
RAM and Windows system. RAM and Windows system How many gigabytes does windows 7 support 32

Due to the fact that Microsoft has stopped all support for its operating systems that were released earlier than Windows 7, many users are wondering about switching to the seventh generation OS, even if they only have a weak computer.

One of the main criteria affecting the speed of a PC is the amount of RAM installed in it. Also, its volume is very important for the normal operation of the latest versions of operating systems.

Below is detailed information about how much RAM is needed for Windows 7 so that the computer can work stably and correctly.

How much memory does the Seven require?

In order for Windows 7 to be able to function normally on a PC, it must be taken into account that it will need to provide a sufficient amount of not only RAM, but also virtual memory, as well as a certain amount of it on the system disk.

Minimum RAM Requirements

The ability to work normally with multitasking operations will depend on the amount of RAM. Today it is already difficult to find a user who works on a computer and uses only one program at a time.

Typically, even when solving the simplest office duties, the user launches several documents at once and opens many pages in the browser.

If the amount of RAM in the computer is sufficient, then the system will function stably and without freezes even under heavy loads.

The developer of the “Seven” himself sets minimum requirements for the required amount of RAM of at least 1 gigabyte.

However, Microsoft installs this setting only for 32-bit Windows 7. This value should be twice as large if you plan to install a 64-bit OS on your PC.

There are also some nuances regarding the amount of RAM for computers running Windows 7. It should be noted that when installing a 32-bit OS, it is not advisable to install more than four gigabytes of RAM in a PC, since the system simply will not see it above a certain amount.

Maximum system capabilities for working with large amounts of RAM

As mentioned above, a 32-bit system is not capable of processing a significant amount of RAM, and even 4 GB will not be fully used.

Therefore, if the user needs to work with resource-intensive programs, it is more advisable to install 64-bit Windows 7 on a PC. The figure below shows the parameters indicated on the official Microsoft source.

In order to clarify the modification of Windows 7 operating on a PC, you need to perform the following several steps:

  1. Click “Start”;
  2. Then right-click on “Computer”;
  3. Click “Properties”;

Typically, 4 gigabytes of RAM is sufficient for office tasks. If the user works with resource-intensive graphic applications, as well as with audio and video processing programs, then the use of a 64-bit OS will be a mandatory requirement, since it allows you to use a large amount of RAM installed in the computer.

Windows 7 requirements for disk space

Just installing a large amount of RAM in a PC is not enough. Sufficient space should also be allocated on the computer’s hard drive for the operation of the “Seven”.

According to the system developer, at least 16 gigabytes of memory are required on the system volume in the case of a 32-bit system, and for a 64-bit system this figure should already be at least 20.

However, practice proves that the above figures are clearly underestimated. In fact, to ensure more or less normal functioning of a PC, the minimum should be 40–50 Gb.

And for comfortable work, it is advisable to multiply this number by two.

Windows 7 requirements for the amount of virtual memory

This is a very important parameter if there is a shortage of installed RAM, since this memory takes over the functions of RAM if there is a shortage of the latter.

It is also called the “swap file”. “Seven” sets its volume automatically, but for more stable operation of the system, independent adjustment of this parameter is often required.

And in cases of particularly large volumes of RAM installed in a PC, it is advisable to simply disable it, which can improve performance.

To do this you need to do:

If it is necessary to manually adjust the parameter, the optimal size of the paging file is 2–4 Gb.

To install it, you only need to follow a few steps:

How to use all the computer's RAM in a 32-bit version of Windows?

Hello everyone, in this Computer76 blog article we continue to look at useful transformations of the Windows OS, and now we will try to upgrade the system so that you can use all the RAM installed on the computer, breaking the 3 GB threshold. If you're lucky, up to 64 GB of RAM (if your motherboard can do it at all).

ATTENTION. The method certainly works in Vista and 7. Starting with Windows 8 and younger, proceed at your own peril and risk.

A few words in the preface

Even the most advanced user has noticed that sometimes the installed RAM is not physically used by the system in its 32 -x bit version completely. If you are the owner 64 x-bit version of Windows, you don’t have to read the article.

Initially, I lost almost a gigabyte of memory...

