
The Surge: Long Circuit. Basics of combat, weapons and armor, useful information, tricks and secrets, fact After an attack, always leave space between the enemy

After watching the introductory video, in which the main character studies the corporation's advertising products Creo, you find yourself on a train. During the trip Warren, which is the name of the main character, continue to brainwash him with various videos. Later an announcement is heard: “Russo station. Exit on the right." Finally, get out onto the platform. Roll left along the platform to the zone registration. You have to make the most important choice in the game - which exoskeleton to choose? On the left is a room with the Lynx kit ( Lynx), this is a faster and more agile model. On the right side of the player is a Rhino set ( Rhino), strong but slow. Choose what you like and go for the operation.

During installation of the exoskeleton into the equipment, a failure will occur. By an absurd accident the whole operation will take place without anesthesia, and soon the hero will pass out. He will wake up not in the operating room, but in the local landfill. Fighting off drone, the hero will jump to his feet, grab a piece of iron lying nearby and control will pass to the player.

Restart Exo OS at the medical station

Attack the tin, open it inventory(I) and insert implant, which will give a nasty signal when approaching objects and secrets. After that, run forward, destroy the drones you come across, collect the objects that the implant alerts you about, until you get to the medical stations.

Having occupied the medical station, you are disappointed to discover that the exoskeleton is faulty. Power unit damaged, you need to look for new equipment. By the way, it’s not very noticeable yet, but the medical station is an analogue of the fire from Dark Souls. Here you can restore the hero’s health, replenish the fuse of medical injections, install some types of implants, and also invest scrap collected from enemies into pumping up the exoskeleton. But all this later, for now we need to deal with power unit.

Replace the faulty power unit

When an unknown person contacts you, you will use holograms. Talk to her and go outside. Outside, immediately go right and break through the crates. At the far end of the passage will lie implant. Take it and go down the stairs. Walking to the left, you will meet the first representative of the humanoid enemies. Undoubtedly, this creature was once a person like Warren, but apparently something happened. And now the pile of flesh and steel is very hostile to the main character.

This fight will be a target acquisition training session. Following the game's prompts, take aim hit the enemy in the head and make him happy with several blows to this unprotected place. After he is defeated, move on to the next one. The third enemy will be hiding in a rocket fragment, and the fourth is standing near the doors leading inside the large building, and persistently knocks on them with his head. Start with him, since this enemy will drop a serviceable power unit. Now finish off the enemy in the rocket and return to the medical unit together with a working unit stations.

Replacing the faulty power unit with a new one, Warren will finally have the opportunity to improve his exoskeleton, and will also be able to use the workbench. First, upgrade your suit with all the scrap metal you have, then start installing implants that require presence in a medical chair. After that, go to the workbench and use the issuance coupon equipment. Having received your things, immediately equip them on the exoskeleton and go outside.

It's time for pharma. Explore the surrounding area and use the implant to look for hidden things and secrets. While you're running around looking for swag, don't forget to deal with enemies to get scrap. Since your suit is now fully functional, you have a new option in battle - finishing off. When the enemy has few lives left, the letter “E” will appear; if you hold it (not press it and immediately release it, just hold it), Warren will perform a spectacular and deadly move. The part of the body that was targeted by attacks is more likely to separate from the rest of the body, and equipment can be obtained from it. So, for example, if you aim and hit only your right hand, after the fight you will most likely receive the enemy's weapon. But you shouldn’t forget about the rest of the body either. Everything here is extremely logical, if you hit the enemy in the legs, you will receive materials to improve equipment for the legs, if you hit the arms, then for the arms, respectively, and so on. But you need to hit only the armored part of the body.

Since you were given equipment for only one arm and one leg, you need to get scraps and parts for the remaining limbs. Leave the medical center and start exploring the area. After going down the stairs, go right, break a couple of robots and search the area. Stumbling upon elevator, go upstairs and search the small area, your reward will be a small pile scrap. This is the local equivalent of “prisoned souls”. The scrap pile is placed in inventory and can be used to obtain additional scrap. There is nothing else here, so go down and continue farming parts to create equipment and scrap.

Move towards the doors where you found power unit, and open them by overloading the section of the chain on the left. Once outside the gate, take out the two enemies on the left, then go right. There are two more opponents and one of them is a fully armored red cyborg. He hides behind a curtain, and he is interesting primarily for his weapon. So take aim at your right hand, reduce the cyborg’s health and finish him off. The chainsword is more likely to be yours.

Behind the enemy you got it from saw, go through the doors and turn right, you can open a short path to the base. Next, go right. Clear another room of enemies, search it, collect everything that might be useful, overload another section of the chain and go outside. There will be more to your right door, unlocking which will give you another shortcut to your base. If you wish, you can walk to it, improve and supplement your equipment, upgrade the suit’s power unit and install new implants.

Returning back to the second “cut”, deal with the renewed drones and go forward. Go forward through the ruins of the pipe straight into the bushes. Behind them you will meet a drone and smelting car. Kill the drone first, then get to work on the smelter. The fight with her is quite simple, the main thing is to get close to her as quickly as possible, after which you need to run in a circle, avoiding ladle, and strike until the equipment becomes unusable. The reward for this victory will be a shiny coin ( shining coin), collecting five of these will give you the craziest armor set in the game.

