
How to open a folder if it says no access. Fixing the error “Disk access is denied. Run as administrator

They are a generally accepted norm and their presence will not surprise anyone. Due to the availability of Internet connections, various online services are becoming increasingly popular. Some of the most popular are network folders and remote resources, organized both on your home network and provided by your Internet provider. Most often, everything works as expected, but from time to time there may be errors that prevent full operation, which the average user does not know how to solve. One of the most popular errors is the “No access to network folder” errors. Some of them may be designated by a numeric or alphanumeric code, such as 1231 or 0x800704cf. These problems can be caused by various factors. In this article, we invite you to understand all the reasons and also suggest ways to solve them.

No access to network folder

Let's imagine that you have several computers between which you want to set up a home network so as not to constantly copy the necessary files. In this case, you need to create a folder on one of the computers and make it publicly accessible so that it can be accessed from any other device with Internet access. It could even be a smartphone or tablet.

One of the most common errors when working with remote folders is that there is no access to a network folder, which may result in error code 0x800704cf. You see a public network folder in Explorer, but when you try to open it, you get the message “Cannot access the resource.” The exact text of the message may vary depending on the operating system version. What are the possible causes of this problem? There may be several of them:

  • An individual user was not granted access rights to a folder located on the network.
  • The user does not have permission to access the network resource at the operating system security level.
  • The user generally does not have any permissions to access the resource.

Every problem can be solved. Let's take a closer look.

Configuring access to a network folder for each user

All settings must be performed on the computer or resource on which the contents of the folder are stored. To configure user access to a folder, you must:

  1. Go to computer management (depending on the version of the operating system, right-click on the My Computer icon on the Windows desktop or the Start button, then select Management or Computer Management) and select Shared Folders - Shared Resources.
  2. Find a folder in the list of resources that you cannot access and look at its location on your hard drive.
  3. Open Explorer and find the desired folder (Windows 10 users can perform further actions without going to Explorer by simply right-clicking directly on the Computer Management utility menu).
  4. Right-click on it, select Properties - Access - Advanced settings - Permissions (or Properties - Permissions for the shared resource).
  5. You will see at least two items - Administrators and Everyone. Hover the cursor over the All item and make sure that all items in the Allow column are checked (full access, change, read). If there is a checkmark in the Deny column opposite some item, you should remove it from here and put it in the Allow column.
  6. Confirm the changes by clicking Apply - OK, and then try again to use the network resource.

Right-click on “Computer” and select “Manage” from the context menu

Configuring access to a resource at the system security level

Sometimes it happens that the operating system security level prohibits third-party users from accessing a network resource. To fix the problem:

  1. In the Properties menu, open the Security tab and click on the Edit button and then Add.
  2. In the “Enter the names of the selected objects” line, capitalize All and click OK.
  3. Once you are taken back to the list of groups and users, hover over the newly created Everyone group and check the actions you want to allow. The checked items by default are quite sufficient for reading data from a remote network resource.
  4. Click Apply - OK - OK and try to access the network folder again.

Error 1231 occurs when trying to connect to the Internet

Error 1231 occurs when a Windows computer cannot access resources located on a remote server. Most often it occurs when an Internet provider provides access to an international network using VPN technology. In addition, it can occur when trying to access a local resource of a network access service provider. If access was available and suddenly disappeared, this problem may occur for one of the following reasons:

  • problems from the provider;
  • loss of connection between the subscriber and the server;
  • computer network card failure;
  • network card driver failure;
  • The operating system security system blocks the VPN connection;
  • incorrectly established or disabled local network connection;
  • actions of virus programs.

First of all, you should check whether error 1231 is caused by your Internet provider. To do this, you need to launch the command line (Win + R - cmd, or right-click on the Start button - Command Prompt) and enter the following command:

net view \\domain:domain name,

Where domain name means the server address that the provider provided to you to connect to the World Wide Web. If “System error 53. Network path not found” is displayed, then the problem is on the part of the service provider. In this case, you should contact technical support.

If you don’t get this error, you’ll have to look for the reason in your Windows computer or laptop. What can I do to fix error 1231?


We hope that we have helped you solve the problem of accessing network resources with codes 1231 and 0x800704cf. We are confident that if you follow our instructions exactly, you will be able to solve everything on your own. In the comments, please indicate whether you were able to resolve the issue without the help of specialists.


When you try to install, update, or run a program or file, you receive the following error message:

Error: "Windows cannot access the specified device, path, or file. You may not have the correct permissions to access this item."


