
Messenger - what is it? Review of the best programs! What is a messenger on the phone

Communications between people today have reached the highest level of technology. Advances in computer technology have made it possible to exchange messages in seconds (or instantly). This allows people to communicate in real time, even while being hundreds of thousands of kilometers away from each other. Using the instant messaging system, you can exchange not only text messages, but also images, sound signals and videos. For communications of this kind, a special client program called Instant Messenger is used. Let's figure out what a messenger is, what it can be, and what opportunities it gives to modern users.

Messenger: concept

Messenger - from the English “courier” or “messenger”. These are programs for instant messaging between users. Speed ​​is their main advantage over regular email. Here the message is transmitted at lightning speed, while the mailbox is updated every few minutes. Speaking about what a messenger is, we should clarify an important feature - it is a client program. This means that the program cannot work independently; to use it, you must connect to a server (the central computer of the network).

In the first versions of this, the recipient saw the message already at the time of its composition, which was not entirely convenient, since the user could make a mistake, correct it, edit the sentence, and all this was displayed in the dialog window. Today, the text appears on the interlocutor’s screen after it has been completely edited and sent (the Enter or “Send” button). In addition, in modern versions, communication can occur not only through text messages, but also by performing other actions - exchanging graphic, audio and video files, voice and even video communication (for example, Skype).

Features and types of messengers

Every modern person uses at least one, and most often several, instant messengers at the same time. The need for different messaging networks is due to the fact that there is no direct connection between them. Each program was created by a separate group of developers, has its own servers and protocols, features and rules of use. For example, a user on the ICQ network cannot communicate directly with someone using Skype or MSN. However, no one forbids having both of them.

Today, there are a number of messengers that are most popular among users. This is Windows Live Messenger, Yahoo! Messenger, MSN, ICQ, AOL, Facebook Messenger, Skype and others. All of these are Internet messengers that work when connected to the World Wide Web. Messenger can be installed not only on a computer, but also on a mobile device. This became possible with the advent of affordable mobile Internet, as well as with the development of multitasking smartphones. Let's look at the most popular free instant messengers that are designed to work simultaneously on different types of devices.

Google Talk

This is probably the most versatile mobile messenger. It is used in the popular social network Google+ and the built-in Gmail chat. This is an open solution, supported by other clients that work with its protocol (XMPP) - Pidgin, Ya.Online, etc. Google Talk is used in Android to solve many problems, and the user here is always online and can receive messages even when when not using chat. At the same time, to work with the messenger you don’t even need to have a Google account; you can communicate through your Yandex profile, for example.

Facebook Messenger

What is Facebook Messenger? This is a product developed by programmers of a popular social network - the only one of the largest messengers that is not tied to any specific platform. Thanks to this, his audience is several times larger than others. Using this program, you can send messages both to Facebook users and by email, and even in the form of SMS (for some operators). Any user can receive messages via Facebook Messenger to their email. The mailbox address in this case looks like this: [email protected].


This messenger is developed for all users of Apple technology. The program is integrated into the standard Messages application and has a number of advantages. So, before sending a message, the system checks whether the user is online and, depending on the result, sends him an email or SMS. Another plus is that you can start a conversation on one device (for example, iPad), and continue on another (for example, iPhone). This is possible thanks to the availability of cloud synchronization.


This is a standard messenger for the Windows 7 Phone operating system. It is compatible with both the official Windows Live Messenger desktop client and many other programs (eg Pidgin, Adium). It has a built-in email service, chat, and cloud version. In addition, an important point is support for the popular Facebook network. When choosing a contact, the user can independently specify the communication method (SMS, Messenger, Facebook) depending on its availability in a particular network (which the system notifies in advance).

Recently, such universal applications as WhatsApp Messenger, Viber and some others have become popular. They are available for installation on various devices - Android, iPhone, BlackBerry, Nokia, etc.


Today everyone knows what a messenger is. This is an indispensable attribute of modern society, allowing you to build communications and communicate easily, quickly and often for free. The presence of the Internet today is not a problem, it is everywhere. That’s why messengers are actively replacing (and quite successfully) SMS as an independent method of communication. The choice of convenient and multifunctional instant messaging networks is becoming wider every year.

The Messengers+ option is an innovative offer from Megafon. In modern society, various messengers have found a wide target audience. By definition, this is a modernized version of the usual text messages and MMS, which are grouped into one application.

You can use such utilities anywhere in the world, provided that your mobile device has access to high-speed Internet. Through instant messenger resources, you can make voice calls and exchange photo and video files. At the same time, the cost of services is more favorable than sending multimedia messages.

Considering the demand for instant messengers, Megafon offers connection to any of the active tariff plans of the “Messenger+” option. Here, for a relatively small subscription fee, unlimited communication within such applications is opened, regardless of the subscriber’s affiliation.

