
Enable error correction on your computer. Fixing errors in Windows

Critical errors when starting Windows 7 occur for many reasons: due to hardware failure, due to problems with the system itself, or due to software failures. In some cases, a direct relationship between cause and effect can be traced if a failure occurred after installing an application, driver, connecting a new device, etc. In other cases, the source of the error is difficult to determine.

Hardware problems

Problems that arise before Windows 7 starts loading are related to the hardware, so just a few words about them. The culprit of the failure can be any of the devices, but most often they are RAM and hard drive. The message that appears on the screen in case of a critical error will help you understand in more detail.

Every user has ever seen a blue screen of death (BSOD). We will leave most of what is written there behind the scenes, since to make a diagnosis, only the following is important to us:

  • error type – a line at the top of the screen, written in capital letters separated by an underscore (item 1 in the picture);
  • error code – a numeric identifier in hexadecimal form and its additional parameters (point 2 in the picture);
  • the driver or application that caused the BSOD, as well as the address where the failure occurred (point 3 in the picture). In case of problems with the equipment that arise before the initialization of drivers and in a number of other cases, this parameter is not available.

The following data may indicate problems with the hard drive or its controller:

  • 0x00000024 NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM

Memory errors often make themselves known with messages like this:

  • 0x0000002E – DATA_BUS_ERROR
  • 0x0000004E – PFN_LIST_CORRUPT etc.

Often, RAM malfunction is manifested by a variety of errors that can happen at any time when starting up and operating the computer.

Restoring the BIOS Setup to default settings or, as they say, resetting to default often helps to resolve a simple hardware failure. This can be done in several ways: using your own BIOS option, by switching a special jumper to the mat. board or temporary loss of power to the CMOS chip (BIOS storage location).

To return BIOS Setup to default settings using its own option, you need to:

  • go to the menu by pressing the designated key immediately after turning on the machine (F2, F4, F12, Delete or others - this is written at the bottom of the motherboard splash screen);
  • open the Exit tab (usually), place the cursor on the LOAD BIOS DEFAULT option (in some versions it is called LOAD SETUP DEFAULTS or LOAD FAIL-SAFE DEFAULTS) and press Enter;
  • press F10 and Yes (or Y) to exit and save the settings.

Other methods are to switch the special jumper for resetting the BIOS to the CLR CMOS position (variants of the name are CCMOS, Clear CMOS, Clear CMOS, Clear RTC, etc.) or temporarily remove the battery on the board. On some, mat. boards have a special button for this.

If the method does not help, the failure is probably more serious and is associated with a breakdown of one of the devices. At home, you can try to find the problem unit by disconnecting it or replacing it with a similar working one. If this is not possible, you need to contact specialists.

Using Windows 7 Safe Mode

In some cases, startup failure occurs only in normal mode, and in safe mode the system boots without problems. If this is your case, use this opportunity.

To get into safe mode, press the F8 key several times before starting Windows. When you see such a list on the screen, select the desired item from it:

After loading the desktop, you need to open Start, go to the “All Programs” menu, open the “Accessories” folder, then “System Tools” and select “System Restore” from there.

This Windows 7 tool will help you fix startup errors caused by system registry corruption, deletion or corruption of important files, installation of faulty drivers, virus attacks and other system and software related issues.

  • After starting “Recovery”, you need to select a checkpoint that was created no later than the date when the failure occurred, and then click “Next”.

  • After confirming the point selection, click “Done” and wait for “Restore” to complete its work. This will return Windows 7 to the state it was before the boot errors occurred. Registry, files, drivers, updates, programs installed or changed after this date will be deleted or returned to normal. Files in user folders will not be affected.

Additionally, you can use the system to automatically search for problems and their solutions. For this:

  • boot into safe mode with network driver support;

  • Open the Control Panel, select the “System and Security” section from “Settings” and then “Check your computer’s health.”

  • Expand the “Maintenance” tab and in the “Search for solutions for problems indicated in reports” section, click “Search for solutions.”

In some cases, the system generates error reports that are sent to Microsoft Support Center. If there is a ready-made solution for your problem, you can use it.

