
How to set up 1C trade management. How to set up retail sales. Setting up an enterprise structure

Let's consider a step-by-step solution to a hypothetical ticket for the Specialist Consultant exam. I hope this solution will help you prepare for the exam. I want to warn you that I do not guarantee that the answer to this question is 100% correct and complete, this is just my vision.

The next stage is filling out the regulatory and reference information:

Organization and related information: accounting policies, write-off methods, bank accounts, warehouses, cash registers, cash register cash desks, organizational units, expense/income items, areas of activity and others.

Nomenclatures and related information: types of nomenclature and

Information about clients: partners, their agreements, product prices.

Enter individuals.

3. Entering users and setting rights

At this stage, in Trade Management 11, it is necessary to enter all users in the database in the user directory and set the appropriate rights for them:

If necessary, configure rights at the record level.

4. Entering initial balances

It is necessary to enter all remaining activity before starting the program. Usually, balances are entered for a certain period, for example, on January 1. In the system, such information is entered on the Administration tab, item Initial filling of information security - Documents:

1C: Trade Management 11.3 offers a modern interface with flexible settings and a large number of tools for trading organizations. Compared to earlier versions, many things are implemented here that previously had to be completed independently. So, for example, in UT 11.3 it is possible to work with discounts and bonuses (including cumulative ones), solutions for monitoring and managing warehouse balances, purchases and many other functions have been thought out. The program provides everything to solve most enterprise problems through built-in components. Let's look at how to start working with 1C this version, if you already have a ready-made database, or you decide to create a new one. The principle of operation for the stationary version and the rented 1C online is the same.

After installing the program or gaining access to the database on a remote desktop, you need to launch it (double-click on the 1C shortcut). A dialog box opens asking you to add an infobase:

To add a database, you must agree, after which the program will offer to create a new database or load existing data:

A new database will be created when you select the first item; if you already have a database copied to your hard drive or in cloud storage, then select the second item. When you select it, a window opens in which you need to specify the name of the database and the path to the data files:

After entering the information, click the “Next” button, the program will offer to configure the launch parameters, here you can agree with the default settings. After confirming the settings, the created database will appear in the list of databases available for use. It can be launched by double-clicking or using the “1C:Enterprise” button:

In the future, you can add new databases and edit existing ones using the appropriate buttons. When starting, you will be required to enter your username and password. If a password has not been set, the program will prompt you to create a new password.

The logic for grouping the 1C:UT 11.3 interface differs from version 10.3. Elements are distributed according to their occurrence in certain business processes. It's quite simple to understand:

The “Main” tab contains the basic elements that are used most often:

The remaining tabs contain items that relate to a specific process. The most important points are highlighted in bold.

To improve the usability of the program, you can create your own list of frequently used elements. This is done by adding an item to the “Favorites” section.

You need to click on the star next to the name of the item, after which the item will appear in the list, and you won’t have to waste time switching the toolbar:

Working with goods and services begins with creating elements in the item reference book. The directory is located on the “Master data and administration” tab:

When you select an item, a list of items opens; if the database is new, then the list is empty. You need to add elements here. It is convenient to enter item elements into item groups, so first create the necessary groups. There can be as many of them as you like; the program allows you to distribute them hierarchically; one group can include several subgroups. Adding a new group occurs by clicking the “Create Group” button. In the form that opens, enter the name and indicate which group the newly created group belongs to:

The creation of the group is confirmed by the “Save and close” button, after which the element appears in the list:

All the necessary groups are added in the same way. After they are created, you can begin adding items to these groups. The group to which this item should belong is selected. A new product/service is added using the “Create” button. A form opens in which you need to enter data about the item:

First, fill in the fields:

    Type of item – indicates what type the item belongs to: product or service, the value is selected from the list;

    Working name – the name of the element that will be displayed in the database, as it is more convenient to search for it during work (internal name);

    Print name – what the element will be called in official documents;

    Article – a unique alphanumeric factory designation of an element.

