
How to charge a mobile battery without a charger. How to charge a smartphone without charging: original methods. Making a charger using a “charger” from a laptop

Over the past two decades, they have made a real evolution, going from simple “dialers” to mini-computers. But many convenient features require a lot of power consumption, which drains the battery quickly. And according to the law of meanness, the phone tends to completely discharge precisely when it is vitally needed, and there is no charger at hand. You can find out how you can quickly charge your phone battery without charging from our article.

Is it possible to charge a phone without a charger?

First, let's figure out whether it is possible to charge a phone without using it? Like any other battery, a mobile phone battery can be charged using available means. But this should be done only in the most extreme cases, since the use of non-rated currents can lead to significant damage to the battery. Therefore, we recommend using the methods below only in the most urgent cases.

How to charge your phone without charging - method one

The easiest and safest way to give your phone some energy is to charge it from the USB port of your computer or laptop. Let's say right away that this method is only available for more or less modern phones, the charger of which is connected via a mini-USB connector.

How to charge your phone without charging - method two

For this method, we will need any charger that is at hand - from a phone, player or other equipment. For this charger, you need to carefully cut off the plug, peel off the insulation from the wire and connect the wires directly to the battery connectors, while observing the polarity. To make your life easier while charging, you can attach the wires to the battery using electrical tape.

How to charge your phone without charging - method three

The previous two methods can be called a light version of the solution to the problem, which are suitable for use at home. But what should you do if you are cut off from civilization, for example, left without a charger on a hike or in the country? Alternatively, you can build a charger from scrap materials. To do this, you will need metal plates (for example, saw blades), copper wire and salt water. We dig the plates into the ground, wrap them with copper wire and water them with saline solution - the improvised battery is ready. If you don’t have iron at hand, you can get the energy your mobile phone needs from food. For example, if you take several lemons, stick a metal pin into each, and then connect the pins with a wire, you will get an excellent charger that will give your phone as much as 5% of its life.

How to charge your phone without charging - method four

An ordinary knife can also help revive a dead mobile phone for a short time. It should be heated over a fire and briefly applied to the battery. Due to the increase in temperature, the battery will briefly return to life. In this case, you need to follow several rules: do not overheat the battery, otherwise it may swell and act quickly. We recommend using this method only if the need to make a call is higher than the continued performance of the battery.

How to charge your phone without charging - method five

The last method in this review to charge a mobile phone is classified as extreme, but it allows you to return the phone to functionality without any improvised means, as they say, with your bare hands. To do this, you will need to remove the battery from the phone and forcefully hit it on any hard surface, for example, throw it on stones. A battery that has received such a shock will make it possible to make one or two calls, but after another shock it will most likely lose its functionality forever.

Many of us are familiar with the situation when the phone is discharged at such an inopportune moment that there is not even a charger at hand. Very often this can happen during a trip or a country picnic, when the charger is forgotten at home or for some reason it breaks down.

Is it possible to charge a phone without a charger? Certainly! There are several simple ways, including using additional devices, with which you can “wake up” a dead phone.

Method 1: Charge your phone via USB

The easiest way is if you have a computer or laptop at hand, which can become a source of energy for a mobile gadget. Any smartphone comes with a USB cable. Keep it close to you, and in case your phone is left without charging, connect one end to the charger connector and the other to the USB port of your laptop or computer.

Once connected, the USB connection menu will appear on the smartphone screen. Ignore it, the smartphone will still charge in any mode.

Method 2: Charge your phone using a car charger

This method is suitable for those who spend a lot of time on the road driving their car. Be sure to take care of purchasing a special car charger that powers the phone through the car cigarette lighter.

Method 3: Charge your phone using Power Bank

Power Bank is an external battery for charging mobile gadgets. It is a portable device with two connectors: a smartphone is charged via micro-USB, and the Power Bank itself is charged via a regular USB connector.

Nowadays you can find a variety of Power Bank devices on the market. First of all, the user must select the capacity of the external battery. For example, with a 20,000 mAh Power Bank you can charge your phone at least five times.

The price of such devices depends on capacity, compactness, as well as additional “chips”. This could be a charge indicator or a built-in solar panel that charges the Power Bank.

Other Fly smartphones
On our website you can find a catalog with other Fly smartphones on Android.

Method 4: Charge your phone using the frog

You can charge your phone without charging using a special “frog”. To do this, you need to remove the battery from the phone and connect it to the contacts of the device. If the indicator lights up, the polarity is correct. It can take about 2-3 hours to fully charge the battery via the frog. In this case, the “frog” itself automatically stops powering the battery when it is fully charged. After this, the indicator on the device should turn green.