Recovery environment

If the system does not boot into safe mode, if the recovery tool does not find any checkpoints or does not work, there is one more option - Windows RE. Windows RE is an addition to Windows 7, a recovery environment that works regardless of whether the main system boots or doesn't boot. Built-in tools in Windows RE allow you to:

  • fix problems that prevent the PC from starting normally;
  • undo recent changes by rolling back to a checkpoint;
  • check RAM using Windows 7;
  • restore the system from an archived image, if it was previously created;
  • run the sfc system file checker and repair tool, scan your hard drive, run antivirus utilities, registry editor, etc.

To get into the Windows RE environment, you need to select “Troubleshoot computer problems” from the F8 menu.

Once you reach the “Recovery Options” window, you will be able to select the tool you need.

Startup recovery

To identify and fix problems that cause Windows 7 to not boot, select the first option from the list of options: “Startup Repair.” This tool will automatically check and fix the MBR (master boot record), the status of bootable registry keys and system files. Most often, startup errors with Windows 7 can be successfully resolved with its help.

If restoring startup did not help solve the problem, you can use the same already familiar tool to undo the latest changes - “System Restore”. It happens that in safe mode Windows does not see a single checkpoint, but in the Windows RE environment it does.

To launch this tool in “Recovery Options”, use the second item from the top.

If you have a backup image created when Windows and programs were stable, you can restore from it right here. To do this, connect the drive with the image to the computer, select the third item from the list of recovery options - “Restore system image” and follow the instructions of the wizard.

The Windows Memory Diagnostics option will help identify problems with RAM if you suspect it is faulty. Above we have listed which errors when starting your computer may be a sign of problems with RAM. It is possible that it is because of them that your system does not boot.

In addition to memory failures, startup problems can also be caused by the hard drive, or more precisely, by file system errors and “bad” sectors. The recovery environment also allows you to troubleshoot and resolve these issues. To do this, via the command line, you need to run the chkdsk system utility with the /f and /r parameters, which means searching for and correcting errors, as well as restoring the contents of bad sectors, and wait for the results. No user intervention is required in this procedure - it is completely automatic.

And finally, if you suspect that the system does not boot due to a virus infection, the recovery environment allows you to run anti-virus tools.

To do this, launch the command line and open Explorer through it.

  • Enter the command into the command line notepad and press Enter to open Notepad.
  • Using the “File – Open” menu, launch Explorer - note that in the recovery environment, the drive letters sometimes do not match the letters when Windows boots in normal mode.

  • To see all the contents of directories, in the “Files of type” field, check “All files”.

  • Go to the folder where the antivirus program is located, for example, the CureIt.exe utility, and run it.

After this, restart your computer. It can be said with a high degree of probability that the next Windows release will be successful.

Considered one of the most stable, it also has its own characteristics. It can quite often produce a series of errors for an unknown reason. Now we are not talking about virus attacks, but about system errors that lead to complete “crash”.

System boot problems

First you need to pay attention to the loading of the operating system and the elements that are present in autorun. In principle, in Windows 7, a program for any type can independently determine the presence of loaded processes and provide a complete list of them for optimization or disabling.

Windows Native Tools

The standard option can be considered. In case of failures in the operating system, the system itself may offer several options such as “Normal boot” or “System Restore”. As a rule, in most cases, a normal boot only indicates that the system is not damaged. A rollback is often used in terms of system recovery, but the checkpoint may not contain data about recently installed programs and applications.

In some cases, fixing Windows 7 may use multibooting from removable media such as CD/DVD or a regular flash drive. To do this, you only need to have the necessary software components on the media itself, additionally setting the boot priority in the BIOS. This is done in the Boot Priority menu. After launching before loading Windows 7, the error correction program itself will try to identify and fix everything that is needed.

Fixing the system registry

Not every user knows that you can restore system functionality through the registry. Booting aside, during normal operation, you can use Windows 7 registry error correction using universal utilities that scan all entries and then remove and fix incorrect links or keys of deleted programs. Of course, you can perform this action manually, but it is not recommended for users who are far from understanding such changes.

Experienced users can use the registry entries located in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE and HKEY_LOCAL_USER folders. The command to edit the system registry itself is called from the “Run” menu with the line regedit.