This issue occurs when any of the following conditions are true on your computer.

  • You do not have permission to access the file or its location.
  • The file is in a location that is not currently accessible, such as a network folder or on an external drive that is not currently connected to the computer.
  • The file has been moved or deleted.
  • The file or shortcut is damaged.
  • Windows may be blocking the file.
  • Antivirus software may be blocking the file.

To resolve this issue, follow the steps below, starting with method 1. If this method does not fix the issue, move on to the next method.

Method 1: Check if you have permission to open the file.

Note: You must have administrator rights or be a member of the Administrators group if the computer is part of a domain.

Permissions are rules associated with files that determine whether a user can access a file and what actions they can perform on it. To check the permission of a file or folder, follow these steps:

Method 2: Make sure the file location is accessible.

This error can occur if a shortcut or installation tries to access a location that is not currently accessible (for example, a network folder or removable drive). Check the path of the file that Windows can't access and make sure the location is accessible. (A screenshot for this step is below.)

Method 3: Make sure the file has not been moved or deleted.

A similar error may also occur if the file has been moved or deleted. Navigate to the folder containing the required file and make sure it is there.

Method 4: Recreate the shortcut to check for damage.

A similar error can also occur if a shortcut or another type of file has been damaged. You can check your shortcuts for damage by re-creating the shortcut.

Method 5: Check if Is the file blocked by Windows?

In some cases, Windows may block the file. Review the file properties details - they may contain the following note: "This file came from another computer and may have been blocked to protect your computer." To check this and unlock the file, follow the steps below.
  1. Right-click the locked file and select Properties.
  2. On the General tab, click the Unblock button if the option is available.

Method 6: Check to see if your antivirus software is blocking the file.

To check if antivirus software is blocking a file, temporarily disable it and try to open the file. If you need to temporarily disable your antivirus software, turn it on immediately after completing the required action. If your computer is connected to the Internet during this outage, it is vulnerable to attack.

After a clean installation of Windows 10, when I tried to open one of the folders on the system drive, I received an interesting message. The system displays a window saying You do not have permission to access this folder. This all happens when using a licensed Windows 10 and a Microsoft account.

To gain permanent access to this folder, the system prompts you to click Continue. I really thought that everything would be very simple and that after clicking the continue button the desired folder would immediately be opened, but it doesn’t work that easily. A new window opens with the message You are denied access to this folder. And there is already a useful message here, to gain access to this folder you should go to the security tab.

In this instruction, we will look at what to do when you do not have permissions to access a folder and you are denied access to the same folder on Windows 10. Let's look at several ways to open access to a folder using the Windows 10 operating system as an example.

Open access with takeown command

For more experienced users, it is possible to enable access to a folder running the Windows 10 operating system using the command line. The disadvantage of this method is that if there is a lot of data in the folder, the process of executing the command may take a long time. See all the methods in our article, since in the latest versions of Windows 10 the command line in the Win+X context menu has been replaced by Windows PowerShell.

After successfully executing the command, the user will have access to the required folder. Compared to the previous method, this one takes much longer.


Thanks to one of our methods, you will be able to open a folder where you were previously denied access and did not have permission to access. We looked at how to open access to a folder in Windows 10 using security settings and the command line.

Typically, folders that cannot be accessed are hidden. Therefore, perhaps you should just turn off the display. I hope the article will be useful to many users. Since installing the system and owning the administrator account, as it turned out, by default there is no access to all folders of the system drive.

If the error appears You are denied access to this Windows 10 folder on other local drives, then you should check the system for malware. You can use years for this.


First try changing the owner of a specific local drive. Turn on your computer and log into the operating system. To do this, use any account with administrator rights. Open Windows Explorer (My Computer menu).

Find the icon of the local drive that you cannot access. Right-click on it and select “Properties”. After launching the new settings menu, open the “Security” tab.

Click the "Advanced" button located at the bottom of the menu. Open the "Owner" item. Review your current access settings disk. Click the "Edit" button.

Now left-click the Administrators group. It must include the account for which you are granting access. Activate the “Replace owner of subcontainers and objects” option by checking the appropriate box. Click the "Apply" button.

Confirm that the local disk ownership change process will start. Restart your computer after completing the steps described. Open each folder located in the root directory of the local drive one by one. Confirm changing the access settings for the specified folders.