This data is enough to create an element; in the future, you can adjust and expand the information for each item. Clicking on the “Record and close” button will add the item to the directory. The remaining elements are filled in in the same way.

It is important to understand that creating an item in the directory does not in any way affect the state of warehouse balances. In order for a product to be listed in the warehouse, it must be capitalized.

Immediately after installing the program on workstations, the initial settings are configured. The setup can be done during the work process, but it is more correct to correctly implement this step before creating the main documents and transactions, since the correct generation of the organization’s management reporting depends on the correctness of the settings in the system.

The initial setup in 1C UT 11.4 is performed in the “Research data and administration” section. For convenience, setting up the program is divided into sections “Enterprise”, “Nomenclature”, “Planning”, etc. Let's start with the "General Settings" section.

To set a unique name for the infobase, go to the “Master data and administration” group, section “Administration-General settings”. In the “Program Title” field, enter the name of the database, which will be displayed at the top of the 1C program. On this tab, you can configure the time zone, specify the types of contact information for various system objects and the ability to use additional details and information, configure storage of the history of changes to documents and program reference books, as well as full-text data search, and allow the use of an electronic digital signature.

The functionality of the program (full or simplified) and the type of Interface can be selected in the “Master data and administration” group in the “Administration-Interface” section.

Setting up user rights

In the same group, in the “Setting up users and rights” section, you can set the access rights of various user groups to documents, directories, and reports. In this case, department heads are usually privileged users. The user who has access to the full range of actions with the system is the Administrator. This role should be assigned to a narrow circle of employees. A user with these rights has access to the Configurator mode with the ability to delete and correct any information in the database.

Let's go to the section "Master data and Administration - Setting up Master data and sections - Enterprise". This section consists of the following subsections:

  • Organization – allows you to configure various parameters of the organization, for example, work schedule, departments, etc.;
  • Currencies – allows you to configure currencies for various types of accounting.

Let's take a closer look at setting up each of the subsections of the "Enterprises" section.

Subsection "Organizations"

To correctly manage inventory in the 1C Enterprise program, control the terms of obligations under contracts and the validity periods of powers of attorney, a work schedule is configured. The program allows you to create and store work schedules that are used in the enterprise.

Schedules are formed on the basis of production calendars. You can use work schedules both for the enterprise as a whole and for its divisions (for example, a warehouse work schedule). For a company that has several legal entities, for correct accounting in 1C, it is necessary to set the accounting attribute for several organizations, to be able to maintain records by division, set the “Divisions” attribute and, if necessary, activate separate maintenance of managerial and regulated accounting.

Subsection "Currencies"

Work in 1C with several currencies can be organized using the settings in this section. We set the “Multiple currencies” attribute and select the appropriate currencies for regulated and management reporting. Typically, organizations calculate revenue and profit for “management” in USD, and for regulated reporting – in national currency (for the Russian Federation – Russian ruble). Also in this section you can configure the downloading of currency rates from any available site that provides open APIs. This service is provided for free by the RBC website, or you can download courses directly from the website of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

Setting up an enterprise structure

Typically, an organization consists of several departments, for example, a sales department, a purchasing department, a legal department, and an information technology department. This structure is reflected in the section “NSI-Enterprise Structure”. All departments can be arranged in a hierarchical order, indicating department heads.

Setting up the “Nomenclature” section 1C Trade Management 11.4 (UT 11)

To use different types of nomenclature 1C Trade Management 11.4 (UT 11) from “Product” and “Service”, the “Many types of nomenclature” attribute is set. This will also be an additional area for analytics.

If you make the “Item sets for sale” setting active, then in 1C you can create sets of items for subsequent sale. You can set up accounting, reception and transfer of reusable containers, as well as automatic substitution of containers in documents.

If we have a product range with similar product properties (color, size), then check the “Product characteristics” checkbox. They are used to store and display complete information about a product. These characteristics are displayed in the item card and during online trading on the b2b portal.

