
Wifi wireless network adapter for Lenovo laptop and drivers for it. Download drivers for Lenovo G580 laptop How to download Wi-Fi driver and utility from Lenovo

A program has appeared on the official Lenovo website that scans the operating system and software of your laptop, finds outdated drivers and offers to download the update for installation directly from the manufacturer’s server. The program itself does not need to be downloaded, it is an online service, but it will still require the installation of some software to work.

  1. In the support section, enter the model number in the search bar and go to your laptop page by clicking on the desired line in.
  2. Click the button.
  3. Confirm your consent to collect and store data (read the terms and conditions of which data in the section) and download Lenovo Service Bridge.
  4. Run the downloaded file and .
  5. . The system update program itself will check whether Lenovo System Update is on your computer.
  6. After a short time will appear on the screen.

Why doesn't Lenovo System Update scan?

If you have to wait more than a few minutes and you still don't see this on the screen confirming that the scan is in progress, something is wrong. Possible causes of problems:

  • Sometimes it is not enough to simply click the install button in the pop-up window asking you to install TVSU. This should happen automatically, but if not, proceed as usual: download the program and it to your computer.
  • Run the scan again. It is possible that the system still does not see TVSU on your computer and asks you to install it again. Just restart your computer, although the installation wizard did not require this.

The problems described above could only appear during the first time after the appearance of the new program; now there are no bugs, everything works automatically. The user only needs a couple of clicks. Authorization on the site is also not required.

No drivers to update

May not appear in the list. This most often happens if you have Windows 10 and all updates are installed via . If there is something in the list, the function of selecting the software that you plan to download and install is available. You need to focus on the last column of the Severity table, where there will be notes about the importance of the update: recommended or optional.

Lenovo Solution Center is a compact and easy-to-use utility for performing diagnostics, as well as for monitoring the condition of your laptop or netbook from the manufacturer Lenovo. This utility performs a constant analysis of the system and...

Lenovo Onekey Recovery is a useful and functional program that every owner of a laptop from the Lenovo manufacturer will need. This utility is necessary to restore the Windows operating system to factory settings and to reset...

Lenovo IdeaPad Z570 is an official set of drivers for a practical and modern laptop from Lenovo. You will need this set of drivers if your laptop malfunctions or after reinstalling the Windows operating system. Installation process...

Lenovo G505s is a compact, practical and productive laptop from a popular brand, which is considered quite budget-friendly and is great for working with documents and watching movies. Almost every owner of this model one way or another...

Lenovo B560 is a fairly functional, high-quality and modern laptop in the budget segment, which is in great demand and popularity today. Almost every owner of this model, after reinstalling the operating system...

Lenovo B570e - meet a collection of fresh drivers for a popular and modern laptop, which is considered one of the best-selling on the market in the budget segment. You can download and install any necessary driver on your laptop for...

A collection of drivers for the Lenovo G500 laptop, which will help the Windows operating system identify all devices built into the laptop and make them fully operational. Any necessary driver has a simple and straightforward installation for any...

WLAN (Atheros, Realtek, Broadcom) - a network driver for the built-in wireless adapter, which is found in Lenovo G405 and Lenovo G505 laptops. By installing this driver, the system will be able to detect the adapter and you will be able to use...

Active participant

Good day. Help me choose a laptop. Price approximately 20 thousand rubles. Will be used for studies, documents, Internet. Not for games. Screen: 15.6". For now I'm focusing on the Asus A52JU.

We bought a Lenovo ThinkPad Edge E520. Thank you.

Djum Newbie

Hello, I purchased a Lenovo Z500 laptop secondhand. Brought it home. When turned on, a grinding noise is constantly heard inside, I think this is the work of the hard drive. Installed the energy manager, disabled/enabled the energy saving mode, the sound does not disappear. What could it be? Are you serious? how can I test?
I forgot to add, twice after turning on the CPUZ program the laptop completely froze. What could this be related to? Win 8.