Try changing the owner of a non-system hard disk partition using the command line. Open the Start menu. Type cmd into the search bar and press Enter. Naturally, these manipulations must be carried out using an administrator account.

After opening the console, enter the command takeown /f D: /r /d y. In this example, access is changed for local drive D. If you need to change permissions for another partition, enter the appropriate letter. Now enter the command icacls D: /grant:r username:F /t. Instead of the word username, write the name of your account.

Among computer users, the problem of accessing certain resources – folders, intranet files and other various objects – is quite common. In this article we will talk about one of the ways to gain access to certain objects inside the local computer and to manage these objects at will.


To access modification of certain registry keys, right-click on the registry subkey and select “Permissions.”

Under the list of groups, click the “Add” button and enter the name of your account in the window that appears. Click OK, and then in the previous window, select your account in the list and in the lower section, check all the boxes under the word “Allow.” This will give you full access to the required data.

Video on the topic

It may happen that when you try to open folder a refusal message appears, that is, access is denied. This often happens after reinstalling the program. In such cases, even administrator rights do not help. Any information can be restored. In this case, you just need to perform several sequential operations.

You will need

  • Personal Computer


In order to get into folder and get the necessary one, open the option to view the rights settings. To do this, go to “My”. Select "Service". Open Folder Options. Then, on the “View” tab, uncheck the “Use simple sharing (recommended)” checkbox. Click "Ok". Find the one you are interested in folder, and right-click on it. In the window that opens, click “Sharing and Security...”. Select the Security tab. If a window with information appears, click OK. Go to “Security” and click “Advanced”.

If for some reason the window does not appear or does not open, then restart your computer. Press the "F2", "F3" or "F8" key. Select "Safe Mode". Then you can perform the following operations. Select the "Owner" tab, and click once to select the "Admin" account from the list. Check the “Replace owner” checkbox at the bottom and click “Ok”. A window will appear in which you agree with all the parameters. Close all windows using the “Ok” buttons. Try opening the one you're interested in again folder. Remove permissions and changes for each specific folder.

If you have lost access to a folder, use Power Data Recovery. This allows you to restore data. Download it to your computer. In order to restore the required folder, click "Recovery". If all this does not help, then use the following method. You need a LiveCD. Write it down folder, which you cannot open. Download it from . The information will become available again. Save your dad in another place and under a different name. Everything is done very simply.

Video on the topic

Open access to the tough ones disks, printers, files and folders on the computer to other users of the local network can be opened by opening the network access to the named resources. You will also need to set user rights for each of them.


Call the service menu of the desired disk by right-clicking on its icon and select “Properties”.

Check the box next to "Open shared" access access and Security" and specify the network name of your drive, displayed in the "Network Neighborhood" folder, in the "Shared resource" field.

Check the "Allow modification of files over the network" checkbox to allow full access and to your disk. In this case, other users will be able to create, delete, move and rename file objects on the selected drive.

Uncheck the “Allow modification of files over the network” box to allow the selected disk to be accessed only in “read” mode.

Click OK to apply the changes you made. Disk that was allowed to access, will appear in your My Computer folder as an open-handed icon.

Select one of the drives on your computer and create a folder with any name to which you will be allowed access from the local network.

Call the context menu of the created folder by right-clicking and go to “Properties”.

Go to the "Access" tab and apply the checkbox to the "Open shared" access to this folder" in the "Network sharing" section access».

Enter your chosen folder name in the Network Share field. The name can be arbitrary; the local and network names of the folder may differ.

Check the "Allow files to be modified over the network" checkbox to provide full access and to the selected folder.

Uncheck the “Allow modification of files over the network” checkbox to set the mode to read-only.

Click OK to confirm the command.

Helpful advice


  • Windows Electronic Encyclopedia

It makes sense to open access to hard drives on a company's computer network to speed up the production process. In order to give any user the right to manage the data of any computer on the network, it is necessary to set the address of his computer in the access protocol. How to make a local disk open to local network users?


Enter the Start button menu. Select "My Computer". Basically, you can do this by double-clicking on the “My Computer” icon, which is located in the upper left corner of your desktop. A window will open in front of you. Select the local drive you want to share access to. Right-click on it and select “Properties” from the menu that appears. A window will appear in front of you.

Select the Access tab. In it, find and select “If you want to open access to the root folder of the disk, click here.” Check the box next to “Share this folder.” You'll find it under Network Sharing and Security. Then specify the network name of the local drive, which will appear on the local network as a shared resource.

