
Samsung A3 does not respond to touch. How to revive a smartphone that does not respond to touch. Samsung Galaxy A3 sensor does not work: troubleshooting

There are many factors that can cause a Samsung sensor to not respond to touch. Quite often, the root cause of such circumstances is mechanical damage; in addition to them, there are also software faults, which can only be identified and corrected in a service center.

First, inspect the appearance of your smartphone. Due to clogged dust or oil stains, the touchscreen may not respond properly to the user's touch. Therefore, you need to regularly wipe the screen with a microfiber cloth. This routine cleaning is ready to return it to working condition. As a preventive measure, train yourself not to use your phone with dirty or wet hands.

A poorly installed film may cause the touchscreen to not respond to finger touches. This happens due to air particles and dirt that accumulate between the surface of the display and the protective film. To solve this situation, you need to peel off the old film and stick a new one.

Sometimes the Samsung touchscreen does not work due to the fact that the commands received by the device may not be perceived correctly. In this case, to return the system to working condition, just restart the phone.

Carefully inspect the display for cracks. Even the smallest cracks can cause your phone to slow down. As a result, the touchscreen sometimes responds to touches only in certain areas. Replacing the touchscreen on your phone in our service center will help you return your phone to full functionality.

If the touchscreen on your Samsung phone does not work, this may be due to a breakdown or failure of the touch controller. Very often, module failure occurs after falls or strong impacts. It can also be caused by moisture getting inside. The solution to this problem is to replace a new module.

The touchscreen on your phone may break down due to malfunction of various parts. For example, failure of the printing module or its components caused by moisture penetration or mechanical damage may result in failure. Only a complete diagnosis will help identify what exactly is broken.

A touch screen phone is a very functional and convenient thing. However, the more high-tech the device, the easier it is to damage it. The sensor (touchscreen) is the “Achilles heel” of modern gadgets, because it is very fragile and is constantly subject to mechanical stress. Careless users can place a bag on it, sit down, flood it, or even throw it against the wall in a fit of anger. And now the long-suffering phone comes to a point when the touchscreen sensor no longer responds to finger touches. What to do if the phone no longer obeys its owner?

There are many reasons why touchscreen does not respond to touch. The main triggers are hardware damage, which can only be diagnosed and repaired at a service center.

What to do if you have The touchscreen on the phone does not work:

  • First, pay attention to the neatness of your phone. Dirt or oil stains may cause the touchscreen to respond incorrectly to user touches. Therefore, do not be lazy to regularly wipe the screen with a microfiber cloth. This simple cleaning can get it back into working order. In addition, make it a rule not to handle your phone with dirty or wet hands.
  • An incorrectly installed protective film may be the reason why the touchscreen does not respond to finger touches. This happens due to air bubbles and dirt collected between the surface of the touch screen and the film. To solve the problem, you need to re-stick the film.
  • Sometimes the touchscreen does not work because the signals received by the device may not be perceived correctly. In this case, a reboot or reset is enough to bring the system back to life.
  • Carefully inspect the screen for cracks. Even small cracks can cause... As a result, the touchscreen partially responds to touches only in certain areas. The only way to restore your phone to full functionality is to replace the sensor on your phone at a service center.
  • If the touchscreen on your smartphone does not work, this may be due to a breakdown or malfunction of the sensor control chip. As a rule, failure of the microcircuit occurs due to shocks and falls. This can also be caused by moisture penetrating into the housing. Replacing the microcircuit with a new one will help solve the problem.
  • In addition to everything mentioned, part of the touchscreen on the phone does not work due to the breakdown of various components. For example, failure of a printed circuit board or its components due to moisture penetration, physical or mechanical stress may result in loss of functionality. Only a complete diagnosis will help determine what exactly has gone wrong.

As practice shows, in cases where the sensor on the phone does not work, the problem lies in the touchscreen. According to statistics, in 90% of cases, replacing the glass on your phone will help restore full functionality. And only in 10% the reason lies in other details.


If your touchscreen doesn't work, don't try to repair your phone yourself so you don't have to buy a new one later. Replacing the glass on a phone should only be done at a specialized service center using original parts, since counterfeits quickly become unusable and cannot be repaired.