The cost of the service is 2 rubles per day, payment is debited immediately upon connection, then every 24 hours.

For this modest amount, the user receives unlimited access to the resources of such applications:

Within these services, you can use all available methods of data exchange.

The option is valid for an unlimited period and there is no free period of use.


To activate the option, you can use the following options:

  1. Register on the provider’s official website and gain access to “Personal account.” Here you can manage the parameters of your tariff plan, enabling or disabling options with one click.
  2. Download the Megafon mobile application. This is a full-featured alternative "Personal account" works on any mobile devices.
  3. Send SMS to number 05004565 , indicating the number in the message field 1 .
  4. Type a command for automatic activation *456*5*1# .

There is no charge for activating the service.


You can refuse further use as follows:

  1. Disable the service in your “Personal Account” or mobile application by moving the virtual slider to "OFF".
  2. Send a command from a mobile device *456*5#.

The service is free; if the subscriber wishes, the option can be reconnected.

Underwater rocks

Of course, the Messengers+ option is a profitable service that at first glance looks absolutely transparent. This is not entirely true. The offer is subject to a number of restrictions and hidden conditions. For example:

  1. If instant messengers are used through the Opera browser or VPN resources, traffic will be consumed from the main package. In this case, the subscription fee is written off in full.
  2. If older versions of applications are used, megabytes will also be deducted from the main package.
  3. For the eMotion service, the unlimited limit applies only to the transmission of text messages. Other opportunities for communication are paid according to the prices for Internet services.
  4. When changing the tariff offer, the option is automatically canceled.
  5. For some tariff plans, the service is valid only when you are in the connection area. Outside its borders, the cost of services is calculated at national roaming rates.

In general, the “Messengers+” option does not cause any complaints and subscriber reviews view it exclusively on the positive side.

Our opinion: The service deserves attention and is recommended for connection. Using installed instant messengers, you can significantly reduce the cost of cellular communication services. However, it is better to check details of the provision of services with the operator in your region.

Messenger is a word that a few years ago was known only to advanced desktop computer users. But now this word is increasingly used in the context of mobile phones and, as a result, it has become known to a wider circle of people. But not everyone has a clear understanding of what a phone messenger is. Many people believe that this is simply an analogue of SMS messages or a way to save money, although this is not entirely true.

Messenger is an application on your phone or computer that allows you to exchange instant text messages (as well as make voice and video calls) over the Internet. The messaging process in such an application is very similar to exchanging regular SMS messages on your phone. You select the contact you want to send a message to, write the text and click on the “Send” button. Such a message, like a regular SMS, reaches the recipient almost instantly. But there are a number of significant differences between SMS messages and instant messenger messages:

How messengers appeared on phones

Initially, instant messengers were created for desktop computers. The history of these programs began immediately after the advent of the Internet itself. One of the first developments that can be considered a modern messenger was the IRC or Internet Relay Chat protocol. This protocol was created for communication within small groups, but it also allowed for sending private messages to individual users, as well as transferring files. The first version of the IRC protocol appeared in 1988, although later changes were made several times.

ICQ can be considered the next step in the development of instant messengers. It appeared in the fall of 1996 and within six months the number of its users amounted to 1 million people. Subsequently, the rate of expansion of the ICQ user base was 1 million users every 23 days. The popularity of this messenger has become so great that a large number of alternatives from other developers began to appear. Thus, in 1997, the AOL Instant Messenger (AIM) program from America OnLine appeared. AOL Instant Messenger also gained significant popularity, but mainly only in North America. After that, Microsoft, Yahoo and others presented their messengers.

One of the breakthroughs in the field of instant messengers was the Skype program that appeared in 2003, which, in addition to text messages, offered users voice and video communication. Skype also solved several other problems, for example, file sharing in Skype worked much better than in other instant messengers of the time.

With the spread of fast and affordable mobile Internet, as well as productive phones with large screens, a new generation of instant messengers has emerged that focus primarily on mobile users. These are programs such as, Telegram and others.

What messengers are relevant now?

Now all instant messengers have approximately the same set of functions. They allow you to send text messages, make voice and video calls, transfer files and organize group chats. Therefore, when choosing a messenger, you should focus not on its capabilities and declared functions, but on which messenger is relevant in your environment. Ask your friends and colleagues what messenger they use and install the same one for yourself. Because if you install an unpopular messenger, then it will be of no use.

Popular messengers.

You can also install several of the currently most popular instant messengers on your phone and try them out. In just a couple of weeks it will become clear which messenger is most convenient for you to communicate in and the remaining applications can be deleted. At the moment, the most commonly used messengers are:

You can find applications for these messengers in the application store on your phone. On Android it is Google Play Market, and on iPhone it is App Store.