Check the box next to “Allow changing file network” to allow access to the local drive. After this, other network users will be able to freely manage the information stored on it.

To prevent various kinds of unpleasant moments associated with erroneous correction of information, uncheck the box next to “Allow editing files over the network” so that the information on the selected local drive is available to other users only in read mode.

Apply the changes. To do this, click OK. If you did everything correctly, the drive you selected for sharing will appear in the My Computer window as an icon with an open hand.

To open access to a specific folder, and not the disk as a whole, do everything in accordance with the instructions described above. If you want to allow access only to some users, then specify their network addresses so that only they have the right to view documents on the open local drive.

One of the most common problems after reinstalling an operating system is the lack of access to files and folders of users of the previous operating system. Often, users resorted to installing additional programs to solve this problem, but it can be solved much easier.


Open Folder Options in Control Panel. In the view settings, select "Use simple file sharing" from the list. Uncheck it if there is one, apply the changes and click the “Ok” button. If the system prompts you to restart your computer, follow this action.

Right-click on the folder you can't get into. Select "Sharing and Security" and go to the "Security" tab. A new window will appear on your screen with a warning that you cannot change the settings of this folder, the system will offer to change the owner - agree and click the “Ok” button.

In the “Security” tab that is open and now accessible to you, click the “Advanced” button. You will have a new window with several tabs, go to the one called “Owner”. Click once on the corresponding icon in the list to activate the administrator account. Check the box below that says “Replace owner of subcontainers” and click “Ok”. If the “Security” tab was not found, boot the system in safe mode by pressing the F8 key when turning on the computer and selecting the desired item.

Close all open windows one by one by clicking the “Ok” button. Try opening a folder that you haven't had access to before. In the security and access properties of the folder, in the window for selecting a user or user group, click the “Advanced” button in the lower left corner and then “Search”.

Select the user you need, check the boxes according to the actions allowed to him. Apply the changes, close the windows one by one and check access to the folder you are interested in again. If you have not broken the sequence, then the directory should open without any problems.

Video on the topic

Helpful advice

Do not install two identical operating systems on the same computer.


  • how to access a folder from a user

Closing (finalizing) a data disk must be done in cases where you do not intend to write any more files to it in the future. The function of closing discs is present in almost all disc burning programs.

You will need

  • A disc burning program such as Nero or CD Burner XP.

Hello! I encountered the following problem: the external drive no longer works under Windows. During the connection, it is visible, but when I try to open it, a message appears: “No access to G:/. Access denied".

In “my computer” the disk parameters are not visible, it is indicated that the volume is 0. With standard disk management using Windows, the entire volume is displayed, including the occupied one. Through a program like R-studio you can access all files. The disk also works perfectly under different Unix systems (Linux, MacOS, TV, etc.). Help me please. It seems that the solution is not at all difficult. I understand that it is possible to simply format and overwrite information, but there is no desire to overwrite 500 GB. And I also want to know for the future. Waiting for your reply.
Thanks in advance, Maxim

This is a correspondence by mail with a user who asked for help. Perhaps she will help someone.

Good afternoon, Maxim!

If the data is very important to you, then try extracting it using type recovery programs to another medium. Check their functionality or copy them under Unix, and then you can deal with the problem.

If the information is not so important, then on the command line you need to issue the g: command and see what the checkdisk program shows about errors in the file system. The program will not make any changes to the file system. If serious errors are not detected by the program, then run chkdsk g: /F to correct errors in the file system. While checking and correcting errors in the file system, certain information may be lost. If errors are not found in the FS, then sort out the access rights."

User response after running chkdsk command

I ran chkdsk with both parameters: no errors were found. What could happen to access rights? Please advise what I should watch or read about this.

I have also now checked access from the cmd command line, from which Windows can see the entire structure of files and directories.”

What you need to do:

  1. In Explorer, right-click on the G drive:
  2. then - “Properties”
  3. after that – “Security”

There is a lot of information in the search about how to change access rights in Windows. So it's hard to tell right away.

Also try to open the disk as follows: in Explorer, right-click on the G: drive, open. It may also be that this is the result of a virus. And try to access the disk using some shell like Total Commander.”

User response after resolving a permissions issue

Thank you, I managed to sort out the rights. I made my user the owner of the files, after which access appeared. But another problem appeared. When you connect this drive to another computer, the first one is still not accessible. We have to carry out the same manipulations. Is there any way I can restore permissions for any user on this drive?