System optimization

Quite a lot of programs have been created to optimize the system even with one click of a mouse button. The best option is the native utility from Microsoft Windows 7 Manager. This application fixes errors in Windows automatically. It is very comfortable.

As with any other program, error correction in Windows 7 occurs without user intervention. Utilities like Glary Utilities or Ashampoo WinOptimizer work in the same way.

Defragmentation of the hard drive and registry

You can also speed up the operation and loading of the system using some applications, including fixing Windows 7 system errors, produced by the Windows 7 Manager utility. Like other programs of its kind, this software package allows you to defragment your hard drive and system registry to speed up access to data and applications by moving the relevant files to the fastest readable areas of the hard drive.

Data recovery

In passing, it is worth saying that in Windows 7, the error correction program can restore data only if the system itself is restored. If you need to revive deleted files and folders, it is better to use third-party utilities like Recuva, which can return lost information even after being deleted from the recycle bin.

System processes and their safe shutdown

Unfortunately, in Windows 7, the error correction program is not able to disable some system processes that affect performance. This can only be done using the Task Manager, in which all these processes are displayed.

Disabling some applications that load the processor or RAM is sometimes not recommended, especially if they are system services like Svhost or something similar. The rest can be disabled in the startup system. This service is called from msconfig, where the main elements are selected in the “Startup” tab. You can disable everything except ctfmon. This service displays a language indicator in the System Tray. Therefore, no errors should occur when loading the system.

And here you can use the best program for Windows 7 today, which is called Windows 7 Manager. It contains a complete set of tools for fixing errors and optimizing the system, consisting of 32 utilities.

As for using the program itself, it has several launch options. The simplest is the one-click error correction mode called 1-Click Cleaner. True, in the operating system itself, the program will check and correct errors for quite a long time (especially if defragmentation of the system registry is set). You can also use the usual login to the application, and only then select the module required for work. Moreover, in any module you can set your own parameters for checking and correcting system errors, as well as checking or cleaning the hard drive.

If we talk about the time it takes to complete all the procedures, then even in this case you will have to wait, because the program is designed specifically for the Windows 7 operating system and it itself knows how best to deal with problems (unlike most users). In addition, we can add that it was created in close cooperation between Microsoft and other developers who are able to identify system errors in the Windows 7 operating system.

A program for fixing Windows 7 errors. If this is what you were looking for, then you have come to the right place.

To cope with system errors, you often have to resort to the help of third-party programs. Today we will get acquainted with the capabilities of the five most popular of them.

Microsoft Fix it

And their main drawback is that they are often ineffective.

NetAdapter Repair All In One

Designed for an experienced user who understands the essence and purpose of the elements of the network subsystem: the Hosts file, the TCP/IP protocol, DNS services, DCHP, NetBIOS and the rest.

NetAdapter Repair All In One does not automatically fix errors. It invites the user to decide for themselves and indicate what to fix.

In addition, the utility includes diagnostic tools and viewing network settings.

Viewing is available to everyone, but correction functions are available only to the computer administrator.

Using the utility for beginners makes the English-language interface very difficult, but for those to whom it is addressed, this will not be a problem.

NetAdapter Repair allows you to fix:

  • DHCP settings;
  • DNS addresses (replace with public ones from Google);
  • routing table;
  • operation of the NetBIOS protocol;
  • cryptography and online privacy settings;
  • Windows network services settings.

The NetAdapter Repair All In One utility is convenient and useful for those who understand the meaning of the tasks it solves, and there are not too many of them among ordinary PC users.

Kerish Doctor

Kerish Doctor is an optimization program that fixes many problems at once and increases computer performance.

Claimed capabilities of Kerish Doctor:

  • fixing registry errors;
  • removal of garbage - remnants of programs, temporary files, invalid shortcuts, etc.;
  • optimization of system services;
  • increasing Internet connection speed;
  • control of system events;
  • failure prevention;
  • creating an optimal game mode;
  • closing Windows and program vulnerabilities.

Note! Kerish Doctor can work in two modes - automatic and manual. In automatic mode, it starts along with Windows and does its business in the background, eating up a significant portion of processor resources. In manual mode, the user must choose what he wants to optimize.