To control the quality of goods, the “Quality of goods” attribute is established. This option allows you to reflect various categories of defects in the 1C UT 11.4 system and process them correctly in the future. The section indicates the units of measurement of items - weight, volume, area and length. These units will be taken into account in the reports.

The uniqueness of item items is controlled by setting the attribute in the “Creation Settings” subsection. The subsection defines the possibility of combining items into separate segments, which can be used for selection and setting restrictions on discounts (markups).

You can set the item search settings: as a rule, you specify an advanced search, since the standard search is performed only by values ​​in one column.

Setting up the “Planning” section 1C Trade Management 11.4 (UT 11)

Setting up planning parameters in the system includes the ability to maintain sales plans for items and without items (aggregated by product categories), taking into account seasonal coefficients, filling out inventory planning documents based on statistical data, as well as maintaining plans for assembling (disassembling) sets, plans for purchasing goods to create orders for suppliers according to plans.

Setting up the “CRM and Marketing” section of 1C Trade Management 11.4 (UT 11)

Subsection “CRM Settings”

To separate parent counterparties and their subsidiaries in the system, you can enable the option “Manage partners and counterparties independently” in the “CRM Settings” subsection. The function allows chain stores to create one counterparty (head), and to create subordinate counterparties as partners. When changing the legal entity of the main counterparty for a partner, we can create a second counterparty. If you need to organize claims work in 1C 11.4, set the “Fix customer complaints” flag.

You can conduct an enlarged analysis of trading operations by client. To set up business regions, go to the section “CRM and marketing-Settings and directories-Business regions”.

Transaction and contact options are available (information on all types of business relationships and contact roles).

Subsection "Marketing"

In almost all trade organizations, sales are carried out at several types of prices. To do this, set the “Several types of prices” attribute. In accordance with the pricing rules, each counterparty is assigned one or another type of price. If the organization has groups of goods to which the same rules for calculating discounts and pricing apply, then the “Price groups” attribute is set. To assign manual discounts, set the “Manual discounts in sales” flag. There are two types of manual discount restrictions:

  • Manual discounts by user – the size of the discount depends on the user and is set during order processing;
  • Manual discounts based on agreements - the size of the discount depends on the individual agreement for the counterparty.

A very convenient mechanism “Automatic discounts in sales”. Used to set automatic discounts for VIP clients.

Let us note the option of using product categories, product collections and assortment management, if necessary. The “Item Sales Rating” checkbox allows you to take into account the sales speed by ratings and product categories when planning.

Section “Sales” 1C Trade Management 11.4 (UT 11)

In this section, select the type of agreements with clients. If during sales both standard agreements and agreements with individual conditions are used (individual system of discounts, credit line conditions, deferred payment conditions, etc.), select “Standard and individual agreements”. Setting the “Agreements with clients” attribute allows the system to conduct mutual settlements with clients in the context of contracts.

This section configures customer orders. Set the “Customer Orders” attribute, and then select one of the usage options:

  • An order is like an invoice – only for registering a buyer’s account, does not perform any movements;
  • Order only from warehouse – reserves goods located in the company’s warehouse;
  • Order from warehouse and to order - in addition to the reserve of existing goods in warehouses, it carries out an order to the supplier for goods that are out of stock.

Let’s set the “Return Applications” flag. This option of the 1C Trade Management 11.4 (UT 11) program allows you to automate the accounting of goods returned by customers, return funds to the client and return goods.

By setting the “Invoices for payment” flag, we will enable storage and accounting of issued invoices.

In the “Approval” subsection, you can enable mechanisms for approving documents - return request, commercial proposal, customer order, agreement with the client, and also assign those responsible for approval via hyperlinks.

The “Retail sales” attribute allows you to carry out all operations related to retail sales in the system, including everything related to sales at remote retail outlets.

Section “Purchases” 1C Trade Management 11.4 (UT 11)

In this section, you configure the parameters of documents related to procurement operations - agreements with suppliers and contracts.

