don’t be surprised!) to go down in history, as we described just above. Next, if you want to delete a selective entry, then hover your mouse cursor over it and look for the cross to the right of the entry. He will solve your problem.

If you want to erase your entire history completely and irrevocably (returnably, of course), then look for the button on the right " Clear browsing history» Opera browser. Did you cope with the task? Take the gingerbread from the shelf. Just kidding, of course. If I were given a carrot for every such action, then I would already get fat!)))

How to recover browser history (Yandex, Opera, Chrome and FireFox) if you accidentally deleted it?

Sometimes it happens that you have already cleared your browser history, and then it turns out that you were in a hurry and you need to look at something important there. In such cases, the history of any browser can be restored! I decided to combine all the browsers here into one pile, because I was tired of describing the same thing for each browser.

1st way to recover browser history – browser cache

This is the simplest and most harmless method, however, it is not a fact that you will be able to restore the entire history, but rather only for the last session (after restarting the computer, this trick will no longer work). And this method will only work if you did not clear the browser cache when you deleted the history.

To do this, paste the following into the address bar of your browser:

  • If you have a Yandex browser - " browser://cache».
  • For chrome, write - " chrome://cache».
  • In the opera - " opera:cache».
  • In Mozilla Firefox - " about:cache?device=disk».

Recovering FireFox browser history

After that, click on Enter and you will see a list of links that you followed during the last session of using your computer.

2nd method - Windows system recovery

This method will only work if you have the Windows function " System Restore" Find "System Restore" in the control panel and roll back to the last checkpoint. Please note that this method may change some computer settings, or rather return them to their previous state if you changed them. be careful and be careful, the doors are closing!

The 3rd way to recover browser history is to use third-party programs to recover files.

Browsing history is essentially files that are stored on your computer and if we clear the history, then we delete the files. And, accordingly, they can be restored. We have already written about that. Now let's focus on our problem.

You don't need to scan your entire computer because it will take a lot of time. It is enough to know where the history files were located on your computer. And their location is as follows:

  • YandexBrowser
    C:\Users\…\AppData\Local\Yandex\YandexBrowser\User Data\Default
  • GoogleChromium
    C:\Users\…\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\local storage
  • MozilaFireFox
  • Opera
    C:\Users\…\AppData\Roaming\Opera Software\Opera Stable

Where " " is the name of your computer. Let's scan this folder. Then from the found files you will need to restore the entire folder “ History" along the above path. If there is no “History” folder, then I advise you to restore everything that you find in these directories. That's all I have.


I don’t even know if it’s worth writing something in the output, it seems like everything is already chewed in detail. In general, guys, follow your story. Remember real ninjas leave no traces .

Now you know that in any browser you can see the history of the pages you visited, and you can delete it so that you can sleep more peacefully. But you can restore it if you wish, so that you can look at it again and delete it again. Good luck!

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How to clear your computer history

How to clear history on a computer? After all, operating systems are different, and different browsers present a different interface.

It is also worth noting that there are two opinions about the meaning of the phrase: clear history. This could mean:

  • that the user wants to hide his recent actions from other users on the computer, both in the browser and when working with documents, programs, etc.;
  • that the user wants to clear all sorts of personal information from the computer (usually as part of preparation for selling the PC).

How to clear your browsing history on your computer if a PC sale is just around the corner?

Programs aimed specifically at such situations when you need to put your computer in order so that the operating system remains pristinely clean without the threat of information leakage.

Such programs do not take up much space in the device’s memory, but guarantee clean operation.

Located on drive C, there you need to find the name of the operating system, where the System folder is located with a postscript in the form of numbers indicating the number of bits. Already here you can find the name of this program.

Its essence is to personalize your account. That is, if you want to delete personal information, just do it in the settings with the desired account.

How to clear history on a Windows computer with sysprep:

1First of all, you need to carry out a so-called audit. That is, by clicking on the name of the program in the folder, a window appears where you need to make a choice in accordance with the screenshot below.

We carry out an audit regime

2Sometimes after these manipulations an error appears, but, as a rule, it is easy to fix.

3Afterwards, the process will move towards recycling, which was ordered in the previous paragraphs, but this may take time, because a lot here depends on the PC disks themselves.