The site's service center technicians will promptly identify and efficiently fix the problem at an affordable price.

User interaction with a modern smartphone occurs almost entirely through the touch screen: with finger movements we scroll through the menu, work with files and use all other functions of the device. But what to do if the sensor suddenly stops working? To determine how to fix the problem, it is important to understand what caused it.

Software hung

If the sensor stops responding to touch for no apparent reason, then most likely the problem is in the software. It can reduce the phone's performance so much that the sensor stops responding to touch.

In the same way, an operating system failure, an incorrect reboot, or a lack of RAM can affect it.

In some cases, simply rebooting the phone will help solve the problem. If after this the screen still does not respond, you should put the device in safe mode, in which only a set of standard programs will load. If the display works in safe mode, then you should remove one or more applications, before installing which the screen functioned correctly. After each deleted application, you need to check the operation of the smartphone as usual.

It will also be useful to check the software with an antivirus.

Sometimes sensor malfunctions occur due to errors in the system. You need to save important information, remove the SIM card from the device and restore it to factory settings. If this does not help, you can reflash the phone, but this procedure will deprive you of warranty service.

The screen itself is broken

Typically, damage to the touch screen is associated with physical impact: temperature changes, shock, static electricity or magnetism, humidity and contamination.

The surface of the screen can be cleaned from fingerprints, dirt and dust using a soft cloth.

The display may respond slowly or may not respond at all points where you touch the surface. Then you can use a special application for screen calibration, which can be downloaded from the Play Market.

If the display is severely damaged and does not respond at all, it will need to be replaced. You can do this yourself, but it is better to contact a specialist, although it will cost significantly more.

If the display does not respond after being in the cold, you need to move the smartphone into a warm place for a few minutes, after warming up everything should work.

If there is glare when pressed, we can conclude that the screen has most likely been dented.

If blisters or drips are visible under the protective film, then the cause of the sensor’s incorrect operation may be a poorly applied film.

If moisture gets into your phone, you can disassemble it yourself by removing the back cover and battery, and carefully blow it with a hairdryer.

Electronics are broken

One of the signs of a smartphone processor failure is a failure in the device’s control system. Therefore, if the display does not respond to touches, and there is no sound or its volume does not change, we can conclude that the problem is in the electronics. In such a situation, it is recommended to contact a service center.

Sometimes the phone's hardware suffers only a few days after contact with water, due to corrosion on the motherboard, and the display stops responding for no apparent reason. You can also dry the phone with a hairdryer yourself, remembering that excessive heating will lead to permanent damage, after which nothing can be restored.

Damage to the board-to-board cable can also cause a lack of signal transmission from the display to the chip. Only a complete replacement of the cable will help.

Even the most reliable modern devices have weaknesses, and sometimes things break. Many not very serious problems can be solved on your own. But there are times when it is better not to take risks and seek help from specialists from the service center.

Smartphone users are often interested in what to do if their smartphone’s sensor is faulty. This happens because the user interacts with the device through the touch screen, be it scrolling through menus, working with files and other functions of the device. If the sensor malfunctions even after repair, the user cannot fully use all the functionality of the gadget. And this is sometimes extremely necessary.

Why is this happening?

The sensor on Android or iOS can start to fail completely unexpectedly. The reason may be poor quality repairs or components, or a fall. Typically, inadequate sensor performance on almost any smartphone is associated with mechanical impact. To protect the touchscreen from impacts, protective glass or films are installed on it, since without additional protection, unpleasant situations may arise due to an impact or fall. As a result, the sensor on the phone malfunctions, or it completely fails.

The touchscreen may start to fail for several reasons:

  1. Moisture entering the device body.
  2. Software errors.
  3. Incorrect replacement of the touchscreen or poor quality of components.

If you know for sure that your phone has not been subjected to mechanical stress or moisture, but the touchscreen does not respond to touches or reacts incorrectly to them, then most likely the problem is a software error. It is possible to fix this yourself.

Signs of a faulty sensor

There are several indicators of a faulty touchscreen on a smartphone:

  1. The sensor does not respond to touches in certain places or on the entire screen.
  2. Chaotic display responses (files and applications open on their own, scroll through menus, etc.) after a shock, fall, or poor-quality repair.

