
Digital TV set-top boxes DVB T2: what they are and how to choose. DVB digital television standards (DVB-T, DVB-T2, DVB-C, DVB-C2, DVB-S, DVB-S2) Digital standard dvb t2

After March 19, when the unexpected transition of digital broadcasting in Russia to the DVB-T2 format took place, a real digital fever began. Moreover, people, without really understanding the situation, began frantically looking for receivers of the new standard. At the same time, few people understand why this is needed. In general, I was tired of telling people the same story five times a day, and I decided to put my thoughts in writing.

So. My most important message: Don’t rush into buying DVB-T2 tuners!

Studying the news and the market situation, I have more questions than answers...

Broadcasting of the DVB-T2 channel package began free of charge. The first official DVB-T2 receiver for Russia immediately appeared on the market, which supports 2 encoding systems at once: Roskript-PRO, Rosskript M 2.0. Let me remind you that it was officially announced that the first multiplex would be free. What about other packages? What encoding are you planning to broadcast in? Why are there two of them in the receiver at once? Will the coding system be the same for all regions? Or will different packets be encoded differently? And how will you be able to watch encrypted channels: just by having a receiver with the required encoding or will you need a card with a subscription? Also, let’s not forget that successful cardsharing of the Roskript-M 2.0 system has already been carried out. Should we expect the appearance of Rosscrypt 3, 4, etc.? If so, will I need to buy a new receiver? Unclear…

Let's move on... Because... The first official receiver (General Satellite TE-8714), to put it mildly, does not shine with functionality, it is logical to assume and, accordingly, wait for the release of a receiver with an HDMI output, again, so that you do not have to buy a new one later. And in general, will CAM modules be produced or only receivers? Taking into account the fact that televisions with built-in DVB-T2 tuners have already appeared on the market, many users, naturally, would like to buy the module rather than receivers of dubious quality and content.

Now there are already quite a few DVB-T2 receivers on the market, because... many European countries have already switched to the new digital TV format. By the way, neighboring Ukraine is already watching DVB-T2 and there are quite a few receivers for this format on the Ukrainian market. That is, it would seem that there is an assortment! And of course, I want not just a dull set-top box, but a modern Full HD receiver with recording, media player, network functions and other bells and whistles. But it was not there. Having bought the receiver you like now, you can make a big mistake when the channels are encoded...

So what is left for the average TV viewer? In fact, just wait. What to expect? Certainties and specifics! With broadcasting, channels, packages, encoding and equipment. You can, of course, buy this GS now and watch digital channels in Moscow. But I wouldn't recommend it. The product turned out to be too crude and primitive, to say the least. It is not worth even a quarter of the amount they are asking for it (4000-5000 rubles)!

In a word: take your time. Broadcasting in DVB-T format is still ongoing (for those who don’t know, on channel 34). There are plenty of receivers on the market and they are much cheaper. For example, a DVB-T receiver with HDMI and a media player can be bought in Moscow for less than 1000 rubles. Taking into account the fact that a complete transition to the DVB-T2 format is planned for 2015, DVB-T channels will operate for more than 2 years.

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When buying a new TV, you may see designations such as DVB-T, DVB-T2, DVB-C and the like on the packaging or on a sticker on the TV. Many people think that these are just another additional functions of the TV, such as improving the quality of the image, sound, etc. Those more knowledgeable will understand from the abbreviation DVB (Digital Video Broadcasting) that this is somehow related to digital television. But what do these abbreviations mean and are they really important? In fact, they are very important and necessary, because they make it possible to watch digital television without unnecessary set-top boxes and extra costs. In this article I will tell you what digital television, DVB is, what DVB standards there are and how to connect digital television.

Let's start from the beginning and answer the question: what is digital television and what are the advantages of using it?