5Now it's time to delete the account where information that is unwanted for others is stored. To do this, you need to go through the panel that controls the computer properties, then to the user accounts position.

Confirm account deletion

8In this case, you need to delete it and not leave any data.

9In other words, in the end, only the administrator’s entry should remain.

10Next you need to go back to the program via drive C and configure the window settings. That is, in the first line, select, respectively, the provision about going to the window welcoming the system, called OOVE. It is necessary to pay attention to the checkbox for preparation for use, as well as the settings for finishing work - completion.

Complete the action by clicking “OK”

11The last thing to do is click “OK”.

PrivaZer program

The work consists of entering and selecting those positions in the computer that you would like to permanently delete.

It is also possible to scan garbage and unnecessary files, which is very convenient when using a computer when excess memory is used up and the PC begins to slow down.

CCleaner is able to identify all sorts of remnants of deleted files, small garbage and even large programs that have not been used for a long time, and suggests deleting them.

CCleaner program

This is a frequently asked question, especially when changing browsers, it often becomes unclear how to work with it, where the history or settings are. But at the same time, it is necessary to leave other PC users in the dark about personal information.

  • Launch the browser.
  • For the Windows operating system, you will need three keys: Ctrl + Shift + Delete.
  • For Mac OS, the first button will be Command instead. Those. combination - Command + Shift + Delete.
  • Instead of using the keyboard, you can simply click on the square button in the upper right corner of the window, where there are three horizontal lines in the middle.
  • Next, you need to select history (if the browser is in Russian, then history).

Clear history in Google Chrome

  • Next, you can simply clear the history, to do this, use the left panel (in this case), or you can select the checkboxes next to each link, then select delete.

Confirm history clearing

How to clear the history of websites on a computer, in principle, you can follow the general scheme that to do this you need to find the properties or settings where there is a “history” position.

How to clear history in Yandex on a computer (or Internet Explorer)? The specifics are the same as previous browsers.

How to clear history on a computer? Instructions for use

Even a beginner can figure out how to clear the cache. The instructions cover options for both Windows and Mac computers. There is also a tip about clearing your browser cache. In addition, there is a description of additional utility programs.

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How to clear browser history on your computer, tablet and phone

Sometimes in the life of every user a situation may arise when it is necessary to completely remove traces of their adventures on the Internet - clear the history of visited sites, downloads, delete cache and cookies. The reason could be anything - from simple cleaning of the computer and freeing up free space to ordinary human paranoia. Yes, this is basically not the point right now. A It is important to know how you can quickly and correctly do this on your computer, laptop, tablet or phone. I will now tell you about this in detail. As an example, let's take the average PC with the Windows 10 operating system, as well as smartphones based on the two most popular mobile operating systems Android and iOS (iPhone and iPad).

How to delete website history on your computer

Let's start with the most popular web browser today, Google Chrome. In order to clear your browsing history on the Internet, you need to open the main menu of the program and select “Additional tools”>>”Delete data on visited pages.”

The following window will appear:

At the top, you need to select the time period for which we will delete information. If the data needs to be completely cleared, select the “For all time” option. Below, checkboxes indicate what exactly will be deleted - browsing history, downloads, cookies, passwords, autofill forms, applications and licenses. Select the one you need and click the “Clear” button.

In the Opera Internet browser, open the main menu and select “History”:

A “Clear” button will appear on the right side of the window that opens. By clicking on it you will open the same window as in Chrome:

Select a time period, mark the necessary items and press the button.

In order to clear the Mozilla Firefox browser history, you need to open the program settings and go to the “Privacy” subsection:

There are all the same points here as in Opera and Chrome, so I think you’ll figure it out.

In Internet Explorer, the history of visits to browser sites is hidden more carefully. To find it, you need to go to the Windows 10 Control Panel and open the “Internet Options” section. In the window that appears, on the “General” tab there will be a “Delete” button:

We click on it and get another window, in which, again, we need to check the boxes that we will clean and click on the “Delete” button.