If the sensor is faulty, what to do and how to solve the problem yourself? Let's consider the methods further.

Clear screen

When starting to independently revive a poorly functioning, slow or glitchy sensor, you need to clean it of contaminants. This will definitely not make the smartphone any worse, but the contact between the finger and the touchscreen will improve, which may well solve the problem of freezing and stuttering. To clean your smartphone display, it is better to use a soft, lint-free cloth and a special sensor cleaner. Special wet wipes for screens are also suitable.

Reboot your phone

As stated above, the problem may be software. In this case, rebooting the device may help. If your iPhone sensor is faulty, you need to:

  1. Press and hold the power and home buttons (power and volume down buttons on iPhone 7 and above).
  2. Wait for the Apple logo to appear on the phone screen.
  3. Check the functionality of the sensor by touching the icon of any application after loading the system.

If the sensor malfunctions on a smartphone running Android, the instructions for rebooting will vary, since the key combinations depend on the device manufacturer. For example, for most Samsung smartphones, a combination of the power key and volume down key is suitable. Rebooting the device can solve the problem of the sensor not working properly due to a software error.

Check protective accessories

It happens that it is the additional protection that interferes with the operation of the sensor. Because of this, the sensor may not respond immediately or may slow down when you press one of the sides of the case or mechanical buttons on the device. For example, the sensor may completely stop responding to touches across the entire display, or only in the lower part, if the protective film or glass was glued to the phone screen incorrectly.

The market today is replete with affordable security solutions for smartphones, but not all of them are of high quality and do their job properly. If your case covers any part of the screen, it will interfere with the normal functioning of the device, causing the touchscreen to malfunction or freeze. What to do if your iPhone sensor is faulty? In order to identify what causes the touchscreen to respond incorrectly, you need to remove the case and check the sensor. If interruptions in the operation of the display are caused by the protective cover, then after removing it, the functionality of the sensor will be restored. But if the screen continues to glitch, you should look for the problem further.

What to do if the problem cannot be resolved?

If rebooting the device, re-gluing the glass and removing the protective case did not produce any results and the touchscreen is still buggy, most likely the issue is not software errors and incorrect accessories, but a malfunction of the internal components of the device. In this case, you should contact the service professionals who will carry out diagnostics, identify the breakdown and replace the failed part.

If, after the device is dropped, the keys periodically work incorrectly or do not work at all and the touchscreen does not respond to presses, then the technician will first find out the cause of the breakdown and then eliminate it. After the diagnosis, they will explain to you in detail why the touchscreen was buggy or not working, and will tell you about the condition of your device after it was dropped or exposed to moisture. Next, if necessary, a specialist will clean the device from traces of moisture or replace the display module.

When might a screen replacement be needed?

The display of any phone is constantly exposed to mechanical stress, as a result of which it may stop responding to touches, or the sensitivity of the sensor may decrease.

Deep scratches on the glass can also cause the bottom of the screen to stop working. To solve problems with a touch display that is completely or partially not working, it is necessary to replace the glass or the entire display module. Also, replacing the display if the sensor does not work correctly or information is displayed incorrectly on the screen is necessary after:

  1. Phone falling.
  2. Moisture gets into the housing, which negatively affects the sensitivity of the sensor and causes incorrect responses.
  3. Scuffs and deep scratches on the glass due to normal wear and tear.
  4. Other mechanical damage to the touchscreen.

Replacing the display module if damaged or not working correctly is quite simple. But if you disassemble and install a new screen yourself, you can damage thin cables and mounting sockets, which will lead to more expensive repairs.

One of the most common problems faced by smartphone users is the Samsung touchscreen not working. The cause of the situation could be anything, from simple screen contamination to mechanical damage that requires the involvement of an expert. Below we will consider in what cases the touchscreen of Samsung smartphones can fail, what to do in such situations to fix the problem, and how much repairs can cost if you contact a professional.

Causes of the problem

First, let's look at the main reasons why the sensor does not work on Samsung. For convenience, we will divide them into several categories.