The program is addressed to those who dream of a “Make everything fly” button, so as not to bother themselves with a bunch of incomprehensible operations.

Experienced users who are accustomed to delving into the essence of any “shamanism” will most likely be scared off by its claims to comprehensiveness and universality.

The Kerish Doctor program is distributed free of charge. The duration of the trial period is 15 days. The cost of an annual license for 3 PCs is 390 rubles.

Anvisoft PC PLUS

Anvisoft PC PLUS is another tool for fixing all kinds of system and program errors, but this time it’s free.

The list of Anvisoft PC PLUS features:

  • solving problems with icons and shortcuts on the desktop;
  • troubleshooting network connections;
  • eliminating software errors, including the lack of necessary libraries (dll);
  • correcting system errors, informing the user about problems;
  • solving common problems in popular games, for example, FIFA World and Angry Birds;
  • clearing browser cache;
  • 24/7 technical support (unfortunately, only in English).

The program does not have a Russian localization, but, according to the developers, even a beginner can use it.

However, it will also be useful for advanced users, and especially game lovers.

Registry Repair

Registry Repair from Glarysofte is an easy-to-use program for fixing registry errors in Windows 7, 8 and XP.

It checks the system registry for errors, incorrect paths, and incomplete entries and automatically corrects them.

Registry Repair, unlike its analogues, can recognize up to 18 types of errors in the registry. Well-thought-out scanning technology uses system resources sparingly and does not slow down your PC.

Registry Repair features:

  • scanning the entire registry or only selected areas (Start menu, system services, fonts, program paths, startup, file associations, extensions, history lists, sounds and events, help and resources, user items and more);
  • search and delete entries made by adware and spyware (advertising and spyware);
  • deep scanning of the system partition, the partition of all users and only the current account;
  • creating a custom list of scan exclusions;
  • undoing changes made by the program (creating registry backups before fixing);
  • saving a history of changes with a viewing function.

Registry Repair supports many languages, including Russian, is distributed under a free license and is aimed at the common user.

The developer guarantees that the program will not make random errors that could disrupt the loading and performance of Windows.

What to choose?

Which program is the best for fixing Windows 7, 8 and XP errors? Kerish Doctor has the largest range of functions - the only paid solution in today's review.

The most professional utility is NetAdapter Repair, which, unfortunately, is not for everyone. Registry Repair only works on the registry, but Anvisoft PC PLUS does a little bit of everything.

Microsoft Fix it utilities are the most “native” for Windows - close and safe.

In a word, each of the programs is “the best” in its own way. And which is better - let each user determine for himself personally.

Program for fixing errors in Windows 7

5 Best Free Programs to Fix Windows 7 Errors

Malicious programs, incorrect installation/uninstallation of applications, improper editing of the registry, etc. lead to critical errors and failures in the Windows 7, 8, 10 and XP operating system. But even if the user knows which “jamb” led to the error, he will not always be able to fix it on his own.

Correcting system errors in this case must be entrusted to third-party utilities and programs. We have selected the five most famous and effective programs that will help fix operating system errors.

Microsoft Fix it

Fix it- a whole set of programs developed by Microsoft. Using this tool, you can troubleshoot specific problems with Windows 7, 8, 10 and XP. They cannot be used as a universal product. Utilities work pointwise, correcting individual system errors. For example, Fix it will help with problems that arose after emptying the recycle bin or programs that started automatically. It will also fix problems with the DVD drive, copying files and a number of others.

Fix it utilities are downloaded on Windows 7 automatically and absolutely free.

How to fix system errors in operating systems from Microsoft (all versions) using the Fix it set of utilities:

Since the set of utilities was created by OS developers, they are safe and perform only authorized actions. The program will not do anything that would disable the computer.

The Fix it utility can easily be considered the best free program for fixing errors in Windows 7, 8, 10 and XP, and using it is simple, fast and reliable, but it is not always effective.

NetAdapter Repair All In One

This program, developed by Conner Bernhard, can be called a universal solution. Using it, you can diagnose and fix any problems related to network connections and adapters. The new "ten" does not support the program, but it works fine in XP, 7 and 8.