Regarding the lid, if there are knowledgeable people, then tell me what to do with it?
Here is the photo

Plastic is glued very well and firmly with dichloroethane. You take a piece of a similar plastic product and rub it with a file into fine crumbs. Fill the crumbs with dichloroethane. It turns out to be a “sour cream” consistency. You glue it with it.
If you don’t glue it, look for spare parts. Housing with hinges 300 UAH.
Or here 150 UAH.


Hi all.

The problem I have is very serious and long, for clarity I’ll start from the very beginning) I bought a Lenovo g580 (20150) laptop about six months ago, it was originally Windows 8. I restored the computer several times by rolling back to factory settings, one fine day, about a week ago, the computer just started to freeze, then it completely shut down and refused to respond to anything, I turned it off via a button, tried to restore it, but the system did not want to be restored, because. To. I didn’t find some system file and in general it’s a complete mess. Okay, I think we'll fix it. I demolished Windows 8...I installed Windows 7 and now I have a bunch of problems and a computer that has already frayed all my nerves. Initially, on Windows 7, the computer refused to work normally at all, it was very slow and Windows crashed immediately after installing the drivers (I installed it from the off site), then after 7 times it seemed to install normally, I installed the drivers, everything worked well. But something else started happening after turning off the computer Windows crashed every time. At the moment, I installed Windows 7 again, installed the drivers, on the one hand, the computer seems to be working normally, but on the other, there are always some strange freezes, it’s impossible to install games (although if you turn on the computer and don’t strain it with all sorts of launching the installation of something , then you can happily play Dota 2, which is installed via installation on Steam, everything is fine there) I installed the drivers from the off-site... I don’t know what to do anymore. I checked the hard drive with the CrystalDiskInfo program, there is 1 unstable sector, I checked the hard drive several times with a standard program (checks lasted 12 hours), it kept moving some bad clusters there.

Help me revive my computer. Thank you in advance.

MIB Newbie

Hi all. Welcome to the ranks of the new user N76VZ (HD+ screen / Intel Core i7-3610QM / RAM 4 GB / HDD 1 TB / nVidia GeForce GT 650M). The cost in Kyiv was $1,080.
I specifically took it with an HD+ screen (FullHD is too small for me and I consider it an unnecessary show-off, like many megapixels in cameras), with one screw (to put an SSD in the second compartment). I immediately changed the RAM to a faster Kingston one, and installed the complete bracket in my work laptop :)
I was worried about possible overheating, but after the tests I realized that my fears were in vain. The cooling system is made very competently - air is sucked in not under the bottom near the exhaust where the table is very hot, but in the front part of the laptop, thanks to which cold air passes through all the insides.
And further. I am categorically against laptop stands, with the exception of my work Acer, but this manufacturer has always had (and probably will have) critical problems with overheating.

About sound problems. When I bought it, when I was testing the laptop, I noticed a clicking sound in the speakers (as some people write here), I noticed the same problem on my old Lenovo laptop after I played with the settings for people with disabilities (it was interesting), it seems like Windows reads texts or something like that (it was a long time ago, I don’t remember). This was cured by returning to factory settings. Same thing with Asus - I tested it, loaded it as much as possible, and then did a recovery with formatting of both disks and everything became OK. The sound problem is gone.

And one more thing about sound. They say that the sound system is simply super and better than 90% of laptops, so, on my old Lenovo y510 (4-1 system built-in) the sound is such that some mid-level speakers do not reach it and the vaunted N76 speakers sound like nothing in comparison Chinese tweeters, even with a pseudo-subwoofer.

And now to the questions. I saw somewhere an overview of the BIOS and options for setting it up, but I can’t find it where. Maybe someone saw it?