Let's access the variable directly via vbs The script is still the same:

StrComputer = "." Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\CIMV2") Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_ComputerSystem") For Each objItem In colItems WScript.Echo "TotalPhysicalMemory: " & objItem. TotalPhysicalMemory/1024/1024 Next

In general, you can run information on the installed strips and the visible amount of RAM up and down. The article has everything about this. But for owners of 32-bit versions the results are always disappointing, as in my case: from two sticks of DDR3 RAM with a capacity of 2 GB each almost 1 Gig has disappeared somewhere.

Why is that?

Yes, the architecture of 32-bit operating systems default does not allow the use of more than 4 GB of RAM. Each byte of RAM has its own physical address, which the system uses to access a specific RAM cell. But someone took it and limited the available volume of addresses for RAM and other components. So, if you are the owner of a 32-bit version of Windows, you cannot a priori use all the RAM installed on your computer. The issue is discussed in a little more detail in the article. And the point is not that there is not enough memory - in extreme cases, you can inexpensively purchase additional sticks of RAM. It's just kind of unfair...

Now to the point

There is a technique, or if you prefer, a method called physical address extension (PAE), which will allow the 32-bit version to “consider” all the RAM installed on the computer. It works simply: the cell volume expands from 32 bits to 36. But in the context of the total volume, the parameters of the installed memory, this figure grows to a gigantic one. Well... not to the point of being gigantic, but the growth becomes noticeable immediately.

All these manipulations are formed into PAE patches, which I will offer you.

How to use all RAM in Windows 7/8.1/10

It is different for each version of the system. However, the principle of installation or disposal (what if something goes wrong) is the same.


No. There were rumors about the incorrect operation of the system and even subsequent reinstallation. I am inclined to attribute such cases only to the crookedness of users. The files are safe to use. However…


And here are the PAE patches themselves:

(installation process in archives)

Windows 8.1 andWindows 10

(by the way, it is also suitable for Windows 7)

Installation(I show on 7)

  • The process is fully automated. Unpack, ignoring the pleas of the antivirus (the changes will take place at the kernel level, so your antivirus is great, but this is not the case). You can disable it until the next reboot.
  • move the PAEPatch.exe file to the folder in the directory Windows

  • run the patch and let the antivirus not interfere with it. You will look at the PowerShell window for a couple of moments and the patch will report a successful change in the configuration
  • type the msconfig command in the search bar and in the tab make sure that the patch is registered in the boot record and the “with its help” entry will be used by default; The display time of OS options can be set to a minimum:

  • Let's reboot and see what happens...

It became a little warmer. However, in my case, the system cannot use all 4 GB of memory: this is a laptop with an integrated card, so alas... However, if you have more RAM than me and a discrete video card, you will immediately feel the difference.

How to use all of your computer's RAM. Problems.

You shouldn't have any questions. But still…

  • everything can be deleted. Executable patch from the folder , from there the files (if you find them, of course) ntkrnlpx.exe And winloadp.exe; V msconfig erase the line from the boot record with the patch (you saw in the photo above);
  • If you encounter problems installing the patch, you may have to delete several Windows update files. Here they are (presumably)




I only had 2 out of 3

  • run the patch again to regenerate some of the files it creates (if the first time did not work)
  • Again, there are problems with some video cards. Again, this is due to the connection between the resources consumed by the system and the installed equipment: so. RAM becomes fully visible only in safe mode. Well... update your video drivers just in case.

Unsubscribe and good luck to all of us.

Read: 1 125

Maximum size of RAM that 32-bit systems support

Let's ask ourselves: can 32-bit systems work with physical memory greater than 4 GB in principle and, if so, how.

The main thing to do at the very beginning is to clearly separate three concepts:

Processor properties;
32-bit operating system;
32-bit application (program)
The last two are very often mixed together, which in this case should not be done. Let's start in order and from afar - let's take a short historical excursion.