You can download NetAdapter (free) at.

The main feature of NetAdapter Repair (all utilities in one program) is that it diagnoses problems, and the decision to fix problems is made by the user himself. The work starts with the "Advanced Repair" button. That is, the program does not work in automatic mode. The utility has a separate menu with which you can configure network connection parameters by checking the boxes below. You can select all areas by selecting "Run All Selected".

The program will quickly correct all existing errors.

The utility allows every user to diagnose the system for errors, but only the administrator can make decisions about troubleshooting.

Beginners may be intimidated by the lack of Russian-language support, but experienced users can easily figure it out and make all the necessary settings.

Using NetAdapter Repair you can fix:

  1. Settings for the network protocol responsible for automatically obtaining an IP address for the computer (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol).
  2. Text hosts file.
  3. Electronic routing file.
  4. Domain name system addresses.
  5. Protocol for working in local networks (Network Basic Input/Output System).
  6. Settings for ensuring confidentiality, data authenticity, and online privacy.
  7. Operating system network services settings.
NetAdapter Repair is ideal for advanced users and is not recommended for beginners.

Kerish Doctor

Kerish- a real doctor Aibolit for a “problematic” computer. This is a universal utility that will simultaneously eliminate all problems that have arisen in the operating system. Moreover, Kerish Doctor will also solve the problem of low computer performance.

What the utility can do:

  • Fix registry errors;
  • Optimize the operation of OS services;
  • Increase the speed of your network connection;
  • Monitor system events;
  • Protect from malware;
  • Prevent OS crashes;
  • Protect your computer from overheating;
  • Remove unnecessary application files, invalid shortcuts, temporary links, etc.;
  • Close system and application vulnerabilities;
  • Create an optimal mode for players.

It is important! The utility runs in manual and automatic mode. If you choose the second mode, be prepared that the program, working in the background, will significantly load the processor. To avoid this, configure Kerish Doctor manually by selecting optimization options yourself.

Although the program is universal, it can scare trained users with its “permissiveness.” But beginners who prefer not to delve into any processes, but to get a “flying” operating system as a final result, will certainly use it.

Kerish Doctor has a shareware version that lasts for half a month, and full functionality can be purchased for 380 rubles.
You can download Kerish Doctor for free.

Anvisoft PC PLUS

Anvisoft is a universal and free option that can be used to fix various problems.

Anvisoft PC PLUS can:

  • Troubleshoot problems with graphic files on the desktop related to moving, copying, highlighting;
  • Correct system errors, for example, when a dynamic link library is missing;
  • Fix network connection errors;
  • Clean temporary files;
  • Eliminate bugs in games;
  • Detect OS errors and warn about them;
  • Support users 24 hours a day (however, managers speak English).
You can download Anvisoft PC PLUS (free) on the page.

Although the program does not support the Russian language, it is popular among domestic users, especially active players.

By selecting the error search area, you can start scanning your computer.

Registry Repair

A special utility that deals with registry problems. Registry Repair can recognize and correct almost 20 types of errors, and therefore will be indispensable for those who like to edit registries at their own risk. The utility will find all errors and fix them automatically. It works neatly and does not load the RAM and processor.

Registry Repair can:

  • Check the entire registry for errors or individual sections of it. Using the utility, you can check file extensions and history,
  • Custom elements and services launched by the operating system, fonts, application directories, the Start menu and much more;
  • Find and destroy everything left behind by spyware and adware applications;
  • Scan the entire system partition and check all users on this computer;
  • Create a list of events that do not need to be checked;
  • Undo all previously made changes (a backup copy is created before each change);
  • Create a text file of all changes made to the registry.
Registry Repair is a good solution for beginners and experienced users. The utility is free, and the developers guarantee correct operation.

To download Registry Repair, go to .

When you start the program, it will automatically scan the system for errors, after which you can launch the fix using the "Fix Registry" button.

All existing errors in windows xp, 7, 8, 10 will be corrected.

What to choose?

All the utilities presented are among the best free programs for fixing errors in Windows 7, 8, 10 and XP, while each is good in its own way. But Kerish Doctor has the greatest functionality, however, in order to use all the tools, you need to buy it.