Hello everyone. The problem is that I decided to reinstall Windows home basic to maximum on the new Z570 laptop. To begin with, I saved the drivers with Genius and copied the drivers and utilities from drive D. Then I deleted all partitions with Acronis, created C and D, installed Windows, and then a problem appeared - no sound. On the taskbar, on the speaker icon, there is a cross and it says “output audio device is not installed.” In the device manager, in the sound devices there is only Intel(R) Audio for displays and the required Realtek HD Audio is not there. I installed the drivers and saved them from Jenius and from disk D, then downloaded them from the official site, updated the BIOS - reinstalled Windows (both originals and assemblies) several times, changed the sequence of installing the firewood, but the problem was not solved. The thought had already crept in that the sound card had failed? I worked on my native Windows. Windows doesn’t want to see the sound device. Troubleshooting report: “Checking the sound device - the element is missing.” I don’t know what to do yet; I won’t be able to claim it under warranty; I’m already in another country (I work on a ship); I’ll be in Russia in maybe a month. If it's not hardware, but software problems, can this be solved? Thank you!

The question has been moved to the topic Lenovo IdeaPad V570 and Z570 - Reviews and problem solving


Guys, describe all the pros and cons of the Lenovo z500, otherwise I’m taking it for a long time and I don’t want to go hungry.

1. If you buy for games, under no circumstances take the version with 740m, look for the one with 640/645m
2. If you take an i7, then make sure that it is 8 threaded, and not 2 core with HT.
3. Try to avoid the Samsung matrix, which according to reviews is of poor quality.
4. It’s better to take the version with 6 or 8 GB of memory, since it’s difficult to add another 4 GB to the existing 4 GB (for dual-channel mode, or there will simply be a need to increase the volume), you need to disassemble the floor of the laptop, + it’s not clear what will happen to the warranty.
5. Braking HDD Seagate, almost always at 100% load, but it doesn’t heat up.
6. Another minus - drivers are available mainly for windows8.

I wanted to take the i7 2200MHz with 645m, but how can I see the matrix in the store in the device manager?

When purchasing laptops or netbooks from Lenovo, the user is faced with the problem of installing drivers on his PC. Typically, drivers are included with the laptop, but often you have to install additional software for the correct operation of a particular device. In our article we will tell you how to install drivers for Lenovo laptops.

In order to download drivers for Lenovo laptops, you need to go to the manufacturer's website. website of the manufacturer Lenovo Select a section, click on the picture of a laptop or netbook.
Select a series or model. You will find the model name in the documentation for your PC. Click search.

Next, a tab opens with a selection of drivers for your device. In the Component menu you must select the device for which the driver will be installed. In the Operating System menu you select the operating system version.

Download the driver and install the program. Follow the prompts of the installation wizard. It is advisable to install all the necessary software from the official websites of your PC manufacturers. This will help you install the correct software and avoid viruses on your computer.

Laptops- a modern alternative to bulky home computers. Initially they were used only for work. If previously laptops had very modest parameters, now they can easily compete with powerful gaming PCs. For maximum performance and stable operation of all laptop components, it is necessary to install and update all drivers on time. In this article we will tell you where you can download and how to update drivers for the Lenovo G580 laptop.

If you are the owner of the above model, then you can find the drivers using one of the methods described below.

Method 1: Lenovo Official Website

Method 2: Automatic scan on Lenovo website

Installing Lenovo Service Bridge

Method 3: Driver update programs

This method will suit you in all cases when you need to install or update drivers for absolutely any device. In the case of the Lenovo G580 laptop, it is also appropriate. There are a number of specialized programs that scan your system for the necessary drivers. If there are none or an outdated version is installed, the program will prompt you to install or update the software. There are now a huge number of relevant programs. We will not dwell on any specific one. You can choose the right one with the help of our lesson.

We still recommend using DriverPack Solution, since the program is regularly updated and has an impressive database of drivers for many devices. If you have any difficulties updating your software using this program, you should familiarize yourself with the detailed lesson, which is devoted to the features of its use.

Method 4: Search by hardware ID

This method is the most intricate and complex. To use it, you need to know the ID number of the device for which you are looking for a driver. In order not to duplicate information, we recommend that you read the special lesson.

We hope that one of the above methods will help you install drivers for your laptop. Please note that the absence of unidentified hardware in Device Manager does not mean that drivers do not need to be installed. As a rule, when installing a system, standard software from the common Windows database is installed. Therefore, it is highly recommended to install all the drivers that are posted on the laptop manufacturer’s website.