
How to find out the administrator of a VKontakte group. How to find out the administrator of a VKontakte group if he is hidden How to write to the administrator of a VKontakte group

Communities, groups and public pages on VK definitely make our communication and spending time in the virtual space more interesting and educational. In VK communities you can now find not only funny pictures and topical advice, but also necessary goods.

At the same time, it’s enough to simply create a group and tell it about the advantages of your product or service, And . And also organize advertising in other communities. If you are going to practice

through other communities and have already found the one that best suits your topic, then before launching advertising posts, you only have

find out the admin of the VKontakte group.

Typically, information about all group leaders is located on the right, immediately after the tabs with videos and documents. Communities that make money by posting advertising posts on their walls indicate in the “contacts” area the details of the person responsible for advertising, most often this is the admin himself.

If you don't see this section, then you may have opened a non-profit community that does not promote others. Not long ago, VK improved navigation for communities and groups. In some public pages you can now find a “write a message” button right under the avatar. By clicking on it, you can describe your proposal or question and send a letter to the admins. This is very convenient because you don’t have to scroll the page for a long time. This can be seen especially often in groups that sell clothes, watches and jewelry. How to find out the hidden admin of a VKontakte group

Due to the fact that in the access and management settings of any community there is a button that allows you to close all contacts, periodically, in some groups the admin data is not shown. In this situation, in order to

Look for those posts that are posted by an individual; most likely, this will be the administrator. Secondly, to find an admin, carefully study the event tabs and website links. When you go to these resources, you can contact the event organizers and ask them about the administrator of a particular group. If have your own website, go to it and write to the technical section. support.

Thirdly, when looking for an admin, go to the community discussions. If the public is popular enough, it probably has a topic for answering questions. Also, you can ask in the posts under the latest topic how you can find an admin.

Find out the admin of a VKontakte group online

Try to find out VKontakte group admin online It is also possible through public members. Usually the admin’s friends are in the VK group.

Try going to the “Participants” tab and writing to the first five to ten people. If a comment section is open under public posts, see who most often comments on posts and responds to subscribers’ objections. Write to this person, perhaps he will tell you the admin’s contacts.

I’ll say right away that if you want to find in this article how to find out the password of a VKontakte group admin, then you have come to the wrong address. We don’t know ourselves :)

In this article you will only learn how to find out the admin of a VKontakte group.

Contacts of the administration of a public or group may be needed if you want to offer cooperation, complain about users who violate the rules of this community, order advertising, mutual PR, ask to be an editor and.. in general, there are many reasons.

How to find out the admin of a group or public:

The easiest way is to look at the “contacts” block. Typically, in this block, each link is signed (administrator, editor, etc.).

How to find out the public admin if he is hidden:

This is where things get more complicated. You can ask in the comments who the admin is, or you can try find the group admin in the search, put the name of the public in the “place of work” column.

If this does not help, then perhaps the most effective way is the following.

We go into the community and search the posts by typing gif into the search bar. That is, we need to find at least one GIF image that was uploaded to the group by the community administrator.

How to search by records? - click on the number of records (“all records”) and in the line that opens above the records to enter search details - search by records.

We saw the list and went down to the very first GIF. Right-click and select “open in new tab” from the drop-down menu. Now let's turn our attention to the URL that appears in the line with the image address.

You need to change doc to id, and simply cut off the end of the address, starting with the underscore. Now go to the resulting address - you will see the personal page of the administrator of the community that interests you.

As you can see, find out who is the admin of VK community will not be difficult. The main thing is that he does not forget to upload the GIF)) Also, a problem may arise if the community is large, and users can upload GIFs. But in large communities, you will usually see someone to contact in your contacts, since such communities are often interested in advertising orders. This means there is no point in hiding for the administrator.

There are several valid ways to find out the admin of a VKontakte group. Let's look at the simplest of them, and most importantly, tested in practice.

Page Research

Most communities, especially popular ones, contain information about administrators in the public domain. Typically, contacts are located to the right of the public wall under the “Photos”, “Videos” or “Discussions” section. A group can be managed by one or more people. In the second case, the responsibilities of everyone (administrator, moderator, etc.) are prescribed.

Storming the wall

What to do if there are no public contacts? You can find out the admin of a VKontakte group, if he is hidden, by carefully monitoring the “life” of the public. Often administrators “forget” to hide the name when adding news. You should look for it under photos or videos. First you need to study a dozen or two additions, preferably in a few days. The most common name may be the one you are looking for. However, it is worth remembering that the group can be managed not by the administrator, but, for example, by an editor or deputy.

In public comments, pay attention to the frequency of responses from users, as well as objections to subscribers’ dissatisfaction and excuses from the “administrator.” This person probably has something to do with community management.


Do you like funny animations in gif extension? And not in vain! They are the ones who will help you get to the bottom of the truth and find out who the administrator of the VKontakte group is. First, find a suitable news published on behalf of the community and open it in a new tab.

In the address bar, remove the characters up to the underscore (_) and change doc to id.

We get the address, clicking on it, we find the admin!

Detective investigation

You can use the resource Go to the website and select the desired item from the menu.

The resource provides the ability to determine the admin of a group by adding its id or domain.

After clicking the “find out admin” button you will receive a response.

Remember, the service is free only for groups of no more than 150 people. To calculate the admins of large communities, you can get a paid VIP account.

There are other identifying sites, but none of them should ask for a login and password for your page!

Do not under any circumstances try to “hack” the page. Firstly, this task can only be done by people with the appropriate amount of knowledge; you are unlikely to do anything good, but you will spend a lot of time. Secondly, even if you succeed (although the probability of this is 1 in 1,000), this is not entirely fair to the person who runs the public, because you could have been in his place.