Agreements are used to reflect the terms of interaction with suppliers, for example, types of purchase prices, payment terms, etc.

The subsection “Orders to suppliers” (for recording your own requests) allows you to control not only payment for orders, but also the quantity of goods received. To do this, you should set the signs “Control of receipts when closing orders to suppliers” and “Control of payment when closing orders to suppliers”.

If in the 1C Trade Management 11.4 (UT 11) system they want to implement the registration of goods receipts for several orders to a supplier, then they set the “Receipts for several orders” attribute. This design provides a one-to-many relationship. To register adjustments to goods receipts and adjustment invoices, set the “Adjustment of acquisitions” flag. If the system needs to monitor the reasons for canceling orders to suppliers, then the “Reasons for canceling orders to suppliers” flag is set.

Setting up the “Warehouse and Delivery” section 1C Trade Management 11.4 (UT 11)

Most organizations that have branches have several warehouses. In addition, there may be virtual warehouses that are physically located in one place, but for correct accounting they are separated. For these purposes, the program provides the function of maintaining several warehouses within one organization and the ability to set the procedure for issuing invoices and expense orders.

Setting up the “Treasury” section 1C Trade Management 11.4 (UT 11)

Maintaining several current accounts of an organization is ensured by setting the “Several bank accounts” attribute. At an enterprise, there may be a need to organize several cash desks, for example, currency and ruble. For these purposes, the “Several cash desks” attribute is set. For the planned expenditure of finances and the formation of a payment calendar, the “Requests for the expenditure of funds” flag is set. This option allows you to reflect the need for funds, prevent uncoordinated payments of money and control the amount of funds spent. There is an option to use loan and deposit agreements.

Section “Financial result and controlling” 1C Trade Management 11.2 (UT 11)

This section allows you to configure financial accounting parameters: VAT accounting and areas of activity. A trade organization may distinguish such areas of activity as wholesale sales, retail sales, sales to distributors, etc. To organize accounting by activity areas, methods of income distribution are specified. When creating methods, specify one of the existing distribution rules. In this section of 1C Trade Management 11.4 (UT 11) the attribute “Form a management balance sheet” is established. This type of balance sheet is a simplified form of the balance sheet and is used to assess the financial performance of the enterprise. It allows you to manage assets and liabilities, control the direction of use of financial resources, and includes financial reporting data.

Another important point is to enable settings for profit analysis when selling supplier goods. In order to be able to calculate the profit from the sale of goods from a specific supplier, the “Separate cost accounting” checkbox must be checked. Let’s set the sign “Part accounting”. This option allows you to receive goods by batch. Lots of items may differ in purchase price, shelf life, etc.

To limit the list of organizations that have the right to sell “foreign” goods, the Intercompany scheme is used. Using the Intercampany scheme, we can not only limit the list of organizations that have the right to sell someone else’s goods, but also automatically issue documents for the transfer of goods between organizations according to the results of such sales. In order to be able to automatically register sales of goods belonging to another organization, the “Transfers of goods between organizations” checkbox must be checked in the “Goods Accounting” subsection.

Checking the “Control balances of goods of organizations” checkbox serves so that in the process of operational work it is possible to control the total balance of goods of all organizations included in the Intercampany scheme. Based on the results of the shipment of goods received by another organization, a document for the transfer of goods between organizations will be automatically generated.

In this section, you can configure integration with the document management program and data synchronization. After a little configuration of the web service, you will be able to upload and agree on supply agreements, guarantee agreements and commercial proposals. Correct organization of document flow will allow you to control the timing of approval processes, ensure prompt access of all interested participants in the process to documents and storage of electronic versions of documents.

Information from UT can be uploaded to other 1C configurations, for example, to 1C: Accounting, Salary and HR Management, or aggregated in various ways.