Method 5: Charge your phone without charging using X-life phone

Some push-button phones have the X-life function, thanks to which such a phone can be used to charge a smartphone or other mobile gadget. X-life phones have a large battery capacity and are quite cheap. An example of such phones is available.

We talked about the most common ways to charge a smartphone without a charger. Do you know any other similar tricks? Tell us about it in the comments to this article.

Most of us cannot imagine life without a mobile phone, including first-graders and old ladies on the bench. Forgetting your “little friend and helper” at home entails great inconvenience. But there is even greater grief when the phone “falls asleep” at the most inopportune moment, for example, on the road, in nature, at a party or during an important conversation, and the charger is not at hand. But progress does not stand still, and the invention and ingenuity of folk craftsmen, as always, is ahead of it. Let's look at the most accessible advice from "experts" on how to charge your phone without charging.

Charging without charging: at home

If your charger suddenly stops working or you come to visit and your phone is dead, charging it is quite simple, the main thing is that you have some devices. Basic methods:

  • computer - via the USB port of a laptop or computer;
  • battery-powered - buy a special mobile device that works using ordinary AA batteries;
  • battery - find a working charger and cut off its input, remove the insulation, connect the bare wire to the battery, observing the polarity and fix it;
  • old-fashioned - we take a plug with two wires, pass the rectifier through one wire and put it on the minus, and the other on the plus. It’s a rather dangerous method to charge your phone without a charger; don’t even try to short-circuit the wires and don’t charge for more than an hour – it will burn out.

Charging without charging: in nature

Very often, when going to the forest, to the beach or on a hike, we worry whether we have everything we need with us. And as a result, we forget a very important thing - to charge our mobile phone. There are several ways to extend battery life:

  • Elementary - remove the battery, cover the contacts on it with tape and put it in place, you will have another 3-7 minutes.
  • Chemical - stick improvised metal plates, such as board saws, into the ground and wrap them with copper wire. Using the charging wires, connect the battery to the wire, then pour electrolyte. Salt water is suitable for this purpose. The more plates you find, the more charging current you will receive.
  • Hot – heat the knife blade and heat the battery on it. If you insert a hot battery into the phone, it will work for 2-4 minutes, the main thing is not to burn it.
  • Impact - hit the battery hard against a rock. Once upon a time they did this with salt batteries - now it’s the turn of mobile phones. The charge is enough for one short call, but after a few hits the battery can be thrown away.
  • Sour – you will need lemons, the more the better. Insert a nail into each lemon and connect them together with a copper cord. Connect the ends of the cord to the battery. A kilogram of lemons will charge the battery by 3-4%.
  • Donor - strip the charging contacts and connect them to other battery-powered equipment, for example, a radio - the charge is enough for 2-3 calls.
  • Acupuncture is one of the solutions on how to charge your phone battery without a phone. Make a small hole in the battery case with a nail and throw it into the water. As a result of the chemical reaction, energy will be released, which will be enough for one call.

As you understand, there are a lot of effective ways to charge your phone without charging. But most of them can only be used in critical situations, when one call is more expensive than the battery. After all, after heating, making holes and beating, you will have to buy a new battery in any case. Therefore, do not forget to charge your phone, and if you travel a lot, purchase a mobile device that runs on batteries.

Much easier than being somewhere in the fields without any devices or charging adapters. If you look around a little, you can find means with which we can easily charge our smartphone.

How to charge your phone battery without charging using a USB cable

As a rule, most modern chargers are a simple USB cable. This is something you can use in a pinch if you need to charge your phone.

Any computer, laptop or more or less new TV has a USB port on board, with which you can connect your smartphone to the device, thereby charging it. This is the most affordable and obvious way to charge a phone battery without charging, since the average house or apartment is abundantly saturated with various electronics.

USB cable for phone

How to charge your phone if the socket is broken using a wireless charger

There can be two options here: when the charging connector on the phone is broken and when it is intact. In the first case, you can use universal ones, consisting of two parts - a transmitter and a receiver. The receiver is connected to the smartphone connector, and the transmitter is connected to the power supply. Such chargers are inexpensive and can be found more and more often on the market and in electronics stores.

If your phone's connector is broken, then you can only hope that it can charge wirelessly. Here is a small list of devices that support this functionality out of the box:

  • iPhone 8;
  • iPhone X;
  • Samsung Galaxy S8, S9;
  • Xiaomi Mi Mix 2S;
  • LG V30+;
  • Sony Xperia XZ3;
  • Doogee S60.

