
Windows 7 fix. Fixing errors in Windows

To fix some problems in Windows, there is a built-in component "". Although it will not solve all problems, it is quite suitable as a diagnostic tool for determining the direction of troubleshooting. To view all built-in tools, open in Control panels paragraph . Or press Win + R keys and enter the command:

control.exe /name Microsoft.Troubleshooting

The main window will open " Troubleshooting your computer"

First of all, check in the tab Settings paragraph Computer maintenance, where necessary, this item should be included. To view all categories, select " View all categories"

Now you just need to select the item you want to check. Most often, this is an item related to “Performance” performance. If you click the link Additionally and uncheck Automatically apply fixes, then if a problem is detected, a list of possible solutions will be displayed.

Note: When running, the troubleshooter may ask you a few questions or reset frequently used settings. If the troubleshooter was able to resolve the issue, you can close it. Otherwise, you will be prompted with multiple choice options to search for a solution online. In any case, the user will always be able to view a complete list of changes made

Additional Information

The appearance of errors in Windows 7 becomes an insurmountable problem for inexperienced users. However, absolutely all software errors can be easily corrected yourself, without turning to specialists for help. Let's take a closer look at how to fix errors on a Windows 7 computer.

BSoD is the most common and serious error that occurs in Windows. The session is suddenly interrupted and it becomes impossible to recover the lost data. The only way to exit the screen of death is to restart your computer.

In 90% of cases, a blue screen on a computer is not a one-time occurrence. Users may encounter an error at any time, even if there is no load on RAM. Causes of BSoD:

    NT architecture bugs. Because of them, the computer cannot cope with multitasking and, as a result of simultaneous work with several programs, a blue screen appears;

    Incorrect execution of the program. In some cases, the compiler stops interacting with encrypted or malicious code, resulting in an error;

    Insufficient PC resources: not enough free space on the hard drive, not enough RAM, lack of drivers for motherboard components.

How to fix errors on a Windows 7 computer? To eliminate BSoD yourself, you need to carry out a set of actions to optimize the operation of your PC. First, clear your computer of unused programs through the Control Panel. After this action, it is advisable to restart your computer so that all temporary application files are automatically deleted.

The next step is to clean the hard drive. Regular occurrences of a blue screen are directly related to the lack of space on the system disk. Clear it of temporary data and other debris through the Properties window.

After uninstalling programs, and especially games, “empty entries” remain in the computer’s system registry or erroneous settings are saved, which can later cause errors when other applications are running. The only option that will help you avoid errors related to the registry is to regularly clean its contents.

Let us remind you that users who have not previously worked with the registry must first become familiar with its functionality. Under no circumstances should you delete entries that you are not sure are “useless”. The Regedit system utility is a hierarchical database of all OS settings and parameters. Incorrect configuration of these data can cause a huge number of additional errors.

To work with the registry, it is better to use proven utilities. This is much faster than the manual cleaning method and is also much more effective.

Sudden shutdown of programs

Another category of errors in Windows 7 is spontaneous shutdown of programs. This event may be affected by the registry, system libraries, or driver software. Doing the following regularly will help resolve the problem:

    Recovery and registration of DLL libraries;

    Installing and updating drivers for all computer components;

    Scan your PC with an antivirus or firewall.

Computer accelerator - automatic diagnostics and error correction

Don’t know how to fix errors on a Windows 7 computer yourself? In this case, you need to use third-party utilities that can eliminate all categories of operating system errors.

Computer accelerator is one of the most popular programs for diagnosing all types of problems that can be found in Windows 7. Using this software, you will not need to clear memory, configure startup, or work with the registry yourself. Accelerator functions.

Despite the best efforts of software developers, existing operating systems are still prone to various types of errors. To eliminate them, many auxiliary applications have been written that allow you to automatically check the basic Windows settings and make the necessary changes.

Available variety

Some are distributed free of charge, others require payment. Moreover, this is not at all the same. The range of tasks being solved is also different.

Thus, some are real software harvesters that are capable of eliminating Windows 7 registry errors, faults in dlls, fonts, ActiveX controls, etc. Others are highly specialized and are designed to solve only certain problems. For example, they troubleshoot Windows 7 errors due to which the speed of work decreases or it is impossible to connect.