Let's look at the table of the main characteristics of popular processors from Intel:

We need this table in order to clearly show the fact that the bit width of the address bus did not always coincide with the bit width of the processor architecture.
First, let's look at 16-bit processors. If they had a 16-bit address bus, then the maximum size of physical memory available to them would be only 64 KB (2 to the 16th power is 65536). However, the Intel 8086 could already work with memory up to 1 MB, and the 80286 already up to 16 MB thanks to 20 and, accordingly, 24 bits of the address bus.
The era of x86 compatible processors with 32-bit registers and 4 GB of RAM began with the Intel 80386 back in 1985. Over the next 10 years, 32-bit x86 processors did not have the physical ability to work with more than 4 GB of memory.
In 1995, the Intel Pentium Pro processor was introduced. Along with a completely new core architecture, this processor received a 36-bit address bus, thanks to which, as is not difficult to calculate, the maximum size of physical memory available to it increased to 64 GB (modern 64-bit processors use 37 bits, which increases the limit of addressable physical memory to 128 GB).
In addition, the processor implemented a "cunning" memory management mechanism that mapped physical memory located beyond 4 GB into 32-bit virtual memory in the range of 0 - 4 GB, thus "fooling" 32-bit applications. This memory management mode for the x86 processor is called PAE (Physical Address Extension).
The Pentium Pro was positioned at that time as a processor for servers and workstations. Indeed, in 1995, imagining a desktop computer with a RAM capacity of not only more, but even remotely approaching 4 GB, was not easy. Memory was then measured in megabytes. For example, in 1998, 32MB of RAM on a typical desktop computer was not considered small. And such a memory bar cost from $60. And in our time (2014), computers with less than 4 GB of memory are in full use. This amount of memory is even plenty for running office applications in conjunction with Windows XP. In addition, the Pentium Pro processor was very expensive and had performance problems when running popular 16-bit applications at the time.
We can say that such a solution was new for 32-bit processors, however, due to the fact that previously such a practice was universally used in 16-bit processors, it is difficult to call it revolutionary. After all, since the days of DOS, a trick with segment addressing was widely used when all memory was divided into 64 KB segments and the address consisted of two parts: a segment and an offset within the segment, thus it was possible to use more than 64 KB of memory.
Not all, but the vast majority of modern x86 desktop processors are 64-bit and have PAE support. Thanks to this, they can not only work with memory more than 4 GB, but also provide this opportunity to 32-bit operating systems.

The easiest way to determine whether a processor supports PAE mode is in Linux. In Ubuntu, or any of its many clones, you can type in the terminal:
grep -color=always -i PAE /proc/cpuinfo
The result should be something like this:

32-bit operating systems

The first in a series of 32-bit Microsoft operating systems was Windows NT 3.1, released in 1993. It was intended for the corporate sector, that is, for servers and workstations. Two years later, Windows 95 was released in 1995, an operating system for desktop computers and laptops. Between these two events, version 1.0 of the Linux kernel was introduced in 1994. The 32-bit architecture turned out to be so successful and “sufficient” that it has been widely used to this day for the past 2 decades. Microsoft's last 32-bit server operating system was Windows Server 2008. However, the latest Windows 8 is still offered in two flavors. To implement the additional capabilities of the physical address expansion mode, in addition to having an appropriate processor and motherboard with an adequate chipset and the required number of routed address lines, PAE support is required directly by the operating system itself.
If you have 32-bit Linux, then you will most likely not have problems using memory of more than 4 GB. In Linux operating systems, PAE support appeared in 1999 in kernel 2.3.23 and has been used since then without any restrictions.

Let's look at the table of maximum supported physical memory sizes, taken from a 2005 article in, for Windows 2000, Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 >

As can be seen from this table, PAE mode is supported in all versions of the Microsoft OS starting with Windows 2000. Variations in the maximum memory sizes in different versions of server operating systems are explained solely by their positioning in the market by Microsoft. This is probably easier to explain their differing prices. Of particular interest to us are the table rows, which directly indicate that in all versions of Windows XP the total physical memory address space is limited to 4 GB. It is artificially limited in the kernel, since there is PAE support.
PAE mode can be turned on or off. Starting with Windows XP SP2, PAE is enabled forcibly to ensure the operation of DEP (Data Execution Prevention) security technology.

DEP is a technology that allows you to protect the operating system from a large class of malicious code that initially injects itself into the memory area allocated for data, disguises itself as data, and then tries to run from it. DEP technology blocks such execution of malicious code. The technology is implemented both in software and hardware. In the latter case, the processor marks individual memory pages as not containing executable code by changing the most significant bit in the virtual memory PTE (Page Table Entry) address table, and then intercepts and prevents executable code from running from those pages.