In real time through instant messaging services (Instant Messaging Service, IMS). Text messages, sound signals, images, videos can be transmitted, as well as activities such as joint drawing or games. Such a program can be used to organize video conferencing.


This type of communication requires a client program, the so-called messenger (from the English. message- message). The difference from email here is that messages are exchanged in real time. instant- instantly). Most IM clients allow you to see whether subscribers included in your contact list are currently connected. In early versions of programs, everything that the user typed was immediately transmitted. If he made a mistake and corrected it, it was also visible. In this mode, communication resembled a telephone conversation. In modern programs, messages appear on the interlocutor’s monitor after the message has been edited and sent.

As a rule, instant messengers do not work independently, but connect to a central computer in the messaging network, called a server. That's why messengers are called clients (client programs). The term is a concept from client-server technologies.

A wide range of users know a number of popular messaging networks, such as ICQ, Yahoo!. Each of these networks was developed by a separate group of developers, has a separate server and protocols, and has its own rules and features. There is usually no interconnection between different networks. Thus, an ICQ network user cannot contact an MSN network user. However, nothing prevents you from being a user of several networks at the same time.

Each network has its own messenger, developed by the same development team. So, to use the above networks, developers offer programs with the same names: ICQ, MSN Messenger, Yahoo! Messenger. Thus, if one of the recipients uses only the ICQ network, and the other uses only the MSN network, then you can communicate with them simultaneously by installing both ICQ and MSN Messenger on your computer, and registering in both networks.

As an alternative messenger, you can choose a third-party program: both commercial and free. Popular alternative programs for communicating on the ICQ network are Miranda IM, R&Q. They also allow you to connect to multiple networks simultaneously, which eliminates the need to install a separate messenger for each network and allows you to communicate with all recipients in the same way, regardless of the network.

Most IM networks use closed protocols, so alternative clients may have fewer basic functions than official ones, but in practice the opposite is true. Also, due to periodic changes in protocols on the server side of the network, alternative clients may suddenly stop working.

As an alternative to proprietary protocols for IM, the open Jabber protocol was developed, used in services such as Google Talk, Ya.Online, etc. This protocol is often used to organize communication in corporate and other local networks.

see also

  • History of the development of ICQ and interview with Yair Goldfinger - Konstantin Krinitsky, for PiRamid


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    See what “Messenger” is in other dictionaries: Noun, number of synonyms: 1 line (9) ASIS Dictionary of Synonyms. V.N. Trishin. 2013…

    Synonym dictionary Client program in instant messaging systems (IM - Instant Messenger). Unlike e-mail, messaging occurs in real time (English: instant; messenger courier). Dictionary of business terms. ...

    Dictionary of business terms"Messenger" - Interplanetary probe for the study of Mercury An interplanetary probe launched in 2004 to study Mercury. The project was developed by the US National Aerospace Agency under the leadership of Sean Solomon. The device made two approaches with... Encyclopedia of Newsmakers - See ribonucleic acid (RNA) ...

    Explanatory dictionary of psychology MESSENGER SECONDARY - (second messenger) a biological molecule that functions inside a cell, initiating its response to signals coming from chemical messengers (for example, hormones); They themselves cannot penetrate the cell. Examples of such secondary... ...

    Explanatory dictionary of medicine

    Second messenger secondary messenger. A small molecule (or ion) formed in the cytoplasm in response to the interaction of a signaling molecule (hormone) with a receptor on the cell surface; V.m. participates in intracellular signal transmission from... ... Molecular biology and genetics. Dictionary.

Messengers have been a boom in recent years. They appear in app stores in batches - one is cooler than the other, and everyone chooses the one they like best.


Programs for transmitting messages and other content between users are called messengers. The name of such applications comes from English and is translated into Russian as “messenger” or “courier”. The popularity of messengers today is colossal, and the companies that own the most famous of them have billions in profits.

Messenger: concept

Thanks to the Internet, we can find out how our friends and relatives are doing by sending them a short message. There is no need to call. A few years ago we used SMS for this purpose. They were charged even cheaper than calls, but with active communication they accumulated a decent amount. Today you can communicate completely “for free”.

You need to connect to a tariff with unlimited Internet and install a popular messenger

Why popular? It's simple, it is necessary that the person to whom you are sending a message also has such a messenger installed.

IMPORTANT: Messenger is an application that combines some functions of email, SMS, online chats and other similar programs, technologies and services.

One of the most popular messengers of the past was the program ICQ(“ICQ”) This program was used even before the Internet penetrated into every home. Today ICQ has fewer and fewer fans. They all choose new, more convenient messengers.

Popularity of messengers

If you look at the messengers section in App Story or Play Market, you will see a large list of applications for online communication. And every day this list is updated with a new “best” application for long-distance communication.