Digital television(from the English Digital Television, DTV) - technology for transmitting television images and sound by encoding video and audio signals using digital channels (Wikipedia). The television we are used to is called “analog”. Its main disadvantage is that the TV signal during transmission can greatly lose quality due to various interferences. I think everyone is familiar with watching a TV channel - ripples, problems with sound, dependence of the quality (and sometimes quantity) of channels on weather conditions, etc. The digital signal is protected from this, and on the TV screen we see an image of very good quality. In addition to a high-quality picture, you get five-channel sound, which I think connoisseurs will appreciate. Plus, you get additional EPG (electronic program guide) information - gives information about the current program, and a TV guide for a week or two. In general, this is the next round in the development of television and it would be a shame not to take advantage of it.

DVB (Digital Video Broadcasting) is a family of digital television standards developed by the international consortium DVB Project. Initially, DVB-S (satellite television, discussed in more detail below) appeared, but over time, the digital signal began to be distributed not only from satellite, but also through television cables and terrestrial television. Since all these three directions: from satellite, television cable and terrestrial signal differed in frequency channels, modulation methods, etc., it was decided to divide them into standards, and so the abbreviations appeared DVB-T, DVB-C, DVB-S.


DVB-C(newer DVB-C2) - Digital cable television. This digital television standard allows you to watch digital channels provided by your cable provider. Those. In addition to analogue channels, your provider can simultaneously provide you with channels in digital quality, and to watch them it is not at all necessary to buy additional set-top boxes, since most TVs support the DVB-C standard. It is worth considering that some cable providers have encrypted digital channels and in order to watch them, you need to purchase an access card. This access card is inserted either into the TV via a CAM module (if the TV has such a capability) or into a DVB-C set-top box.



As you can see, all standards have undergone modification and the following generations have appeared (indicated by the number 2 at the end, for example DVB-T, the second generation DVB-T2). This is due to the fact that progress does not stand still and we want not just digital television, but digital television in high quality (high image resolution). You should take into account the DVB generation used by your TV, since digital broadcasting works mainly on the second generation DVB. Those. If your TV supports DVB-T, but does not support DVB-T2, then you will not be able to view terrestrial digital channels.

What is the main advantage of having a TV that supports various digital standards?! Firstly, this allows you to save money, because, as I said earlier, you do not need to purchase additional equipment or the purchase will cost much less, in the case of DVB-S, DVB-S2. In addition, you will use one remote control for the TV, which you will agree is much more convenient than two remote controls for the TV and digital set-top box/receiver. Saves space because there is no need to use additional equipment.

As you can see, digital television is now available not only in large cities (all three ways to get digital television are available for them - DVB-T2, DVB-C, DVB-S2), but also in remote villages (you can use the DVB-T2 or DVB standards -S2).

Today I decided to tell the guys what DVB-T2 is, one of my readers asked a question in. Many people do not understand what it is and do not see the advantages of using this digital broadcast format, but in vain! After all, using this format, you can watch Russian digital television for free. In our city there are 20 channels + 3 radios. According to rumors, the number of channels will only increase in the near future. In general, the format is needed, read on and I’ll tell you everything...

As usual, let's start with the definition.

DVB- T2 ( Digital Video Broadcasting- Second Generation Terrestrial) This is a terrestrial format of digital terrestrial television. ConsoleT2 means the second generation of this format, designed to increase signal throughput by 30 - 50% with the same equipment power.

Now in simple words. Guys, this is really a new broadcasting format. Previously, television operated over analog networks, that is, there was a television tower and it transmitted an analog signal to the consumer (TV). And the further you were from the tower, the worse the channel reception was, there was interference, etc.

Everything is different now. There is also a tower, only it transmits a digital signal. Kind of like a cell tower, the consumer either has a signal or doesn't (just like a cell phone)! Moreover, if there is a signal on the TV, then the image is very clear and without interference. Even over long distances. If there is no signal, then the TV simply will not show, here you need to take a more powerful antenna, or use a television signal amplifier.

It should be noted that now almost all new TVs support the DVB-T2 format. Just connect the antenna, turn on the TV, select the DVB-T2 format (or digital format, maybe digital signal reception) and that’s it, the TV itself will find digital channels. Everything is easy and simple. But old TVs are not designed to receive such channels, so they cannot receive DVB-T2, but there is a way out.