Simple reasons:

  1. Dirt or water getting on the glass surface. A dirty display often causes the Samsung touchscreen to not work. This also applies to situations with moisture ingress. That's why take a look to avoid such problems.
  2. Error in installing film on the display. Another reason why the sensor on a Samsung phone does not work well is incorrect installation of the film coating on the surface. For example, dirt and air could get between the film and the screen, which is why there is no finger contact with the display.
  3. Water ingress. If there is a sudden change in temperature, condensation may appear inside the device. The situation is even more complicated if the smartphone is completely filled with liquid (juice, water, beer and other drinks).

Mechanical reasons:

  1. Cracks on the display.
  2. Sometimes even a small scratch can cause a Samsung touchscreen to not work. Typically, this appears on a specific part of the monitor where there is damage.
  3. Loop break. A common situation is when the cable connecting the Samsung screen and the main part of the device has completely or partially come loose inside the device.

Damage to the microcircuit

  1. which controls the Samsung touchscreen. This problem could arise due to the phone falling from a great height and damaging its internal components.
  2. Hardware failure:

The device does not receive signals due to software problems.

Malfunctions in the operation of the control chip.

If the touch buttons on a Samsung do not work, the reason, as in the cases discussed above, may be damage to the cable or a hardware failure of the smartphone itself. Such problems often appear after mechanical impact.

How to solve the problems that have arisen?

Knowing the approximate cause of the malfunction, you can decide on the second point - what to do if the phone screen does not respond to touch (for Samsung). If we are talking about normal screen contamination, just wipe it with a special cloth. In case of mechanical damage, repairs may be required and a technician may be required to solve this problem.

If the touchscreen on your Samsung smartphone suddenly does not work, try turning it off and turning on the power again. In many cases, the problem is resolved after the first reboot. If the phone cannot be turned off using the standard method, use a long press on the power button or briefly remove and install the battery (if possible).

Take out the SIM card

If for some reason the sensor on your Samsung phone does not respond, turn off the device and remove the SIM card from the device. After a few seconds, return the SIM card to its place and check whether the Samsung touchscreen works or not.

Boot the device in safe mode

Another method to solve the problem is to log into Samsung without third-party applications. There are often situations when malfunctions are caused by the action of some application. Booting your smartphone in safe mode allows you to confirm or refute this version. To do this, turn off the device, press the power button for a few seconds until the Samsung logo appears. After that do the following:

  • release the Power button and immediately press the Volume Down key;
  • hold it in this position until the device is completely rebooted. An inscription should appear at the bottom left that Samsung is working in safe mode;
  • check the functionality of the touchscreen.

If necessary, remove the unnecessary application.

Give your smartphone a rest

The Samsung touch screen often does not work due to overload, which manifests itself as freezing or slow operation of the smartphone. Such situations often arise when the user plays heavy games or watches movies. If the sensor suddenly freezes in one of these situations, leave the phone alone for a while. After 30-40 minutes, check again whether the touchscreen works or not.

Clear RAM cache

One of the reasons for touchscreen malfunctions is GPU overload. To clear “dead” pixels, you need to remove the extra RAM cache. After that, close all Samsung applications and restart the device.

Do a hard reset

One of the cardinal steps if the touchscreen does not work on a Samsung phone is to hard reset the device. In this case, all unnecessary data is deleted from the smartphone, and the latter returns to factory settings. The simple algorithm of actions is as follows:

  • press the volume up, power on and home buttons until the word Galaxy appears;
  • release the power button but hold the other keys;
  • after Android appears, release the remaining buttons;
  • select the option to reset your phone to factory settings;
  • wait until Samsung restarts.

The last measure is performed in extreme cases, when you are sure of a software glitch, and after using other methods the touchscreen does not work. In addition to the steps discussed above, you can do the following:

  • use Samsung's built-in software to test the sensor;
  • check the temperature of the device and if it overheats, let it cool down;
  • Make sure the memory card is working properly.

If none of the actions yielded results, and the touchscreen still does not work, contact the specialists.

Is it possible to do something on my own?

In case of a software failure, you can take the steps mentioned above and restore the functionality of the touchscreen. The situation is more complicated when it comes to mechanical damage or water getting into the device. Let's look at the main recommendations in more detail.

Moisture ingress

If water gets into the phone, oxidation appears on the contacts. Over time, important contact connections become damaged. As a result, the sensor may fail. Many people make the mistake of immediately disassembling the device. It is not necessary. At the initial stage, it is enough to dry the device with a hairdryer or purchase a special drying kit. If these steps do not bring results, take the device to a service center for repair.