Usually, each person has several popular messengers installed at the same time. Unfortunately, there is no direct connection between such applications and to communicate with a specific person you need to choose the application that is installed on him.

IMPORTANT: All messengers can only work when connected to the Internet. If the user to whom you are going to send a message is not connected to the Internet, then it will be delivered to him when he is online.

Today, messengers are used not only by schoolchildren or students, but also by representatives of business, science and other spheres of life. Even the military is developing secure messaging programs between its units to speed up communication.

In our country, the most popular messengers are: Whats app, Skype, Viber, Telegram, Line And . Russians also use: MTS Connect And Google Hangouts.

Whats app

According to the latest data, the number of users of this messenger has exceeded the number of users of the popular microblogging service - Twitter. Whats App is distributed free of charge and anyone can install it on their gadget from the application store for their operating system.

The advantages of Whats App is low resource consumption. It works in the background and when a message arrives, it informs the user about it. It is also worth noting the simple and convenient interface, the ability to create chats and exchange not only messages, but also pictures, videos and audio recordings.

In Western countries, Whats App has completely replaced SMS messages.


  • Skype messenger was popular even before the era of the mobile revolution. But, unlike the same ICQ, it managed to stay afloat. Skype is primarily video calls, and then everything else. The number of users of this communication application today is 400 million people
  • Skype has Northern European roots. This application was created by specialists from Sweden, Denmark and Estonia. In 2011, this messenger was purchased by Microsoft and built into almost all of its services.
  • The Skype messenger managed to stay in first place in various ratings thanks to Microsoft and its former popularity. But this application is quite resource-intensive and many users are gradually abandoning it in favor of other messengers. Moreover, more and more of them include support for video calls


Another very popular messenger in our country

  • There is an opinion that over time it will be able to overtake Skype and even get closer to Whats App. And most likely, this will happen in our country soon. Viber can be installed on a gadget running an operating system Android, iOS, Bada, Windows Phone, BlackBerry, and also for Nokia Asha
  • The Viber messenger has Belarusian roots and its main advantage is that it was originally developed for mobile devices. While the same Skype was originally an application for a desktop computer. Viber developers managed to create a messenger that consumes very few resources and can work quickly in 3G and even EDGE networks
  • With Viber you can make calls to mobile phones and send short messages, pictures, video and audio recordings completely free of charge, and calls to landlines are charged cheaper than Skype


  • This messenger today is developing faster than its analogues. It currently only works on smartphones and tablets running iOS, Android And Windows Phone. You can also install Telegram on your desktop computer running Windows
  • The creator of Telegram is the former owner of VKontakte Pavel Durov. This messenger is reminiscent of Whats App with its simple and user-friendly interface. But the main feature of this application is the absolute security of messages and transferred data.
  • In Telegram you can create channels and collect subscribers to them
  • You can install this messenger on your gadget completely free of charge. The creators of the application assure that it will always remain free and will never contain advertising.


This messenger appeared in Japan and became popular after cellular communications went down due to another earthquake.

  • Surprisingly, with such a natural disaster, the Internet was in every Japanese home. And residents of the Land of the Rising Sun learned the latest news about their relatives and friends through the Line messenger
  • This application is very popular not only in Japan but also in neighboring countries. There are also many fans of this messenger in Russia
  • In Line you can send messages, screenshots, make calls and indicate your location. Unfortunately, the somewhat childish interface of this messenger puts me off

This messenger is implemented inside Facebook. Which automatically makes users of the social network users of Facebook Messenger.

Not long ago, Facebook administrators closed the ability to communicate using mobile gadgets within their service without using this messenger.

MTS Connect

One of the main mobile operators MTS has created its own messenger

MTS Connect has everything you need for communication: chats, group chats, transferring files and locations to landline and mobile phones via the Internet. The main disadvantage of the Connect messenger is that MTS will charge calls made through it from other regions and countries as roaming. Excuse me, but why is such a messenger needed then?

Google Hangouts

This free messenger for chats, voice and video calls is already pre-installed on most smartphones running the Android operating system. But this is not the main advantage of Hangouts. Much more important is the ability to jointly edit documents in Google Docs and conduct webinars (group video calling).

Let's sum it up

Using messengers is very easy, intuitive and understandable

  • You need to download and install on your device the application that your friends use (preferably 2-3 from the top of this list). Register and find in your contact list the person you want to send a message to. Then everything is clear
  • Thanks to the appearance of cheap smartphones on the market, the number of messenger users is growing every day. Because of this, representatives of mobile operators are losing excess profits and are doing everything to be allowed to charge traffic used by such applications
  • Let's hope they won't be allowed to continue to rob their subscribers the way they did just a few years ago. And we will use messengers for free

How to install Viber on your phone and how to use it?