How to clear history on your phone and tablet

On mobile devices with the Android operating system installed, the Google Chrome browser is used by default. In it you need to click on the icon with three squares in the upper right corner of the screen. The program menu will appear:

Find the “History” item and click on it. The following window will appear:

At the very bottom of the screen there will be a Chrome “Clear History” button - click it. In the next window, select what we want to clear:

Click on the “Delete data” button.

If you are a fan of Apple devices - iPhone and iPad, then to delete data about visited sites in Safari, you must first open your bookmarks - the book-shaped icon at the bottom of the screen. The following bookmark window will open:

In the lower right corner there will be a “Clear” link, which will completely delete this data in the browser.

How to clear browser history: Methods and detailed instructions

All modern browsers have a so-called browsing history. This is a special database containing all the sites visited by the user. The browsing log is a pretty useful thing. For example, you found some good resource, but forgot its name. In this case, your browsing history will be very useful. However, there is also another side to the coin. Anyone with access to your computer can open your log and see the sites you've visited. Fortunately, there is a way out of this situation - you need to clear your browser history.

How to enter browser history

  • Hotkey combination;
  • Browser interface.

The first method is simple, fast and, most importantly, universal. You just need to press the combination Ctrl + H and voila - the list of visited sites has opened. The method works in all browsers.

To open the visit log, it is better to use a hotkey combination. It's fast and convenient. However, this method cannot always be applied. For example, how can you see your browsing history on your computer if the keyboard doesn’t work? In this case, you can use the second method.


Using the browser interface, you can open a list of visited sites. This process will differ for different search engines. But there is nothing complicated here. Let's find out how to open the history of website visits in the most popular browsers.

Google Chrome

There is a control element in the upper right corner that looks like three dots. If you click on it, a drop-down list will appear. In it, select the “History” item, after which the browsing history will open.

Mozilla Firefox

Click on the control element that looks like three stripes. It is located in the upper right corner of the screen. A drop-down list will open in which you need to click on the “History” button. After this, an additional list will appear. Click on the “Show history” button, which is located below.


You need to use the menu, which in the latest version of the browser has moved to the left side of the screen. To open your browsing history, simply click on the appropriate tab.

Microsoft Edge

In the top right corner there is a control that looks like three parallel lines. Click on it, after which a drop-down list appears. To access records of site visits, click on the “Log” item.

How to delete browsing records from your browser

Deleting entries from the browsing history will make it impossible to determine which sites the user visits. In addition, cleaning will free up a couple of megabytes on your computer. After all, records of visits take up a certain amount of memory on the disk. There are several ways to clear your history.

Manual cleaning

To clear your search history, you first need to go to your browsing history. There you can see a list of pages visited over a specific period of time. To delete all entries from the log, you must click on the “Clear history” item.

If you need to remove any specific entries, then click the ellipsis next to the link that you want to delete. After this, a drop-down list appears. To clear the log of the selected entry, click on the “Delete from history” item.

Cleaner programs

If you use several browsers at once, you need to clear the search history in each one separately. In order not to waste time, you can entrust this simple task to a special utility. There are quite a lot of such programs on the Internet. But we will show you how to delete search history using CCleaner as an example.

Launch the program and go to the “Cleaning” menu. We see in front of us the names of the browsers that are installed on the computer. To delete your browsing history, check the “Log of visited sites” checkbox, and then click on the “Clear” button.

The program will begin searching for files that store information about the pages viewed. This may take a certain amount of time. If there are similar entries on your computer, CCleaner will delete them. Upon completion of cleaning, the utility will provide a summary of the work done. It will show which files were deleted and how much memory was freed during the procedure.

Anonymous mode

While surfing the Internet, the browser automatically records the pages visited by the user in the database. But in some search engines this function can be disabled. To do this you need to switch to anonymous mode. This is done using the key combination Ctrl + Shift + N. In Google Chrome, anonymous mode looks like this:

When using incognito mode, the search engine will not record the pages viewed in the log.

How to view history on a computer

Few people know, but in Windows it is possible to view the event history. That is, you can find out when the computer was started, what programs were used, etc. To do this, you need to right-click on “Computer”, which is located on the desktop. In the drop-down list, select “Management”. In the window that opens, go to “Event Viewer”, and then go to “Windows Log”. It contains information about all updates, installations and other manipulations with the PC. You should not delete entries from the Windows log, as it is extremely difficult to restore them.