Having dealt with the smelting by car, go back through the bushes and go right. Squeezing through into the crack between the rubble and the wall, you will meet a cyborg and two drones with a long-range attack. Deal with them and rise up On the stairs. There is another enemy at the top, after he is neutralized, break through the boxes that are to the left of the stairs. You will find a passage into the workshop, directly onto the container on which the implant lies " Wellness person" After this you will have to jump down and run again to the stairs.

Once back upstairs, go right and go down the other stairs. Deal with the two drones and search the area. Now go left into the passage and you will find yourself at the station rocket assembly. To your right will be elevator, at the top you can find a transport that is not yet working and listen to the audio recording. Next, go downstairs and go to the closed door. Opening it, Warren will be on power plants. Near the entrance you will be met by two enemies. Having dealt with them, note that in the door on the right, someone is persistently hammering away. To the left of the door there is a passage blocked by a box. Break it and go under the platform, there a small pile of scrap is waiting for you.

Having finished all the work at the top of the power plant, go down, but not for long. Just go down the steps, take the resources that lie underneath them, and go up. The enemy knocking on the door has dealt with it and opened the passage for you. Following it, you can open another shortcut to the base. Deal with the former worker and carefully search the room, including looking behind the wooden boxes. Having collected everything that may be useful, go up by elevator up.

After running further along the upper level, you will meet two enemies, and one of them will be armed doubles weapons. Kill him with a finishing move with your right hand, and the weapon will be yours. After this enemy, go a little further and you will come out to an inactive elevator. Turn it on and ride it down straight to the operations center. Level up and return to power plants.

It's time to explore it lower levels. But it is recommended to do this only if you have already obtained body armor, since this is where the lights are located. Without them, it is quite difficult to navigate below. After going down and dealing with the enemies, go right and go through the door into the next room. Go down, but be careful, as there is a guard there cyborg with double blades. Having dealt with him, take the implant and call overload in the chain. You turn on the power to the site and the lights on the lower levels of the power plant will turn on. Basically, now you can go upstairs, to the boss, but it’s better to explore the location further more carefully.

Climb up and run straight into the passage. Run to the elevator and go down, now move along the corridor, making your way through enemies. Soon you will come across a door where someone is knocking and calling for help. Do not delude yourself, there is an enemy behind the door, and as soon as you open it, he will attack you. But nevertheless, it’s worth opening it, since the enemy is armed with a heavy two-handed club “ Titanium ENDAS RS3" But you will only have one chance to get it, since you will not meet this enemy again.

After passing along the corridor further, turn left. The next level will be flooded chemicals and is inhabited by drones, so if you have absolutely no healing injections left, then it is better to pass by for now. If the treatment is in order, then at the end of the corridor you can find another good sample weapons. After taking it, go back and run to the right. After dealing with a couple more enemies along the way, you will finally make it to the surface right on main assembly line.

At this stage you need to prepare very carefully to battle with the first boss. First, upgrade your equipment at the workbench. The two-handed Titan has proven itself to be a very good weapon on the boss, so upgrade that too. Now sit down in the medical station and implant the “Copper-Electrochemical Injection” implant into yourself. Paired with Titan, it will give you almost unlimited healing. But also take a few additional modules that restore health, just in case. After finishing your preparations, go to the boss.

The easiest way to do this is this: after going down the steps of the operations center, run to the right through the “shortcut”. After running through the debris, turn left to the stairs. Go up it, and then go down the next one. Go beyond the broken wall, and on the left you will see an energy field blocking the passage. Behind the fog the first boss is waiting for you - P.A.X.

The battle with him will not be too difficult if you take your time and do everything according to the rules. Try to stay behind him, and he will only be able to attack you with a stomp, which is very easy to dodge. Hit his legs from behind until his gauge is charged. After which, P.A.X. will jump back and fire a volley rockets, which will most likely kill you. To prevent this from happening, immediately run to him and run under the boss’s feet. He will take the missiles on himself and fall. Immediately start hitting him in the back, reducing his health bar. After he gets to his feet, repeat the above sequence several times and the boss will fall.

Keywords: The Surge, Exoskeleton, Creo, Lynx, Rhino, implants, medical station, power unit, crowbar, part 1, welcome to Creo, shining coin, power station, P.A.X.

During The Surge, in the second location you can find an assistant drone that will become your faithful partner. With it, you can lure enemies out of large groups and inflict additional damage on them using the drone's unique abilities. True, at first this robot will have very few unique skills, but you can increase their number by finding special modules. There are a total of 6 similar items in the game, and one of them – Focused Infrared Blaster – you will receive automatically the first time you interact with the drone.

Finding these items will not be easy, so we decided to publish this guide, which shows the location of all drone modules in The Surge. We will not only describe the places where you can find the modules, but also provide visual screenshots.

Impact module

  • Location: Conveyor shop

When you reach the place where you can talk to Irina Beckett and offer her help in finding the pole, turn left and go forward. You will see pipes that you can use to get to the other side. Continue along the pit and you will find a ladder with several flights. Go down it and find the required module among the loot.