12.11.2017 20024

This lesson shows how to set up the program in terms of accounting for retail sales, setting up a cashier's workplace and retail equipment.

basic settings

Let's start with the basic settings - I'll show you where retail sales accounting is enabled:

We set the attribute to record retail sales, set the storage period for deferred and archived receipts, configure what to do with receipts after the end of a shift (you can archive them, or you can immediately delete them). If you use gift certificates, check the appropriate box. If you have several stores (or several cash registers in one store, enable the use of several cash register cash registers):

If you plan to accept payments by bank cards, you need to enable the appropriate setting:

If you have several retail outlets, you need to enable the use of multiple warehouses:

If you plan to issue discount cards to customers and accrue bonuses on them, enable the appropriate settings in the CRM and marketing section:

Now let’s set the sign of using commercial equipment:

If we use Offline equipment (a cash register into which data from a file with the remaining items is first loaded, and then a retail sales report is loaded into the database, also through a file), we set up the use of exchange with such equipment:

Now you need to create a warehouse for a retail store; the main settings are highlighted in red:

The retail type of price must be selected - the price of the item of this particular type will be inserted into the cash register receipts. Well, accordingly, you need to set item prices for this type.

For each cash register used in the organization, enter a directory element KKM cash registers:

Create a new cash register:

The cash register card indicates the organization from which sales are made, the type of cash register, warehouse, as well as the serial and registration number of the equipment. For correct exchange with enterprise accounting 3.0, it makes sense to select a division:

The cash desk in the program can be of 3 types:

Fiscal registrar- cash register connected to a computer and 1C. When a check is punched in the program at the cash register, a check is printed; when a shift is closed, a report with cancellation (Z-report) is printed in the program at the cash register.

KKM offline- a cash register into which information about product balances is loaded daily (the file is generated in the program), and at the end a file is generated in this cash register, which is then loaded into the program (based on it, retail sales reports are created in UT).

Autonomous cash register- a cash register that is not connected to the PC and the program and does not support offline exchange mode. When working with such a cash register, sales data is entered manually by users (a Retail Sales Report document is created).

To demonstrate how to work with a cash register of the KKM offline type, let’s create another cash register of the KKM type (this time you don’t need to select a warehouse):

For each user of the program, you can set up sales rules - set, if necessary, restrictions on the use of manual discounts, and also set up rights in the cashier’s workplace:

On the first tab, the application of manual discounts is configured:

On the second - powers in the cashier’s workplace (RMK):

Connected equipment

Now you need to configure the equipment connected to the program (since I actually don’t have any equipment, I’ll install the emulator, and you’ll see where and how this is done in principle):

We go to the list of connected equipment:

In the workplace that opens, select the type of equipment (Fiscal recorders) and add a new device:

In the equipment card, I select the emulator (in your real case, you need to select the driver that corresponds to your specific model of fiscal machine). Please note that the connected equipment is tied to a specific workplace:

We will also create a device with the offline cash register type. Let's select the version of the exchange format and set the download and upload directories for exchange files:

If necessary, a barcode scanner and acquiring terminal are immediately connected:

Now we just need to configure the workplace:

In the RMK card we can set up hot keys for various actions (a handy thing that can significantly speed up the customer service process:

In the hotkey settings, we can not only assign convenient key combinations to various actions, but also add different nomenclature to Fast goods(for ease of selection, add here the products that are sold most often, for example, T-shirt bags):

If personal sales of sales floor managers are used (revenue is analyzed by manager), then in addition to the cashier, you also need to select a manager as a seller.

On the first tab of the table of used equipment, add the created fiscal registrar emulator:

If necessary, an acquiring terminal is added here.