It happens that you don’t always want to leave “traces” of your trips on the Internet on your computer and browser. There are different reasons for this: parents with strict moral principles, curious children, husbands/spouses, a suspicious cat...

How to Delete Browsing History and Browser Cache in Google Chrome

With Google Chrome everything is simple - open the browser and press the key combination Ctrl+Shift+Del.

Nothing happened? Then open the same browser menu by clicking on the button at the top right, select “ Additional tools» — « Deleting browsing data...«:

In the window that opens after this, select the removal settings. If you need to clean up absolutely all traces in chrome, just check all the checkboxes in the “ Remove the following items" select option " During all this time«.

The last step is to click on the “ Clear the history” and wait until the window closes (this means that the browsing history has been successfully cleared).

This removes:

  • Browsing history
  • Download history
  • Cookies
  • Pictures in cache
  • Entered passwords (if saving them was enabled)
  • Autofill data in forms

By the way, Google Chrome has a very useful thing called “ Incognito mode". It is needed just for those cases when you need not to leave any traces in the browser. You can enable it either by right-clicking on the desired link and selecting “ Open link in incognito mode", or by opening the browser and pressing the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+N

How to Delete Browsing History and Cache in Mozilla Firefox

In Firefox, deleting your browsing history can’t be easier.

Open your browser and press the three key combination Ctrl+Shift+Del (if it doesn’t work, click on the button at the top right and select “ Magazine" and then " Delete history« ):

In the window that opens, simply select the desired period (for example, “All”) and click on “ Delete now«:

How to delete browsing history and cache in Yandex Browser

Since this popular browser is a derivative of Chromium (practically the twin brother of Google Chrome), the method of clearing browsing history is exactly the same.

Open your browser and press the key combination Ctrl+Shift+Del and then select the deletion period - click on “ Clear the history«:

How to delete history in Opera

The developers from Opera Software also decided not to reinvent the wheel. Therefore, similar to the previous methods, open the browser and press the key combination Ctrl+Shift+Del and then selecting the deletion period ( « From the very beginning"and checking all the boxes) - click on " Clear browsing history«:

In today's step-by-step instructions, we will look at a convenient way to delete your browsing history in your Internet browser, clear the cache, delete cookies, and also clear your file download history. Let me remind you that we will do this in the world's most popular Internet browser, Google Chrome.

In order to clear the cache (temporary files) in the Google Chrome browser, you will need to perform the following operations on your personal computer:

Open Google Chrome (in the upper right corner right above the "Close" button) by clicking on the button with the image of three horizontal lines. After completing this action, an additional Internet browser menu will open.

In this menu item, you need to hover over the “History” or “Tools” item in the drop-down menu and click > delete data about viewed pages.

Also, the Google Chrome browser has very convenient hotkeys for performing these actions.

The key combination CTRL+H (pressed simultaneously) in any browser window opens the “History” tab. In this tab, you can click on the “Clear history” button. After completing this action, a new tab will open with a selection of actions. You can choose which data to delete and for what period. For example, you can delete information about visits for the last hour, day, week, or delete history for the entire time you worked with the Google Chrome browser. To do this, check all the boxes and select "All time". All browsing data will be permanently destroyed.

If you choose another action, do not forget to check the boxes next to the data that needs to be deleted in the window that opens. For example, you do not want to delete autofill form data (the function helps automatically fill out web forms, such as saving your login and password when logging into your mailbox or a site login form in contact). If you want the input form data to remain, you need to uncheck two items: “Clear saved passwords” and “Clear saved form autofill data.”

Let's proceed to describe the second method of deleting data using hotkey combinations

Ctrl+Shift+Del (+ means pressing all these keys simultaneously)

After pressing the Ctrl+Shift+Del keys, the “Clear History” form will open, which you are already familiar with from the description above.

I hope that completing all these simple steps was not a hassle for you, but if anything is unclear, you can leave a comment. We will definitely answer.