An administrator on the VKontakte social network is a person who performs certain work in a group or community. Users of social networks very often go beyond the bounds of decency, create chaos on their pages, humiliate and insult other users.

That's why sometimes you need to find out who the admin of a community or group is. There are several proven ways to do this.

Inspecting the page

Every community today has a tab called “Contacts”. It displays the names of users who select information for posting in the public. Under each user there is an entry indicating what role he plays in the group. A moderator, administrator, proofreader, designer, and so on may be involved in the work of the community.

You can determine who exactly is responsible for the content of this or that information in the public using the “Contacts” tab. This is the simplest method, but it also has its drawbacks. Recently, a function “Hide information about the administration” appeared in groups of some types. This option is already successfully used by many communities. This way, administrators can remain anonymous. In this case, the task of determining the community administrator becomes much more complicated.

Studying the group wall

Each public page or page on the VKontakte social network has its own “wall”. This is the name of the place where community news and other important information are posted. Anyone can see the “wall” or only a limited circle of people. Everything will depend on the community's privacy settings. As a rule, every post posted is signed.

Quite often, a community administrator begins to hide his contacts some time after the group is created. But there is still a way to find out who is the admin of the VKontakte group. You can simply scroll through the wall and return to the first posts of the community. It is quite possible that you will be able to find a signature in them. You can try asking the person who posted on the community wall if they are currently an administrator. Perhaps the user was once an admin of the group. Maybe he will even share with you the contacts of the current administrator.

The main disadvantage of this method is that the user may not admit to you that he is the administrator of the community. It is also quite possible that your message will remain unanswered. It is possible that the person will show kindness and help you find an administrator. As they say, they don’t punish for demand, so there is still a chance to find an administrator this way.

We use tricks

If the administration of a group on a social network stubbornly refuses to make contact with users, does not answer questions and hides, you can try to resort to one very sophisticated method. The social network Vkontakte has one rather interesting function “create a meeting”. Using it, you can find out the community administrator. The main thing is to formulate the invitation correctly. First of all, create an event that fits the theme of the group.

To create an event, you need to go to the “My Groups” tab, select “Create a Community” and click “Event”. It's better to make the meeting private. In this case, you can easily keep track of who has subscribed to it. You can also send general invitations. The main thing is to set the goal of creating an event that the administrators of the group you are interested in would want to fit into. To do this you will need to use your imagination. When the job is done, all you have to do is go to the “Community Management” panel and find the “Members” tab.

In this section there is an item “Leaders of the organizing community.” Using it you can contact the administration of the community you are interested in. This method also has its drawbacks. Not every community will be ready to take part in the event. However, if you make a killer meeting invitation, your chances of getting a positive result will increase.

How to break the defense?

On the Internet today you can find many services and programs that allow you to easily and quickly determine who is the administration of the VKontakte community. However, some services do not work completely “cleanly”. Many services provide information that is not true. So, before using this or that program, read reviews from other users.

Extreme measures

If you have tried all the methods, then there is one more option - contact the social network support service. To do this, try describing the situation in the “Help” section dialog box, provide a link to the community you are interested in and wait for a response.

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Good day, dear readers of my blog. Do you know how my site differs from many others? Now I sat down and, first of all, decided to look for something on Google to make sure that no new ways to find out who created a group in contact appeared.

I haven’t found many publications on this topic, but they are all unfounded and will not help the reader. Often, authors simply do not understand what they are writing about, and why a person enters such a question into the search bar.

I understand social networks, and therefore I can give you good advice and try to solve a specific problem. I can only think of 3 reasons to look for the creator of the group, we will look at all of them now. If I missed something and you know some others, I kindly ask you to write in the comments why else you can try to find the creator.

Finding the creator for re-registration

Let's start with the fact that the creator is the full owner of the group. He can do anything, for example, turn a group into a community and vice versa. The most common desire. The owner cannot be changed or unlinked.

If you buy a community, it is better to buy the creator’s account along with it, in order to avoid any problems. Which ones? Well, the group seems to be yours, but in fact it belongs to another person who can enter it at any time and do whatever he wants.

I have encountered the problem of re-registration many times. First you need a group, then you decide that you need to turn it into a community, and so on. In order to make a wish come true, you need access to the creator’s account and if it is blocked, then that’s it. You have no chance of completing the task.

The authors of some publications claim that you can try contacting technical support and asking to change the creator, but I assure you that nothing will work. They will ask you to send a photo with a passport containing the same name, surname and other data that was specified in the creator’s account and will offer to try to restore it.

How to find out the creator if you are one of the group administrators? Very simple. Open the community and go to the “Management” section, the button is located under the avatar.

We find “Participants” here.

If there are many people in the list, then the creator is displayed first, at the very bottom of the list, and under his name in bold letters it says “Creator”.

How to contact the admin regarding advertising or other issue

The second logical need, which can only be fulfilled after searching for an administrator, is purchasing a repost or communicating about cooperation. The easiest way is to look in the “Contacts” section. Carefully read the information under the name about the role of the account.

Choose the most suitable option; it is unlikely that you will quickly agree on advertising if you start corresponding with the general director. After a long, long time, when he finally gets around to answering messages, he will send you down the ranks. To the person who is responsible for advertising or cooperation.

What to do if the Contacts section is hidden? You can try to find those who work on the group and ask them a question. Think in advance whether the person will be interested in your offer.

If he is anonymous, then most likely he does not want to repost and will not agree to some penny offer; he will need to be interested in something serious. It might be better to look for some other community.