By the way, on the stairs you can also find a box with a couple of nanonuclei and a unique implant. At the bottom you will come across a door and an inaccessible terminal.

Industrial Electromagnet

  • Location: Biolaboratory "Solution"

It is located on the platform, near the first section of T and not far from the operations center of this location.

However, in order to get to it you will have to take a shortcut near the top of the monorail.

Turn right and jump down the hole near the wall (you can just kill the worker and the robot or run past them).

Continue forward until you reach a platform where one of the rails will be partially removed. You can jump onto the far right steel beam in the wall and then jump onto the platform to reach the module. It should be right in front of you.

Emergency Coolant Vent

  • Location: Chemical Plant / Communications Tower

To get to this module in the Chemical facility, you need to leave the Monorail leading to the Biolab and go through the bridge on the right, thereby ending up in the Communications Tower.

Then go up the stairs until you reach a floor where there are two paths down at once.

Go down and continue forward until you reach a door that is guarded by one enemy (you'll probably need a guard key to open the door, but we're not sure about that). Luckily, you don't need to unlock this door.

Not far from the above enemy you will find 2 boxes that can be broken. Inside them lies the Emergency Cooling Module.

Flamethrower Tank Module

  • Location: Research and Development

You will be able to find it at the research and development site. Exit the operations center and head to the place where Dr. Gene Barrett is located.

Go to the room opposite the doctor's room. There you will face 3 opponents, one of which will be on top of the platform and will shoot gas guarantors at you.

Climb onto the platform, jump onto the table and stand facing the wall - you will see a gate that you can jump over.

Inside you will find a Flame Thrower Module. In addition, you will be able to open a new workaround.

Anti-Kinetic Shield

  • Location: Directors' Forum

Exit the operations center and go to the next room.

Kill the guard and go to the small ledge where you can go down.

The module is located directly under the metal plate that acts as a ladder.

At the beginning of the game, search every corner. There is a lot of scrap metal lying here and there. Sometimes you can collect more at a time than from the death of 10 opponents. Rare modules can also be found.

Having discovered an enemy, first of all pay attention to his weapon. If you don’t already have one, then be sure to saw your right hand. Even if the enemy has a two-handed weapon, cut with the right hand. The weapons will be there.

At the same time, remember that sawing off a limb does not guarantee 100% obtainment of a part or module.

At the first stage of the game, the best weapon will be the Red Saw (Aspir Vibro-Cutter). Very fast with fairly high damage. Invest in the upgrade to the maximum. The cyborg with her can be found in the first open room. He will hide behind the “curtain”. But try all the weapons, maybe something else suits you personally.

First of all, upgrade the core of the suit. Ideally, you need to bring the indicator to 20. Then you can pump up the body kits.

There are minibosses in the game. They die once and are never resurrected. But they give a lot of scrap metal and unique items. The battles with them are difficult, but the effort is worth it.

Returning to base resurrects all enemies in the level. So think carefully before you return. I did this - I fought until I died. Then he ran for the fallen scrap metal, then returned to the base and pumped up the character. And all this without a single battle. Yes, the enemies in the game are unobtrusive.

Quick passages around a location are, of course, good. They help greatly to reduce time, and there is no need to clear the corridors again. But sometimes it’s worth returning to old locations to check all the doors and corridors again. It happens that there are closed passages and rooms that you could not get into due to a low level or insufficient skills.

Try to take your opponents out into the open. Even if you have to fight two enemies at the same time for this. It's better to fight two enemies than one enemy and a camera.

By the way, about two opponents. Enemies do not damage each other. Therefore, it will not be possible to play them off against each other.

Destroy the tree. If you see something wooden (boxes, containers), hit it without hesitation. In most cases, there will definitely be something useful there or a passage to something useful.

Use a block as a last resort, when you already understand that you won’t have time to dodge. In theory, a strong blow breaks through the block. Everything would be fine, but for some reason the game takes some of the enemy’s ordinary blows as strong.

When entering new rooms, always check the corners to your left and right. Enemies often like to hide there and attack at the most inopportune moment.

Don't be shy to give a shout. It is better to escape alive than to die heroically. As a rule, even fast opponents will stop pursuing you when you leave their area of ​​attention.

Try to attack the shooting enemies first, because... they like to come from behind and attack from behind when you can't dodge.

When fighting several enemies at once, try to turn off target lock. Then the likelihood of an attack along the perimeter (damage to several targets at once) becomes higher.

There is no stealth in the game, but you can approach (namely approach) the enemy from behind unnoticed. With such an attack, the damage will be higher, and the enemy is more likely to fall and allow several more hits.

If you understand that death is inevitable, try to move away to the wall or the edge of the room (ideally, to the exit, but in this case it is better to give the runaway). This will make it easier for you to pick up fallen scrap metal.

Technically, you can collect scrap metal indefinitely by respawning enemies in a location. But remember that you won’t be able to develop endlessly. The exoskeleton has some restrictions on pumping. After each location (in fact, after defeating the boss), you will receive a new, improved version of the exoskeleton.

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