Dear reader! You may be interested in the following articles:

o How to disable autorun programs: simple step-by-step instructions unnecessary files downloaded from the Internet ccleaner

Best regards, website team

If you notice an error, select a piece of text and press Ctrl+Enter

How to delete history in Yandex

If you often use the Yandex browser to access the Internet, then you probably know about the history of visits to it. This function is very convenient when you need to return to a viewed page or find a downloaded file. But over time, the list accumulates, which leads to an increase in the amount of space for storing it. Therefore, it is recommended to delete your browsing history from your browser. Read about how to do this correctly in this article.

How to delete history in Yandex browser - where is it located?

To search for previously viewed pages, you need to go to your browser history. This function in the program is very useful if you have not bookmarked the site. To edit or delete a watch list, you first need to find it in the program.

  • To do this, launch the Yandex browser in your usual way. This is usually a shortcut on your computer's desktop or an icon in the control panel (most often located at the bottom of the screen).

  • In the program window that opens, select settings. The icon is located at the top of the window on the right side in the form of several vertical lines.

  • By clicking on it, a menu with program settings will open in front of you. In the list, find the line “History”, left-click on it.

  • As a result of these actions, an additional window will open. In it you can find recently viewed sites, as well as open the entire history.
  • To see all pages with the time and date of viewing, select “History” in the settings section.
  • In the same way, you can find your Yandex browser history on any device: computer, laptop, tablet or phone.

How to delete history in Yandex on a computer

There are several ways to delete the list of visited sites from your computer.

  • First, open the history page in the browser through the settings, as described in the previous paragraph.
  • If you don’t have time to look through every history item or want to delete all the information at once, then find the “Clear history” button on the page. It is located on the right side of the window at the top. This will delete your entire browsing history.

  • This method is not suitable if you want to leave some sites in the list of viewed pages. To delete only some lines, check them in the box next to each item.

  • Then select the “Delete selected items” section or click “Clear history”.

  • You will see a warning window, in which you can confirm the deletion or refuse it.

  • As a result of these actions, the specified pages with your browsing history will be deleted.

  • If this is tedious for you or you only need to delete data for a certain time, then use the “Clear history” function.
  • When you click on it, a pop-up menu will open in which you will be able to select the deletion period in the corresponding section.

  • Then look carefully at the other sections of the menu. Here you can clear your browsing history, delete downloads, clear your cache and remove cookies, as well as delete saved passwords and autofill information. This will also allow you to delete files on your computer about your visits to pages on the Internet.

  • Confirm the removal steps.

  • There is another function in Yandex browser for browsing history. By turning it on, the history will never be saved in the browser. To do this, in the open Yandex window, simultaneously press three buttons on the keyboard - Ctrl+Shift+N. It will enable the Incognito feature in the program.
  • Or go to the settings section in your browser and select “Incognito Mode.”

  • A special message will notify you of its activation. But this mode will not make you invisible on other sites. You can exit it by closing the browser window.

How to delete history in Yandex on a tablet and phone

  • The algorithm for deleting browsing history in a Yandex browser on a tablet is almost the same as working on a computer. Only the site is presented in a reduced version.
  • All actions must also be carried out in the program settings menu. You can find them at the top right of the browser page. It can be presented in the form of a gear or vertical lines.
  • Deleting viewed information is possible completely, as well as for a certain period. This can be done through the “Clear history” function or delete individual files through the “Delete selected items” section.
  • But before you completely clear your browser history, think carefully. Maybe this data will be useful to you soon.

Another way to remove all browsing data on your computer through the Yandex browser, watch the video:

If you have a phone or tablet running on the Android site, and you don’t know how to clear history from Yandex, then watch this video:

How to delete website history: instructions for beginners

Today in this article we will discuss the question of how to delete your browsing history. This operation can be performed using standard browser tools. But in some cases it will be useful to familiarize yourself with third-party programs. As an example, I will use the most popular browsers, namely: Google Chrome, Mozilla, Internet Explorer. So, next you will learn how to delete your browsing history.

Internet Explorer

  1. Turn on the program.
  2. Click on the gear icon. It is located in the upper right area.
  3. Go to the “Security” tab, and select the first item “Delete browsing history”.
  4. Check the box next to “Journal”.
  5. Confirm your choice by clicking the "Delete" button.