The list is not so wide, but it is constantly being updated with new devices. If your phone is among those listed, then you will not be left without a charge in the battery of your electronic friend.

Wireless phone charger

How to charge a phone battery without a phone using a power supply (“frog”)

The simplest "" looks like a small power supply. In fact, that's what she is. On one side of the device there is a plug for the socket, and on the other there is a special clip for connecting the “frog” contacts exactly to the battery contacts. Overall, a convenient and versatile item.

Its only inconvenience is that you need to remove the battery from the phone, and this option is not present on all modern gadgets. But you can charge the battery without a phone and without factory charging with its help, since it absolutely does not depend on either the manufacturer of the gadget or the model.

The charging process itself is quite simple. The “frog” clamp can change the distance between the contacts, which represent the “+” and “-” terminals. The battery must be removed from the phone and the tongues of the “frog” contacts should be positioned at the same distance as they are located on the battery, and in accordance with the polarity markings. Then you need to clamp the battery with a clamp and connect the finished structure of the frog and the battery to the mains.

The charger usually has at least one indicator, usually green. If it lights up after connecting to the network, it means charging has started. If not, you should check the polarity and tightness of the contacts. This is a fairly simple and affordable way to charge your phone wirelessly.

How to charge your phone directly with bare wires from an old charger

A bit of an extreme method, but if you have nothing at hand at all, then this will be a good last alternative. It’s worth talking a little about determining polarity by wire colors. More or less significant manufacturers adhere to accepted standards and mark the wires as expected: “+” - red, “-” - blue. But since there are also cheaper analogues on the market, which are assembled in basements in China by people who have not heard anything about the color coding of wires, you can find all the colors of the rainbow in cheap charging.

In general, with enough luck, such a device may have markings on the board itself, in the places where the wires exit. In this case, you will have to navigate this way.

After determining the plus and minus, you need to connect the output wires directly to the battery. You can secure them in place using any available means - electrical tape, tape and even simple clothespins. It is worth noting that you need to charge the battery in this way literally to the charge level for making two or three calls, since control over the charge level is minimal here.

Is it possible to charge a phone through the headphone jack?

Even a person who is not particularly versed in electronics will need 20 minutes to figure out that the headphone jack has nothing to do with either the battery controllers or the battery itself.

How to charge your phone while hiking

Phones have become an integral part of our lives: even when going on a trip or a hike, we will definitely take our gadget with us. True, we don’t always worry about what will happen if the battery runs out. Well, there are ways to charge your phone without charging in the forest, fields, or simply far from civilization. Some imply that the traveler takes additional devices with him, while others are aimed at using everything that is at hand.

Solar charger

Civilized methods of charging phones

First, we'll look at more traditional and simpler charging methods using modern technology.

How to charge your phone using an external battery

These are portable batteries that usually have a much larger charge capacity than those found on mobile phones. With their help, you can easily charge a completely dead gadget several times.

Naturally, provided that it itself was pre-charged. The charging process is simple. Simply connect two devices using a USB cable

Powerbank up to 3000 rubles

How to charge your phone using a solar battery

Naturally, the chances of finding a charger based on solar energy on a hike or putting it together out of nothing are close to zero. Therefore, it is better to take such a gadget with you.

It is completely autonomous, easy to use and does not take up much space. The principle of receiving a charge is very simple: we install the solar panel at the optimal angle to receive the maximum amount of solar radiation, connect the smartphone to our installation and wait.

How to charge your phone without electricity using traditional methods

Charge your phone battery using tape

Any battery on any smartphone always has more than two contacts. Most often there are three of them.

Any battery has at least 3 contacts

Two are directly responsible for transmitting current, and one, the middle one, is for transmitting data about the state of the battery. Typically, the phone does not turn off when the battery is completely dead, but when it has between 5 and 20% charge left. And if you seal the middle contact with tape or any other similar material, you can buy the gadget a few seconds or even minutes to make one or two calls. Naturally, charging your phone using tape for tasks such as Wi-Fi or geolocation is unlikely to work.

How to charge your phone quickly using heat or shock

Many people probably remember how, in childhood, they briefly restored the functionality of batteries by biting them or hitting them against something hard. Just like simple batteries, you can charge your phone without charging it on the street or while hiking.