MS Fix It

The program created by Microsoft and called “Fix It”, unfortunately, is not very popular yet, although its capabilities are quite sufficient to eliminate most of the most common errors. It can be called a program in the usual sense of the word only with certain reservations. Microsoft FixIt is more of a tool that allows you to isolate problems and get a solution to solve them. The user must select the “Topic” that is most closely related to the error, then clarify by following the branch and download the corresponding utility from the Internet using the link received (if it is provided). For example, if crashes occur while viewing multimedia files (video, audio, photos), then you need to select the “Windows” theme. The second step is to indicate what exactly is causing the error. And finally, in the third point, it remains to make a choice in favor of one or another proposed solution. In this case, it could be “Errors when reading CDs”, “Slowdown in working with external media”, “Decreased computer performance”, etc.

The advantage of this solution is that it eliminates Windows 7 errors free of charge and is quite effective. A flaw can be defined as a temporary inability to work with the new Win 8.

NetAdapter (Repair All In One)

This utility, as the name suggests, resolves Windows 7 network-related errors. It allows you to customize your work, reset Winsock, remove unnecessary entries from the hosts file, clear routing paths and DNS, and much more. The user must select the desired items in the left column of the program, ticking them, and click the “Run All Selected” button. After this, all you have to do is restart your computer. This software solution is free to use. It is recommended to have at least a general idea of ​​what is on the list and why.

PC Plus from the developer Anvisoft

Those who liked MS Fix It, but for some reason are unable to work with it (for example, they are using Win 8), are advised to pay attention to an alternative solution. The Anvisoft PC Plus program is very similar to the mentioned Microsoft problem resolution center, but it works even in new versions of operating systems. The algorithm of use is exactly the same.
To work, you need an active Internet connection to download missing files. The application is capable of troubleshooting Windows 7 errors related to the absence of some DLL files, startup problems, etc. It is worth noting that the program does not install any additional modules (usually unwanted) on the computer. Among the shortcomings, we can only point out the lack of Russian language in the interface and the relatively small number of tasks to be solved. However, the development of this application is still ongoing and new features are being added to it. Perhaps, soon the developers will delight users with a Russian interface.

Popular cleaner

Perhaps the most famous Windows 7 error resolution program is Ccleaner. It not only executes and deletes temporary system files, but is also capable of removing unnecessary files from popular browsers. Eliminating Windows 7 errors allows the system to work faster, freeing it from the load in the form of completely unnecessary files and records. Completely free, has a Russian-language interface. To enable it after the initial launch, you need to open Settings and change English to Russian.

In many cases, it is possible to solve problems with the operation of the operating system by revising entries in the registry. To do this, select the item with the appropriate name and click the “Search for problems” button. If errors are found, then to eliminate them you need to use the “Fix” command. This will prompt you to save the current settings, which is a very good idea. But complete cleaning needs to be activated selectively, not trusting the “automation”, since otherwise, you can lose the addresses of visited pages in the browser, cache and some other data.


Although the stability of modern operating systems is several times higher than that of their predecessors, sometimes fatal failures occur, leading to the appearance of the so-called “blue screen of death” - BSOD. Seeing the error codes that are displayed, you can conclude what the reason is. After this, all that remains is to choose the right solution - make changes to the system manually or use specialized programs. Of course, you need to know what the error codes mean. However, if a BSOD occurs, then after rebooting, you can try to check the operating system for errors using the above applications.

All owners of desktop computers or laptops, sooner or later have to reinstall the OS, be it Windows 7 or any other modification. There are many reasons for damage to the operating system (malware infection, incorrect installation of drivers, accidental deletion of system data, etc.). However, if information that is important to you is saved in the system partition of the PC (for example, on the desktop), after the demolition of the operating system it will also be deleted. To prevent this, instead of reinstalling, you can perform a Windows restore.

Ways to restore Windows 7 without reinstalling

The developers of this operating system took care of its reliability, equipping the product with many protective functions, among which the most useful is the recovery procedure. This software tool allows you to restore the functionality of the OS without completely reinstalling it.

There are several ways to initiate the Windows reanimation process:

  • using last known known configuration;
  • using the program;
  • via a restore point;
  • via BISO.