32-bit applications
Thanks to the processor's memory manager, which allocates it in PAE mode regardless of the running of applications, and the support of this mode of operation by the operating system, 32-bit applications are separated from physical memory and have no knowledge of its actual size. Each application, because they retain a 32-bit address space, still only has 4 GB of virtual memory available. In Windows, exactly half of these 4 GB is allocated for the needs of the application itself, in Linux - 3 GB. In Windows, it is possible to force an application to give up 3 GB, but in most cases this is impractical.
It must be borne in mind that enabling PAE mode is by no means equivalent to switching to a 64-bit system, in which an incomparably larger amount of memory is allocated to each application. If you try to directly satisfy the exorbitant appetite of some modern application, for example, an engineering or graphical modeling package, at the expense of PAE, then nothing good will come of it. But if you need to simultaneously run several memory-intensive (but not super-demanding) applications, then PAE will be of direct benefit. First of all, this concerns servers.
For example, the simultaneous operation of two virtual machines is required, each of which is allocated 2 GB of memory. What will happen without PAE is clear - the second virtual machine, most likely, simply will not start, or the system will begin such intensive exchange with the swap file that the process will move into the “step-by-step strategy” category. With PAE enabled, provided there is sufficient physical RAM on the host machine, both virtual machines can operate safely.
Disadvantages of PAE typically include a possible decrease in system performance due to reduced memory access speed associated with additional operations to switch mapped memory pages, and poor performance of some device drivers in the 36-bit address space.

Maximum amounts of physical memory supported by different versions of Windows

Let's see how much RAM is supported by other versions of Windows released after XP.

In versions of Windows Vista x86, practically nothing has changed compared to XP.

As you can see, again no changes - the absolute limit for x86 remained at 4 GB. 1 GB in Windows Vista Starter and 2 GB in Windows 7 Starter only reinforce the conclusion that these restrictions are artificial.

Same for Windows 8

As you can see from the table presented, nothing has changed in terms of memory limits in Windows 8 either. It’s a pity, they probably could have already removed the restriction or at least pushed it back.

And now it's time to consider Reasons why Microsoft limits the upper limit of available physical memory on Windows x86 client versions.

One of the main reasons is Windows XP security problems.

Windows XP was released in the fall of 2001 and in a very short time gained enormous popularity among users all over the world. And, as you know, where there is great popularity, there are big problems. Instantly, a huge amount of malicious code was created for it in the form of various and numerous viruses. It turned out that the new operating system has a number of vulnerabilities and very low resistance to hacking. Microsoft did not have its own full-fledged client antivirus package at that time. The situation was largely corrected by software products from third-party developers, however, this was clearly not enough and, in general, the situation remained very tense.
In order to somehow improve the security of Windows XP, a second update package, SP2, was released in 2004. And then problems arose. One of the main features of this package, from a security point of view, was the inclusion of DEP (Data Execution Prevention) technology. This technology, which is still widely used today, makes it possible to repel a whole class of malicious attacks by preventing executable code from running from memory pages that were not intended for this purpose. But for DEP to work, support for PAE (Physical Address Extension) must be enabled. Enabling PAE mode changes the mechanism for accessing RAM pages and makes it possible to work with physical memory larger than 4 GB. However, during the preparation and testing of Windows XP with the second service pack, major problems were discovered that led to fatal errors and crashes in the operating system. Very quickly the causes of the troubles were found. They turned out to be device drivers written without taking into account the possibility of their operation in PAE mode.

A small digression.
In PAE mode, any memory page in the application's 32-bit virtual address space can actually be located anywhere in available physical memory. Ordinary applications are not affected by this circumstance in any way; they don’t care. But for device drivers, everything is much worse - they need to work with specific physical addresses, and not with virtual ones. Conventionally, the situation can be represented as follows:

The driver tries to read or write some information at the addresses that are allocated for working with the device. If the driver is “stupid”, does not understand what environment it is working in and cannot “agree” with the operating system, then, as shown in the figure, instead of the I/O ports of its device, it will begin to communicate with certain physical memory cells. The result of such “communication” for the operation of the system is unpredictable, up to a complete “freeze” and reboot.