NetAdapter Repair is a professional solution, but only for advanced users. Registry Repair perfectly scans the registry and fixes the problems found. Anvisoft is universal. And Fix it is the best choice in our opinion. Utilities from the Windows OS developer work accurately, safely and quickly.

Hello readers.

No matter how well the operating system is configured, sometimes it still crashes. And over a certain period of time a large number of them can gather. This mainly leads to a deterioration in the performance of the system as a whole, as well as to the emergence of new problems. A special program for fixing Windows 7 errors will help in this matter. There are many of them. In the following article I will look at the most popular and effective solutions.

The program perfectly helps to cope with various system errors in Microsoft operating systems of different versions. It contains all the necessary tools for work separately. In addition, the program provides solutions for additional configuration of many aspects of the operating system.

The application has many advantages:

    no installation required – works online;

    a wide range of features that allow you to cope with the main typical OS problems;

    There is an option to manually correct all errors.

Despite the obvious positive aspects, there are also disadvantages. And the main one is the lack of a Russian-language interface.

Kaspersky Cleaner( )

A world-famous manufacturer of security software relatively recently decided to introduce a new direction to the world - a program that allows you to fix errors in Windows. The application has a lot of positive aspects:

    Available free of charge in Russian.

    Removes unnecessary files.

    Fixes the most famous OS errors.

    Removes file extension association problems *.bat, *.lnk, *.exe, *.dll and many others.

    Resolves issues with a blocked registry, task manager and other system elements.

    Changing certain operating system settings.

    The most simplified interface.

    There are some safety tools provided to protect against Windows failure.

Microsoft Fix It( )

Another good option is the application, which can be downloaded for free from the corporation’s official page. The program will help you automatically fix everything you need. In this case, the solution allows you to select an algorithm that is needed to solve only the existing problem on a specific device.

It is considered one of the best programs that allows you to deal with problems on your computer. The interface is simple and clear. You need to use the application as follows:

In general, the application allows you to quickly cope with the most well-known and common problems that arise in the system.

Built-in tool( )

The built-in tool that is offered in the latest versions of the operating system from Microsoft often goes unnoticed. " Troubleshooting"can quickly deal with a lot of problems automatically.

Where is the solution? To run the application you need:

As a result, users will see a wide list of all automatically suggested fixes that are already on the computer and do not need to be downloaded.

Anvisoft PC PLUS( )

Another convenient manager for fixing various errors is PC PLUS. The operating principle is similar to a service Fix It. The main advantage is the targeted work for the two latest versions of Win.

Interaction with the application is simple. In general, the algorithm looks like this:

    Launch the program. On the initial screen, select the direction of the problem. These could be associations with shortcuts, network connections, launching some applications, incorrect registry entries, and much more.

    Next, we find the error that interests us. Click "". As a result, the computer will do everything that is needed on its own. It is important to have a constant connection to the Internet so that the program can additionally download the necessary components.

Today the program is equipped with the necessary tools to solve many problems:

    errors associated with launching a particular application;

    problems with the registry editor and task manager;

    getting rid of blue screen;

    deleting temporary unnecessary files.

At the same time, most of these utilities simultaneously install an incredible amount of “garbage”, which later needs to be removed manually.

works independently and does not host many programs along the way.

Important! Before starting work, it is better to create a restore point. If necessary, this will help return the device to its previous state.( )

NetAdapter Repair All In One Another good option for fixing popular problems is NetAdapter

    . It will help you deal with network ailments, file errors and is useful for:

    cleaning the hosts file;

    turning on the wireless adapter;

    resetting Winsock and TCP/IP protocol;

    clearing DNS cache, static IP, routing;

restarting NetBIOS.

The program can help if some web pages suddenly stop opening. But you need to understand exactly what you are doing. Otherwise, the results may be different.

Well, as you can see, there are a lot of solutions to get Windows back up and running, be it the home version or the ultimate version. At the same time, I did not mention utilities that allow you to configure in detail all aspects of the operating system. In general, you can do almost everything you need here. And there is no need to boot into Boot mode - just restart the system for everything to work normally.