  1. Open the program.
  2. Click on the icon with three horizontal stripes. It is located in the upper right location.
  3. Select "History".
  4. Click on "Clear...".
  5. Select "Clear history...". Confirm your choice.

  1. Open the program.
  2. Click on the application icon, which will be located in the upper left corner.
  3. Click on the inscription “Erase recent history”. It's on the left side of the menu.
  4. Check the box next to “Visit log...”.
  5. Confirm the operation by clicking on the “Clear...” sign.

additional information

Removing the Google Chrome, Mozilla, and Internet Explorer tabs follows the same principle. Just right-click on the bookmark of interest and select “Delete”. It should be noted that after this operation it will no longer be possible to restore the tabs. Using built-in tools, you can also delete information such as cache, download history, site settings, saved passwords, etc.

Third party programs

Of course, regular built-in tools can also delete your browser history. But if you want to get more advanced functionality, you should take a closer look at various third-party software. As a rule, such narrow-profile programs allow you to flexibly configure browsers. For example, you can automatically delete viewed pages, which will occur every time before exiting the utility. Among such software, I recommend using a utility such as CCleaner. It has a lot of advantages. Let's start with the fact that it is completely free. You can download it from the official website. This program allows you to delete all temporary information from web browsers with one click. In this case, you can format the history in several utilities at once. The program interface has fairly clear controls. Therefore, it is difficult to get confused in it. But if something happens, you can use the built-in help, which allows you to decipher all the actions. You can download another similar utility to your computer. There are now enough such programs on the Internet.


Question “How to delete website browsing history?” Quite often asked by new users. In this article I have provided instructions for the most popular browsers. If you use other software to browse the Internet, you can install a universal third-party tool. I hope now you know how to delete your browsing history.

How to delete browsing and search history on your computer in Yandex

Internet users browse millions of resources every day in search of the necessary information and materials. So that you can quickly find the studied link to the site or download file again, a history of visits is stored in Yandex, to which you can return at the right time. You can erase the chronological list if you wish. This article will explain in detail how to delete history in Yandex.

How to view history in Yandex browser

Websites visited often contain data that is important to users. After closing the browser, people begin to delve into their memory and go in search of a page that they have already closed. Searching for what you need on the World Wide Web is a long journey. How to quickly find what you need right now? To view history in Yandex:

  1. Use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+H inside an already open program.
  2. Follow these steps:
  3. Open the “Settings” section by clicking the button (upper right corner of the program).
  4. Select the History button.
  5. Before you is a browsing history in Yandex, in which you can see the table of contents of the pages you visited previously.

You can explore the recent list of downloads: by pressing the Ctrl and J key combination or by clicking “Settings - Downloads”. Open a new tab (combination Ctrl+T; clicking “+” on a panel tab; right-clicking on an open tab - selecting “New Tab”), a new board will open. A chronology of page visits and downloads will be displayed. After clicking the "Downloads" button, you will see both completed and current downloads.

By selecting “All downloads”, you will open a complete list of received files in a new tab. The “Recently Closed” section contains the latest sites, and the “All History” function will present a complete list of previously reviewed material. Statistics of download files and page logs are deleted, if desired, in whole or in part (for a day, a week, a month, a year, all the time). Downloads are canceled or paused for a while and then resumed.

You also need to delete data on your computer’s hard drives. It is important to know how to view history in Yandex and remove recent viewpoints, but at the same time you need to erase them from the disk. When you visit Internet pages, they are automatically cached (stored in the cache). The storage rules also apply to entered passwords for accounts. To prevent previously viewed pages from being shown again, you should also clear the cache. How to delete browsing history on your computer?

The cache is saved on your computer's hard drive, but you can also erase it in a web browser:

  1. Go to the browser settings section.
  2. A window will pop up where the “files saved in cache” icon is checked.
  3. Click the “Delete the following elements” inscription, determine the period that needs to be cleaned, click the clear button at the bottom of the open window.
  4. All! Records of requests from the computer will be erased.

If you don’t want your browser history to become clogged, and you don’t have time to search for the necessary previously viewed information for too long, then delete the entire list of viewed resources completely. Go to the “History” item. The “Clear...” button appears. We select the period of time for which the inspections need to be cleared (“in an hour”, “today”, “days”, etc.). The function is very convenient because you choose the scope of this process yourself. One click of the “Clear history” button – and the history in the Yandex browser is deleted.