In order to solve this problem and not block the installation of SP2 by users due to possible problems, Microsoft made a commander's decision - to enable PAE, but trivially limit the upper limit of the available RAM of client versions of its operating system at 4 GB. In this case, addresses are translated one to one as in a “classic” 32-bit system, and “stupid” unfinished device drivers work successfully.
Well, cheap and cheerful. Cheap because hardware manufacturers did not have to rush to develop the “correct” drivers. It’s angry because the problems with the use of the computer’s physical memory, which were thus postponed for the time being, were shifted to the end user.
Many gigabytes have already leaked since the release of SP2 for XP, and Windows still does not see RAM more than 4 GB and, as we saw in the “Physical Memory Limits: Windows 8” table, no changes are expected in this regard.
And this is not entirely clear: for Windows Vista we still had to write new drivers, which means it was possible to rewrite them correctly to work with PAE, but the 4 GB limit remained.
Today it is very difficult to imagine 32-bit drivers that cannot work with memory larger than 4 GB. Perhaps the reason is that Microsoft thus wants to push users to switch to x64?

What about server versions of Windows?
It can be assumed that for them, device drivers were immediately developed taking into account operation in PAE mode, that is, they were “smart” and thoroughly tested. This was also facilitated by the fact that the server equipment configurations did not have such a “menagerie” of built-in devices.
Until recently, for example, before the advent of desktop virtualization technology, which, among other things, assumed the ability to process graphics by the server itself, the latter did not need a serious video card at all, since the video built into the motherboard was quite enough. Additionally, 32-bit server versions of Windows ended their history with Windows Server 2008.

In the second part, the secrets of memory allocation in 32-bit Windows and how to deal with the limitation.

Maximum amount of RAM for Windows 7 x86 (32 bit): Windows 7 Ultimate - 4 GB

Windows 7 Enterprise - 4 GB
Windows 7 Professional - 4 GB
Windows 7 Home Premium - 4 GB
Windows 7 Home Basic - 4 GB
Windows 7 Starter - 2 GB

Maximum RAM for Windows 7 x64: Windows 7 Ultimate - 192 GB
Windows 7 Enterprise - 192 GB
Windows 7 Professional - 192 GB
Windows 7 Home Premium - 16 GB
Windows 7 Home Basic - 8 GB
Windows 7 Starter - 2 GB In other words, the maximum amount of RAM depends on the bit depth and version. The maximum amount of RAM for other versions of Windows can be found here: Why is there less memory available to the system than is actually installed in the system unit? This is due to the fact that part of the address space (starting from the end of the 4th gigabyte in the opposite direction and a small part from the beginning of the 1st gigabyte) is reserved for addressing the memory of the video card and other devices. Therefore, if you have more than 3 GB of RAM, not all of it can be used by the operating system. In system properties it will look like this:How to allow the system to use all installed memory?

This can be done using the Memory Remapping function. Most BIOSes allow you to enable it. In this case, device addresses are transferred from the first 4 gigabytes beyond the amount of RAM installed in the system.

How to optimize RAM for maximum RAM capacity in windoiws?

The most obvious way to improve your computer's performance is to close unnecessary programs. The second is to install more RAM sticks (boards) so that programs “feel more at ease” and work faster. Other ways to speed up a computer directly related to RAM are: No.

I repeat once again: memory optimizers are nonsense in order to make money from gullible users. The same stupidity is adjusting “hidden memory settings” in Windows, since everything there is already configured most optimally after testing on a large number of computers.

So what is the maximum amount of RAM in modern operating systems? The answer is not simple - free memory is allocated for the cache. This happens mainly thanks to the SuperFetch function.Thanks to the cache, programs start faster,since instead of accessing the hard drive, data is loaded from RAM (see the picture above, the difference in the speed of the hard drive and RAM is written in bold). If some kind the program will need more RAM - cacheinstantlywill reduce its size, giving way to her.

Maximum amount of RAM in Windows.

The Internet is literally flooded with user speculation about why 3.5 GB of RAM is available in bit Windows instead of, for example, the installed 4 GB. Many theories, myths, and legends were invented. For example, they believe that this is a limitation made by Microsoft that can be removed. In fact, this is partly true - there really are forced restrictions. There's just no way to remove them. This is due to the fact that on 32-bit systems, drivers and programs may become unstable when the system uses more than four gigabytes of RAM. For 64-bit Windows, drivers are very carefully tested to ensure that such instability does not occur, so the above-mentioned limitation is not there.