To complete the task, you do not have to look for any software or use additional devices.

The only thing you need to prepare is a DVD with Windows 7 OS of the exact build that was installed on your computer. The ideal option is to use the same disk.

Restoring the last good configuration

Every time you exit the system, all the important data necessary for the launch and operation of the operating system is entered into the registry. It is this information that the recovery procedure uses.

To activate it you need:

If after completing the above steps the system boots, it is recommended that all important information saved in the system partition (“My Documents”, drive C, desktop) be copied to another drive. After this, check your PC for malware and, if possible, perform a full system diagnostic.

Using this recovery procedure, you will not be able to recover lost personal data (music, videos, etc.), since it only works with system files. To restore such information, you need to use additional programs.

Restoring Windows using the Chkdsk application

Chkdsk (from the English “check disk”) is a program built into the operating system that searches for damaged system files on the hard drive and restores them.

Another useful property of this tool is diagnosing storage media for mechanical damage to sectors and blocking access to them, thereby speeding up the operation of the system.

There are two ways to initialize Chkdsk:

  • via graphical interface;
  • from the command line.

In the first case it is necessary:

To run Chkdsk from the command line:

After this, the Windows system will restart and be diagnosed for damage.

Applying a restore point

A restore point is an OS element that stores a copy of system files, drivers and installed programs recorded at a certain time. In Windows, such points are created automatically at regular intervals, as well as after installing and updating programs.

To use a restore point, you need to:

Restoring a Windows system via BIOS

If it is impossible to start the OS, restoring using the methods described above will not work. In this case, you can use the BIOS to resuscitate Windows without reinstalling it.

The procedure will be as follows:

How to fix Windows 7?

While using Windows 7 OS, sometimes users encounter certain errors. They can appear for various reasons. In this article we will figure out how to fix errors in the Windows 7 operating system.

The most common errors include the following:

  1. User errors (uninstalled programs, deleted system files, launching games and applications on a PC that do not meet the technical specifications, use of unlicensed software, etc.).
  2. The influence of viruses. They are capable of modifying or deleting system files, which will cause the OS to not work properly.
  3. Errors when installing drivers, as well as various updates.

If you decide to figure out how to fix Windows 7, you can use some built-in utilities with which you can effectively restore your computer's functionality.

System Restore

Right-click on the “Computer” shortcut and find “Properties”. In the window that appears, select “System Protection”, “Recovery” and click “Next”. If the available point is suitable, then start the recovery procedure. This method will allow you to “roll back” the system to the moment when there were no failures in its operation.

Recovering system files

If you accidentally deleted an important system file, you can solve the problem and fix Windows 7 errors as follows:

  1. Open the command line.
  2. Enter the command “sfc /scannow”.
  3. Press "Enter".

Once the scan is complete, one of the following messages will appear:

  1. No problems found (no damaged files).
  2. Damaged files were detected and restored.
  3. The operation failed.

In the latter situation, you will have to restore the files manually. To do this, you should contact a service center or use specialized programs.

Cleaning the hard drive

Quite often, errors in the operation of the OS are caused by the fact that a huge number of temporary files are created on the PC, which need to be deleted in a timely manner. They are created by the operating system or software. All this leads to cluttering the hard drive, minimizing free space and slowing down the PC. CCleaner is considered one of the best programs for disk cleaning (you can download it -). It won't be difficult to figure it out. Just run the utility and click the “Cleanup” button.

Using special programs

As a result of installing and uninstalling various programs, as well as performing incorrect operations, the operating system produces errors over time. They are different, so no single utility can become a panacea for all problems. However, the applications described below will help you get rid of common errors.

To solve problems associated with the operation of certain programs, it is recommended to install the Unlocker program. It quite effectively solves the problem with files that cannot be deleted.

To work with the program, just right-click on the file with which you plan to perform certain actions. Then in the explorer window that opens, select “Unlocker”. The program will start, and the user will be able to delete, move and rename files.

If the PC is running too slowly, this indicates that various places where temporary information is stored are full (Windows files, web browser cookies, cache). To solve such problems, the Rising PC Doctor program is suitable. This is a fairly powerful utility that guarantees effective protection against viruses and can eliminate vulnerabilities in the system.

You can learn about registry errors from the article.