Comments (3)

Arslan 2018-09-25 09:17:30

Why is the cash register indicated on the Cash register tab in RMK Settings? Answer

Dmitry Medvedkov 2018-09-28 11:47:38

On this tab, the user needs to add a cash register of the organization from which sales will be made, and select equipment with the “Cash register with data transfer” type. After this, in the documents Incoming cash order and Outgoing cash order (when registering a return), using the cash register specified in the cash register settings, the Punch check command will be available, with which you can punch a check on a cash register and transfer the data to the OFD in accordance with Federal Law No. 54-FZ. Answer

Yuliya 2019-04-22 16:07:26

Is it possible to set a custom price for retail sales? Those. have the Nomenclature “product on sale” and for it at the checkout the cashier can set an arbitrary price. Answer

Payment details Cost, licensing, use by multiple users Product cost - 0 rubles. The number of jobs is unlimited. No additional licensing required.

What are the payment options? How to add a product to the database?

You can implement the product yourself by viewing the instructions. If you have any difficulty with this, I can help. Contact me and we will set up a specific time for communication.

  • If the development does not start (or works incorrectly) In this case, first of all, check the instructions to see if you connected the development correctly. If the check did not yield anything, make a screenshot of the error and send it to me by mail indicating the name of the development. At your choice, I can either correct the error and send you a new version of the file, or return the money.
  • If the development breaks after the update, you will need to contact me, tell me the number of the new release of your configuration and the name of the development you purchased. After that, I will send an adapted version of the file by mail.

Is it possible to improve the development on my own?

Yes, you can. The source code is open and available for any modification, there are no restrictions.

Are there changes to the configuration?

No, the implementation of the development does not change the database configuration in any way and will not affect subsequent updates.

  • Is there a demo version?
  • No, I cannot provide demo access to development.

In the payment note, be sure to indicate the product ID 500 and your email address, where I will then send a link to download the development.

1C: Enterprise Accounting, edition 3.0 is the first version of the configuration, which provides the ability to customize the interface. On the one hand, this opportunity compensates for the fundamental differences in the appearance of the new version from the previous one - 1C 8.2. On the other hand, it gives users flexible options for customizing their workspace, focusing only on existing needs, their own convenience and individual taste.

It is worth noting that during the existence of edition 3.0, which respectively works on the 1C:Enterprise 8.3 platform, the interface has undergone several changes. In particular, the number of available interface options has been increased, including:

  • Standard (as in previous versions of 1C: Accounting 8)
  • Taxi


When version 3.0 was released, its interface was identical in structure to version 8.2, but differed in design: the names of the sub-items of the top horizontal menu were expanded, and icons were added.

A visual comparison of editions 3.0 and 2.0 shows that the interface structure has remained unchanged.

Clicking on a menu item brought up a drop-down list, and in the new version, sub-items are displayed as tabs.

Since this type of interface was the first, it remains the most popular. You can change its structure by going to “Administration-Program Settings” - item “Interface”.

allows you to access submenus without closing the active window.*

*Horizontal menus:

  • Panel section located directly below the main menu;
  • A panel of actions or commands available in the selected section.

The vertical navigation bar displays the structure of the section's content.

Using menu sub-items, you can customize the contents of panels and their display at the user's discretion.

(next item) allows you to add and delete sections, as well as items of the main horizontal menu, up to its complete removal.

allows you to open additional windows under the main menu - standard reports, information, contacting technical support (the horses essentially duplicate the vertical panel).

allows you to add/remove submenu items, which previously could only be done with the participation of programmers.


In the Taxi interface, the section panel is initially located on the left.

The implementation of customization of panels in this interface is carried out by dragging and grouping panels at the user's request in a special editor window.

The panel editor window allows you to group by dragging, adding and deleting panels such as the section panel, open panel, toolbar*, current section function panel, favorites panel, history panel.

*The panels at the top of the editor window are currently active.

Section sub-items are configured (the section panel is vertical) after their activation (the sub-item settings button is in the upper right corner).

The action panel settings window allows you to add and remove sections, even completely deleting them.

Interface nuance: selected sub-items are marked with asterisks

*Often external modifications are added here

Similar to the interface of edition 7.7

The menu structure is very similar to the standard version.

The ability to customize the 7.7 interface is located on the top panel on the right (down arrow), which allows you to add and remove buttons. It is active in all interfaces.