In this article, we will figure out how to remove the 4 GB memory limit on 32-bit versions of Windows 8 and Windows 8.1, and use all the RAM available on the computer.

Most Windows users are convinced that Microsoft's 32-bit operating systems do not support more than 4 GB of RAM. Thus, the maximum memory available in Windows 8/8.1 x86 is 4 GB. And taking into account the fact that Windows reserves part of the memory for its needs and the needs of peripheral devices (most often for a video card), about 3-3.5 GB of memory are usually available to the end user for use.

At first glance, everything is logical - the addressing limit for a 32-bit address bus is the same 4 GB. In all official documents, Microsoft indicates this is the maximum memory size supported in all client versions of the x86 system. Although in reality Microsoft is misleading everyone a little.

What is PAE and why is it needed?

PAE(Physical Address Extension - physical addressing extension) - this option of the x86 processor allows it to access more than 4 GB of physical memory. We will not delve into the technical details of PAE technology; we will simply note that this technology has been supported by all processors and directly in OS Windows for quite some time.

For example, a 32-bit version of Windows Server running on an x86 processor can use PAE to access the entire system RAM (up to 64 GB or up to 128 GB depending on the processor generation).

Let's say more, support for PAE mode has been available in the Windows kernel since Windows XP. It’s just that by default, PAE is available only in server OSes, and in Windows client OSes, although this mode is available, it is disabled.

Note. PAE can only be used on 32-bit versions of Windows running on x86 processors compatible with this mode.

PAE Mode Limitations

  • PAE does not extend the virtual address space of each process. Each process running on a 32-bit system is still limited to 4 GB of address space.

    Advice. PAE will not help increase the amount of memory available for a resource-intensive application (for example, a graphics or video editor). If there is such a need, it is better to switch to a 64-bit OS.

  • When using PAE, you should note a slight decrease in system performance due to a decrease in memory access speed caused by the overhead of switching mapped pages in memory
  • Some device drivers cannot work correctly in a 36-bit address space.

So, we can conclude that the upper limit of available physical memory in 32-bit versions of Windows is limited by software at the OS kernel level. And if there is a software limitation, that means it can be bypassed! How to enable PAE mode in 32-bit Windows 8.1 and use all available RAM.

A patch that includes PAE and allows you to use all RAM on Windows 8 / 8.1 x86

Enable PAE mode in Windows 8 (Windows 8.1) It won’t work using standard tools (to do this you will have to manually edit the ntoskrnl.exe kernel file in a HEX editor and re-sign it). The easiest way is to use a ready-made patch PatchPae2, which is written by enthusiast Wen Jia Liu. You can download the PatchPae2 patch. (the archive contains the patcher itself - PatchPae2.exe, its source codes and the necessary instructions).

The patch is a small command line utility that allows you to modify the kernel files of 32-bit versions of Windows to activate PAE mode, which allows you to use more than 4 GB of RAM (up to 128 GB of memory).

PatchPae2 will work with the following OS:

  • Windows Vista SP2
  • Windows 7 / Windows 7 SP1
  • Windows 8/Windows 8.1

Note. Before installing the patch, in order to prevent conflicts, it is recommended to disable optimizers and RAM drivers. They can be activated after applying the patch and booting the system in PAE mode.

Installing PAE patch in Windows 8 / 8.1

Attention. This instruction can only be used for 32-bit versions of Windows 8 and Windows 8.1; for previous Microsoft operating systems the procedure is slightly different! Be careful!

Note. At any time, the user, after rebooting, can switch from PAE mode to normal mode, or vice versa, in the boot menu.

Important! After installing the patch, you need to be especially careful when installing Windows security updates. Because some Windows updates sometimes contain updates for the kernel; after installing them, you need to update the PAE kernel: PatchPae2.exe -type kernel -o ntoskrnx.exe ntoskrnl.exe

In addition, the problems described and may occur.

Removing the PAE patch

To remove the PAE patch from the system, you must:

  1. Remove the corresponding entry from the boot menu (the easiest way to do this is with msconfig)
  2. Delete files ntoskrnx.exe And winloadp.exe in the catalog %Windir%\System32.

The patch does not make any other changes to the system.