How to catch digital television on old TVs

ON old TVs or LED TVs that do not support the DVB-T2 format, you need to install a special digital set-top box. It picks up the digital format and then transmits it to the TV. It is connected either to HDMI connectors or to analog connectors (the well-known “tulips”). The cost of such set-top boxes now ranges from 1000 to 2500 rubles. The set-top box has a separate remote control, which is what you will use to switch digital channels.

Thus, you can even turn an old TV into a receiver for a new digital signal (DVB-T2).

Guys, the most important thing is that this television is free, that is, you don’t need to spend money on cable or satellite TV. Also, the image quality is at a high level, and the reception is much better!

Now a short video about such set-top boxes for digital TV

In general, this is a real leap forward, you won’t regret connecting.

(Korean Mobile TV)

T-DMB (ethereal) S-DMB (satellite) MediaFLO Codecs Video codecs
  • H.264 (MPEG-4 AVC)
Audio codecs Frequency range

DVB-T2 is the last in the family of DVB standards for digital terrestrial (terrestrial) television, since it is physically impossible to realize a higher “information transmission rate per spectrum unit”.


The following characteristics have been developed for the DVB-T2 standard:

  • COFDM modulation with QPSK, 16-QAM, 64-QAM or 256-QAM groups.
  • OFDM modes 1k, 2k, 4k, 8k, 16k and 32k. The symbol length for 32k mode is about 4ms.
  • Relative lengths of guard intervals: 1/128, 1/32, 1/16, 19/256, 1/8, 19/128 and 1/4. (For 32k mode maximum 1/8)
  • FEC with cascade application of LDPC and BCH correction codes.
  • DVB-T2 supports channel frequency bands: 1.7, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 10 MHz. Moreover, 1.7 MHz is intended for mobile television
  • transmission in MISO mode Multiple-Input Single-Output) using the Alamouti scheme, that is, the receiver processes the signal from two transmitting antennas

Comparison of DVB-T and DVB-T2

The following table compares the available modes in DVB-T and DVB-T2.

Error Correction (FEC) Convolutional code + Reed - Solomon code
1/2, 2/3, 3/4, 5/6, 7/8
1/2, 3/5 , 2/3, 3/4, 4/5 , 5/6
Modulation Modes QPSK, 16QAM, 64QAM QPSK, 16QAM, 64QAM, 256QAM
Guard interval 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, 1/32 1/4, 19/256 , 1/8, 19/128 , 1/16, 1/32, 1/128
DFT dimension 2k, 8k 1k, 2k, 4k, 8k, 16k, 32k
Dispersed pilots 8% of the total 1 % , 2 % , 4 % , 8% of the total
Continuous pilots 2.6% of the total 0,35 % of the total
Bandwidth 6; 7; 8 MHz 1.7; 5; 6; 7; 8; 10 MHz
Max. data transfer rate (at SNR 20 dB) 31.7 Mbps 45.5 Mbps
Required SNR (for 24 Mbps) 16.7 dB 10.8 dB

Maximum data rate at 8 MHz bandwidth, 32K subcarriers, with 1/128 guard interval, PP7 subcarrier layout:

Modulation Code speed Maximum
digital speed
stream, Mbit/s
T2 frame length,
OFDM symbols
Number of codes
words in frame
QPSK 1/2 7.4442731 62 52
3/5 8.9457325
2/3 9.9541201
3/4 11.197922
4/5 11.948651
5/6 12.456553
16-QAM 1/2 15.037432 60 101
3/5 18.07038
2/3 20.107323
3/4 22.619802
4/5 24.136276
5/6 25.162236
64-QAM 1/2 22.481705 46 116
3/5 27.016112
2/3 30.061443
3/4 33.817724
4/5 36.084927
5/6 37.618789
256-QAM 1/2 30.074863 68 229
3/5 36.140759
2/3 40.214645
3/4 45.239604
4/5 48.272552
5/6 50.324472

DVB-T2 system structure

Generalized scheme for processing transmitted signals in the DVB-T2 system.