Naturally, the blow must be proportionate, since thorough damage to the battery case will disable it forever. This method can “charge” the battery for just a couple of calls at most, so it should only be used as a last resort.

The same effect can be achieved by slightly heating the battery. This must be done with the help of some kind of intermediary, for example, a metal knife. First you need to heat the knife, and then put the battery on it.

“If there is a possibility that some kind of trouble can happen, then it will definitely happen” - this is exactly what “Murphy’s law” or “the law of meanness” sounds like, in Russian.

The “law of meanness” manifests itself especially often in the case of phones: when we urgently need to make a call, write down a contact, take a picture of something, the phone almost always dies at the most necessary and important moment, and as luck would have it, we don’t have a charger with us – the situation is unpleasant and is by no means the rarest thing in our lives, what should we do in this case?

But there is a solution, and therefore in this article we will look at how to charge your phone without charging - all the ways.

Charge your phone at home

Since all modern phones are charged via a USB port, it will not be difficult to charge a smartphone at home without the original charger, but only if there is additional media equipment such as a laptop, desktop computer or even a tablet.

All you need is to simply connect the media device and the phone via a USB cable, then the phone’s battery will begin charging.

The speed of charging a phone from a computer, of course, is not comparable to the original chargers, but it is also quite fast

There is also the option of charging the phone using another charger, the main thing is that the charger is unnecessary. This charging method follows the following algorithm:

  1. We take the charger and cut it off, and then expose its ends so that instead of a plug, only one wire remains.
  2. The next step is to take the battery out of the phone and bring the ends of the bare charger to the “plus” and “minus”, respectively.
  3. Just in case, we secure the charger wires to the phone using electrical tape.
  4. Charging has started.

If you do not have an original charger for your phone, then a good way to charge it is to use a universal charger, or a “toad”, as it is also popularly called. This device costs pennies, but it can be of great help in the household, so it would be a good idea to buy it just in case.

“Zhabka” works directly with batteries. All you need to charge your phone from it is to remove the battery from the smartphone and connect the “pluses” and “cons” of the battery to the ends of the terminals located under the holder.

If you have not made a mistake in the polarity of the contacts, the color indicator will light up, symbolizing that charging has started. The disadvantage of this method will be a very long charging time compared to a conventional phone charger.

Additional ways to charge your phone

Considering all the ways to charge your phone without charging, it would not be amiss to mention the possibility of charging your phone from the car’s cigarette lighter. The cigarette lighter can serve well not only for smokers; you can connect a car charger to it, to which you can already connect your phone.

The method is convenient and accessible to all motorists, but the charging speed from a cigarette lighter will be much lower than from a regular home socket and a standard telephone charger.

There is a cigarette lighter in almost every modern car.

You can also charge your phone from absolutely any wire, the only thing is that the correct polarity of the wires that are connected to the battery is observed. The power source will be any 220 V outlet.

Charge your phone using alternative chargers

External battery

This is the best way to additionally charge your phone, especially considering that they themselves are quite compact and can fit in your pocket, and the battery capacity of the latest models can reach 50,000 mAh. So with them you will have time to charge your phone more than a dozen times in a row. An indispensable device for long business trips.

Some external batteries pleasantly surprise you with their capacity

External batteries are:

  • with built-in battery;
  • battery powered.

Each type of external battery is good in its own way.

External batteries powered by batteries do not require sockets and can provide you with uninterrupted charging of your phone in those places where regular batteries are sold, and this is in almost all the civilized world.

Such external batteries do not charge the phone quickly, but it is still better than nothing.

Solar charger

An indispensable device for hiking and traveling far from civilization. Such chargers contain a battery, which can be charged from the sun.. Its only disadvantage is that the charger's battery is saturated with light energy at a very slow speed.

An indispensable device for lovers of long hikes

Charging with wind power

For phones, there are many different gadgets that can help you charge your smartphone in extreme conditions, like this Chinese device that charges your phone using wind power. The charge is slow, extremely slow.

Such a charger can also be used when driving a car - all you need to do is stick it out of the window

Extravagant ways to charge your phone in nature

These methods of charging a phone without charging are dangerous for both the person and the phone, so use them in extreme cases:

  1. With a knife and fire. We heat the knife blade over a fire, and then touch the battery contacts with it. The battery will heat up and some energy will appear in it, which will be enough for a couple of calls.
  1. Throw the battery on a rock. Although this is not the most attractive way to charge a phone, it is very well known. Just throw the battery lightly against a stone and a little electricity will appear in it. The main thing here is not to overdo it with the force of the throw.

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