The technicians determine why the touchscreen does not work and what measures to take to solve the problem. Disassembling and attempting to repair the phone on your own can lead to irreparable consequences, including the permanent breakdown of your Samsung smartphone. During repairs, you can take some kind of budget device that can receive calls.

Oxide removal

If drying does not produce results, or moisture entered the device a long time ago, oxidation may appear on the contacts. To restore normal operation of the device, this plaque must be removed. If you have experience repairing phones, you can try to remove the oxide and restore the operation of your smartphone. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. Prepare a small screwdriver, toothbrush, alcohol, grater and napkin.
  2. Study the instructions for disassembling the device (available on the Internet).
  3. Disassemble your Samsung smartphone and lay out the parts on a clean surface so that you can quickly assemble the device later.
  4. Wipe the contacts with alcohol, an eraser and blot with a dry cloth.
  5. If you find traces of corrosion, remove them with a toothbrush, and then treat the problem area with alcohol. Remove any remaining rust with an eraser.

If the touchscreen does not work due to a sweet drink spilled on the Samsung, it is difficult to restore it on your own. It is better to seek help from a specialist.

Damage to the cable

Violation of the integrity of the loop is one of those situations that cannot be solved at home. To fix the problem, it is better to contact a service center and entrust the work to a specialist. The specialist knows how to check the touchscreen on a Samsung, and what signs indicate a broken cable.

Problem after replacement

Some users replace the display on a Samsung and then find that the touchscreen does not work. In this case, take these steps:

  • perform a soft reset;
  • do the repair again, but from the very beginning, and when connecting the screen, check that it works;
  • make sure there is no strong pressure on the screen;
  • If the touchscreen on a Samsung is partially working, the device may be damaged.

The steps discussed above can be done if you have experience in repairing smartphones. This is especially true in situations that involve disassembling the Samsung and carrying out restoration work inside the device.

On which models does the problem most often occur?

Samsung does not keep statistics on displays with problematic touchscreens. In all devices, this element is reliable enough to serve for a long time without failures. Theoretically, a malfunction can occur on any device in the event of a mechanical shock or software failure. In particular, there are complaints on the Internet about the sensor being disabled in the Samsung Galaxy A3 and A5. Other devices from this series are also at risk.

How much does the repair cost?

As can be seen from the article, many problems cannot be solved without the involvement of a specialist. The technician knows well how to change the touchscreen on a Samsung, what to do to diagnose the problem, and how to repair the problem. Prices for repair work vary widely and depend on many factors - requests from the service center, the severity of the breakdown and the phone model.

On average, replacing glass on a Samsung will cost 600-700 rubles. If you need to change the touchscreen, you will have to shell out the same amount somewhere. Repairing power circuits (about 1500 rubles), cleaning after filling with liquid (1500 rubles) and data recovery (1500 rubles) will cost more. In general, the work of a master costs from 300 to 1500 rubles, depending on the volume and complexity of the work.

In order not to worry about the fact that the touchscreen on Samsung does not work, it is worth taking precautions. Let's highlight the main steps:

  1. To protect your Samsung touchscreen, use high-quality film or glass. Such products protect the screen from mechanical damage in the event of a fall or impact with a hard object.
  2. Maintain the warranty for the entire stated period. This will save money on repairs (if necessary). For example, if the cause of the failure is a broken cable or the display does not work. Having your warranty handy allows you to get help (sometimes free) from Samsung.
  3. Install reliable antivirus software to protect your OS from viruses.
  4. Before launching the application, make sure that it works properly and does not cause problems with the Samsung touchscreen. Alternatively, it's worth reading a few reviews.
  5. Try to avoid games with heavy graphics, as this increases the likelihood of touchscreen failure.
  6. Do not play games or talk on the phone while charging the battery. In this case, the likelihood of overheating increases significantly.

Now you know why the sensor does not work on a Samsung phone and what to do. The appearance of a malfunction is not a reason to panic, because in most cases the problem is solved by simply rebooting or taking other measures discussed in the article. If none of the methods helps, go to a specialist and trust him to restore the device.