Service capabilities

The DVB-T2 standard allows you to provide various digital services:

  • 3D television in the DVB 3D-TV standard;
  • interactive hybrid television in the Hbb TV standard;
  • multisound (choice of broadcast language);
  • access to government services in electronic form (in Russia);
  • emergency warning system (in Russia).

DVB-T2 signal reception

Reception of the DVB-T2 signal is carried out by an over-the-air collective, individual or indoor antenna connected to a TV with a built-in DVB-T2 tuner (decoder) or to a DVB-T2 receiver (set-top box).

Also, the DVB-T2 signal can be received on any computer with a built-in DVB-T2 digital TV tuner.



  • UK: one multiplex, trial run December 2009, fully operational April 2010.
  • Italy: one multiplex, trial run October 2010.
  • Sweden: two multiplexes, full launch in November 2010.
  • Finland: five multiplexes, trial launch in January 2011, fully launched in February 2011.
  • Spain: two multiplexes, full launch in 2010.


By Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 3, 2012 No. 287-r, the only digital terrestrial television standard for Russia is the DVB-T2 standard. By Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 24, 2010 No. 830-r, the performer of work within the framework of the federal target program “Development of television and radio broadcasting in the Russian Federation for 2009-2015” identified the “Russian Television and Radio Broadcasting Network”.


  • Test broadcasting of digital television in the DVB-T2 standard from the Kyiv television tower began on August 18, 2011.
  • On November 1, 2011, broadcasting in the DVB-T2 standard began in Ukraine.
  • Since February 2012, the DVB-T2 signal is encoded throughout Ukraine

How to connect and configure equipment for DVB-T2 reception

A brief description of terrestrial digital television of the DVB-T2 standard is given.

Now let's look at it in more detail:

What is DVB-T2?

DVB-T2 Digital Video Broadcasting - second generation digital terrestrial television standard. Unlike the first generation DVB-T standard, DVB-T2 increases the utilization rate of network capacity by 30-50%, while preserving the basic infrastructure and resources. The DVB-T2 standard has been adopted for broadcasting digital terrestrial television programs within the framework of the Federal Program (Development of Television and Radio Broadcasting in the Russian Federation). For broadcasting television programs in the DVB-T2 standard, radio frequencies of the meter (174-230 MHz) and decimeter frequency ranges (470-790 MHz) are used for 6-12 and 21-60 frequency channels, respectively. The development of television and radio broadcasting in the Russian Federation for 2009-2018" is determined by the "Russian Television and Radio Broadcasting Network" (RTRS). This state operator broadcasts two multiplexes in the DVB-T2 standard - RTPS-1 first multiplex and RTPS-2 second multiplex. In the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol, expanded broadcasting (regional multiplex) is carried out. The television channels of the packages (RTRS) are completely free and open for reception (FTA). The DVB-T2 standard implements free, digital services and services: definition television (SDTV) standard, subtitles, teletext, TV guide, stereo sound, digital radio, time and date synchronization with digital television broadcasting.

Television programs of the first and second multiplexes - RTPS-1 and RTPS-2

First multiplex Second multiplex

How to receive DVB-T2

What is needed for this -

The first thing you need for reception of programs free terrestrial digital television is UHF television antenna. The antenna can be indoor

Outdoor (street) - depending on reception conditions.

Residents of private houses, dachas and cottages need individual antenna.

Residents of high-rise buildings can use a common building antenna (provided it exists).

The second thing you need is digital set-top box DVB- T2 (receiver).

Receiver required for converting a digital signal to analog. The digital signal from the UHF antenna is fed to the input of the digital receiver; the receiver’s processor processes the digital signal (digital) into a regular analog signal, which can be viewed on almost any TV or monitor - how to make a TV out of a monitor.

How to choose an over-the-air receiver, what to look for when buying a receiver in my article " choosing a DVB-T2 receiver - useful tips"

There will be a continuation of the article after a while. I'll tell you how to connect and configure the receiver. How to use the receiver's special functions to adjust the antenna.