Search page

We have already learned how to delete all views in a couple of clicks. Now it’s worth familiarizing yourself with the information on removing individual links to materials. It happens that you only need to remove one recent tab. How to do it? A simple algorithm for deleting one preliminary search site:

  1. Let's launch Yandex. At the top right there is a small “gear” - these are the settings. Click on this button.
  2. A menu appears, at the bottom of the list of proposed functions, select the desired setting.
  3. A list of addresses (resources visited) is revealed. One by one, mark the lines that need to be removed.
  4. Check the marked icons, make sure the links are selected correctly and click “Delete”. No one will reveal the secrets of your website visits.

How to delete browsing history on your phone

The entire algorithm for clearing history in Yandex on a smartphone is similar to deleting it on a computer or laptop:

  1. Turn on the Internet browser on your phone.
  2. Select the bookmark marked with a gear. A list of settings will appear.
  3. Find “Privacy”, subsection “Clear data”. We tick the desired set of visits and races and delete them by clicking “Clear data”. The phone menu will prompt you to confirm or cancel the operation. If you decide to really completely eliminate the information, click “Yes”.

You have learned how to completely delete history on your phone in Yandex. There are additional options for this function: these are items for deleting the list of subsequent visits and saving passwords. If you remove the journal marks, you will not have to clean it again. The option has both its pros and cons: you may suddenly need the addresses of resources that you previously looked at.

On a tablet

If you decide to remove the list of previously studied pages on your tablet, first enter the settings menu, hidden under the small gear icon. Then a window will appear: click “Clear history”. On a tablet, if you wish, you can delete the entire history together or each visited address line one at a time. Think carefully before taking this action.

How to recover

It often happens that you need to restore a link to a resource that contained necessary and important information. Have you already looked all over the Internet, but still can’t find the address you need? The question immediately arises: will it be possible to recover the lost information? Theoretically, the process is real, but practically, it is very complex and rarely achievable. It will be possible to search for a recovery program on the Internet, but using it to resume the resources passed through is unlikely. You can only recover deleted various files.

Video on how to erase history in Yandex on Android

Modern mobile Android devices are in no way inferior in functionality to computers and laptops. Downloading the new version of the Internet browser on them will not be difficult. Sometimes the question arises of how to quickly delete history on Android in Yandex, so as not to clog up your memory with unnecessary materials. The training video will present the entire detailed algorithm of actions for deleting entries from the Internet log, and will reveal the nuances of how to clear Yandex. You will learn to view previously opened sites and remove them from the list of visited ones.

How to clear history on a Windows computer

Good afternoon, dear readers and guests of the portal, probably each of you wondered how to clear the history on a computer with Windows, by history, of course, everyone understands something of their own, for some it is the browser history, for others correspondence or open files , all this can be called activities on the computer, and we will clean and delete them.

Types of clearing history on a computer

If you analyze this issue and figure out what types you can divide the cleaning of activities on your computer into, then there are two types:

  • Complete deletion of all history without the possibility of recovery, but with the safety of the operating system (an example when you want to cover your tracks or prepare your computer for sale)
  • This is a partial removal of certain activities to optimize the computer (speed up the PC)

Of course, the fastest and most reliable way to clear all browsing history on your computer is to completely reinstall the system :)

How to clear your browsing history on your computer

  • Launching programs
  • Opening files and other actions with them
  • Network activity

Cleaning with the sysprep utility

This method is ideal for those people who want to sell their computer or laptop and do not want their browsing history on the computer to be recovered and read by third parties, but want to keep their operating system and, ideally, clean, as if it was installed right now.

For such purposes, Windows has a built-in sysprep utility. I told you what it is, but in a nutshell, it’s a program for depersonalizing Windows from users’ personal data. The principle there was simple: you launch audit mode there, as a result the system reboots and the next time you log in you log in under the built-in Administrator account, thanks to this you can now go to Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\System (or properties of my computer), where you click Advanced System Settings > Advanced tab > User Profiles > Options. You receive a list of accounts that can and should be deleted.